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Guest Occupation: KOMO 4 News Anchor
Guest Biography:

Eric was the Sports Director at KOMO for many years, but recently he became the anchor for the 5:00 news.

He was raised in Spokane (East Valley High School), and majored in broadcasting in the Edward R. Murrow School of Communications at Washington State University. He also played baseball at WSU (he says with very limited success).

In his 15 years at KOMO, Eric has been awarded more than 25 Regional Emmy Awards, and in 2007 was given the highest prize in local television news, a National Edward R. Murrow Award for best feature story in the country.

He has been in the middle of most of the major Seattle sports stories of the past decade and a half. He was there for the '95 Mariners, and the '96 Sonics, the Seahawks Super Bowl run, too many Apple Cups to count, and the Storm's championship season.

In 1993 he created a popular weekly feature called, "Eric's Little Heroes." Seattle laughed for years at kids running the wrong way, saying the wrong things, and proving every week what sports are truly about. And after being gone for a couple of years, "Eric's Little Heroes" has returned to KOMO 4.

Eric has a wife and two children; a boy and a girl. In his spare time he plays in an adult baseball league, works on his antique Ford, plays piano, and writes music.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, Amateur
Guest Occupation: certified CranioSacral Therapist
Guest Biography:

This information has been taken directlyh from this website located at:

ABOUT JEANNINE WIEST, author, healer, holistic coach, craniosacral therapist

Jeannine has led a non-linear life, but the constant has always been art and connection.

Born in Lansing, Michigan, Wiest grew up in New York City where she attended the famed High School of Performing Arts. She went on to receive a BFA from Purchase College which led to her becoming a dancer on Broadway. After moving to Los Angeles, she created a successful design firm, designing one-of-a-kind clothes for boutiques around the world. Jeannine re-invented herself as an Emmy-nominated costume designer.  But throughout her 20’s and 30’s Wiest was ill.

 Jeannine was mis-diagnosed twice with cancer.  In seeking answers to resolve her pain she discovered Craniosacral therapy It was only then, as she listened and developed new ways of relating to her body and “old stories” that she healed.  Pain free and impressed by the power of the work, she went into training to become a Craniosacral therapist.  Ten years ago Jeannine finally owned her gifts as a healer.

In her retreat-like office she offers solo Immersion VIP days, small group workshops on Ancestors and Abundance as well as creative Transformation Circle Days.  Virtually she offers VIP day coaching to Heal Your Mojo.

Jeannine’s new book The Alchemy of Self Healing is due out from New Page Books, October 20, 2014.  It’s a 30-day guidebook to having a sensory, healing relationship with your body. Your experience of the book can be augmented with personalized, customized phone sessions via individual and small group virtual circles.  This additional support and accountability is what helps you get the most from her step-by-step system.

Jeannine specializes in working with highly stressed, overwhelmed women, helping them transform the energy trapped in their body so they can reconnect with their creative power and release pain.  She works with three levels, physical, metaphysical and metaphorical to best facilitate your ability to turn what you may now find blah or ordinary, into the version of you which perceives the extraordinary.

A long-time Teaching Assistant for the Upledger Institute, she’s dissected a human cadaver, travelled with a group of therapists to Bali to give cranial treatments to chronically ill children (in the water), and developed her 4-part Cranial Alchemy system. She’s worked with creatives of all kinds from billionaires and executives to Oscar and Tony winners, writers, moms, business owners and corporate escapees! 

We are each creating all the time. The question is: Is it by default? Are we on a hamster wheel creating disease, stress or disconnection? Many of us are.

Jeannine can help you make big shifts and assist you in both healing and rebooting your soul purpose with ease.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Homeopathy, Sound Healing, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Spoken Word Poet, Singer
Guest Biography:

In another time and on a distant sea, Michael Penrose would have been a stowaway aboard a battered ship. Ignoring monstrous waves looming over the topsail, his stride to the bow would be resolute. The deckhands’ frantic screams would fade to a whisper upon hearing Michael’s voice.

Sailing forward through time, echoes from the past fill warm clubs where Michael performs. His thought-provoking and passionate pieces like A Faraway Place and Blanket of Blue are enhanced with rhythmic grooves. With the soulful Near the Sun, we are reminded that our ship remains battered but a powerful voice beckons us into calm waters.

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Founder of, Writer, Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach, Entrepreneur, Hair Mineral Analysis Certified, Author
Guest Biography:

Wendy Myers, CHHC, is the founder and head writer of She is a certified holistic health and nutrition coach in Los Angeles, Ca, having attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York and graduated with a degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California. She is also certified in Hair Mineral Analysis for the purpose of designing Mineral Power programs for clients to correct their metabolism and body chemistry.  She is currently seeking her masters in clinical nutrition at Bridgeport University in Connecticut.

Look for Wendy’s new book coming soon, The Modern Paleo Survival Guide. You can get a taste of her new book by downloading her free Modern Paleo Survival Guides. You can also download her free 35-page weight loss eBook called the Live to 110 by Weighing Less eGuide. Wendy hosts the weekly Live to 110 Video Podcast and the Modern Paleo Cooking show on her Live to 110 Youtube Channel.

Wendy’s interest in nutrition began with the death of her father from esophageal cancer. Intuitively, she knew his chemo, radiation, and ten medications killed him prematurely. She vowed to find out what made him sick, why he died, what role medications played in his demise, and how she could avoid the same fate. The more Wendy learned, the more she realized that all the answers to health do not lie in our medical system. Food, detoxification and natural healing modalities must be used to compliment the advances in modern medicine.

Wendy’s site aims to inform you about how to achieve optimum health, energy and vitality. empowers you to improve your health through the Paleo diet, Mineral Power, detoxification and natural treatments for your health conditions. She urges you to take responsibility for your own health by learning about alternative treatments for your health conditions. Most doctors are only trained to offer medications or surgery, which are not an appropriate first line of treatment for many health conditions. Health is not merely about the absence of disease or symptoms.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Fitness & Exercise, Nutrition, Philosophy, Self Help
Guest Biography:

HEALER, CHANNEL and AUTHOR in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Shehas
been working throughout the USA and internationally for the last 15 years. She's the author of two
books Pleiadian Initiations of Light and Pleiadian Principles for Living.She has created many
webinars, online courses, audio and video programs. She has appeared on hundreds of radio shows and
for years she has been working with the Pleiadian initiations around the world.
She is affectionately renowned internationally as the “Pleiadian Ambassador.”
Christine's powerful and heartbreaking personal story has inspired audiences throughout the world.
Born and raised in Australia, she experienced a traumatic childhood involving cult ritual abuse. In
1986, following a diagnosis of advanced systemic lupus, and having been told she had just two months
to live, Christine experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, which enabled her to
move into a place of self healing. She has now been symptom free for the last twenty-six years. Since
then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout
the United States and internationally.
She has co-created The Pleiadian Enlightenment Academy which offer on-line transformative courses.
The courses are specifically designed to facilitate and accelerate the process to Self discovery. Christine
believes that the single most important journey that we are to make in this lifetime is the re-discovery
of our Selves; this journey of the re-alignment back to our natural spiritual natures.This sacred
channeled work from the Pleiadians, provides the tools to open up specific energetic dimensional
spaces that afford you the opportunity to move forward and awaken on different levels.
Christine is the founder of FREQUENCIES OF BRILLIANCE, a unique healing modality that was
channeled through her twenty years ago, along with the original Amanae multi-dimensional bodywork.
Her first book,”Pleiadian Initiations of Light” which is based on Frequencies of Brilliance, now offers
this work to a broad general audience with practitioners all over the world, just to name a few: US,
Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, France, Italy and Belgium.
She is a beloved and celebrated Spiritual figure, with an extensive student and practitioner base in
Brazil that study 'Frequencies of Brilliance'. She also holds various seminars, workshops, lectures and
transmissions for the general public throughout Brazil.
Radio Show Host:
Show Link
In this live twice-monthly show, Christine, presents a new body of information and transmissions of
sacred tones and codes specifically designed to act as energetic keys to unlock the information residing
within the matrix of our cellular structure.
12:30-2:pm PACIFIC, 2:30-4pm CENTRAL, 8.30-10.00pm GMT

Guest Category: Cosmology, UFOs, Physics & Metaphysics, Mental Health, Akashic Records, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Sports Broadcaster
Guest Biography:

Talk Show Host both sports and general, Pre and Post Game Host, Sports Anchor, Field Reporter, Feature Reporter, Advertising and Imaging Voice, Product Spokesman, Event Emcee, Producer show and live remote/field, Copywriter, Automotive Writer, Web Content Producer, Video Production and Director Specialties, Script Writing, Copy Writing, Public Speaking, Interviewing, working with diverse populations.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Holistic Nutritionist and Author
Guest Biography:

Marni Wasserman  is a Graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto and the Natural Gourmet Culinary School in New York, and is the founder of Marni Wasserman’s Food Studio & Lifestyle Shop located in midtown Toronto where she teaches her signature cooking classes, and offers collaborative workshops and urban retreats. This is also a place where she features her favourite sustainable superfood products.

As a prominent figure of health and nutrition in Toronto, Marni is a regular contributor to Chatelaine, Huffington Post and Tonic Magazine. She has made several TV appearances, been hosted on radio talk shows, consulted with The Windsor Arms Hotel for vegan and vegetarian menus, and participates in several live speaking and cooking demonstrations. If that wasn’t enough, she is also the author of book Plant Based Diet for Dummies, Fermenting For Dummies and several well-received plant-based eBooks.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Professor of Medicine at Temple U,
Guest Biography:

Dr Rich Snyder is an osteopathic physician board certified in Internal Medicine and Nephrology (the study of kidney disease). His areas of specialization include kidney disease, high blood pressure, adrenal health and medical education. He is Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at Temple University School of Medicine and Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He is the author of five books including Adrenal Fatigue For Dummies and What You Must Know About Kidney Disease: A Practical Guide For Using Conventional and Complementary Treatments. He is also the High Blood Pressure Expert on

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Science, Self Help