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Guest Occupation: Business Success Coach
Guest Biography:

Pamela Bruner is a Business Success Coach, author, speaker, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) expert. After removing her own marketing fears to take her business from $375/month to $1,000,000 in less than 3 years, Pamela specializes in working with entrepreneurs to build six-and seven-figure businesses by removing their challenges around marketing and sales. She is the co-author of ‘Tapping into Ultimate Success’ book and DVD with Jack Canfield, creator of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'. Pamela also heads Read Social Media Success, a digital marketing agency offering the power of Facebook marketing to transformational entrepreneurs.

Guest Category: Business, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Product Developer
Guest Biography:

By definition, VaniCovers® for Pets are innovative, lightweight, absorbent covers that fit around bathroom sinks on the vanity countertop. They provide a splash-free hygienic environment for bathing small pets in the bathroom sink.

VaniCovers® for Pets (V4P) are an aesthetic, non-skid and fully-functional alternative to towels or wash-cloths that are designed for oval and rectangular bathroom sinks, are durable and are machine-washable on a regular basis.

I am Geoff Phillips. and over many years, I have had success in creating solutions with various products that were either acquired from me or purchased directly from my distribution companies.

My manufacturing experience in outsourcing production in China and other countries has provided me with the expertise to embark upon the development of this unique product I want to share with you.

One day, when visiting the groomer with my son and his dog, I was shocked at the cost and tip for a wash. Instinctively, my reaction to groomer service fees was to find a better and less-expensive way and an alternative option to bathing pets regularly in the shower. As an Inventor of several successful products, I considered multiple options for vanity top, "drop-in" and "under-mount" sink concepts. I developed several prototypes, one of which was a modular micro-fiber absorbent cover that would fit around oval and rectangular sinks and faucets with a uniquely invented and patent-pending “Velcro-hinge” developed over several months and the VaniCovers® for Pets “splash cover” was “born”!!

VaniCovers® for Pets offers both an inexpensive bathing solution and a remedy to prevent exposing pet owners to potential long-term back injury in the care of their pets and provides an easier and cheerful option to bathe small pets in the sink without bending down in the shower, tub or outdoors during harsh winters or sweltering summers.

VaniCovers® for Pets are made from rolls of micro-fiber material laminated with super-absorbent foam padding including a light silicone layer creating a soft, safe and non-slip cover in which pets feel secure stepping into and out of the sink.

Up to now, a manufactured splash-free bathroom mat surrounding a sink has not been replicated because of differences in sink sizes, styles and shapes. A manufactured towel product, by example, with a cut and sewn "hole” would not be an economical solution for different sinks, Wrapping towels that slip and slide around the sink cause anguish to pets who prefer to stay dry and safe from slipping vs. their stepping on a bath-mat from the shower or tub

The modular VaniCovers® for Pets is designed for multiple sinks and is both functional and ergonomically ideal for waist-height, non-skid, pet bathing solutions previously not available for regular pet care.

It's ironic that many small pets can miss their regular bathing schedule due to the hassle of strenuous physical strain bending awkwardly over the tub or shower. Imagine the difficulties we would have of taking a shower once a week because of discomfort in getting in or out of the tub.

These inexpensive, lightweight, durable machine-washable VaniCovers® for Pets now simplify bathing time in the bathroom sink to an easy few minutes without stress.

Guest Category: Pets and Animals
Guest Occupation: Certified Pet Behavior Consultant & Author
Guest Biography:

Darlene Arden, an award-winning writer, lecturer, and author of “The Irrepressible Toy Dog,” (Howell Book House”) and “The Angel Memorial Animal Hospital Book of Wellness and Preventive Care for Dogs (Contemporary Books), is an internationally recognized authority on Toy dogs and their care, and a Certified Animal Behavior Consultant.

Darlene has written hundreds of articles and columns for all of the major dog and cat publications, as well as newspapers and general interest public ations.

A former member of Dog Writers’ Association of America, Inc., and former member and director of the Cat Writers’ Association and a member of Boston Authors, Darlene is a recipient of numerous awards, including the Maxwell Award, the Muse Medallion, and the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals/American Humane Education Society’s Media Award for veterinary writing and animal welfare.

She also writes celebrity profiles and travel features, is a frequent guest on radio and television, and she produces and hosts her own cable television show, “Creatively Speaking".

Guest Category: Pets and Animals
Guest Occupation: President of Hancock Lumber Company
Guest Biography:

Not for Sale

Modern day Soul Quest,  journey of a businessman,  who lost his voice to find a deeper meaning of life
Losing his own voice helped him to find voice for others and how that changed the whole dynamic of his own company and became a message for the 21-century  Leadership.
Kevin Hancock is the President of Hancock Lumber Company. Established in 1848, Hancock Lumber operates ten retail stores and three sawmills that are led by 460 employees. The company also grows trees on 12,000 acres of timberland in Southern Maine.Hancock Lumber is a multi-year recipient of the ‘Best Places to Work in Maine’ award. The company is also a past recipient of the Maine Family Business of the Year Award, the Governor’s Award for Business Excellence, and the MITC ‘Exporter of the Year’ award.Kevin is a past chairman of the National Lumber and Building Materials Dealers Association as well as the Bridgton Academy Board of Trustees. Kevin is a recipient of the Ed Muskie ‘Access to Justice’ Award, the Habitat For Humanity ‘Spirit of Humanity’ Award, the Boy Scouts of America ‘Distinguished Citizen’ Award, and Timber Processing Magazine’s ‘Man of the Year’ Award. Kevin also spent 20 years coaching middle school basketball for the Lake Region school district.
Kevin is a graduate of Lake Region High School and Bowdoin College. He is also a frequent visitor to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. In 2015,
Kevin published a book about his experiences with the Oglala Sioux Tribe titled,
Not For Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse
The book won the 2015 National Indie Excellence Award, first place in leadership and runner-up in the spirituality category. Kevin is an advocate of strengthening the voices of all individuals—within a company or a community such as Pine Ridge—through listening, empowering and shared leadership.
But Kevin life hit an unexpected challenge:

In 2010, at the peak of the housing market collapse, he began to have trouble speaking. When he want to talk, all the muscles in his throat would spasm and contract. Worse yet, talking left him dizzy, sore and not wanting to say very much.

Later that year he was diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia (SD),a rare neurological voice disorder. SD has no known cause or cure and affects only speech. The two treatments are periodic Botox injections (chemical) and seeking a deep sense of inner peace and calm (spiritual).

As a forced response to the disorder, he started talking less at work. He shared the stage more broadly, inviting others to lead meetings and events that he traditionally would have controlled himself. It didn’t take long before magical changes began taking place. He quickly saw that the company functioned better when more people led. In addition, he was able to put a bit more balance into his life and saw how that, in turn, made him more valuable and useful for others. By 2012, he came to see his voice condition as a blessing, not a curse…as an opportunity rather than a liability. The opportunity was simple yet powerful: What if we could create an organization where everybody would lead?  What if we could create an organization where every voice felt trusted, respected, important and heard? Wouldn’t an organization where everybody led outperform an organization where just a few, chosen people held all the cards?

So, they went to work establishing systems and support mechanisms designed to make everyone’s voice stronger...employee surveys, team huddles, focus groups and more.It could all be a coincidence, but in the years that followed employee engagement (as defined by employees) soared and they performance took off to new heights as well.

Around this time, Kevin fortuitously began traveling to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota (statistically the poorest place in America). Over time he learned that before the reservation era when the Lakota people were strong, most of the power in their society went to the individual. The strength, freedom, responsibility and voice of each person was encouraged through tribal values, political systems and cultural rites such as the Vision Quest. After the reservation was established, pretty much all the power in their society was rounded up and placed in the governing center…with the Great Father in Washington, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Tribal Council. Under this structure of central over-reaching, the community suffered. 

Then it struck him. 

Across time, those who hold the power have often over-reached…leaders often go too far. But around the world, the power of the individual is speaking out. Increasingly today we live in a world where each individual wants to seek and speak their own personal sense of truth., This is true for companies, churches, governments, and families.

Kevin's conclusion; In the Aquarian Age leadership is about doing less not more. It is about restraint. It is about holding the power but not using it. It’s about listening without judging or correcting. It is about being connected and aware of how others feel. 

He has come to believe that organizations that embrace each individual voice as unique and important will, over time, outperform those who cling to a more traditional view of power. All this he came to learn by losing the consistent use of his own voice. That seeming liability turned out to be a blessing. Kevin's voice disorder and his time at Pine Ridge combined to connect him more deeply with the essence of who he was and to want to help other do the same. We are all searching for our true voice. That’s the essence of being human.  When leaders talk less and listen more, they guide humanity forward. 


Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor.
Guest Biography:

Dan Millman is a former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor. After an intensive, twenty-year spiritual quest, Dan's teaching found its form as the Peaceful Warrior's Way, expressed fully in his books and lectures. His work continues to evolve over time, to meet the needs of a changing world. Dan's thirteen books, including Way of the Peaceful Warrior, have inspired and informed millions of readers in 29 languages worldwide. The feature film, "Peaceful Warrior," starring Nick Nolte, was adapted from Dan's first book, based upon incidents from his life. Much of Dan's time is devoted to writing and speaking. His keynotes, seminars, and workshops span the generations to influence men and women from all walks of life, including leaders in the fields of health, psychology, education, business, politics, sports, entertainment, and the arts.  Each of Dan's books provides a new and different facet of a Peaceful Warrior's approach to living wisely and well. In a sense, each book is another piece of the puzzle of personal and spiritual growth.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Business Development Coach
Guest Biography:

Founder and Principal at On Trac Coach

If you are a Lawyer or other legal professional and want to grow your practice or contribute to the growth of your firm, you should speak with Gary. In his 11th year as a business coach specializing in the legal industry, Gary works with Managing Partners, Partners, Associates, Law Clerks, Paralegals and Legal Assistants.

His clients come from across Canada and from large and small firms, covering numerous practice areas and at various stages in their careers. He is the first, and to-date, only Lawyer Coach in to be published in Canada, now with two books out from Carswell. "Raindance: The Business Development Guidebook for Lawyers", was published in 2012, and Raindance II: A Blueprint for Growing Your Practice was published in 2014. He is frequently called upon to speak at legal conferences and events. Gary writes a monthly column on marketing and business development for The Lawyers Weekly, entitled 'The Coach'.

Gary is deeply passionate about helping Lawyers and Law Firms think differently about the Business of Law and to capitalize on the opportunities that exist in this ever-changing marketplace. As a Coach, he takes a very practical, tactical and down-to-earth approach. Gary’s clients feed off of his entrepreneurial energy and drive, and appreciate his 'street marts.' They value his timely and frank advice. Email:

Guest Category: Business, Marketing, Management, Legal, Education, Self Help, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Holistic Adviser
Guest Biography:

Holistic Adviser to Women for Optimal Health, Prosperity, and Passion! Helping women get digestive relief so they feel energetic, confident about their health and look forward the future. President and CEO of Femanna: Femanna is a wellness company providing you with inspiration, education & tools that nourish your body, heart and soul. We use a combination of cutting-edge, complimentary and traditional approaches to work with you as a whole person creating long-lasting transformation.


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Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Reiki Master/Teacher and Equine Massage Therapist
Guest Biography:

My name is Bill O’Connell. I live in a small mountain town in Colorado called Guffey. I am a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Equine Massage Therapist. I became a massage therapist in January 2013 through the Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage. I initially learned Reiki levels 1 & 2 to add to my massage practice in March 2014. Little did I know then how Reiki would change my life. I thought I was just going to learn how to do energy work with horses and better my massage practice and hopefully increase my business. But Reiki had different plans for me. It changed my life! One month after being attuned to levels one & two I found myself in my first yoga class, and on that same day became a vegetarian! My path to my own healing and self-transformation had begun. From that first day of being attuned to Reiki in March 2014, it became my way of life. I loved it immediately. I have used Reiki for myself and others, including animals, every day since that first day. Reiki has also become my spiritual path. It has guided me and lifted me to new spiritual heights. I knew I had found the road I was meant to be on, the Road of Reiki!

In April 2015, I became a Reiki Master/Teacher and became an affiliate member of the Reiki Membership Association. This association is through the International Center for Reiki Training. I love teaching and sharing Reiki with others. I feel very blessed to be able to do this. I teach classes at a few different locations in Colorado, as well as do Reiki sessions for people and animals. I have also taught in Alaska and soon to teach in North Carolina. I will also travel anywhere in Colorado where we can put a class together. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in coming to a scheduled class, or having me come to your location to teach a class or classes, or if you have any questions about Reiki. I teach all levels of Reiki: Levels 1 & 2 and Advanced Reiki Training & Reiki Master Training. These classes are all Usui/Holy Fire Reiki.   

Email, Phone: 719-479-4013

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing