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Guest Occupation: Author, Psychic, Ghostbuster, Crystal Skull Guardian, Lecturer, Consultant, Ghost Investigator, Seance Facilitator, Expert Witness, Parapsychologist
Guest Biography:

When author, psychic and ghostbuster Jane Doherty lectured at the Breakfast Club, San Francisco's premiere high society club, she turned cautiously minded skeptics into soft-hearted, warm believers giddy with their newly found psychic possibilities. Jane is living proof that paranormal abilities can be acquired and with her first book, Awakening the Mystic Gift: The Surprising Truth About What It Means to Be Psychic, she wants to teach that message to the world.

A renowned psychic for more than 15 years giving tens of thousands of readings, Jane Doherty is the leading authority on psychic experiences. She provides individual guidance through private consultation, conducts ghost investigations and seances to communicate with the other side and offers classes and workshops to those who are interested in discovering and developing their own psychic abilities. This fall she will appear in a new television series on a major network.

Widely recognized and respected for her extraordinary skill and sensitivity, she has been featured on Fox Network News, CNN, The Today Show, Sightings, MSNBC Investigates, Jenny Jones, WB11 and numerous publications, including The New York Times, New York Post, The Industry Standard and the Philadelphia Inquirer. She has been named "one of the top twenty psychics" by Hans Holzer in Woman's Own magazine and interviewed on more than 75 radio stations including one in Austria and England. Reuters news media has featured her in Australia, Austria, Germany, England, Russia, and the major Spanish network, Telemundo. She has also co-hosted a psychic call-in show for eight years and has been featured in three books, as well as in Woman's World Weekly and The Bridal Guide magazine.

Jane also has the distinction of being retained as an expert government witness for a U.S. Postal Service investigation of a major mail fraud case involving psychic claims, assisted law authorities in cases of missing persons and homicides as well as added to the history of New Jersey when her services were used for an archeological dig. For more than twelve years Jane was president of the Jersey Society of Parapsychology, founded more than 30 years ago for the purpose of providing mainstream scientific research and support to this field. Her ghost investigations have taken her to such notable places as the Lizzie Borden House in Massachusetts, the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, the William Heath Davis House in San Diego as well as the Proprietary House in New Jersey, the only original royal governor's mansion still standing in the U.S. today.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Bio Physicist, Herbalist, Author, Lecturer, New Age Research Specialist, Metaphysicist, Modern Alchemist
Guest Biography:

Best selling author, lecturer & research specialist Dr. Richard Alan Miller reveals a wealth and depth of knowledge and experience in three major fields; Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics. Before many leading edge concepts became trendy topics, Miller was (and is) on the international front lines of research, experimentation and documentation.

Richard Alan Miller reveals a wealth and depth of knowledge and experience in Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics.  Miller began working in the "X-Files" world in the 60s and has amazing experiences and conclusions to share.

An original team-member, "man-in-black," Miller's research in the field of Parapsychology & Paraphysics began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel.

Offering fresh perspectives on Metaphysical traditions his books, papers & articles include The Modern Alchemist; ESP Induction Through Forms of Self-Hypnosis, and "A Holographic Concept of Reality."

Richard Alan Miller has been at the forefront of many fields during his long and varied career. A solid-state physicist with graduate work at MIT, Miller was involved in groundbreaking work for cloaked agencies in the late '60s and '70s. A colleague of Dr. Stanley Krippner, Miller co-authored in 1973 the paper, The Holographic Concept of Reality - a document whose implications for psychoenergetic systems are only now beginning to be realized.

Like so many of the idealists of his era, Miller became quickly disillusioned with the severe ethical compromises forced on him by what he recognized as corporate manipulation. After a brief stint as an engineer at Boeing, Miller left the corporate world in disgust and entered the more spiritually satisfying world of the occult. He opened Beltane Books in Seattle and swiftly became " the Herman Slater of the West Coast." At this time he penned several works including his classic " The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs."

Miller also co-authored, with his wife Iona, THE MODERN ALCHEMIST, hailed by Stanley Krippner as the most "illuminating" study of Alchemy since Carl Jung. Before its publication, Miller had used an electronic form of the book as teaching material for his on-line course in Metaphysics, taught on America Online.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive, Technology
Guest Occupation: Multimedia Producer, Israeli Biblical History Researcher, Writer, Editor, Author
Guest Biography:

Besides being a multimedia producer, Dave has been an avid student of prophecy and Israeli biblical history for over two decades. In 1980 he founded Public Recording, and built a thriving multimedia studio. He also wrote, co-wrote, and produced hundreds of popular songs for local musicians in Southern California, as well as numerous radio scripts for a wide variety of radio commercials and broadcast videos for his clients.

In 1989, he also wrote his first book, "The End Times."

In 2000 he expanded his recording facility to accommodate video services. His writing skills which spanned over thirty years, broadened to write dozens of video scripts for a wide range of videos, including storyboard scripts for music videos, infomercials, commercials, and dozens of corporate products. His most notable independent work was writing, producing, shooting, and editing a documentary about missionaries. He personally filmed and directed the documentary in Uganda Africa, New Castle England, and Rosarito Mexico. See the short wild videos below from Dave's missionary journey in Africa.

Guest Category: History, Music, Buddhism, Technology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Ufologist, Researcher, Author, Lecturer, UFO Disclosure Activist
Guest Biography:

Grant Cameron became involved in Ufology as the Vietnam War ended in May 1975 with personal sightings of an object which locally became known as Charlie Red Star.  The sightings occurred in Carman, Manitoba about 25 miles north of the Canada-US border. Hundreds of other people sighted objects at the same time during a prolonged flap of sightings.

Over the next 18 months he had many sightings of large objects and small (monitor) objects in the area. He spent countless days in the area photographing a series of strange objects and interviewing hundreds of witnesses who were involved.

After composing a manuscript about the flap, he moved on to research the work of the late Wilbert B. Smith. Smith headed up the Canadian government flying saucer investigation known as Project Magnet which ran from 1950 to 1954. During two decades of work on Smith, Cameron was able to collect most of Smith’s files and material written. He interviewed most of the associates around Smith who worked on the flying saucer investigation. He has produced a CD-Rom data disk that hold most of the documents from the Smith files, along with 12 hours of audio related to Smith's work.

Years of Smith research led to the discovery of former Penn State University president Dr. Eric Walker, who was identified by Dr. Robert Sarbacher as a key person inside the UFO cover-up. Cameron teamed up with T. Scott Crain to research and write a book titled "UFOs, MJ-12, and the Government", published by MUFON. The book summed up their three years of research on Dr. Walker's involvement. An updated version of this book with new material will be released inlate 2012 and will be titled "UFOs, Area51, and Government Informants."

In the past few years Cameron has turned his research interests to the involvement and actions of the President of the United States in the UFO problem. He has made 25+ trips to the National Archives and most of the various Presidential archives looking for presidential UFO material.  One highlight his presidential UFO research was the chance to question Vice-president Dick Cheney on his knowledge of the UFO subject. Another highlight of the presidential UFO research was a FOIA to the White House Office of Science and Technology which yielded 1,000 pages of UFO documents from the Clinton administration. 

At present Cameron is working on producing monographs for Dr. Walker, Wilbert Smith, the Presidential involvement in the topic of psychic phenomena, and a monograph looking at a possible disclosure pattern to try and explain the many actions of the American government, related to UFOs, during the last 50 years. He is working on a detailed paper detailing the "64 Reasons the Government is Covering Up the ET Presence." He is also now researching an lecturing on the connection of consciousness to the UFO phenomena hoping that it will help explain how UFOs are propelled, and what is the real nature of the Universe.

He has produced a CD-Rom which includes "Tales of Charlie-Red-Star" a manuscript that was prepared in the late 70s about a flap of UFO sightings that occurred in Manitoba Canada in 1975-76. This is a flap of sightings that was immense in size, but generally unknown outside of Canada. A second item on the CD is "UFOs, MJ-12, and The Government," a book published in 1990 by MUFON. The disc contains the paper "Presidential UFO Audio Story" which is an article that contains 60+ embedded UFO audio clips of the presidents, their aides, or people talking about the presidents and UFOs.

Cameron completed a collection of hundreds of cartoons about UFOs which  was set up to help to tell the 50+ years of this strange phenomena. A PowerPoint collection of these cartoons was shown at the 2003 Ozark convention.

He has lectured widely in Canada, Europe, and the United States on the 1975 Carman flap, the Canadian government's early investigations into flying saucers, UFO disclosure politics, the Rockefeller UFO Initiative, and the Presidential UFO connection.

In September 2005 he was denied access to the United States to lecture on UFOs and why the government has chosen to withhold the truth.

At present Cameron is sorting through almost 100 FOIA requests from the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas, related to the UFO related actions and policies inside the two Presidential terms of Bill Clinton. They show that the Clinton administration was very interested in the pheneomena and actually tried to force out some of the hidden infomation to the public.

Guest Category: History, Paranormal, UFOs, Politics & Government, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Professor, Social Scientist, Psychologist, Parapsychologist, Paranormal Researcher, Near Death Researcher
Guest Biography:

Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson is a worldwide respected researcher of deathbed visions and past life memories, and has amassed a large amount of data about all types of communication with the departed. His latest book, The Departed Among The Living , is an investigative study of all such experiences, and includes visual experiences, auditory perceptions, sense of presence, apparitions, mediumship and much more. Not only does he discuss the evidence suggesting survival, but the frequency that experiences occur, what types of communication are the most common, and the possible reasons for the experiences.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychic & Intuitive, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Bach Remedy Teacher, Homeopath, Naturopath, Healer, Herbalist, Nutritional Consultant, Doctor in Religion, Spiritual Wellness Facilitator, Author
Guest Biography:

Spoken of by many as one of the greatest living masters of the Bach Flower Remedies, Dr. Love has the oldest ongoing classes in the Bach Remedies in the world, forty years, and has worked with over 100,000 people.

He has been a practicing Homeopath now for forty years, although he is no longer in private practice.  He has served as Founder and Director of the International Association of Homeopathy, based in Montana, for 18 years.  And he has been honored to train many thousands of individuals from Hong Kong to Israel, and around the United States. who now use his healing approach.

The International Association of Homeopathy offers a one year Certification Program with distance learning, and apprenticeship with Dr. Love. You will receive your Certified Homeopath, Certified Herbalist, Certified Nutrition Consultant, and Homeopathic Certification in the Treatment of Animals.

Dr. Love has developed a new level of Healing using the Homeopathic approach to the Bach Remedies.  His approach is much more effective, and helpful, and way more powerful, than the way the Flowers are currently being used.  In the Certification Program he personally guides a student through the gateways and doorways and hidden gates, of their own individual Healing Process.  And then he teaches you how to Heal others.

A student learns how to heal dis-ease and how to understand emotions.  The emphasis is not on science but on Healing.  With a Ph.D. in Religion, Dr. Love approaches all healing from the Spiritual, because “the curative power is in the Soul.”

In the Natural Healing Movement today, and in our culture, no one is treating the Emotional Component and healing it, satisfactorily.  Most practitioners simply ignore it, and skirt around it. Dr. Love was honored to be asked to speak for each of the last three years at the Naturopathic Medical School in Arizona.

When he spoke, he told the students:

“You guys are paying $150,000 to go through medical school. But no one…no professor, no class…no teacher, is teaching you how to heal the Emotional Component and how to heal the Emotional – Spiritual Conflict inside a person, which is the root cause of dis-ease.”

“If it’s Emotional I can show you how to heal it. Because the Emotional – Spiritual Conflict, and the Emotional Component is absolutely and definitely… the true root cause… the original cause of all dis-ease and pain. And no one is addressing it, healing it, and taking care of it”

At the International Association of Homeopathy a student learns how to heal their Shadow, their Darkness, their Shadow Side.  They learn how to do the deepest and most powerful Inner Child Work, or Shadow Work. They learn how to heal the Emotional – Spiritual Conflict within themselves.  And they learn how to help other people.

Dr. Love has authored three books: 

  • The Art of Healing
  • Physician Heal Thyself
  • Personality Profiles of the Bach Flower Remedies

All available from the author.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Homeopathy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Acupuncturist, Adjunct Professor, Oriental Medicine Practitioner, Runner
Guest Biography:

Phyllis Kung is a licensed acupuncturist  (AC01223) in the state of Texas, and nationally certified by NCCAOM.  She is an adjunct professor at the  Texas College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where she earned her Master Degree of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine.  She is certified in cosmetic acupuncture by Denise Ellinger, L.Ac., co-founder of the MeiZen protocol, and founder of the Center for Rejuvenation Acupuncture.  Phyllis also currently serves as Secretary of the Texas Association of Acupuncturists.

Following her passion to continue her studies, she enrolled in the Doctorate program at the Zhejiang Chinese Medical University in Hangzhou, China, where her primary focus of study is Internal Medicine.

As an avid runner, Phyllis excels at using TCM to treat and prevent common sports injuries.  She also targets digestive disorders, skin disorders, infertility in men and women, and other forms of chronic pain.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Patient Care Leader, Biotoxin Researcher, Mold Expert, Physician, Lecturer, Author, Writer, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Ritchie Shoemaker, M. D., is a recognized leader in patient care, research and education pioneer in the field of biotoxin related illness.  While illness acquired following exposure to the interior environment of water-damaged buildings (WDB) comprises the bulk of Shoemaker’s daily practice, other illnesses caused by exposure to biologically produced toxins are quite similar in their “final common pathway.”  What this means is that while the illness might begin acutely with exposure to fungi, spirochetes, apicomplexans, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria, for example, in its chronic form, each of these illnesses has similar symptoms, lab findings and Visual Contrast Sensitivity findings.  Taken together the inflammatory illness from each of these diverse sources is known as a Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.  

Dr. Shoemaker has dedicated his life and career to uncovering the link between the toxic stew found in many of our buildings and homes, and the vast amount of misdiagnosed and catch-all ailments physicians often assign patients for whom they cannot offer any real treatment.

Dr. Shoemaker graduated from Duke University where he received honors in undergraduate and medical degrees. He is a practicing physician in Pocomoke City, MD, and conducts research with collaborators on an international basis. His dedication to his patients and his advancement of medicine through research has been recognized often, including receipt of the Maryland Academy of Family Practice Physician of the Year 2000 award, which was followed by an award as a finalist in the National competition for 2002. Shoemaker is asked to lecture to academic and lay audiences alike, with addresses to the US House of Representative and Senate.

Dr. Shoemaker has published eight books, the newest being Surviving Mold, and has numerous publications in scientific research journals, on audio and video tapes and in newspapers. He has made many presentations at scientific meetings, and has frequently appeared on television.  Look for his upcoming show on Mystery Diagnosis in 2011.  Dr. Shoemaker was the lead committee member of the July 2010 Policy Holders of America position paper – “Research Committee Report on Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Caused by Exposure to the Interior Environment of Water Damaged Buildings.”  This treatise is widely noted to be the most through, rigorous and transparent of all the discussions of illness from WDB.

Dr. Shoemaker's lectures are known for their enthusiastic presentation of thought provoking ideas. Whether his speech is educational or motivational, he is an entertaining speaker with a stimulating approach to thinking that will challenge the listener. 

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science