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Guest Occupation: Grand Prior of Knights Templar
Guest Biography:

Born in Milan July 14, 1969, DOMIZIO CIPRIANI grew up in Milan at the age of 29 years, where he carried on the family business in the real estate development. Semi-professional sportsman, Enduro Motorcycle and rally raid pilot, Martial Arts Master with three black belts in different disciplines. He was always being attracted by the pursuit of gnosis and truth, and this is also due to the weight of its name. At age of 29 years-old, he moved to Monaco to develop his work even in the financial field, where founded the company with which it now works as an international financial consultant. In 2010 had the great honor of being able to reactivate the Order of the Knights Templar of Monte Carlo and he was appointed due to his background, Grand Magistral Prior. This assignment really changed his life, giving it a universal guideline that he can follow with confidence, dealing with humanitarian work and creating an academy of study in order to pass on to others the gained knowledge, the so-called fourth street. He got to meet many teachers along the way, gaining considerable experience and being able to live the deep emotions that lead him to be thankful for every moment of joy that lives every day in harmony with the invisibles universe around him. As described in the book, he felt motivated to relate these experiences to share with everyone else.

About my book: Templar Order – The ­templar's path, the p­ath towards the wisdo­m, a new book by Gran­d Prior Domizio Cipri­ani was published tod­ay.

This book delves int­­o the the Templar Kni­­ghts and their belie­f­s. It is an interes­ti­ng look into the a­nci­ent order and the­ir w­ays. This book i­s put­ together by th­e Pres­ident and Co-F­ounder ­of the Monega­sque ass­ociation Ord­er of the­ Knights Te­mplar of J­erusalem.

This book delves int­o the the Templar Kni­ghts and their belief­s. It is an interesti­ng look into the anci­ent order and their w­ays. This book is put­ together by the Pres­ident and Co-Founder ­of the Monegasque ass­ociation Order of the­ Knights Templar of J­erusalem.

In its page­s you will find a ple­thora of information ­on the Knights Templa­r along with a lot of­ food for thought. Re­ading this will have ­you taking another lo­ok at your personal l­ife and actions. Whil­e finding this a book­ requiring deep thoug­ht it is alsi filled ­with fascinating info­rmation regarding the­ Templars. Admist lea­rning about the Templ­ars you will find ele­ments to use in your ­own life.

This is an ­insightful read but d­oes require quiet so ­you can focus. "I woul­d encourage you to re­ad it and gain knowle­dge about this order ­and insights into the­ir thinking. This is ­not a long read but v­ery informative."

Is true that the seal "graal l'abraxas" (in Gnostic cosmology, Abraxas is the name of the highest God, which is the unborn Father) and the Gnostic character of the Order's hierarchy. Christianity in all his knowledge claims, as stated by our Lord Jesus Christ: "The Kingdom of Heaven is for each of you, nothing else is to be found because it is clear that the rest will be given through faith."

This Holy Grail, which is the revelation of the awakening, the Order of the Knights Templar the door in its essence, having regards to the awakening formula and the content of the traditional investiture ritual: Awake, brave knight! The Knights Templar were custodians of other initiatory traditions, a crossroads of cultures, the Knights Templar attended erudite and scholars coming from other civilizations.

The Grand Prior Domizio also interested in a more occult aspect, which revolves around the Notre Dame currents, Mary of Magdala, currents that lead to subsidiaries of all the aristocratic families of the Holy Grail and certain organizations that perpetuate this tradition. No one doubts that the current Order brothers will, in this testimony of a committed Knight Templar, subjects on which to reflect.

This book will incite the Knights Templar of the Order to deepen the subjects evoked. It will also be an indispensable manual for novices who want to be integrated on a little-known path. Congratulations to the Grand Prior Domizio Cipriani for having made his research available to the general public.

Guest Category: History, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Religion, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Bi-aura therapist, holistic life coach
Guest Biography:

In my 30's I was completely overwhelmed, I was depressed, I had acne rosacea and felt helpless and hopeless, I also believed the only way out was to die.  However, the universe had other plans, I sought out alternative healers for the acne and they helped me see the bigger picture which shifted my perspective.  It was a truly transformational experience, I stopped looking outside of me and looked within, I had been a total victim to my parents, my husband, media etc. and never knew I had the power to change me.  My life was a vibrational match to my inner discord, a pure reflection of what I thought I deserved, Mirror, Mirror is a guide book to how I became aware of my oh so critical voice and how I challenged and tamed it, I had forgotten how magical life is. The more conscious I became the more I vibrationally shifted from victim to empowerment.  All imbalance is an inside job.

I live near London, I have 5 children, I give remote healings all over the world and hold workshops on personal energy. My daily intention is to have fun, feel vibrant and appreciate.  I love yoga, painting and walking.


Mobile: +44 (0)7791 448367

Mirror, Mirror Book Link: USA



Instagram: Vibrationalmatchhealing

Fb: Vibrational Match Healing


Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Inspirational, Motivational, Meditation, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: CEO of Luvafoodie
Guest Biography:

Luvafoodie is a brand that connects people who share a passion for food and beverage. In 2014, Michelle Mazzara, CEO of Luvafoodie, decided to follow her dream.  She had worked for large consumer brands companies in sales for the previous twenty-five years. 

She began by adding candy and started selling caramel with the Luvafoodie brand at select grocery stores. Consumers categories beyond confections.  In 2016 she introduced a line of gourmet spices under the Luvafoodie brand.  Following the success, she experienced with spices, she added Belgian chocolates and drink mixes to the portfolio. 

Unexpectedly, in August 2016, Michelle was diagnosed with heart disease having an 80 % blockage in her left anterior descending artery, LAD.  She had been misdiagnosed with costochondritis for 10 months even though she had complained of chest pain, shortness of breath, had a family history of heart disease and a cholesterol reading of 330.    Unfortunately, during recovery, after placement of the stent, Michelle suffered a heart attack.  “This changed my life and my perspective of what I really wanted to do with the brand and my vision of the company, “Michelle stated.  Because of living with heart disease, in January 2017, Luvafoodie launched a salt free spice line and a new Happy Heart Dark Chocolate Belgian Bar.

Michelle is a Brand Ambassador for the Twin Cities American Heart Association Go Red Women Ad Campaign in Minnesota.  She shares her story in order to build awareness about heart disease among women.  She states, “My mission is to help increase awareness of the prevalence of heart disease and stroke among women in order to inspire other women to take charge of their own health.  Heart disease is the #1 killer of women causing 1 in 3 deaths. My mission is to make a difference in peoples’ lives and help prevent heart disease.”

At the end of June, Michelle launched a new line of spice blends created for dogs and cats. The new spice blends for dogs and cats was inspired by Michelle’s aging dog Lucy. Michelle wanted to boost Lucy’s nutrition and help her feel better. The specific herbs used in the Dog and Cat Lovers spice blends are to help boost a cat or dog’s nutrition as a supplement to their dog and cat food.

Luvafoodie products can be found in local Twin Cities grocery stores and on and Luvafoodie Salt Free Recipe Cookbook is available in Kindle and hard copy on

Michelle goal is to continue to expand Luvafoodie spice distribution across the country. Our goal at Luvafoodie is to create clean eating good for your products. Our mission statement is Eat Clean, Be Well & Stay Well.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Inspirational, Motivational
Guest Occupation: Fitness Expert, Author, HOF Martial Artist, & Creator America’s Next Great Trainer & sdi7 Safety & Self Defense
Guest Biography:

Certified through several leading fitness organizations: Master of Fitness through the ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association), IFPA (International Fitness Professionals Association), MMA Strength and Conditioning Coach through IHP (Institute of Human Performance) Creator of the sdi7 Safety. Prevention. Awareness. Self Defense Program and the sdi7 HIIT Workouts. He is a Black Belt, Self Defense & Fitness expert. A former North American Kickboxing Champion and member of the World Champion US Kickboxing Team. Inducted into the Black Belt Masters Hall of Fame. Recognized for Outstanding Martial Arts Achievement, and Listed in The Who’s Who of Martial Arts. Honored with the Joe Lewis PKA Eternal Warrior Award. Author of America’s Next Great Trainer Transform Your Life.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:


the story of happy money

Ken was 29 when he first “retired” to welcome his newborn daughter in the world. At the time, he thought he was “done” with work. He had owned a successful consultant and accounting business, so successful it had allowed him to close up shop and spend his days with the apple of his eye. Little did he realize his “second” career, impacting millions by helping them heal their relationship with money, was about to begin.

That career started innocently enough on a beautiful, sunny day. Ken took his daughter to the park to play. While there, he witnessed a mother and her young daughter, who was about the same age as Ken’s daughter, fighting.

The mother was upset and in a hurry. She yelled, “Your mom has to go to work! So, let’s go home.” But her daughter kept saying, “We just got here. I want to play more. Please?”

After a few minutes of battle, the reluctant girl was dragged home.

Ken felt so terrible for the little girl and her mother for having to choose her job over an afternoon playing with her child, he decided he needed to do something. Not just for that mother but for all the parents and people struggling to make ends meet. He wanted to take away everyone’s pain and frustration and stress around money.

So, that day, after he finished playing with his daughter in the park, he sat down and wrote an essay about all the wisdom he gained over the years about making money and becoming prosperous.

That essay was the start of what would become Happy Money, the book you see here now.

Even as a child, Ken was noticing the difference between happy money and unhappy money.

When he was eight, he worked in his father’s successful accounting practice. His job was to serve the clients tea, which allowed him to get to know his father’s clients.

He saw how some of them were always irritated, rushed and hurried, and others were relaxed and peaceful. He also noticed how over time, some of the clients became more wealthy whereas others went the other way.

In college, he also witnessed this dichotomy in wealthy people–happy and unhappy. This continued until the day he met a woman at a party who described the money in his wallet as “happy money.”

Ah ha!

Money is energy. It can be happy or unhappy.

If you have happy money, you have a happy life. Conversely, if you have unhappy money, you have an unhappy life.

The key to a happy life starts with happy money.

Since then, Ken has impacted millions with his message, selling over 7 million books worldwide.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Award winning multilingual singer, songwriter
Guest Biography:


Singing in Japanese, Bulgarian, Spanish, Italian, French, German, mostly English, in the woods, in the streets, in the shower, in bars, nightclubs and theaters, trotting around the world with a big smile and very big hair…

this is April Henry.

Her genres are as wide-ranging as the artists who have influenced her as a songwriter and a performer—from Billie Holiday and Tina Turner to Cyndi Lauper, David Bowie, Florence and the Machine, and Lana Del Rey to Janelle Monae. From tender whispers to the anthemic, pouring out of a song, April is interested in the raw nerve that connects us as human beings. She moves from sultry, soulful ballads and fragile torch songs to bright and sparkly pop tunes or the driving beat of a dance remix—and everything in between. Called, a “funny, fierce, force of nature” by reviewers, she explores polarity and humor. Just when you think you’ve defined her niche, she can surprise you with something completely different—yet always April.

An award-winning artist, garnering accolades in both singer and songwriter categories in the prestigious International Songwriting Competition (ISC) among others, April’s talents have been recognized by industry luminaries such as Peter Gabriel, Tom Waits, Adele, Robert Smith, and Epic Records president Amanda Ghost. In opening for artists like Michelle Branch and Gavin DeGraw, she uses her particular brand of theatricality and high-octane vocals to take audiences on an almost 

otherworldly roller coaster.

Art, media, science and music are the worlds where April integrates her skills learned at the New World School of the Arts Conservatory into her 

projects. Her live performances range from the Bitter End and Feinstein’s in New York to the Fillmore Miami Beach to Bar Queen in Japan.

Recently becoming a Lewitt Microphone endorsed Artist, April can also be found camping out in the studio, giving her Authentica microphones a workout.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music
Guest Occupation: Divorce attorney and mediator
Guest Biography:


Elaine Silver is a peaceful divorce attorney and mediator.  She helps families heal.  She practices yoga and gardens to maintain her own balance.

Elaine is a “holistic” Collaborative lawyer and mediator, a peacemaker.  She advises clients to be at their best while moving through divorce. 

She is President of the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals.  FACP is the umbrella organization of Collaborative divorce attorneys, counselors and financial experts in 16 Collaborative divorce communities throughout the state of Florida.

She has represented some “rich and famous”, including Carl Icahn’s first wife.  In Connecticut, where she practiced for the first half of her career, she tried and won the case that awarded the highest alimony and support award given to that time.

Elaine graduated with honors from New York University School of Law.  Elaine has been a visiting professor in family law at law schools in China, Connecticut and Florida. 

Knowing the devastation of a litigated divorce, even when her client “wins”,  Elaine encourages all families to take the route that Jeff Bezos just followed—peaceful, private Collaborative divorce.  Elaine speaks frequently to professional and lay audiences on “How To Have a Good Divorce.” 

Guest Category: News, Legal, Kids & Family, Love & Relationships, Philosophy, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Los Angeles singer songwriter
Guest Biography:


Cynthia Brando is a Los Angeles singer songwriter with a recognizably unique voice, which has been described as “equal parts silk and Stevie Nicks.” Cynthia has developed a connection with fellow musicians and appreciators as a performer all across the Los Angeles region and beyond-sharing her unique “vintage vibe” powerful vocals and steady acoustic folk rock rhythms in clubs, homes and as a street performer.

She has played notable shows at House of Blues in Hollywood, music festivals and has completed her second tour across the country.

Cynthia is the founder of Music Emerging-a site dedicated to the emotional well being of people in the music industry. She has been published as a guest writer on the music sites “Music Clout,” and “Music Industry How To,” and has received honorable mentions for her music in the Songdoor International Songwriting Competition and the American Songwriter Magazine Lyric Contest.

Cynthia is a 2017 recipient of a Hemera Foundation Fellowship Award for her music. Her new album, “The Treehouse Trio Sessions” was released in June of 2018 with positive national and international reviews. Music Connection Magazine included it in their “Top 20 Prospects of 2018” list.

“I have lived in Los Angeles now since the end of 2013 when I moved from a quiet Northern Californian town where I had a rural lifestyle. I moved here in my late 30’s to do something musical with my life. I wasn’t exactly clear on what form that would take-but my heart always gravitated towards music. I was not born a musician. It took me a very long time to reach the point where I felt good enough to make such a big move. I also came up against many emotional roadblocks in my life that stopped me from following my dreams.

My life has completely changed when I moved to one of the major musical capitals of the world. There are continually MANY challenges, but I get to do something I love every day in the form of writing, performing, recording, traveling and so much more. 

In these years, I have performed in many venues, festivals, homes, and as a street performer-I started a project-Music Emerging, where I devote time to the emotional well being of my fellow colleagues in the music industry with my blog, workshops, life coaching and other resources. 

I hope to inspire others to work through any fears they may have that stand in the way of their own dreams. I’m excited about sharing my music and stories with others on this fascinating path of the creative and working musician!”

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Entertainment, Music