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Carolyn CJ Jones

Einstein said that energy could be neither created nor destroyed. Hmmm. Can that principle apply to our feelings? If so, can they be changed or transformed? I believe it does apply to our feelings and they can be transformed. I know this because I have been a witness many times to my clients' change and transformational process. Consider someone with a resentment. We all have them to varying degrees. My clients and I work together to discover new ways to see their situation, from a different perspective, with fresh eyes. My work is instrumental in leading to forgiveness, which provides others with incredible peace, freedom, and empowerment. I am interested in being a guest on BBS radio to talk about forgiveness... why it's important to me and is my passion, how I came upon it, and how I guide others through my YIPPEE Method so they can practice forgiveness and evolve into empowerment. I am inviting your listeners the opportunity to heal a little from emotional hurts, learn the stages in the process of forgiveness, and walk away with tips they can put to use right now. Having been a guest on countless radio shows, and having been the host of my own show on forgiveness, I am comfortable being interviewed. I request that you consider booking me for your show. Thank you for your consideration.

United States

Carolyn CJ Jones is a forgiveness expert and guide, multi-award-winning author, as well as a speaker, coach, and the creator of the Change Your Story, Change Your Life programs. CJ is comfortable in the role as a leader. This was dramatically demonstrated during a 27-year career as a registered nurse when she created, developed, and managed a program allowing medically fragile children, dependent upon high-tech machines for their lives, to be cared for at home instead of living in the hospital ICU. Medical, emotional, and developmental miracles were experienced because of this program. Additionally, families were reunited; they no longer felt they were standing helplessly by, not able to do anything for their child. It is the same expertise and skills she displayed in guiding the children’s program that allows CJ to be a forgiveness guide. It has become her passion to help people discover the bliss available to them through feelings such as peace, joy, and empowerment. She spent 30 adult years angry and bitter over her childhood until, in 2005, she learned to change that story when she discovered forgiveness. CJ now guides others in this practice, sharing her YIPPEE Method, so that they, too, can change their story and change their life.

A Tribute to the Resiliency and Beauty of the Human Spirit
Angele Ortega

I have heard the voice of my angel since I was a child.. thought it might be good to share a few of those conversations with the public so they can learn.

Born in 1952, a water dragon, I am the child of a homesteader in northern BC. During the harmonic convergence many of us awoke and started networking the New Age philosophies, I am one of many doing that. I organize the Spring Festival of Awareness, for the past 28 years, publish Issues Magazine for 26 years, and married Richard Ortega 10 years ago who owns the Johnsons Landing where we are doing our best to become a canadian version of Findhorn. More data about me on  my website, click the Musing button. It is a 25 year blog about becoming 'me.' probably one of the oldest running blogs out there. I dont even consider myself a writer but my angels asked to write it and God asked me to publish the magazine and title it Issues for Empowerment.  I feel like I have passed my final angel exam and the wings are my diploma. Living in Angel time has many interesting moments of understanding.
Terry Wildemann

Have you experienced working for stressed out leaders who spread workplace fear and chaos?  Unfortunately, this kind of behavior results in unhappy employees who make mistakes resulting in unhappy customers which affects the bottom line. How can employees produce well under such conditions? 

Now imagine working for a leader who cares for and listens to their employees. The leader who understands that positive teamwork and communicating to be heard and understood creates positive results. The outcome are loyal employees, who by their actions, create repeat customers. When the workplace culture thrives the company has the potential to evolve into the "go to" company for their niche. 

Where does It begin? 

My coaching and training programs develop unstoppable intuitive leaders, executives and entrepreneurs who learn to zap stress, shift chaos, communicate positively, create strong tuned in teams, work coherently with intuition and practical decision making, delegate and manage projects and model integrity and accountability. Tasks and motivation renew and expand, bursting seeds of innovation to move themselves, and their teams, forward with positive inspired action.

For 40 years, entrepreneurship and professional development training and coaching has been my passion. Unfortunately, my "go, go, go and do, do, do " mindset, attitude and high stress levels became saboteurs affecting everyone around me.  Poor health stopped me in my tracks which lead to studying stress management solutions and the mind/body connection. 

Merging my new knowledge, with solid business systems, improved my own performance and health creating transformational breakthroughs! The re-alignment of mind, heart, body and soul influences all I do allowing me to guide my clients who are 100% committed to improving workplace and personal results.

United States

A professional speaker, business woman with 30 years of experience, & 4 time international bestselling author, Terry Marquez Wildemann works with socially conscious entrepreneurs & intuitive leaders to create positive results in business & life.  Her students continuously improve their leadership & workplace performance as they reduce stress & attract health & wealth 

Terry’s speaking, training & coaching creates frequent “AHA” moments as her clients & audiences “Awaken the Possibilities” learn to merge their heart wisdom & brain intelligence. Her programs are customized to fit the client's needs to learn, grow and focus in the manner that works for them.


Terry works with the same practical and cutting edge solutions that helped her refocus her own business after experiencing several energy and health extinguishing ’burnouts.’  Terry's proprietary business and leadership systems bring back overwhelmed, and "on the brink of burnout" executives and leaders. Her tuned in coaching skills and intuitive gifts tap into her client's  "Inner Business Game" to discover and implement untapped solutions for positive results in leadership, communications, sales and service. 

Terry's co-authored books;
*"Unlock The Power Of You" (Aviva Publishing) co-author
*"Success in High Heels -  international bestseller co-author
*"Hot Mama in High Heels - international bestseller co-author
*"Bold is Beautiful" - international bestseller co-author
*"The Missing Piece In Business - international bestseller co-author

Terry's solo books:
*1-800- Courtesy; Connecting With a Winning Telephone Image (publisher Aegis Publishing)
*The Enchanted Boardroom: Evolve Into An Unstoppable Intuitive Leader (Spring 2016)

Terry certifications;

❦    Certified Co-Active Coach 
❦    Certified Executive Coach 
❦    Licensed HeartMath® Provider 
❦    Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst 
❦    Certified Law of Attraction Trainer
❦    Certified NLP Practitioner
❦    EFT/Tapping coach  - 3rd level
❦    Reiki Master
❦    B.S. Criminal Justice - West Chester State University

The Enchanted Boardroom; Evolve Into An Unstoppable Intuitive Leader
Harold W Becker

Harold W. Becker is a contemporary visionary with a practical focus on unconditional love and the expansion of consciousness. His consulting company, Internal Insights, was formed in 1990 to empower people through self-awareness and unconditional love. In 2000 he founded The Love Foundation Inc., an internationally recognized nonprofit, with the mission to “inspire people to love unconditionally.”  To enhance this vision, he conceived Global Love Day, a celebration of humanity held annually each May 1st. Harold is a gifted, intuitive and inspirational speaker, life and business consultant, and author of several books on unconditional love.

Since the initial launch of Global Love Day in 2004, The Love Foundation has received responses from individuals and organizations in over 150 countries along with over 500 proclamations from international and US governors, mayors and councils endorsing the idea. TLF Founder, Harold W. Becker, states, "This day honors humanity as a whole and the power of love within each individual. When we, as individuals, realize our potential to love unconditionally, we transform ourselves and the planet at the same time. The amazing responses from so many diverse elected leaders, for example, indicate that we are ready to embrace greater peace, compassion, tolerance and unity in our world. Together we can make a difference by joining our energy during this one-day celebration of humanity."

Equally inspiring is the core message which has already been translated into 37 languages sharing the vision that: We are one humanity on this planet; All life is interconnected and interdependent; All share in the Universal bond of love; Love begins with self-acceptance and forgiveness; With respect and compassion we embrace diversity; and Together we make a difference through love.

The Love Foundation nonprofit has become a globally renowned leading resource for understanding and applying unconditional love. Our vision is to assist people by building a practical foundation and experience of love within individuals and society as a whole, through education, research and charitable programs.

United States

Author of
Internal Power: Seven Doorways to Self Discovery,
Unconditional Love – An Unlimited Way of Being,
Unconditional Love Is . . . Appreciating Aspects of Life
Inspiring Unconditional Love – Reflections from the Heart
Inspiring Unconditional Love 2 – More Reflections from the Heart
Unconditional Love, A Guide to Personal Freedom (PBS video)

Harold W. Becker has dedicated his life to living and sharing the practical application of unconditional love. Since 1990, his consulting company, Internal Insights, has had its focus to “empower people through self awareness and unconditional love.”  In 2000 he founded the globally recognized non-profit, The Love Foundation Inc., with the intent to “inspire people to love unconditionally.”  He blends incredible insight and intuition with humor, compassion and kindness for a strong inspirational and motivational vision in all of his endeavors which also include business, writing, speaking and personal guidance.

Harold’s success and powerful understanding about life is evident in his collective published work including, Internal Power: Seven Doorways To Self Discovery, (White Fire 2008/New World Library 1993), Unconditional Love – An Unlimited Way of Being (White Fire 2007) Unconditional Love Is... Appreciating Aspects of Life, (White Fire 2010) Inspiring Unconditional Love – Reflections from the Heart (White Fire 2010), Inspiring Unconditional Love 2 – More Reflections from the Heart (White Fire 2011) and a PBS special entitled, Unconditional Love - A Guide to Personal Freedom (1997, DVD 2007) along with numerous articles and short stories.

In his continuing desire to touch the world with a message of love, he founded Global Love Day, an annual international celebration of humanity held each May 1st. This yearly event has brought the recognition of universal understandings and the transcendent power of unconditional love to a global audience including individuals, groups, organizations and political leaders.

Harold’s exceptional awareness of life comes from his enduring commitment to helping others. After his mother was diagnosed with cancer in 1985, Harold devoted much of his spare time working with cancer patients and their families and began to investigate the many meanings and understandings of life. (She continues to be a cancer survivor, having combined his techniques and traditional treatment.) He has volunteered thousands of hours to assist people through their often devastating personal traumas and happily shares his wisdom and understanding with anyone who asks.

A remarkable, self-motivating achiever, Harold worked his way through college in management positions including banking, finance and retail and earned his MBA by age 25. His natural talent in the business field earned him high praise and respect by all involved. In a bold move, he left a management position in the banking industry to realize his dream, based on the premise that we all have the internal power to live life freely and joyfully.

Harold W. Becker has pursued a life of service, personal growth, and unconditional love and always searches for the highest and best out of every personal experience. From his enriching and educational workshops, TV and radio interviews, numerous public appearances, post prison/ addiction outreach program, and community leadership roles, Harold’s forthright approach conveys his message with the awareness of one who knows love.

Books by Harold W. Becker includes Internal Power and Unconditional Love
Stephen Mera

Hi Guys, As you may be aware we have recently returned from one of the most infamous paranormal cases in the U.S.

My full details are listed on IMDB under Steve Mera or feel free to visit the following sites...…

Manchester UK
Keith Malinsky

After publishing a spiritual children's book explaining how the ego can often challenge our connection to our soul, I decided to start a small press that teaches children to write their own children's books, which I called Minky Ink.  We work out of Children's Institute in Los Angeles, helping inner city kids realize their dreams of becoming published authors.  Illustrated by local artists who wish to help our literacy program, we publish on Createspace, promoting at art walks and book fairs.  Thank you.  Light, love, laughter, Keith Mlainsky


I am a 56-year-old single male who adopted a 10-year-old boy when I was only 25.  He had the audacity to grow up and become a father of 4 awesome grandkids, one of which wrote her own children's book.  I live in the city of Glendora, California and work for MSIA; the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, in their post production arena, duping and promoting the spiritual teachings of the church.  I am a lover of animals, belong to the ASPCA, love writing and publishing children's books, and make a mean guacomole.

Marilyn Harper

Marilyn and her team have created several talks to fit a wide variety of subjects for Radio, Blog, and TeleSummits.  Many of these subjects have been the focus of her world tours.   Listed are topics (writeup and suggested questions will be sent upon booking)

2015 Walk-In Pheonomenon

A Little Bird Told Me

Channeling With Adironnda & Company

I Can Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was

Optimal Health - Holographic Healing

Stop the Insanity


Marilyn Harper has been called the “Midwestern Spiritual Sparkplug…” and the Bette Midler of the New Age movement.

Marilyn is a renowned public speaker, facilitator, Spiritual teacher and channel of Adironnda & Company.

She is invited back again and again as a featured speaker at conferences, retreats and workshops for her warm, authentic and off-beat stories of personal transformation – delivered in a way that’s hilarious, heartfelt and inspiring.

With an insightful blend of love and laughter, Marilyn has a unique gift to tap directly into the participant’s emotional core, and then guide them gently through the experience of release. She will inspire you to take action!

Through her popular Adironnda & Company outreach, Marilyn teaches certification courses in Intuitive Development, Entering the Akashic Records, Reiki and Karuna Reiki.

In her work as a speaker, facilitator and healer, Marilyn’s goal is to provide fun experiences and practical methods to help people laugh, love, and live the life they are here to live in joy, peace love and laughter.

About Adironnda: Adironnda is a spokes-being from the 17th Dimension, channeled through Marilyn.

“They, Adironnda & Company, represent a council of guides, angels, Master Teachers no longer in physical form” and deliver messages to help awaken the people of this planet . They are loving and funny and gently assist in the healing the heart, the past and activate whatever is in your highest good to be activated for the betterment of humanity.

Marilyn is an internationally recognized expert on the walk-in phenomenon.  She humorously points out that it took three car accidents before she awakened to her true calling as a channel and began developing her spiritual gifts. As a trained Master in several healing modalities, her mission is to create B.L.I.S.S. on the planet (Because Life Is Simply Spiritual).

Todd Borandi

Hi! I wrote a book in 2012 describing the process of Awakening to the fact we are surrounded by a zombie society with vampires that feed off the energies of those trying to be awake.  My second book will be published the fall of 2016 and is titled Awakening: The courage of I Am.  The pitch is centered around the deception of truth.  This book asks the reader over 1000 questions focused on the process we use to determine what our wisdom is beyond the truth we are constantly bombarded with by others.....An example, can you identify a single "truth" you have which was not the product of another source? Parents, friends, media, all products of our truths and if we sleep in that truth then we can sail through life believing everyone else is wrong, BUT if we seek our own wisdom and awaken our own questions we have a much more exciting life!!  The seeking of self...after all if you are talking to yourself within your mind...who is listening?  If it is not the "you" who is talking to you.....who is it?  People are scared to death about questioning what they think they know, but these books are designed to show them they are not alone in this adventure!  Perspective is unique to each of us, but is the one thing that will bind us together once we learn to celebrate what we each experience rather than tear it apart.


Hi! I wrote a book in 2012 describing the process of Awakening to the fact we are surrounded by a zombie society with vampires that feed off the energies of those trying to be awake.  My second book will be published the fall of 2016 and is titled Awakening: The courage of I Am.  The pitch is centered around the deception of truth.  This book asks the reader over 1000 questions focused on the process we use to determine what our wisdom is beyond the truth we are constantly bombarded with by others.....An example, can you identify a single "truth" you have which was not the product of another source? Parents, friends, media, all products of our truths and if we sleep in that truth then we can sail through life believing everyone else is wrong, BUT if we seek our own wisdom and awaken our own questions we have a much more exciting life!!  The seeking of self...after all if you are talking to yourself within your mind...who is listening?  If it is not the "you" who is talking to you.....who is it?  People are scared to death about questioning what they think they know, but these books are designed to show them they are not alone in this adventure!  Perspective is unique to each of us, but is the one thing that will bind us together once we learn to celebrate what we each experience rather than tear it apart.

Ken Elliott

Ancient Secrets of Manifesting Have Been Masterfully Revealed in This Award Winning Bestselling Book! 

This is the breakthrough book that describes for the first time how your thoughts create anything. Finally, indispensable knowledge that explains the act of creation itself.

Have you ever had the sense that your thoughts might actually be doing something?

Imagine you are a genie and everything you wish begins to form up right in front of you. First is your thought and thought creates form. From Ken Elliott’s personal experiences and the stories in this book, you will learn exactly how your thoughts take form and how to efficiently and simply put it to work for you. You have been creating like this all your life, but it has never been fully explained for you until now. This is that rare book with new evidence that will change your view of the world. For 20 years, Ken has experienced sending objects in thought and having them appear in real-time.

At last, this most elemental of ancient Secrets is revealed; how your thoughts are constantly shaping the reality around you. This is the game changer that explains how manifesting and the law of attraction actually work.

Manifesting 123 is a results oriented book using simple techniques. It is filled with amazing stories from people describing their successes using the simple methods taught by Ken. Common comments are, “This is so simple,” "It just works!” “The best book I have read on the subject."

Do you long for more? What would you wish for if you had the chance? You will soon learn how to create the desires of a lifetime while overcoming the worries and blocks that impede your happiness. You will fully understand how to use thought as a simple and powerful tool. No more wishing and hoping for results, you are the genie!

This important book contains a Key to the Kingdom and now it is simply and amazingly yours. Get your copy and start pointing yourself toward happiness!

Praise for Manifesting 123 Amazon 5-stars!
“This is brilliant! Ken not only learned about manifesting, he changed his own life using the techniques you will learn here. The simple and profound gift of this book could only come from a masterful ability to teach what took him many years to learn. Begin changing your life today.” Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC 


Ken Elliott is an award winning artist & author who has been on showcased on media all over the world. Ken has learned how to manifest items both big and small, first creating his desires on the Other Side and watching those thoughts take from in our physical world. Ken is living a life that many call “magical and miraculous.”

Over the last 20+ years Ken has been teaching others these simple techniques so they can create the life that they desire.

Ken offers personal coaching sessions on how to catapult your life in the direction of your dreams.