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Allen-Nelson of the Boisjoli family

You live in an illusion... most people believe that imaginary abstract ideas called legal and/or political fictions are actual reality.

Canada but borne American

Just a single parent who had his children abducted on a false allegation and who's been fighting the Alberta Government for 8 years now to get them back.


Take a journey to the center of your heart where you will see, appreciate and understand that you have always loved -- and still do love -- your self, perhaps more than you imagine.  In recognizing this, you will not only treat your self with the love and appreciation you deserve, you will accept no less from anyone else and offer no less to others. When consciously conneted with this love, peace rather than hurt, anger, anxiety or depression will be maintained.  Experience the joy of living in full acceptance of what is, and empowered to create a better life for yourself and your world.

United States

Carole is a licensed integrative (mind/body/spirit) psychotherapist and soon to be doctor of quantum medicine.  She is the author of "Entering Your Own Heart: A Guide to Developing Self Love, Inner Peace and Happiness", which is based on her 35 years as a counselor and psychotherapist along with her own incredible healing.  Carole is dedicated to teaching self-love, self-trust and self-compassion.

Entering Your Own Heart
Donna Price

I have a unique and motivating story to share with your group that will both inspire and give tools and keys for success.  Based on my book, “Launching Your Dream”, I would share my story of taking an idea from the idea to a living reality.

The idea and the living reality was a cross country bicycle tour.

As a business owner I have taken the lessons I learned and done it again: moved from idea to reality.

In my presentation I would share these key lessons:

Clear Vision: in order to live your dream, you need a clear and compelling vision. Realizing a dream is living intentionally.  When you live intentionally and working on creating your vision and dream, drugs and alcohol become a distraction and interfere with the success you are working to create. Sharing the Vision:  helps you to manifest it.  New resources appear that you didn’t know were available, new people appear.  And those you tell, start holding you accountable. Goal Setting: Dreams require action, creating a plan of action helps you to stay on track. Values: guide your dream, your vision.  They guide your decision making.  Staying the course: Many of us have ideas, yet we get thrown off course.  I will share some keys ways to stay on course.

Throughout the presentation I weave the story of the cycling trip – the rewards, the challenges and some of the profound lessons you learn about yourself.

United States

Donna Price is a speaker, trainer, author and business and marketing strategist.  She founded her company, Compass Rose Consulting in 2003 after a 20+ year career in non-profit management and administration.  Donna’s history is impressive.  She goes beyond the world of work as an adventurer and brings bold living lessons to each of her presentations. Donna has a unique inspirational story – of cycling across the country and how you take wild ideas and make them happen. She is the author of several books including; Yes! Marketing Works, Launching Your Dreams and Employee Coaching. Donna Price works with business leaders, teams and individuals to get them moving, improve their bottom line results through effective strategy, leadership, marketing and communication. 

Vijaya Stern

Ayurveda, India’s ancient science of life and longevity dates back approximately 5,000 years. This timeless wisdom recognizes that we are all manifestations of the divine. When our true nature is clouded by the illusions of the ego, “dis- ease” begins to manifest. According to Ayurveda, health is more than the absence of physical symptoms. It is a state of complete union with one’s highest potential. In this discussion we will be sharing how this ancient science is still very pertinent in today's world- where food is adultered, drugs are over used along with diseases and obesity being at their highest. You have the tools available to turn around your health, by taking 100% responsibility for who you are and the choices you make. Understanding your body type, the five elements and the mind/body connection according to Ayurveda will show you the way.


Vijaya Stern, Ayurvedic Naturopath, CMT is a well recognized teacher and practitioner of Ayurveda, since 1984. She has served as a Board of Director for the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine.  As a graduate of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM and Clayton College of Natural Healing, Vijaya has also studied with several Indian Vaidyas in the U.S. and India. Vijaya’s teachings and services are offered throughout the US and abroad including Ayurveda, Pulse Diagnosis, PanchaKarma (ayurvedic rejuvenation), and a 150 hours Ayurvedic Certification Program.

Heather Giamboi

Dear BBS Radio Host,

After over 20 years of out of body travel, my husband and I began to experience deeper levels of spiritual awakening. We recorded many out of body experiences of heaven (Like those who have NDE’s). When we reached the 3rd chapter of our book we were both shocked to be shown the same past life we shared together some 100 million years ago on an ancient luminous planet with 2 suns called planet Seres.

The Seres were psychically enlightened, loving, geniuses, who were 24 feet tall and had 48 stands of DNA which imbued them with extraordinary physiology, abilities and longevity. From the Soul Records we saw vivid details of everything, from what we looked like, our personal lives, the homes we lived, as well as the types of recreation, spiritual practices, animal life, healing practices, technology and on and off world travel.

And even more interesting, we realized that our profound experiences of heaven now, were in fact the same path we studied so long ago on Planet Seres.  We found this most exciting; the spiritual wisdom teachings these very ancient alien teachers shared secret methods of out of body Tuza (Soul) travel as the modis operandi to travel the physical, psychic and spiritual multi-verse, universes. And we saw how Tuza flight it is the natural method of Soul returning to God. My husband Allen has also made transcriptions of entirely telepathic spiritual conversations translated into human language.

If a BBC Radio Host were in harmony with us we would love to be interview guests on your radio network to share our extraordinary off world story of ancient aliens and ancient wisdom.  If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Light and Blessings,

Ms. Heather Giamboi (Gah-Shy-Zah)
President of VARDANKAR

Heather’s Links-
Heather's Planet Seres Talk –
Allen and Heather's Youtube Talks –


Allen Feldman and Heather Giamboi are accomplished Soul Travelers over several decades. They are Authors and Spiritual Teachers of a highly freeing form of Spiritual Travel to Heavens. They speak and teach on the subjects of out-of-body travel, Self Realization, God Realization, Reincarnation, how to become a Spiritual Traveler and returning to God. Heather is a Spiritual Traveler, Teacher and the President of VARDANKAR and Allen is the Head and Head Spiritual Teacher of VARDANKAR. They work at helping individuals experience extraordinary worlds of consciousness in heavens of pure spirit.

Chris Bell

Currently, less than one percent of men are hair donors. To put that in perspective, if men didn't donate organs more than 10,000 in the US would have died last year alone. While hair is not a vital organ, to many women and children in need of a hair donation; having to afford a real hair wig is not economical (real hair wigs cost between $2,000 - $6,000USD), because most in need are also paying medical bills. There are many reasons why the number of male hair donors is so low, but many men feel that they won't be able to be a hair donor because the field they are in (business, healthcare, banking, and other white collar industries) frown upon men with long hair. A recent study by Stanford shows that men who don't conform to industry norms usually have a hard time finding full time employment.

As a men's hair donor advocate, I am looking to increase the number of men who are hair donors while also working with companies who will support men to be hair donors in white collar industries. 

My initiative is to support men being hair donors, so that women and children who associate long hair with their identity don't have to choose between their life and having a real hair wig, and also so that there is a cultural shift in the workplace that will enable men to become hair donors without worrying about their career. 

Thanks for your time and for helping me with this important work. I would be honored to have the chance to share this important issue with your travelers. 


Chris Bell


A healthcare project management leader with 7 years of implementing enterprise-wide healthcare projects including electronic health records systems, upgrading medical software, medical device integration, & health and wellness projects.

An occupational health marketing leader with experience working with clinical, IT, and vendors to integrate social media, website, and print marketing, building multi-million dollar clinical practices. 

A proficient educator, mentor, and lecturer of project management in health informatics, project communications management, and public health. 

A dedicated men's hair donor advocate working to breakdown the "ideal worker" stereotype in order to change the stigma of men with long hair in the workplace. 

A talented website designer creating over 10 websites for the University of Illinois at Chicago, hospitals, small and non-profit business, and individuals.

An author of communications research in project management and other scholarly works.

A PhD candidate with research interests in Health IT including the clinical analysis of health datasets, the use of electronic communication tools in the field of project management in healthcare, the applications of geographical information systems (GIS) to track work-related injuries, and how to leverage big data in healthcare to improve patient outcomes and improve public health.

Yogi R Pandey

Celebrity Guru Yogi Ramesh, The World Famous Laughing Yogi


........take your audience on an enjoyable ride!

Celebrity Guru Yogi Ramesh, The World Famous Laughing Yogi

Universal Yoga with the World Famous Laughing Yogi
Barbara Grapstein

The Healing Headbands Project seeks to promote a new age holistic form of healing using laughter and the arts.  The organization is seeking a greater audience and funding from varied sources there is a growing request to integrate the project into schools, hospitals and organizations.  Healing Headbands is ready to make this happen and will train young leaders around the world that embody the ethos of our mission to share our world healing project 

United States

Barbara Grapstein is the founder and CEO of Healing Headbands Project Inc. As a Global Laughter Ambassador, Certified Laughter Leader and Laughter Yoga Instructor, Barbara's passion is her never ending devotion to helping others through philanthropy complemented by her entrepreneurial spirit. Barbara is actively involved with several organizations including the Association of Applied Therapeutic Humor(AATH), Steve Wilson's World Laughter Tour and Comedy Cures. Barbara is a featured guest on WCWP 88.1 N-Joy show and is well traveled.

Barbara has had the privilege of engaging with many influencers and leaders in the field including the "Guru of India", Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of Laughter Yoga. Barbara is a corporate consultant for holistic health, stress management and serves to help children and families living with cancer. The program currently runs in child life centers, universities and hospitals in the North East.

Kosta Gus Makreas

Kosta Makreas founded and facilitates the online ETLetsTalk Community (ETLetsTalk) with 11,000 members in 100+ countries.  ETLetsTalk teaches everyday people to make their personal contact with benevolent Star People, many of whom are visiting our planet at this time.  Our intention is to co-create Earth's Golden Age with our Star Friends.  Since 2010 we have held monthly global virtual ET Contact events with our farflung teams.  We have recorded thousands of successful ET Contact experiences.  In the very beginning of our work our ET Friends asked that we create as many ET Contact teams as possible, as soon as possible, in as many places as possible.  This would give ET permission to show up in many places on Earth.  As more people saw them then more would ask for additional contact, permitting our Star Friends to show up in even more places where even more people would see and interact with them.  This process was called a "virtuous circle".  Following the process, in time, a tipping point will be reached where so many people in so many places have experienced the reality of ET on Earth that it would then become impossible for any Earth government or institution to suppress knowledge of the ET presence on Earth.  Kosta calls this "The People's Disclosure Movement".  Kosta and his wife Hollis Polk ( are a dynamic couple who have been interviewed by Jimmy Church and many others.  They both bring a broad spiritual background to their work of ET Contact and are dedicated to empowering people to use their innate spiritual talents to make ET Contact.


Kosta Makreas Biography

Kosta Makreas is the founder of, the "Global CE-5 Initiative", and "The People's Disclosure Movement".

Kosta is an international networker and creative artist working on behalf of right relations between all lifeforms.  He was born in Ft. Wayne, IN in 1953.  In 1977 he earned a B.A. in Computer Science from Indiana University.  He has been a successful software consultant in the Silicon Valley for almost 4 decades.

But most importantly he has been a dedicated spiritual activist since his teenage years.

As a young man Kosta became fascinated with the mysteries of the Universe - teaching himself astrology, meditation, astronomy and reading widely on extraterrestrial UFOs, comparative religion, science fiction, spirituality, Atlantis, and many other metaphysical topics.

His current passion and mission is the web site ETLetsTalk and the ETLetsTalk community which has 11000 members in 100+ countries.  AT ETLetsTalk members learn how to successfully communicate with loving ET spiritual intelligence.  Members can also discover other members on the global community map who can join them.

Kosta is creating and nurturing a global citizens movement which contacts many benevolent Star civilizations currently visiting the Earth.  This movement seeks to empower individuals and groups to interact with these ET Beings and to co-create with them a positive planetary transformation - a New Earth of peace, free energy, abundance, and justice.

Kosta believes that we are living in a unique, challenging, and wonderful point in history as we transition to a new mode of enlightened and spiritual living where planetary peace reigns between Humanity and all life forms on and off Earth.