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Guest Occupation: Humanist, Editor, Pulisher, Speaker, Activist, Actor
Guest Biography:

Chris is the North American Spokesperson for New Humanism, also known as Universal Humanism. He has been active in the Humanist Movement, the concrete and organized expression of New Humanism, for the past 18 years. Like all New Humanists, Chris is a volunteer.

Chris was an Editor of The Chelsea Journal from 1992 to 1994, and helped organize a campaign to fight lead poisoning among local children during this time, among other grass-roots initiatives. From 1994 to 1997, he was publisher of The West Side Story, an all-volunteer humanist neighborhood newspaper for the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood in New York City. He also founded a humanist community center for the neighborhood, which hosted projects in the arts, community gatherings and other initiatives. During this time, he launched a campaign to develop a new neighborhood middle school, and supported the campaigns of two Humanist candidates for the school board.

Over the course of his humanist work, Chris has helped organize local, city-wide, and regional humanist forums, including the North American New Humanist Forum in November, 2007 ( He participated actively in projects aiming to humanize health care and education. He has also organized demonstrations calling for worldwide nuclear disarmament, and helped lead human support campaigns for humanist projects in Bangladesh and Mozambique.

Chris has represented U.S. New Humanists at humanist conferences and gatherings in Spain, Italy, Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Brazil. He has played an active role in North American projects of support for grass-roots international movements such as the Zapatistas in the Chiapas region of Mexico and the inspiring process of non-violent revolution that is unfolding now in Bolivia. In November, 2007, Chris traveled to La Paz to take part in the 2nd Latin American Humanist Forum. During this trip, he was honored to participate in a ceremony at Tiawanaku, the sacred site of the pre-Incan civilization, and in the opening of the Forum, addressed by Evo Morales and by Tomas Hirsch, the Latin American Spokesperson for New Humanism.

Chris proudly marched with other New Humanists against the invasion of Iraq before it was launched, and in March 2007 & 2008 helped to organize Living Signs of Peace and Non-violence in New York City, protesting the occupation. His other recent activities include several radio interviews, and various actions against a planned US radar base in the Czech Republic (part of the so-called missile defense shield). In April, 2008, Chris joined Jan Tamas, Chair of the Czech Humanist Party and leader of a strong movement against the base, in meetings with Noam Chomsky and Dennis Kucinich.

Last year, Chris was invited to address the 1st International Symposium of the World Center of Humanist Studies, held in Punta de Vacas, Argentina. He presented a talk entitled “A Brief Summary of The Statement of the Humanist Movement” to a distinguished audience including Rodrigo Carazo, former president of Costa Rica and founder of the University for Peace, and Bolivian Senator Gaston Cornejo. During that same weekend, he joined in the launching of the 1st ever World March for Peace and Nonviolence, which he will be actively promoting between now and its conclusion in January, 2010.

Chris is an actor by profession and lives in New York City with his wife and two children.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Philisopher, Researcher, Mineral Supplement Advocate, Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:

A. True Ott received his Bachelors of Arts degree from Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah in 1982, and went on to receive his Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Nutrition through the American College in Washington DC in 1994.  Dr. Ott’s dissertation and research followed the groundbreaking work of Linus Pauling, and asserted via independent research that each mineral on the periodic table of the elements, in its pure hexagonal crystalline form, pulses a specific hertz resonant frequency based on its atomic weight and unique electron configuration.  Dr. Ott then measured and graphed the individual resonant frequencies inherent in vitamin and enzyme structures, and independently verified that 23 minerals are the base raw materiel of nutrition and are vitally important in keeping the human cells in a state of balance or homeostatic health.  Dr. Ott has been counseling and lecturing on this most basic form of prime nutrition for over 15 years, and founded Mother Earth Minerals, Inc. in 1997.

Dr. Ott’s independent research also verified the importance of free electrons in nutritional, water-soluble mineral supplements, as well as ultra-pure drinking water and oxygen molecules.  He developed a patent-pending drinking water product that attaches free electrons to the Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules in ultra-pure, medicinal grade water – making it negatively charged (extra ‘free electrons’) and then introduced it to individuals suffering from chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, etc.  Amazingly, the free electrons in Dr. Ott’s water product began to reduce the symptoms associated with chronic disease in a very powerful way.  As Dr. Ott declared in a recent symposium: “Society has unfortunately taken water for granted.  When I share my research on water and minerals with others in the allopathic medical community, the typical response is raised eyebrows and mocking derision.  Too often health care professionals, however, forget that the human body is composed of 70% water and 30% minerals – therefore it is simply common sense that pure water combined with pure minerals comprise Mother Earth’s medicine chest for all mammalian life forms! It is not rocket science, only basic nutritional truth!”

The author and publisher of dozens of articles and three books on nutrition, Dr. Ott is continually searching for natural solutions and answers to the nation’s chronic health problems, and believes that education is the first step.  His latest book, Secret Assassins in Food blows the whistle on common food additives and is a “must-read” in order to understand some of the more toxic food additives and programs!

From 1996-2001, Dr. Ott worked with Mr. Warren Anderson to produce the radio program “The Story Behind the Story” at KSUB Radio in Cedar City, Utah and was awarded the prestigious Peabody Award for radio documentary.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Special Investigator, Ufologist, Reporter, Researcher, Author, University Lecturer, Consultant, Choral Singer, Producer, Narrator, Writer
Guest Biography:

Donald R. Schmitt is the former co-director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, where he served as Director of Special Investigations for ten years. Prior to that, he was a special investigator for the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek and the art director for the International UFO Reporter.

Schmitt graduated from MATC with a degree in Commercial Art and graduated cum laude from Concordia University with a degree in Liberal Arts. He is presently taking graduate courses in Criminal Justice. Schmitt is the author of dozens of articles about UFOs, as well as the co-author of two best-selling books, UFO CRASH AT ROSWELLAvon 1991, best-selling Witness to Roswell, New Page, NJ, 2007, andThe Truth Abouit the UFO Crash at Roswell, published by M. Evans, 1994. He is also the author of ROSWELL, THE CHRONOLOGICAL PICTORIAL, from Moonset Entertainment Group.

Don has led and organized the three only archaeological dig projects at the actual Roswell crash/debris field. They were conducted in 1989, 2002, and 2006. The second effort became the central theme of their highest rated show up till that time in the 10-year history of the SCI FI Channel – The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence. Which also resulted in the book The Roswell Dig Diaries of which he was a contributing author.

Schmitt is an exciting university lecturer and internationally considered one of the best investigators in his field. He has spoken 100′s of times in cities and countries around the globe, most notably, Battelle Institute. He has been interviewed frequently on TV, radio, and in print, including Oprah, Peter Jennings, CBS 48 Hours, Paul Harvey, Larry King Live, Montel Williams, Mancow Muller, Kevin Mathews, Art Bell, George Noory, Shirley Maclaine Show, FOX Good Day LA, NPR, Mutual Broadcasting Network, CNN Investigates, SCI FI Investigates, Disney Channel, the Travel Channel, Sci-Fi Channel, BBC, Learning Channel, Today Show, NBC, ABC News, CBS Morning News, AP, UPI, CNN News, Sonja Live, Jim Bohannen, Morton Downey Jr., Jerry Doyle, Allan Handelman, John Boy and Billie, TIME, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Popular Science, SPIN, BLADE, New York Times, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, Milwaukee Journal, Albuquerque Journal, Popular Science, and OMNI Magazine.

Mr. Schmitt was an on-set consultant at Paramount Studios on one episode of the popular ROSWELL TV series and was a UFO Consultant to NBC’s Unsolved Mysteries. He also appeared with Sally Kellerman in the pilot episode of “Greetings From the Unknown.”

He had the grand experience of traveling a 31-city speaking tour mainly with actor William Shatner and occasionally other STAR TREK stars in 1994-96 produced by Star Knight Productions. Which led to his being a Guest of Honor in 1996 at Dragon Con held in Atlanta which is the second largest science fiction convention in the world.

Mr. Schmitt also sings in a highly acclaimed choral group which has had engagements at the Milwaukee Rep oratory, Milwaukee Auditorium, Schauer Theater, St. John’s Cathedral, Holy Hill Basilica, and Carrol College. Featured concerts have been with Midland College of Iowa, The Kettle Moraine Symphony, and the Waukesha Symphony performing the works of Handel, Du Brois, Mozart, Beethoven, and Shubert.

The basis of his research and consultation has been the theme of many documentaries including the highly acclaimed UFO Secret: The Roswell Crash, two-time British Academy Award (BAFTA) winner producer, John Purdie’s The Roswell Incident, Roswell, The Real Story, Roswell: Cover-ups and Close EncountersUFOs: 50 Years of Denial, Award-winning Roswell, The UFO UnCover-up, and hosted the production of The X Chronicles.

He wrote and narrated the audio CD UFO Crash at Roswell, an Audio Documentary, Caroline Records, 1997. He has also produced and co-starred with actor John de Lancie in the live theatrical radio drama Roswell, the Unheard Broadcast, Prosaic Pictures 2000.

By far his greatest achievement was the Golden Globe Best Picture nominated motion picture ROSWELL, which was based on the first book. Besides consulting on the movie, he made a cameo appearance. Presently, he is a contributing writer for UFO Magazine, and on the Board of Directors for the International UFO Research Museum.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Consciousness Coach, Teacher, Author, Writer, International Speaker, Journalist, Noetic Science Explorer, Philosopher
Guest Biography:

Let me introduce myself: I am Christian de Quincey, and I have two major passions in life, exploring consciousness and writing (including the fine art of editing).

I am a consciousness coach, teacher, author, writing coach, and international speaker. My focus is consciousness, the essence of who we are and what we can become. I have been studying, practicing, and teaching the noetic arts and sciences for the past 20 years.

This website is a way for me to guide and support others to transform their own lives by developing their natural noetic gifts. "Noetic" refers to intuitive ways of knowing, how we feel and think, intuit, and imagine. It's all about being in relationship: with yourself, with others, and with the natural world. "Noetics" is also about naturally expanding consciousness of our place in the larger scheme of things, and how we can realize our full potential as caring and compassionate human beings.

If you ever think about any of these things, you might be interested to learn how and why I came to write a novel explaining my understanding of consciousness. It is called Deep Spirit: Cracking the Noetic Code. The whole idea came in a flash of insight, in two short weeks 400 pages came flowing out (the published version is shorter!). Learn more about the ideas I express in the book.

For 12 years, I was editor of the IONS Review and Shift, the magazine published by the Institute of Noetic Sciences in California. During that time, I completed my doctoral studies in philosophy and religion at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and co-authored The Scientific Exploration of Consciousness with the late Willis Harman.

Since then, I have spent most of my time putting into practice for myself what I have learned about how the noetic arts and sciences can help people access higher levels of awareness and understanding. I offer online and in-person tutorials , individually as well as in workshops.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Consumer and Natural Cures Advocate, Whistleblower, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Radio SHow Host, TV Celebrity, Teacher, Motivator
Guest Biography:

Kevin Trudeau | Biography
Known as the Ralph Nader of the natural health arena, Kevin Trudeau is fast becoming the world’s foremost consumer and natural cures advocate. A fearless whistleblower, Trudeau is the voice for the voiceless when it comes to exposing corruption and hypocrisy in the medical and corporate worlds.

Trudeau’s advocacy began as a young man when he was diagnosed with a deformed heart. Searching for answers and a cure within the traditional medical community, Trudeau was confronted with naysayers and physicians who threw up their hands and predicted a life as an invalid. A relentless researcher, Trudeau found an industry expert in Mexico City, where he underwent radical live cell therapy. Cured, he returned to the Mayo Clinic for an ultrasound where the incredulous physicians saw that the malady was cured. Rather than embracing the results, the Clinic “didn’t want to hear about it”. Asking the question, “what else is the medical community hiding from me?”, Trudeau began his relentless journey as an advocate for alternative cures.

His groundbreaking book, self published in 2005, Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About was number one on the New York Times best sellers list for 26 weeks and is one of the best selling health books of all time. Additional titles include More Natural Cures Revealed: The Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease and The Weight Loss Cure. Discovering unconventional business practices that really work, he has written Mega Memory: How to Release Your Photographic Memory as well as Debt Cure, an indictment of the world of finance. To date, Trudeau has sold over 30 million copies globally, and loyal fans flock to his seminars, which are held worldwide.

The founder of over 60 companies all around the world, Trudeau’s global business empire has included TV networks, publishing, manufacturing, telecommunications, research organizations, media production and distribution, advertising and consulting. His radio show, The KevinTrudeau Show is heard in dozens of markets, throughout the U.S., including Atlanta, Austin, Cleveland, Dallas, Honolulu, and Los Angeles. Trudeau’s business enterprises have generated billions of US dollars in sales over the last 25 years.

Books authored by Kevin Trudeau:

Mega Memory: How to release your photographic memory
Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About
More Natural Cures Revealed: The Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease
The Weight Loss Cure
Debt Cures

Major Accomplishments:

  • Founder American Memory Institute, which became the largest memory training school in the world
  • Member World Masters of Business, traveling and sharing the stage with President Gorbachev and General Norman Schwarzkopf
  • Appeared on over 2000 radio shows in 10 countries; almost every major TV talk show in America including CNN, FOX News, and The Today Show with Matt Lauer and on over 200 TV shows as a guest.
  • Starred in the UK TV “Debbie and Kevin Show” which became a top-watched program
  • Appeared as a feature story in over 300 newspapers and magazines around the world including The London Times, The New York Times, Time Magazine, US News and World Reports, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The Sydney Times, and The Boston Globe.
  • Books have sold over 30 million copies
  • One of the 20 most watched TV celebrities in America since 1989
  • Dubbed “America’s Marketing Guru” by the Wall Street Journal
  • Founder TruStar Global Media Group, The Golf Channel UK, Shop America, YOU TV
  • Listed in 30 editions of “Who’s Who”
  • Made over 3000 speeches in 20 countries to audiences as large as 75,000
  • Has appeared live on stage to over 4 million people
  • Teaches seminars and workshops for 30 hours over 4 days, all from memory without notes
Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Self Help, Motivational, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Ordained Minister, Humanitarian Activist, Cryptologic Linguist, Russian Air Force
Guest Biography:

A Christian for 25 years, JoAnne is an ordained minister and humanitarian activist, currently working to assist people with faith crisis solutions and the advocacy of ending forced vaccinations. Previously serving in the Air Force for 16 years as a Russian Cryptologic Linguist with a Top Secret/SCI clearance, JoAnne was awarded the Meritorious Service Award at 23 years old, the peacetime Army equivalent of the Bronze Star. Holding previous proficiencies in Russian, Italian, Spanish, German and French, having traveled to over 14 countries and living in Europe for 12 years, JoAnne has a first hand appreciation for diversity of international culture. She brings this professionalism, consciousness, sensitivity and experience to her advocacy work and in addition to founding an online free ministry school with over 700 Christians and Christian pastors enrolled, she has also has co-founded a nearly 7,000 member Facebook Group that works to raise awareness around the world on the issue of the swine flu and the deadly vaccination agenda. In addition to founding the Anti-Forced Vaccine Alliance to network activist groups and their resources, she has launched an international discussion board and coordinating news web site to assist activists, highlight current news, provide community tools and media kits for raising awareness, monitor the outbreak, and circulate credible research on vaccine alternatives and health tips for managing self care. JoAnne is deeply committed to caring not only for the quality of faith and spiritual needs of humanity, but also the quality of life.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Geologist, Genesis Historian, Author, Researcher
Guest Biography:

BIO FROM: (top paragraph only)

James I. Nienhuis graduated from Dartmouth College in 1976 with a degree in geology, and has studied ancient history pertaining to the Genesis account since 1985. His first book Old Earth was published in 2003, and his second book, Ice Age Civilizations, has already received rave reviews, and is destined to change the way we look at ancient history, because it explains how the ancients were able to measure and thereby map the earth with a simple mechanical device, during the Ice Age, which ended much later than is commonly advertised, as the evidence plainly reveals.

Nienhuis is an expert in study of past civilizations, showing they were far more advanced than current experts are willing to acknowledge, and perhaps more advanced than contemporary civilization, as the ancient ruins show. The amazing advanced nature of these civilizations leads many to theorize that they are the product of either ultra advanced humans in the past, and/or ultra advanced extraterrestrials in the past who showed humans how to build, farm, and live (this is the ‘ancient astronaut theory’). He is also an expert on the theory that the earth (and perhaps the universe) is not old, and is very young. This theory is difficult for many to digest since they are inundated with theories that the earth and universe is very old through the information in schools and on TV, without ever being shown the information that contradicts old earth and universe theories, and without ever being shown the strengths of the young earth and universe theories.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author, Keynote Speaker, Motivator, Writer, Career Coach, Humanitarian,Ballplayer, Teacher, Community Volunteer
Guest Biography:

Mike Robbins is the author of two bestselling books, Focus on the Good Stuff (Hardcover, Wiley) and Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken (Hardcover, Wiley), which have been translated into twelve different languages.

As an expert in teamwork, emotional intelligence, and the power of appreciation and authenticity, Mike delivers keynote addresses, leads customized seminars, and works one-on-one in a way that empowers people and organizations to work together effectively and be more successful.  He has inspired tens of thousands of people around the world to reach new levels of awareness and success, both personally and professionally. Through his speeches, seminars, and writing, Mike teaches people to be more grateful, appreciative, and authentic with others and themselves.

Mike has worked with some of the top organizations and institutions in the world such as Google, AT&T, Apple, UC Berkeley, the U.S. Department of Labor, Gap, New York Life Insurance, Stanford University, Adobe, Chevron, Wells Fargo, Yahoo, Kaiser Permanente, Genentech, the San Francisco Giants, and many others. He is a member of the National Speakers Association and is one of less than 10% of the professional speakers in the world to have earned the prestigious Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation.

Mike has been featured on ABC News, the Oprah radio network, in Forbes, the Washington Post, and many others.  He is a regular contributor to and the Huffington Post.  Mike was also the host of his own radio show in 2009 and 2010, "Let's Get Real," on Energy Talk Radio.

Prior to his speaking, writing, and coaching career, Mike was drafted by the New York Yankees out of high school.  He turned the Yankees down and instead chose to play baseball at Stanford University.  While at Stanford, he was a standout pitcher and he helped lead his team to the Pac-10 Conference Championship and an appearance in the College World Series. He was named to the All-Conference team, nominated as an academic All-American, and voted "Most Inspirational" by his fellow teammates. Mike was drafted by the Kansas City Royals out of Stanford and played three seasons of professional baseball with the Royals before arm injuries ended his playing career at the age of 24.

After his athletic career was cut short by injuries, Mike worked in sales for two Internet start-ups.  When the dot-com “bubble” burst in 2000 and Mike was laid off, it allowed him to follow a deeper passion – empowering and inspiring people – and opened the door for Mike to start working full time as a speaker, author, and coach.

In addition to earning a degree from Stanford in American Studies with a specialization in race and ethnicity, Mike has continued to educate himself.  He has extensively studied many disciplines of both personal and professional development, and received training from the Coaches Training Institute.

Mike was born and raised in Oakland, California.  He was raised primarily by his single mom and attended inner-city schools growing up.  His background and upbringing provided many challenges, as well as many wonderful lessons that he is grateful for.   He is a former board member for two non-profit organizations - Challenge Day (a powerful youth organization that focuses on peace, healing, and personal development for teens) and The Peace Alliance (an organization focused on creating a culture of peace here in America and around the world, as well as a grassroots political campaign to create a cabinet level U.S. Department of Peace).

Mike is passionate about appreciation, gratitude, authentic communication, family, forgiveness, metaphysics, relationships, spirituality, and personal growth, among many other things. He has always had a desire and a talent for positively affecting other people. Whether as class president in high school, a community volunteer, a speaker, a ballplayer, a teacher, or just talking to strangers on the street, Mike Robbins' intention is to make a difference with people wherever he goes.

In addition to his two books, he is also a contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Single Parent’s Soul, Creating a Marriage You'll Love, and Thirty Things to Do When You Turn Thirty.

Mike lives in San Rafael, CA (Marin County - in the San Francisco Bay Area) with his wife Michelle, and their two young daughters, Samantha and Rosie.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Self Help, Motivational