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Guest Occupation: Global Director and Ambassador of EMOTO PEACE PROJECT
Guest Biography:

Everything is vibration. Vibration is energy and information. Water absorbs all vibration. It is mainstream science that water has memory and transmits information. Our consciousness, thoughts, emotions, words, actions are vibration which affects water. As both human body and surface of the earth are almost 70% water , they affect our life, health, environment and ultimately the Mother Earth. Water shows in its crystaline structures how powerful our consciousness is and shows how we can live so that we can be healthy, happy, harmonious, and so can Mother Earth as well.

Ambassador and Global Director of the Emoto Peace Project, Michiko continues the work and legacy of Dr Emoto, whose aim was to give 650 million free copies of the children’s book “Message from Water,” containing water crystal photos, showing that water has consciousness and memory, and that by raising our vibration, the world will become a harmonious and peaceful place based on Love and Gratitude.

Michiko Hayashi is the Ambassador, Global Director and Lecturer of the Emoto Peace Project HQ in Japan and in America. Born in Japan, Michiko is the daughter of a chief Buddhist priest, from whom she learned to be humble, honest, diligent, and kind. In 2004, she began working as an administrative personal assistant to Dr. Masaru Emoto, water researcher and author of many books, “Message from Water”, “The Hidden Messages in Water”, “The Secret Life of Water”, “The True Power of Water”. 

In 2005, Dr. Emoto declared the Emoto Peace Project (EPP) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in order to make the whole world a harmonious and peaceful place based on Love and Gratitude, and he announced that he would give 650 million children’s books of “Message from Water” free of charge to all children on earth. He was the founder of the Emoto Peace Project, pioneer of HADO (vibration), researcher of water, and author.

His personal assistant for over 10 years, Michiko worked with Dr. Emoto until he passed away on 17th October, 2014 at the young age of 71. Michiko is the successor of Dr Emoto’s legacy and the Emoto Peace project, she gives lectures and Presentations to adults and children around the world, on Emoto’s revolutionary findings that our thoughts and words have a direct effect on water, through crystal formation – and she also plays an important role in many ongoing water crystal projects. She is the successor of his legacy. 

She is the author of more than 10 books on English as well as translator of books from English into Japanese.

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Free Gift: The Message From Water – Free books for children translated in 30 different languages

by Dr Masaru Emoto.

Guest Category: Education, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Spanish Interpreter, English Language Assistant, Resource Assistant, substitute teacher
Guest Biography:

Teresita Landin (Spanish Interpreter)

Ms. Landin has been working at Woodland Star for the past two years as an English Language Assistant, Resource Assistant and substitute teacher. In addition to continuing with her EL and Resource work, she will be teaching Kindergarten and third grade Spanish. She has been a parent in our community for the past four years and brings a deep multi-cultural understanding to her teaching and to our community. Ms. Landin earned her Bachelors degree in Science and Elementary Education from Pacific Union College in Angwin, CA

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Entertainment, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Channels Zorra of Hollow Earth
Guest Biography:

Colonel Billie Faye Woodard of the United States Air Force.

Billie Faye Woodard Story | Zorra of Hollow Earth.

Col. Billie Faye Woodard (ret.) and his twin sister, Zuria, were born in the Inner Earth, and brought to the outer Earth on September 18, 1951. They were both born with exceptional abilities, including the ability to speak an ancient Lemurian language. Both Billie and his sister were born with both male and female organs, and were hermaphrodites, but over the years Billie has become more masculine and today he has become very strong and speaks with a masculine voice.

His exceptional abilities and intelligence led him to a rapid rise in the military, and during the late 1960s, he rose to the rank of Colonel, and became the base commander of Area 51. During his time there, he took a shuttle craft from the base to visit his parents in the Inner Earth. He is in touch with his parents now and visits the Inner Earth frequently.

In these interviews, I talk with Billie Faye and his father Zorra from the Hollow Earth, who speaks through Billie. Zorra gives important messages to humanity from the Inner Earth and the beautiful bright future for all of us!

Billie Faye Woodard (Zaraya)

My father, Zorra, is a Hollow Earth scientist who has made 150,000 trips around the sun. My sister and myself are originally from the Hollow Earth. Our true parents and family live in Hollow Earth. When our adopted father took us in his adopted children we spoke a language unknown to any surface culture. 

One of the remarkable thing that makes Billie different from us here on the surface is that unlike us he does not have a blood type.  His blood is different.  It seems the composition of his blood is more advanced in the sense that any virus and or bacteria that was tested in the laboratory of the US Military could not infect his blood.  Instead the virus and the bacteria died for some unknown reason when mixed with own his blood on a petri dish; and this was observed by doctors with their own microscope.  Billie also does not have any fingerprints.  All of his fingers does not have any skin threads that we associate as "human fingerprints".   And the other thing, Billie has two  hearts operating simultaneously. 

Zorra appeared and helped his child remember the past and get him back in line to what his original mission for coming to the surface.  Zorra used his own aeroship to come to the surface but for us we call it UFO. 

At the age of 12, while walking through a field of corn with another friend I had a paranormal experience. I was taken into a UFO vehicle and transported into the Inner Earth. Here, I lived for 6 months among the Hollow Earth residents. 

You may imagine the wonder of my parents especially of my Father who was in the Military Service, at that time when I disappeared, then to mysteriously return in 6 months. It was due to this experience that I believe my Father made certain that I was engaged under his wing at the Pentagon and later directed to serve at Area 51. 

I am not the biological offspring of my father, but an adopted child as was my sister. My sister and I were separated when she was put in the hands of the "secret government" for observation. They were trying to find the source of her paranormal abilities.  When she became aware of their plans to take her life to perform a research autopsy, she sent a telepathic call to Hollow Earth and on her next "airing" on the surface, was swift;ly picked up by one of the aero ships.  I was able to combat their negativity with my mind, which is stronger, and survived their attacks. 

My father, Zorra, is a Hollow Earth scientist who has made 150,000 trips around the sun. My sister and myself are originally from the Hollow Earth. Our true parents and family live in Hollow Earth. When our adoption father took us in as adopted children we spoke a language unknown to any surface culture. 

I have an unknown blood type. I have never had a disease of any kind. My blood has been medically examined and destroys all viral infection when combined with other blood samples in a lab setting. 

For more information please read:

Guest Category: Entertainment, Kids & Family, Paranormal, Philosophy, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Akashic Records, Angel Communication, Medium & Channeling
Guest Occupation: Energy Medicine Specialist, Author, Internationally Acclaimed Dancer
Guest Biography:

Dondi Simone Dahlin is a published author, award-winning public speaker, and internationally-acclaimed dancer, actress, and teacher. She co-wrote The Little Book of Energy Medicine (Tarcher, 2012) with her mother, Donna Eden, and heads the “Teach the Teacher” program at The Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program in Phoenix, Arizona, where she also teaches teachers public speaking. From 2001-2008 Dondi taught the Five Elements at the renowned Feathered Pipe Ranch in Montana. She has been teaching the Five Elements for over a decade at OMEGA Institute in New York and at various Eden Energy Medicine workshops around the world since the 1990s.

Dondi has been on stage and in television, film and radio since she was a little girl doing acting, dance, voice-overs, and public speaking. She is at home in front of cameras and audiences after performing for over three decades and in over 30 countries. As a college student, she received the coveted, “Outstanding Speaker in the Nation” award and is currently a member of The Screen Actors Guild. As a touring dancer, she was chosen to be the main radio and TV spokesperson for Miles Copeland and “The Belly Dance Superstars,” a 14-person professional dance troupe that performed in over 10 countries and 20 states.

Dondi joined Innersource, after performing around the world for over two decades, and loves being a part of the family business. She has a multifaceted role in the company from writing handbooks and documents to helping teach and coordinate TEEM (Teaching Eden Energy Medicine), to being the company photographer, to helping write books like, The Little Book of Energy Medicine

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author, Health Coach to champions, National Fitness HOF member & creator of Abdoer Exercise machine.
Guest Biography:
Inventor USA Today Bestselling Author World-Renown Sports-Strength Trainer Award-Winning Health & Fitness Spokesperson JOHN ABDO has established himself as a worldwide authority on athletic conditioning, strength training, sports performance, nutrition, and a myriad of other subjects within the fields of exercise science, health, and fitness. As a former Strength & Conditioning Coach, John has trained numerous Olympic and World-Champion athletes, including Bonnie Blair, multiple-time Olympic Gold Medalist in Speed Skating, and Fabricio Werdum, UFC World Heavyweight MMA Champion.As an inductee into the National Fitness Hall of Fame, John has appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows throughout the world reaching millions of households making him one of the most visible motivational educators’ for legions of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Many are familiar with John by way of his Award-Winning innovations that include his AB-Doer®; the world’s first spinal-core conditioner. John is also the formulator for one of the leading male-health nutritional supplements, Androzene®, and is the author of the doctor-approved, Ultimate Sexual Health & Performance; a complete guide to restoring sexual health and vitality. John’s latest literary achievement; a USA Today Bestseller, i s Wolves of Croton - The Untold Story of Milo, an epic tale that depicts the life of the greatest Olympian combatant and undisputed strongest man of all-time, Milo of Croton, 6th Century BC!Approaching age 66, John continues to prove his ability to educate, empower, and motivate audiences as a prolific speaker, motivator, and writer, promoting a myriad of healthy principles for achieving success in all areas of personal and professional life.
Guest Category: Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: LilFreshSam is a distinguished Fashion Designer, Wardrobe Stylist and Humanitarian who cares about people as much as she cares about Design.
Guest Biography:
Self Made Video Motivational Documentary
LilFreshSam is a distinguished Fashion Designer, Wardrobe Stylist and Humanitarian who cares about people as much as she cares about Design. Sam’s passion for fashion originated from a young age and flourished immensely after dropping out of college and starting her first company and clothing brand: INFATUÉ the next day. With a keen eye for transforming clients from common to extraordinary, it’s what Lil Fresh Sam is known for. She has styled and created custom clothing for international names as well as brands like Iggy Azealia, Ashanti, The Fray, UnderAmor, Puma, Skull Candy and more but what brings her the most satisfaction is diversifying the style of the everyday individual. Bringing out the confidence and sense of fearlessness everyone possesses. When Sam’s not creating she’s helping others anyway she can.
Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Dustin Wagner, M.A., LPC
Guest Biography:

Dustin Wagner, holds his credentials as a MA, and a LPC who oversees operations for all Paradigm treatment locations includig day to day programming, treatment content and quality growth management, strategy team support to all therapeutic and operational staff. Mr. Wagner who previously worked at Paradigm in the roles of Therapist and program director, who is also a skilled clinician, with emphasis on family systems who continues to provide direct support both to Paradigm families and the youth. Dustin served as program manager at the Arizona Child and family support services in Flagstaff, an agency that provides community based wrap-around services for the youth and family treatment.

At CFSS, Mr. Wagner also built, facilitated and oversaw an Intensive Outpatient program and served as an individual and group therapist for the Northern Arizona substance abuse services working with the drug courts as a therapist for the youth in the juvenile detention, and as a wilderness therapist for a program that worked throughout Northern Arizona. Dustin holds a master's Degree in counseling and Psychology from Northern Arizona University and has over 15 years of experience working with adolescents in a variety of settings. Please join me August 3, 2021 at 12 Noon as we enjoy a conversation of Paradigm families and youth solutions and treatment with the host of the day Pamela L Henderson..

Guest Category: Business, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Best Selling Author, Speaker, Coach, Mentor and Breakthrough Specialist
Guest Biography:

Brisa Alfaro is a Best Selling Author, Speaker, Coach, Mentor and Breakthrough Specialist.

In our interview - Pinky Moves - she shares how she went from immobile to running marathons!  As a result of this transformation "No More Bad Days" hash tag has evolved.

Brisa was a regular, hard working 32 year- old woman who loved life when a rare and severe stroke that resulted in "locked-in syndrome" changed her life forever. This syndrome, that affects about 1% of people who survive strokes, typically leaves them in a vegetative state, for which there is no treatment or cure. It is extremely rare for patients to recover any significant motor functions, and about 90% die within four months of onset.
Afraid that this prognosis would discourage Brisa's family and friends to start giving up hope, she fought and did not succumb to the odds! Brisa was determined to succeed and never gave up the will to keep on fighting. Her total commitment to meet and defeat the challenges she faced, ultimately resulted in making a complete physical recovery, which astounded everyone, including her doctors.
As a child living in a household with drug and alcohol abuse, Jason felt it was his only option to end his life when he was 15 years old. For the next 20 years, he lived his life while secretly fighting his internal struggle. As a master of burying his feelings and emotions, the outside world had no idea what was going on within his mind. Neither did her sweetie Jason. 
Destroying relationships along the way, Jason stumbled upon learning how to understand what was going on in his thoughts. Jason emphasizes that there is always a positive way out, we have to focus on constructive motivation and inspired action to change our outcomes. 
Once you are able to understand how your mind has been uniquely programmed, how you choose to use our mind to overcome seemingly unbeatable odds is absolutely up to you. Together, Jason and Brisa work as a team, or individually to coach you or as a family. It is their passion and purpose to serve and guiding you toward living your limitless life.
Who do you know that could benefit from learning how to tap into the power of their own minds? 

More about Brisa and Jason here:

The Doctors Show:



Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Self Help