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Elizabeth Carman PhD and Neil Carman PhD
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Cosmic Cradle, Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth sheds light on how the life of the Soul in a human body is only part of our experience in a multi-dimensional universe. Cosmic Cradle traces our journey from the heavenly world to birth via pre-birth experiences, memories and communications. Stories reveal how gifted individuals remember planning their journey to Earth and how Souls make contact with prospective parents. Cosmic Cradle is filled with wisdom gathered from interviews with gifted individuals as well as classical and traditional sources – philosophy, cultural anthropology, history, biographies, religion, poetry, and mythology. This knowledge of pre-birth experiences has never been synthesized and compiled before into a single volume. Following is a list of the typical topics that Elizabeth & Neil explore in their presentations about the Journey of the Soul: Discover events happening at the soul level prior to biological conception. Trace the step-by-step journey of the soul from the heavenly world through the mother’s womb to birth. Explore wisdom from 108 cultural perspectives and experiences of contemporary gifted individuals. Learn about the individual soul’s place and purpose in the grand scheme of creation. Cosmic Cradle provides a new synthesis for understanding our spiritual roots and the journey of our soul: Do we choose our parents and our future lives before we are born? How does the soul select parents and future life circumstances? Can communications occur between potential parents and souls seeking human birth? Why does the soul fall from the higher dimensions? How do souls travel to Earth? What happens when we are in our mother’s womb…and when we take our first breath? Elizabeth Carman, PhD, and Neil Carman, PhD are the authors of Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth. It's a compilation of incredible, natural, firsthand accounts, cross-cultural research, memories and experiences of pre-birth + inter-life realms and the study of human consciousness beyond our typical conscious awareness. The authors have been researching pre-birth communication and pre-birth memory for over 45 years, and they are passionate about sharing what they've learned with others. They are well-versed in presenting on a wide variety of topics, from reincarnation and past-life connections to spiritual explorations of miscarriage and abortion, and the similarities they've documented among historical wisdom and thousands of modern recollections. Elizabeth’s first collected book, entitled Cosmic Cradle: Souls Waiting in the Wings for Birth, was published in the year 2000. It is a stunning 760-page compilation of pre-birth memories, pre-birth communications, and pre-birth cross-cultural research on 165 cultures and religions from around the globe. The newly updated and revised edition, Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth, contains even more incredible stories and research. The Carmans’ incredible work is truly paradigm-shifting and resonates on a deep level with souls from all walks of life - and they deeply desire to share it with the world!


Elizabeth Carman is a philosopher/psychologist, pre-birth researcher, author, and former social worker. After graduation from Michigan State University with a degree in psychology, Elizabeth did social service work with low income, minority families, and was a caseworker in adoption and foster care. Elizabeth learned first-hand that traditional methods were ineffective for dealing with the deeper problems of life. Consequently, Elizabeth shifted gears from the field of social service to spiritual service. At this point today, she has spent more than forty-five years studying spiritual disciplines and researching consciousness, including participating in long-term meditation retreats in North America, Europe, and Asia. Elizabeth has taught meditation workshops and served on university faculty helping people work on the core of their existence and expand their consciousness as a way to leading a happier life. Elizabeth’s journey into researching pre-birth experiences began in 1989 with a focus on how women can prepare for a more elevated experience on the way to motherhood, and, at the same time, give birth to happy, smiling babies right from the first breath. Through interviews with mothers, Elizabeth explored the link between higher consciousness and motherhood/childbirth. Elizabeth interviewed mothers who took time out for pre-conception health care, detoxification, meditation, exercise, before conceiving a child. Consequently some mothers transcended pain and gave birth in ecstasy. Due to their heightened sensitivity, mothers also met future children in dreams and telepathic visions. Following birth, some children recalled their birth, womb-time, conception, and even life before conception. Mothers also shared their natural memories of their soul’s journey into this life. In their newest book, Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth, Elizabeth Carman, PhD, together with her husband, Neil Carman, PhD, have synthesized forty-five years’ worth of research, historical accounts, and firsthand natural experiences of the pre-birth realm.

Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth by Elizabeth Carman, PhD and Neil Carman, PhD