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Guest Name
Gary Mitchell
Gary Mitchell
Guest Occupation
Business Development Coach
Guest Biography

Founder and Principal at On Trac Coach

If you are a Lawyer or other legal professional and want to grow your practice or contribute to the growth of your firm, you should speak with Gary. In his 11th year as a business coach specializing in the legal industry, Gary works with Managing Partners, Partners, Associates, Law Clerks, Paralegals and Legal Assistants.

His clients come from across Canada and from large and small firms, covering numerous practice areas and at various stages in their careers. He is the first, and to-date, only Lawyer Coach in to be published in Canada, now with two books out from Carswell. "Raindance: The Business Development Guidebook for Lawyers", was published in 2012, and Raindance II: A Blueprint for Growing Your Practice was published in 2014. He is frequently called upon to speak at legal conferences and events. Gary writes a monthly column on marketing and business development for The Lawyers Weekly, entitled 'The Coach'.

Gary is deeply passionate about helping Lawyers and Law Firms think differently about the Business of Law and to capitalize on the opportunities that exist in this ever-changing marketplace. As a Coach, he takes a very practical, tactical and down-to-earth approach. Gary’s clients feed off of his entrepreneurial energy and drive, and appreciate his 'street marts.' They value his timely and frank advice. Email: