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Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Intuitive Counselor, Teacher, Soul-Level Practitioner, Body Alignment Therapist, Alchemical Hynotherapist, Reiki Master, Attunement Practitioner, Psychotherapist, Avatar Master
Guest Biography:

Susann Taylor Shier is a highly established and exceptionally gifted author, speaker, and intuitive counselor who teaches you how to access and live from the magnificence of your soul gifts, strengths and purpose in this world. With over 35 years as a soul-level practitioner, Susann is committed to inspire the revelation of each person’s heart and soul.

As a master of intuitive connection, Susann’s soul level coaching and teaching opens you to build the bridge from your soulful and heart-centered self to the vibrant, joyful expression of life, allowing your destiny to be seen, supported and fulfilled.

In her work, Susann applies skills and experience from thirty years in the healing arts field.  She has a B.A. in Psychology and is a certified Body Alignment Therapist, Alchemical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and Attunement Practioner. She was registered with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) as a psychotherapist for over 17 years. Susann is also trained in Cellular Release, Craniosacral Therapy and is a licensed Avatar Master.

As a master of intuitive connection who uses the tools that Spirit has revealed to her in her own life, Susann’s powerful teachings bridge the soulful and heart-centered self to the vibrant, joyful expression of life – allowing your destiny to be seen and fulfilled.

Speaking from her heart and channeling her incredible resources, Susann guides you to come alive to the power of your magnificent self in her book trilogy: Soul Mastery – Accessing the Gifts of Your Soul, Soul Radiance – Bring Your Soul Riches to Life and Soul Reunion – The Return Home from Separation.

Susann Taylor Shier presents Soul Mastery, Soul Radiance, and Soul Reunion workshops, book events, and teleclasses, as well as her renowned Learn to Read the Akashic Records and Soul Clearing trainings. She is also well known for her Ignite Your Intuition classes.

Susann has been featured on numerous TV and radio shows across the United States and abroad. She travels across the US and works internationally with clients both in person and on the telephone.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Psychology, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Cellular Memory Authority, Speaker, Songwriter, Singer, Musician, Recording Artist, Doctor, Acupuncturist
Guest Biography:

Robin, the most common ingredient missing from modern prescriptions is the very soul of the individual seeking help.

Robin explores these issues in his first book, "Healing Ways -- A Doctor's Guide to Healing" (Penguin Books 2000).

His second book “The Human Aerial” (Zenith Publishing 2006) explores dimensions beyond the detection of our five senses, and the impact these insights will have on our future healing. Along the way he unravels the mysteries of the chakras, telepathy, intuition, creativity and channeling. A revised edition, "The Human Antenna" was released in the US and Canada.

The Human Hologram followed The Human Antenna by winning Science Book of the Year at the 2011 USA Best Books Awards.

He is now a sought after guest on internet and syndicated radio shows in the US and worldwide, with interviews on's Dreamland, Revelations with William Henry, and Coast to Coast with George Noory. In 2008, Robin has also featured in the DVD  'Your Guide to True Happiness', and was filmed as an authority on cellular memory for the DVD special features of the Hollywood movie 'The Eye.' He was also featured on the 2010 New Zealand documentary 'Project 10.10.10 - Pill or Perception.'

Robin is also a passionate songwriter, singer and musician who has recorded four CDs of original songs 'Black Ice'' (1998) and 'Silk & Knives' (2002), 'Shimmer' (2006) and 'Something Magical' (late 2009). His songs have been played on National Radio, and 1ZB, with a further live performance on TV1's Good Morning Show. 'Shimmer' was nominated for 2010 Album of the Year by the US Indie Music Digest, and he was a runner up in the Nashville Song of the 2010 summer.

He has just finished writing a musical stage show “Chakramor” an audio-visual entertainment based on the growth of human consciousness, set to the rhythms of the 21st century.

He runs an integral health practice from his home in partnership with his wife Trish, a trained nurse and midwife. Trish and Robin have three children –Sophie, Lucy and Toby, and in November 2009, a beautiful granddaughter Pyper.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: ET Contactee, Spiritual Healer, Psychotherapist, Remote Therapist, Seer
Guest Biography:

Leda Green who lives in Israel, and is very well known due to her highly advanced method of diagnosis and healing, and is working with a group of Extra-terrestrials and Light Beings. Leda can connect by thought with anyone anywhere whenever she wishes to do so, and can immediately determine their condition. She sees people as an energy, and scans their brain and heals by a process of “fixing” their energy. Leda can also enter a persons mind, thinks positively and changes their pattern of thinking, and the chemistry of the brain. If she needs to make a physical contact, it is only by the lightest touch with her fingertips.

Leda Green is a spiritual healer and psychotherapist who during the past 20 years has developed a unique way of healing people: functioning from far without seeing or touching the person. This non-local or remote therapy helps to overcome serious illnesses and stimulates well being, A treatment usually feels like a glowing radiance in your body and leaves you feeling peaceful and much more relaxed.

Leda brings to the table all manner of skills and abilities to help you heal mind, body and spirit. Her spiritual energy can help speed up the natural healing process of the body and improves recovery time from a serious illness. Leda believes that her patients should continue relationship with their physicians while she compliments conventional medicine by channeling life energy to the patients. Most of her patients were able to drastically reduce their medicine intake and sometimes eliminate it completely.

Leda helps heal life-challenging illness, a chronic situation, emotional distress, relationship problems, forgiveness of someone, family stress or any of the myriad of life's challenges. She works with people individually as well as in groups and uses various different methods, Anyone who had been to one of Leda's sessions comes out feeling renewed and rejuvenated.

Leda also specializes in forecasting the future where she gives a pretty definite time frame for future events and guides people through difficult situations. Her patients get the piece of mind that is so important in every day life.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Energy Healing, Paranormal, UFOs, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Inspirational Speaker, Author, Media Commentator, Clergy, Theologian, Author, Spiritual Leader
Guest Biography:

Robert V. Taylor is a nationally recognized leader, author, and sought-after speaker and media commentator. He is absolutely passionate about helping individuals and organizations to realize their full human potential and impact in the world—and has invested a lifetime in doing just that.

Born and raised in South Africa, Robert saw firsthand the difference that could be made when oppressed people are given the freedom to discover their voices, trust their imaginations, and find the courage to be who they are. These experiences deeply empowered him, transforming his life.

As a young adult, Robert worked tirelessly to end apartheid. In 1980 his mentor, Archbishop Desmond Tutu sent Robert to the United States to avoid imprisonment for his anti-apartheid activity.

He graduated from Rhodes University, South Africa, and completed graduate work at Union Theological Seminary, New York, eventually becoming the highest-ranking openly gay clergy person in the Episcopal church at the time.

Robert lives by his own belief that goodness and kindness are possible each day as we show up for life. He continues to explore integrating personal spirituality and values-driven strategies with the question of how we each leave a footprint of compassion in the world—both at home, and in the corporate marketplace.

His book, A New Way to Be Human: 7 Spiritual Pathways to Becoming Fully Alive (New Page Books, April 2012)offers a path to an integrated life of purpose.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Politics & Government, Religion, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Doctor, Social Scientist, Comparative Religionist, Scholar, Author, Founder of The Academy for Future Science, Professor, Consultant, Speaker, Researcher, Orientalist, Anthropologist, Writer, Composer
Guest Biography:

The “Keys” to Our Future Are Laid Before Us...

They are social scientists and futurists. Dr. J.J. Hurtak is a remote sensing specialist, an anthropologist and archeologist who has written, translated and published over fifteen books. Together with his wife Desiree, they have written numerous commentaries on the ancient Coptic texts illustrating Jesus’s work and especially involving the “Los Scriptures” being found in the Middle East.

The Academy For Future Science

The Keys of Enoch


James Hurtak is an American social scientist, comparative religionist, scholar, author, and founder and president of The Academy for Future Science. He is author of over 15 books, including commentaries on ancient mystical and gnostic texts such as the Pistis Sophia.

Former professor at California State University, Northridge and California State University, Los Angeles, his educational background includes a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley and a second Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. He was technical consultant for Sidney Sheldon's bestseller, The Doomsday Conspiracy (1991). He has spoken before professional audiences throughout the World, speaking in Africa, South America, Europe, and the Pacific. In the capacity of a scientific consultant, he has been featured in numerous film documentaries, and has appeared on international television programs.

Hurtak is best known for his book published originally in 1973, entitled The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch where he claimed to receive knowledge from a visitation from Enoch, and in which he wrote about the apparently unusual relationship of the star shafts in the Great Pyramid with the "Belt" of Orion, and where he claims that pyramids were built on Mars for artificial intelligences to gather information. Hurtak holds the post of Research Director, Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association. He is also co-author of the book entitled The End of Suffering, which he wrote with physicist and parapsychologist Russell Targ.

His academic career began as an orientalist and specialist in ancient cultures as Assistant Professor of Anthropology at California State University, Northridge, and at California State Los Angeles. He went on to teach as part of the original faculty at the California Institute of the Arts in the field of Critical Studies and Music.

Working with the various ethnic cultures of the world, he has taken his interest in music and the relatively unknown cultures of developing nations to create and inspire many new music CDs and lyrical scores. His writings, compositions, and devotional chanting has influenced many leading musicians, including Carlos Santana. He has collaborated with Alice Coltrane—using Aramaic, Hebrew and Sanskrit sacred expressions—on her CD Sacred Language of Ascension. His works were also performed in 2010 by the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Yoga, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Doctor, Social Scientist, Futurist, Author, Director of The Academy For Future Science, Scholar, Historian, Theologian
Guest Biography:

The “Keys” to Our Future Are Laid Before Us...

They are social scientists and futurists.Together with her husband James, they have written numerous commentaries on the ancient Coptic texts illustrating Jesus’s work and especially involving the “Los Scriptures” being found in the Middle East.

The Academy For Future Science

The Keys of Enoch


Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D. is a social scientist, author and director/co-founder of The Academy For Future Science, an international organization. The wife of J.J. Hurtak, she has co-written with him numerous books including the text and commentaries on the Coptic texts The Pistis Sophia and The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene). Her recent work involves environmental studies and the film documentation of indigenous cultures to preserve their cultural heritage. To this end, she has also studied and written on the philosophies and literature of various ancient cultures including Egypt and Mesoamerica to understand their importance in our evolving society, producing graphic animation films such as and The Light Body and Initiation.


"Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D. (Cand) MS. Sc, Founder and Director of The Academy For Future Science, an international non-profit organization, which is a UN-NGO (ECOSOC), working towards the development of consciousness and environmental sustainability. She is an adjunct Professor at SUNY, Purchase College, New York and her recent work involves comparative environmental studies and the deeper understanding of indigenous cultures

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Physics & Metaphysics, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: 100 Most Influential People in the World, Cardiologist, Molicular Cardiovascular Researcher, Scientist, Teacher, Physician, Principal Investigator, Writer, Columnist, Author, Editor, Consultant, Advisor, Lecturer, Professor
Guest Biography:

Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen says the Food and Drug Administration waited too long to warn about muscle problems with the highest dose of Zocor.

Awards & Honors

"100 Most Influential People in the World," TIME Magazine, 2007

"Country’s 30 Most Powerful Forces in Business and Finance," Smart Money, 2007

President, American College of Cardiology, a 34,000 member, non-profit, professional medical society, whose mission is to advocate for quality cardiovascular care - through education, research promotion, development and application of standards and guidelines - and to influence health care policy, March 2006 thru March 2007

Honorary Member of the Japanese College of Cardiology (JCC), 2007

Award for Outstanding Contributions to Cardiovascular Research from the Gill Heart Institute of the University of Kentucky, 2004

Outstanding Scientist Award by the Cleveland Clinic, 2004

A number of additional honors and recognitions have been bestowed on Dr. Nissen; on three occasions, he received the Outstanding Teacher Award presented by the Fellows of Cardiovascular Medicine at Cleveland Clinic, 2004, 1998, 1994

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Counselor, Consultant, Lecturer, Radio Show Host, Psychologist, Quantum Life Coach, Author
Guest Biography:

Sandra Anne Taylor is an international speaker, counselor, and consultant who lectures throughout the world on the power of eternal consciousness and personal energy. Her popular radio show, Living Your Quantum Success, explores these principles and offers insight, advice, and readings to people all over the world. It can be heard Mondays on hayhouse radio.

Sandra believes passionately that we can change both our personal destiny and the destiny of our species. The Law of Expanding Influence shows that as each of us makes the effort to increase our loving energy for ourselves and others, we will expand the fields of love to all those who need it most.

Sandra has appeared in several movies, including Beyond Belief and The Truth. She's been interviewed on television and radio all over the world and in many national magazines, including Cosmopolitan, Woman's World, Family Circle, Redbook and Success magazine, as well as New Idea in Australia. Her books are available in 24 languages and dozens of countries around the globe.

Sandra and her identical twin sister, Sharon Anne Klingler are co-founders of Starbringer Associates, a consultant bureau that produces books, CDs and audio seminars for personal and business enhancement. To purchase Books or CDs by Sandra, Sharon and their associates please visit:

For more than 25 years, Sandra has been a counselor in a private psychology practice, working with individuals and couples in the treatment of anxiety, depression, addiction, and relationship issues. Her Quantum Life Coaching program offers powerful techniques for connecting spirit, mind, and manifestation. Her multidimensional approach brings exceptional clarity and practicality to the science of whole-life healing and personal achievement.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Self Help, Spiritual