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Guest Occupation: Certified Natural Therapeutic Specialist and Advanced BodyWorker
Guest Biography:

Andrew Scheim has been working in the field of holistic medicine for over thirty years. He is a Certified Natural Therapeutic Specialist and Advanced BodyWorker (Lmt #4598). He has created innovations in the field of bodywork through a process of synergizing cranial sacral, polarity and acupuncture, with a new therapy called Rapid Release Therapy, an advanced technology for accelerating connective tissue release. Andrew is a long term Holistic Educator and Practitioner in the field of Nutrition. He creates cutting edge formulations and is owner of Andy’s Natural Formulas. His approach is powerful, comprehensive, flexible and factors in the unique challenges of our modern times. Along with hands on work, Andrew develops home programs for his clients which are simple to follow and easy to understand.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Fitness & Exercise, Homeopathy, Nutrition
Guest Occupation: Healer, teacher and guide
Guest Biography:

Rhonda Harrison is a gifted healer, teacher and guide. Rhonda's life is a demonstration of loving service. Her passion is to show others the way to health and well-being. Rhonda dreams of that special day, when as One, we all join in celebration of the Divine Infinite, expressed in these... our precious spirits and physical bodies. Having spent years in the company of Shamanic Healers, Indigenous herbalist and Energy workers, Rhonda created a line of therapeutic oils for her clients and retail customers. Hummingbird Healing Oils, her own brand of essential oils and remedies. Go a little "Wild" with wild-crafted, natural oils, infused with that most potent ingredient of all... Love! Using aromatic oils, Gems, massage and the ancient art and science of Tarot, Rhonda will help you see all that is right and good in your life as she guides you on the wisest path toward an ever brighter future!

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Tarot & Other Cards, Shamanism
Guest Occupation: CEO of Hillcrest Media Group
Guest Biography:

Mark Levine is the CEO of Hillcrest Media Group, which he founded in 2006. Prior to founding Hillcrest, Mark was the founder and CEO of the online business filing company Click Industries, Ltd. Mark’s unique experience as both a published author himself and an executive in self-publishing gives him exceptional insight into what authors want and need, which translates directly into how he runs his author-centric publishing company. When he is not writing or working, Mark enjoys running, cooking, sushi, and investing in Internet domain names. Learn more about Hillcrest at

Guest Category: Business, Education, Technology, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

The Seven Commandments for Happiness and Prosperity

by Shari Sharifi Brown

This book will take the reader on an enchanting journey through the history of religion to discover the seven key principles that can bring you happiness and riches.

The journey begins in prehistory when men worshipped multiple gods in forms of stone and wood. They sacrificed animals, humans, and even children to please these gods. The great Commandments of Moses were a revolutionary act of liberation. But as we shall see, the Israelites did not always follow them, and they suffered the consequences. Their story is indeed a testament to us today of what not to do if you want success in this life---and the next.

The simplified Commandments of Jesus made them easier to follow, and offered them to all people. But wickedness in the name of Christianity by church leaders and average Christians came after lip service to the Commandments. The Arab people were still worshipping idols of many gods when they came in contact with Jews and Christians. One of them learned of their God and brought Commandments to his people, but like Jews and Christians, many Muslims went astray.

The central theme of this book is to illustrate the fortunes and misfortunes of people who either decide to be inspired by grace to follow the Commandments, and achieve inner and outer peace, or to flout the Law and suffer the consequence.

Guest Category: History, Politics & Government, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Dog Trainer
Guest Biography:

Amy Novak is a college student living on the Jersey Shore with plans to transfer to pharmacy school. When she's not training or playing with her two Alaskan Malamutes, Layla and Enda, she loves hiking, camping, fishing, reading and traveling. Amy works full time in a pharmacy as a senior pharmacy technician and billing specialist.  She loves finding funding for specialty drugs with high co-pays; in April of 2016, she saved one single patient $12,000 on one medication. Amy lives with her boyfriend of nine years; they love to travel together, especially to Disney World.  In addition to the dogs, they share their home with a Lionhead rabbit named Leonidas whom Amy rescued after he'd been severely damaged from being kicked in the face and a rescue cat named Mia who is blind in one eye.

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Pets and Animals, Self Help, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Jurnalist/9-11 Researcher
Guest Biography:

Christopher Bollyn was born in Chicago and grew up during the 1960's in suburban Schaumburg, Illinois. He was raised in an educated middle class family. He delivered newspapers before school and became an Eagle Scout at age 15. He served as an altar boy in the Episcopalian Church and earned the God and Country award.

His father, Albert, grew up in Chicago's Austin neighborhood and graduated with a degree in journalism from University of Illinois after serving the Army Corps of Engineers in Germany. Christopher's father was his first proofreader and editor. Albert Bollyn owned an interior decoration business and enjoyed acting in the theatre guild.

The Bollyn family is related to Sir Thomas Boleyn, the father of Queen Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII and mother of Queen Elizabeth I.

His mother, Charlotte, grew up in southwestern North Dakota, the daughter of Scandinavian and Swiss homesteaders.  Charlotte was an educator and interior designer who held advanced degrees from Columbia University.  When she studied in New York, Charlotte worked as governess for the Farish family and took care of the young William S. Farish III, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom and friend of the Bush family.

Christopher's parents both served in World War II.

After graduating from high school, Christopher traveled extensively in Europe and the Middle East.  For several winters he lived and studied in Oslo, Norway.  In spring he would cycle across Europe and the Near East.  In Norway, he lived with an erudite Swedish countess and studied Middle Eastern history and Semitic languages at the University of Oslo.

Christopher returned to the United States in the late 1970s and began studies at the University of California at Davis.  He has a degree in history from U.C. Santa Cruz.  His emphasis was on Palestine/Israel.  His last year of university was spent in Norway, Greece, and the newly liberated Baltic States where he researched the psychological effects of the Soviet occupation on the native population.

Christopher met his wife, Helje, in Oslo.  Helje is a Swedish citizen who was born and educated in Estonia. She has a degree in English Language and Literature from Tallinn University. They were married in the Chapel of Kalmar Castle, Sweden. After the birth of their second child, Christopher and Helje wrote a book ABC Zoo and dedicated it to the children who love to read.

Why Solving 9-11 is Our Most Urgent Task

December 11, 2014

Christopher Bollyn speaking to the Citizens' Grand Jury on 9/11

Los Angeles, October 2004 

What none of us (myself included) wish to accept is that the unsolved assassination is a symptom of something wrong today, not just in 1963, in the heart of the society in which we live. … Official investigations of the Kennedy assassination have failed, not because the case is inherently insoluble, but because both the case and the investigations have been governed by deeper political processes, which have not yet been discerned. These forces are still with us, and they are not benign.

- Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993)

I was recently asked why I persevere in my efforts to speak about the truth about what happened on 9-11 to the public. This is a good question that deserves a logical and sensible answer, which is what I will try to provide here.

Most Americans would readily agree that our nation seems to have lost its way and that the political leadership is not serving the best interests of the people or the republic.

So, what’s wrong with our country? If we want to rectify the problems and restore the integrity of our nation we need to have a very clear understanding of precisely what ails it.

One sure way to get a grasp of our political predicament is to logically analyze what the political leadership has done – and what it has failed to do – about the terror atrocity of 9-11. 

Since September 11, 2001, four successive administrations and fourteen Sessions of Congress have utterly failed to conduct a proper criminal investigation of 9-11, a criminal atrocity that profoundly affected the course of the nation. Rather than investigate the mass murder of 3,000 people on 9-11, successive U.S. administrations have engaged in a criminal deception, using lies to take us into foreign wars while imposing police state measures at home.

The government’s egregious failure to conduct a proper criminal investigation into the events of 9-11 is exactly like the failure by the newly-installed president, Lyndon B. Johnson, to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. In both cases, rather than conducting proper criminal investigations, the government appointed commissions that produced seriously flawed reports that were simply meant to support the official, but false, version of events.

So, let’s look at this logically. A government that willfully covers up the truth about an atrocity like 9-11 is clearly not serving the people or the republic. By failing to investigate the crime, the government (and the controlled media that supports it) is actually protecting the culprits of 9-11, which means that our government and media are serving the very people who carried out the false-flag terrorism that hijacked our nation. 

As Peter Dale Scott described the people who obstructed the investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy:  “These forces are still with us, and they are not benign.”

Scott is absolutely right about the nature of these “deeper political” forces. The people who are behind the 9-11 cover-up and deception are certainly “not benign.” They are rather like a malignant cancer that has afflicted our American political system. Because America is a leading nation, its seriously diseased state affects the welfare of the whole world.

This is the simple logic that explains why solving 9-11 and exposing those behind the crime and the cover-up is absolutely essential to our personal and national well-being. It is, in fact, our most urgent task because it is the only way we can save our republic - and our sanity.

The Solving 9-11 books reveal the true culprits behind the false-flag terrorism of 9-11, knowledge which empowers us by freeing us from their evil deception. Understanding the nature of the deception is the real cure for pessimism and negativism because it enables us to grasp the essence of the problem we face as a nation.

This is why I persevere in my efforts to spread the truth about what happened on 9-11.  Your support is essential in this important endeavor - and greatly appreciated.

To donate by PayPal, send donation to: 

Bollyn speaking about 9-11 in Seattle

September 2014

The Solving 9-11 Tour Goes On

March 23, 2015

Bollyn's one-man protest at the Oscars in Hollywood, February 22, 2015.

Photo: Mike Chickey

The “Solving 9-11 Ends the War” tour was a great success.  In February, I spoke at fourteen events from Austin and Seguin, deep in the heart of Texas, to Dallas, St. Louis, Kansas City, and central Iowa.  The last leg of the tour was in central California, from Oakland and the Monterey Bay up to Santa Rosa with the final stop in Visalia – in the shadow of the giant Sequoias.

Walking among giants.

Photo: Mike Chickey

I met new people every place I went, starting with the person who arranged the venue and organized the event.  Videos were made of every event and these have already been viewed by tens of thousands of people.  The 58-minute video of the event in Santa Rosa, for example, has more than one thousand new viewers per day.

Video Link -

Besides giving presentations, I also made important new connections.  One supporter, for example, arranged an interview just before Christmas with a high-level person with the Nation of Islam.  I was, therefore, very pleased to see Rev. Louis Farrakhan mention my name and research in a lecture he gave on March 1 in Chicago.  Farrakhan is the first high-profile religious leader to address the evidence of Israeli involvement in the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11.  

Video Link -

On February 22, I held a one-man protest for 9-11 truth at the Oscars in Hollywood with signs that read “9-11 Truth Ends the War” and “Solving 9-11 Ends the War” in front of the VIP limousines waiting to pass through the security check outside the theatre.  The Hollywood moguls may want to ignore 9-11 truth but they will not be able to do so for much longer; the truth is coming out all over.   

You can run but you can't hide - the truth of 9-11 is out of the bag.

Photo: Mike Chickey

On the final day of the tour, March 10, I did a studio interview in Beverly Hills with Sean Stone, the son of Oliver Stone, for his “Buzzsaw” program.  Sean Stone’s interview and Farrakhan’s speech have opened the door to 9-11 truth for whole new segments of the public.  All in all, the success of my winter tour greatly exceeded my expectations, with many thanks to my friends and supporters of 9-11 truth. 

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Minister and Peace Activist
Guest Biography:

    REVEREND CHRISTOPHER ANTAL was born in New York and raised together with his sister Jill by their parents, Richard and Susan, on the southern coast of Maine. He attended public schools and received no formal religious education, but compassion and hospitality were family values instilled at a young age. His mom also taught him, "if you can't say something nice don't say it at all," but that was one lesson that never took root.

    Chris left Maine at the age of eighteen to enroll in a posh private art school in Rhode Island, but dropped out after two years, preferring instead a life of poverty and spiritual discipline within the Unification Church. It was in that community where Chris met and married his life partner, Mitsuko Ishikawa. A few significant life events led him to discern a call to ministry and reconsider his religious affiliation, so he returned to school in New York and got a couple of degrees that helped him navigate the way ahead.

    After graduating seminary, Chris followed his heart to Unitarian Universalism and found the community a good fit. So, at the age of thirty-five, he decided to pursue a career as an ordained minister. Chris made it through the hoops of the Unitarian Universalist Association and they actually granted him ministerial fellowship. He was ordained at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany a few months later.

    Since then, Rev. Chris has served the congregation at Rock Tavern, sans a stint as a military chaplain in Afghanistan which came to an abrupt end when the Army officially reprimanded and summarily banished him for preaching a "politically inflammatory" sermon. Undeterred, Rev. Chris kindles fires at Rock Tavern the first and fourth Sundays. He and Mitsuko live with their five children in the Hudson Valley.

    Rev. Antal’s Resignation Letter To President Obama

    (Editor’s Note: Rev. Antal’s resignation letter to President Obama follows.  Please also see, the President’s response to Rev. Antal’s letter him urging him to reject plans to produce the new air-dropped nuclear cruise missile.)


    April 12, 2016

    MEMORANDUM FOR Commander in Chief, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania

    Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500                                                                   '

    THRU U.S. Army Human Resources Command, ATTN: AHRC-OPL-P, 1600 Spearhead Division Ave, Ft Knox, KY 40122

    SUBJECT: Resignation in Protest


    Dear Mr. President:

      I hereby resign my commission as an Officer in the United States Army.

       I resign because I refuse to support U.S. armed drone policy. The Executive Branch continues to claim the right to kill anyone, anywhere on earth, at any time, for secret reasons, based on secret evidence, in a secret process, undertaken by unidentified officials. I refuse to support this policy of unaccountable killing.

       I resign because I refuse to support U.S. nuclear weapon policy. The Executive Branch continues to invest billions of dollars into nuclear weapons, which threaten the existence of humankind and the earth. I refuse to support this policy of terror and mutually assured destruction.

        I resign because I refuse to support U.S. policy of preventive war, permanent military supremacy, and global power projection. The Executive Branch continues to claim extraconstitutional authority and impunity from international law. I refuse to support this policy of imperial overstretch.

       I resign because I refuse to serve as an empire chaplain. I cannot reconcile these policies with either my sworn duty to protect and defend America and our constitutional democracy, or my covenantal commitment to the core principles of my religious faith.

       These principles include: justice, equity and compassion in human relations; a free and responsible search for truth; and the inherent worth and dignity of every person.


    Christopher John Antal


    My View: In drone warfare we ought not trust

    (This is a My View column written by Rev. Chris and published in the Times Herald Record)

    By Rev. Chris J. Antal

    Less than a month after I deployed to Afghanistan, on Oct. 24, 2012, a grandmother who lived over the hill from our base camp was out gathering okra in a field when she was killed by a U.S. drone strike.

    Or was she?

    Official sources claimed they killed "militants" that day; I didn't see her, or anyone else, die. All I saw were the drones, taking off, landing, and circling around. I did not even hear the explosion.

    Months later I watched the testimony of 13-year-old Zubair Rehman, describing how he saw his grandmother blown to bits by two hellfire missiles on the day in question, asking his American audience: "Why?"

    They didn't have an answer.

    While deployed, I concluded our drone strikes disproportionately kill innocent people. As a military chaplain, I preached a sermon questioning the morality of such warfare. After my commander read it, he said "the message does not support the mission" and had me investigated, officially reprimanded and released from active duty for "retraining."

    The legal scholar and former Obama administration official Rosa Brooks spoke about the so-called Global War on Terror, "We have the Executive Branch making a claim it has the right to kill anyone anywhere on earth at any time for secret reasons based on secret evidence in a secret process undertaken by unidentified officials." In short, I do not know what mission I should be retrained to support – the very nature of that mission is secret. When I joined the Army, I did not swear an oath to defend secret and unaccountable killing. I took an oath to defend the Constitution – a set of laws that, I believe, this type of warfare significantly undermines.

    From the perspective of both religious wisdom and military values, drone warfare, as conducted by the United States today, is a betrayal of what is right. My faith affirms the inherent worth and dignity of all people, everywhere. I believe Americans who share that affirmation have a responsibility to advocate for a U.S. foreign policy that reflects our regard for human dignity. Military leadership also has a responsibility to advocate for a method of war-fighting consistent with military values like respect, integrity, and personal courage. Too often, I worry, our program of drone warfare falls short of these ideals.

    Two years after coming home, I finally got retrained. It came at the nation's first Interfaith Conference on Drone Warfare that was held at Princeton Theological Seminary in late January. More than 100 faith leaders gathered from across the country united in our moral anguish about drone warfare. I believe the only moral justification for killing is to protect the innocent from certain harm. Killing people we suspect might possibly harm us at some point in the unspecified future can never be morally justified. I fear what has been called "The Moral Hazard of Drones" - they make killing too easy; and just because we can, does not mean we ought.

    Out of the Princeton Conference came a call to action: We must call on the administration to immediately halt lethal drone strikes and be transparent and accountable for past harm; we must call on Congress to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) that serves as drone warfare's legal justification.

    We owe this to Zubair, and the thousands like him. We owe this to our service members who yearn to fight justly. We owe this to the many veterans like myself living in moral pain. Immediately halting lethal drone strikes would be the first step in healing moral injury, reclaiming national honor, and restoring the soul of America.

    The Rev. Chris J. Antal is a minister at Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern.

Guest Category: Education, Military, News, Politics & Government, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Gospel Artist
Guest Biography:

Ashley grew up in Montgomery Al. and started singing in the choir at the age of 4, her Dad and Mother are in bible based Christians who serve as deacon and deaconess of their church she began writing and playing the piano at age 12, shortly she began playing in local studios.

Guest Category: Music, Spiritual