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Elizabeth Carman PhD and Neil Carman PhD

Cosmic Cradle, Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth sheds light on how the life of the Soul in a human body is only part of our experience in a multi-dimensional universe. Cosmic Cradle traces our journey from the heavenly world to birth via pre-birth experiences, memories and communications. Stories reveal how gifted individuals remember planning their journey to Earth and how Souls make contact with prospective parents. Cosmic Cradle is filled with wisdom gathered from interviews with gifted individuals as well as classical and traditional sources – philosophy, cultural anthropology, history, biographies, religion, poetry, and mythology. This knowledge of pre-birth experiences has never been synthesized and compiled before into a single volume. Following is a list of the typical topics that Elizabeth & Neil explore in their presentations about the Journey of the Soul: Discover events happening at the soul level prior to biological conception. Trace the step-by-step journey of the soul from the heavenly world through the mother’s womb to birth. Explore wisdom from 108 cultural perspectives and experiences of contemporary gifted individuals. Learn about the individual soul’s place and purpose in the grand scheme of creation. Cosmic Cradle provides a new synthesis for understanding our spiritual roots and the journey of our soul: Do we choose our parents and our future lives before we are born? How does the soul select parents and future life circumstances? Can communications occur between potential parents and souls seeking human birth? Why does the soul fall from the higher dimensions? How do souls travel to Earth? What happens when we are in our mother’s womb…and when we take our first breath? Elizabeth Carman, PhD, and Neil Carman, PhD are the authors of Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth. It's a compilation of incredible, natural, firsthand accounts, cross-cultural research, memories and experiences of pre-birth + inter-life realms and the study of human consciousness beyond our typical conscious awareness. The authors have been researching pre-birth communication and pre-birth memory for over 45 years, and they are passionate about sharing what they've learned with others. They are well-versed in presenting on a wide variety of topics, from reincarnation and past-life connections to spiritual explorations of miscarriage and abortion, and the similarities they've documented among historical wisdom and thousands of modern recollections. Elizabeth’s first collected book, entitled Cosmic Cradle: Souls Waiting in the Wings for Birth, was published in the year 2000. It is a stunning 760-page compilation of pre-birth memories, pre-birth communications, and pre-birth cross-cultural research on 165 cultures and religions from around the globe. The newly updated and revised edition, Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth, contains even more incredible stories and research. The Carmans’ incredible work is truly paradigm-shifting and resonates on a deep level with souls from all walks of life - and they deeply desire to share it with the world!


Elizabeth Carman is a philosopher/psychologist, pre-birth researcher, author, and former social worker. After graduation from Michigan State University with a degree in psychology, Elizabeth did social service work with low income, minority families, and was a caseworker in adoption and foster care. Elizabeth learned first-hand that traditional methods were ineffective for dealing with the deeper problems of life. Consequently, Elizabeth shifted gears from the field of social service to spiritual service. At this point today, she has spent more than forty-five years studying spiritual disciplines and researching consciousness, including participating in long-term meditation retreats in North America, Europe, and Asia. Elizabeth has taught meditation workshops and served on university faculty helping people work on the core of their existence and expand their consciousness as a way to leading a happier life. Elizabeth’s journey into researching pre-birth experiences began in 1989 with a focus on how women can prepare for a more elevated experience on the way to motherhood, and, at the same time, give birth to happy, smiling babies right from the first breath. Through interviews with mothers, Elizabeth explored the link between higher consciousness and motherhood/childbirth. Elizabeth interviewed mothers who took time out for pre-conception health care, detoxification, meditation, exercise, before conceiving a child. Consequently some mothers transcended pain and gave birth in ecstasy. Due to their heightened sensitivity, mothers also met future children in dreams and telepathic visions. Following birth, some children recalled their birth, womb-time, conception, and even life before conception. Mothers also shared their natural memories of their soul’s journey into this life. In their newest book, Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth, Elizabeth Carman, PhD, together with her husband, Neil Carman, PhD, have synthesized forty-five years’ worth of research, historical accounts, and firsthand natural experiences of the pre-birth realm.

Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth by Elizabeth Carman, PhD and Neil Carman, PhD
Marc Mawhinney

I recently had one of your show hosts (Sasha from as a guest on my podcast, and recommended that I offer my availability as a guest on your site. I'm looking to get out and be on good shows in 2015, and I feel that my message is flexible enough that it can fit a number of themes (on entrepreneurship, recovering from adversity to make a comeback in life, coaching, etc). Please see below!

Marc Mawhinney is a lifelong entrepreneur who began his coaching business after starting several other companies, including one that grew to 100 employees. His passion and specialty is helping other coaches build successful businesses by defining their target markets, implementing systems to better manage their time and make more sales. He launched the “Natural Born Coaches” podcast - a daily podcast where he interviews successful coaches - to help support the worldwide coaching community. The show became an immediate hit – making it into iTunes “New & Noteworthy” category in its first week of release and greatly exceeding the average downloads for new podcasts. Marc is on a mission to help coaches spread their message and their value to as many people as possible!

John G Root Jr

Money creation is the primary tool of the sovereign. If We, the People are to be sovereign then we must create the money to pay for what we value. This is the promise of rCredits a democratically controlled mutual credit system that gives us the power to create Common Good Communities. The digital infrastructure for the new economy. We are just completing our proof of concept pilot project in Greenfield MA and are ready to provide support for creating common good communities all across the country. This is the replacement monetary system that can rescue us from the dysfunctional banking system and give us the power to fund everything that we value. We use a participatory decision-making process to determine what should be incentivised and what we should create money for.

United States

Having lived and worked with people with disabilities in lifesharing communities I know that the popular view of human nature is distorted. I have been working on the money issue for decades and am ready to describe how banking works and why we can do something similar but for our benefit rather than the banks benefit. 

Richard Lee Taylor


My name is Richard Lee Taylor. I would like to be a guest on one of your shows. I suffered a stroke in the year 2000 and God sent an Angel that healed me of it. I have written "A Stroke of Divine Intervention" that tells of my life before and after my stroke. I have also written "Who's Running the Planet? A Progressive's Guide to Spiritual Evolution". I have done 14 years of research on who we really are, where we come from, and what we are doing here. I am putting all that I discovered into "The Blueprint for the Evolution of Humanity - Life's True Spiritual Secrets Revealed". This required the study of Quantum Physics, the universe, our reality, the near-death experience, Politics, Religion, the psychology of Human thinking, the nature of God, and anything having to do with life as we know it. I am an expert on this knowledge, and would like to share it with your audience. Please reply to me to make arrangements. Thank you. Joy, Love, and Light.


Dr Veronique Desaulniers

Cancer and dis-ease cannot grow in a healthy body. Your goal is to strengthen your body and weaken the dis-ease. How do you do that? By following 7 easy Essential Steps. Each Essential is evidence-based, which means it is backed by science and truth. Women around the globe have connected with me for guidance and support, with very successful results. Whether you are wanting to be Proactive with Prevention or you are on a healing journey with Breast Cancer, learn more about the program that may turn your life around. The seven essentials are: 1. Let food be your medicine 2. Reduce your toxic exposure 3. Balance your energy 4. Heal your emotional wounds 5. Embrace biological dentistry 6. Repair your body with therapeutic plants 7. Adopt very early detection

United States

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as "Dr. V," has maintained successful practices in the Wellness Field since 1979. Because of her passion for health and wellness, Dr. V undertook extensive studies in various fields of Energy Medicine. Specializing in Chiropractic, Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Digital Thermography, Dr. V brings a unique approach to Health and Wellness. After 30 years in active practice, she decided to "retire" and devote her time sharing her personal, non-toxic healing journey with Breast Cancer. Her years of experience and research have culminated as The 7 Essentials™, a step-by-step coaching program. Dr. V is a #1 best-selling author. Her website and her personal healing journey have touched the lives of thousands of women around the globe.

Heal Breast Cancer Naturally
Brandon Randazz

I recently was picked up by a record label named Sonorous Entertainment. They are releasing my single called "REACHED YOUR LIMIT." I would love to get an interview as I'm praying this song reaches somebody in need. The song is a breath of fresh air and would love to have a chance to save a life with my music. My release date is tentatively set for Dec. 23, 2014. The label is releasing my song around that date because we are aware of the rate of Depression and suicide that occurs at this time of year, and our hope is that this song touches multiple lives. Would love a chance to chat with you guys :)


Brandon Music - What is it?? Its Positive/Christian rap music done in a creative and fresh new way, which stems from my life experiences. I make music that gives a message. And can relate to others. I have chosen to live a life for God, and i want to share my joys in living my life out for him through my music. We all go through experiences in life and the direction and choices we make while going through our experiences are what defines us. Im not perfect and far from it....but I want my legacy to be that of someone who loves God. I want my legacy to me of someone who chased after God, is a loving husband and dad, and made some people change their lives through my music and actions. WHATS YOUR LEGACY??

Asher Fox

Asher Fox thought that becoming a personal fitness trainer would give him the tools, motivation and activity to conquer his yo-yo weight gain. And at 22, starting with only $300 left over from student loans, he built one of the largest personal training businesses in the state of Florida with multiple locations and a host of trainers working for him. But it's hard to maintain your credibility with clients, when you reach 300 pounds-just as Asher did at his peak. Working in the business could not inoculate him from his own lack of self-esteem and the things that were literally eating at him. And so he began his quest to find a permanent solution for himself and others. It led him ultimately to create the most comprehensive arsenal of psychological tools assembled to date to overcome, convert and enroll the subconscious mind in the healing process. Fat to Fearless: Enjoy Permanent Weight Loss and End Emotional Eating...For Good! is what everyone who struggles with emotional eating has been waiting for. Why Fearless? Because, Fox says, it is fear that lies at the heart of every emotional often - unconscious fear that reinforces the desire to eat to avoid some aspect of pain. That's why reaching and changing the subconscious - which is exponentially more powerful than the conscious mind - is so critical. Initially using himself as a test subject, Fox explored clinical hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), cognitive behavioral techniques, EFT and more - disciplines in which he now holds a variety of advanced certifications. He has since become a member of the faculty of two institutions teaching the next generation of therapists and coaches. Thus, the book that contains his Fat to Fearless® system is far from a quick fix-change-your-diet, journal-what-you-eat, get-some-more-exercise, or fad weight-loss book. This 400-page manual and guide book is a full-on assault on the subconscious that requires from 8 to 12 weeks to do, if followed as directed. Every chapter is filled with illuminating information about how our subconscious minds can sabotage us and the very specific methods to transform it as an ally. • You will discover the three ways the subconscious subverts every effort to change - The Critical Gateway, the Reticular Activating System (R.A.S.) and the Inner Critic • How to lure these systems into supporting you in your campaign to regain control over your life • How the Inner Critic and the Inner Child are locked in a shouting match for your attention • How the pain-pleasure balance is critical to getting to and sustaining a healthy weight • How the hidden belief systems from childhood affect your relationship with food and your body today, in ways you can't imagine! • How there is one question that moves you to action: Have You Suffered Enough? • How to search out and identify those hidden, mostly subconscious programs that have you trapped in the weight gain/weight loss cycle-and you just don't know why. Fat to Fearless--already a #1 Amazon and Kindle bestseller--is a unique approach to successful body transformation that looks beyond the latest weight loss plans and fad diets, and instead explores the underlying emotional and subconscious factors that lead to self-sabotage, emotional eating and loss of willpower. If you are secretly afraid you will be overweight forever, Fat to Fearless is the last weight loss book you'll ever need, because the key to permanently changing your body is changing your mind, healing your heart, and reprogramming your subconscious to live life as the thinner, happier and healthier person you were always meant to be.


Asher Fox a Subconscious Behaviorist, Cognitive Behavioral Coach, and Clinical Hypnotherapist, who for over 18 years has specialized in helping those who suffer from being chronically overweight heal the subconscious issues that drive them to eat emotionally as well as working with singles to break free from unhealthy relationship patterns that leave them feeling alone and unfulfilled. Asher is a pioneer in the integration of several fields of study into a comprehensive therapeutic approach that creates rapid and lasting improvements in the lives of his clients where prior forms of therapy and treatment proved ineffective. His approach simultaneously addresses the subconscious, conscious and environmental levels of human behavior in a way that creates generative change and lasting life-long results. Through his books, programs and weekly radio show. Asher specializes in helping those who have suffered enough make the deep inner shifts and changes that transforms their lives from the inside out. Asher has the highest credentials in Subconscious Behaviorism, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming and has been on the faculty of two institutions teaching a variety of courses ranging from Understanding the Subconscious Mind to Creating Trust & Intimacy. Asher has a private practice in Orlando, FL, yet also works with international clients while maintaining an active traveling and speaking schedule.

Sarah Lipton Sidibeh

I am a new author. My collection of short stories, "A Journey Into Fear And Fantasy," will be published by "Kite And Key Publishing" in January 2015. I want to be interviewed about this book and my other writing.

United Kingdom

Sarah Lipton Sidibeh was born in London, England. She has written: three collections of short stories, three volumes of poetry, a play, a children's book, song lyrics and film scripts. Some of her short stories have been broadcast on RESONANCE FM, OMEGA RADIO and LBC RADIO. Her poetry has been published in twelve anthologies. She was The Featured Poet of BAREBACK LIT MAGAZINE in October 2012. She was given a POETRY SOCIETY AWARD in the 1990s for some of her poems. Her poem, STAGNATION, was shortlisted in THE NATIONAL POETRY ANTHOLOGY COMPETITION in 2005. Presently, she is completing her first novel, 14 BENSHAM GROVE. Also, she is having music composed for some of her song lyrics. She intends to read at some literary festivals in The United States and Canada.

Tanay Jackson

Addicted: Tanay Jackson's New Pop Single Has Fans Raving

Los Angeles, CA, November 12, 2014 – Music lovers, take note: Tanay Jackson is singing and dancing her way into the hearts of millions around the world with her new track, "Addicted.” The single is electrified with energy, and the club beats make it nearly impossible to stay off the dance floor. Tanay's dance moves are fierce, and once she starts singing, it's clear she is a "Jackson.”

Tanay knows no boundaries when it comes to success and she spends countless hours in pursuit of her music career. She literally does it all and attacks every opportunity with an entrepreneurial spirit. Whether she is singing, dancing, directing, designing her own clothes for a performance, or managing her two entertainment companies - Tanay's personal drive for excellence makes this artist one to watch. She doesn't subscribe to the word "can't” and in fact, made history by being the only Jackson (besides her Uncle Michael) asked to perform in Romania, which she did so last year.

"I love what I'm doing,” says Tanay. "Music has always kept me grounded. It's the creative process, the collaboration, the possibilities … and the fans that keep me motivated to do more.”

Tanay Jackson is the niece of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. She knew at an early age that her heart would follow the music industry. First recognized for her natural singing ability in grade school, she went on to write her first song (produced in Japan) by the age of 12. Tanay graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Management and is CEO and president of Roth Entertainment and Lunar Music. Tanay recently finished a European tour and will be launching her new "Mama Chola” clothing line soon.

For more information, please visit:

Artist: Tanay Jackson
Album: Addicted (Rollin' Poppin') featuring Jonathan Timber
Label: Roth Entertainment / Othaz Records
Genre: Pop
Producer: Ryan Lawford
Single available at ITunes, Amazon and Spotify.


Tanay Jackson, Tito Jackson's daughter and the niece of megastar Michael Jackson, launches a new campaign to show the world just what she's got going for her...and that's a lot. Like her uncle, Jackson combines exciting, evocative songwriting with expressive and energetic stage routines. Reviews say “she looks incredible onstage...a great performer, She records in the Pop music genre.

Tanay has already taken the world by surprise and has taken the world by storm with her presence and many talents.

Her most recent music video "ADDICTED” Which she wrote and directed is available for viewing on YouTube and her long anticipated video in the Spotlight will soon be released; Jackson is also a songwriter , stylist, video director. She is the only daughter of former Jackson Five/The Jacksons guitarist Tito Jackson and the younger sister of TJ Jackson, member of the singing group 3T. Tanay Jackson discovered her natural abilities at a young age. Raised by her mother in Maryland, the gifted songwriter and performer was first recognized by her fourth grade music teacher who insisted on vocal training for the child prodigy. By the age of 12, Jackson began writing poetry and music for fun. She has received writing royalties from JASCAR in Japan for one of her songs; Sony Urban noticed her excellent writing and tried to negotiate a publishing deal with the talented performer. Tanay Jackson received a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management in 2006 and is now CEO and President of Roth Entertainment and Lunar Music. She was touring the country early 2012 and again did a mini tour in Europe in late 2013. Ms. Jackson will soon be in the process of starting her own clothing line as well.