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Guest Occupation: National Healthy Home Expert
Guest Biography:

Caroline Blazovsky, is a national healthy home expert with over 18 years of experience working with the public and physicians to create healthy living spaces and improve wellness. Her certifications and education include knowledge of mold, indoor air quality, chemicals in the home, green building, healthy homes and allergies. Caroline was featured in AARP in 2016 as a leading health and safety expert, is a regular guest on Sirius XM radio and works with leading physicians all over the country. She is a public educator in the media, radio, television and print. She is also President of MY HEALTHY HOME®, a green company that offers testing services, products and consultations for homes throughout the US.:

Caroline is a certified mold Remediator (CMR), certified indoor environmentalist (CIE), healthy home specialist (HHS) and has sustainable design certification (SDC) from Boston Architectural College and Philosophy/Political Science degrees from Muhlenberg College. She is currently a graduate candidate in Preventative Medicine & Public Health at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California.  More information is available at:

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Certified Nurse Midwife, RN, and BSN
Guest Biography:

About Vanita Lott:

As a Certified Nurse Midwife, RN, and BSN, my passion is sharing my 35 years of experience, knowledge and wisdom to empower women to make fully informed choices for a safer, easier and more beautiful birth. Today’s extreme techno-medical approach treats birth as a disaster waiting to happen and imposes many dubious interventions on even normal labors. Our maternity care system has become infected with the profit and power-driven agendas of insurance companies; hospital, pharmaceutical and medical supply corporations; and even the medical societies. Despite pretty labor rooms and more female Ob/Gyns, the cesarean rates skyrocketed. Unbelievably, our current system was never designed to be mother & baby friendly and has been criticized as pseudo-scientific by independent researchers. Our dangerous “unnec-cesarean” epidemic is the most glaring example that this very unbalanced approach needs a dramatic overhaul to become wellness & prevention oriented to meet the real needs of mothers, babies and their families.


  • Called to be midwife at the age of 16 while reading about the U.S. Air Force’s CNMs.
  • Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from William Patterson College in New Jersey in 1981. Cum Laude (with Honors).
  • Frontier School of Midwifery, graduated with GPA of 3.87 in 1997.
  • American College of Nurse-Midwives board certified.
  • Hospital experience including high-risk in N.J., N.Y., Washington, Arizona, Nevada, and California.
  • Professional & community lecturer, seminar leader and researcher.
  • Avid student of alternative holistic healing practices, including naturopathy, herbal medicine, sound and spiritual healing.
  • Certified yoga teacher and Reiki (hands-on-healing) practitioner.
  • Loves kayaking, hiking, ecstatic dance, yoga, meditation, being in nature, being with family & friends.
Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Variety
Guest Occupation: Media Content Developer and Broadcaster
Guest Biography:

I am a media content developer and broadcaster, very concerned about my country and the planet, particularly in the area of human and citizen rights, distribution of wealth, the environment and safety, including the protection from endless war. To this end, I am in the process of creating an organization called the Coalition for Planetary Empowerment. My new radio show, to be first broadcast on BBS Radio on April 14 at 9 AM PST is called Inalienable and Free- Voice of the Coalition and will be hosted by myself and Hugo Rodier, MD. In this program, we look at political events from a core spiritual point of view, not from the standpoint of any one religion or group. We believe that the ideals of the Founding Fathers, as expressed in the US Declaration and Constitution reflect this point of view in the famous phrase that speaks of all men being created equal and endowed with certain inalienable right. We also believe that although this ideal is not reflected well in American history, things have progressed positively in many ways until fairly recently. Now many of our rights, including most contained in the bill of rights and the rights we have to health, prosperity and safety, including safety from unnecessary war has been challenged. These rights contain not only an understanding of what is proper government but keys to the manifestation of our true desires on a much higher level and that those citizens who understand their true spiritual capacity can help mankind push forward to reclaim its rightful inheritance from the Creator.

2009-2018 Johnny Blue Star is CEO and founder of New Galaxy Enterprise, Inc. (NGE), a media content provider. His company creates a wide variety of proprietary and collaborative media products - from full-length books and screenplays to web content, advertising and promotional projects, commercials, articles, press releases and resumes, etc.

Key Projects in NGE: Co-author of the Thrice Born, Part I, in screen and book form, of Pray for the Angels, a Film and Book Trilogy; Co-author of Boots in Manhattan, Part I, in screen and book form, of The Foot Soldier, a Film and Book Trilogy; Developing Film Musical, Helped edit, write and adapt to screen many books, screenplays and non-fiction properties through New Galaxy Enterprises (see website) an developing two musicals; one for stage and/or film, Hadleigh’s Castle based on songs written with Edgar Arens and sung by Patricia Welch and Dramatic TV series with Music called The Couturier with Cathy Scarms, founder of Sat Purush, an East Indian clothing design company. Developed or modified websites for Patricia Welch, Stephanie Slevin and Cathy Scarms (for Sat Purush)

2016-2018 New Galaxy Broadcasting (Division of NGE) Now Producer and Co-Host of Inalienable and Free, Threshold Radio and Integrative Hermetic Health with Hugo Rodier, M.D., an Integrative Physician

2016-2018 Bridge of Light Productions (Division of NGE) featured songs on various full length Threshold Radio interviews with singer/songwriter, Stephanie Slevin; singer/songwriters, Zave Nathan and his wife, Bonnie Blazak; musician/songwriter and crop circle expert, Patty Greer; songs composed by Edgar Arens and myself and sung by Patricia Welch; featured special broadcasts with singer, Patricia Welch, promoting our songs and her musical CD featuring decades of hit songs;

2017-2018 Coalition for Planetary Empowerment (Division of NGE): An organization is designed to empower people spiritually and practically to improve the quality of life on Planet Earth. Empowerment Protocols in CPE operate on four levels: personal, relationships, business and political. An adjunctive social network, La Planète, is under development, beginning with the United States, to give citizens an enhanced and direct voice in addressing government and corporate governance concerns.

2006-2009 MEDIA CONTENT DEVELOPER: Worked in proprietorship before incorporating New Galaxy Enterprises in 2009. Helped with books, screenplays, press releases, resumes, etc. Began comprehensive media content approach.

2005 ROCKETS AWAY! Founder/Manager: Helped develop first commercial spacecraft media company. Company was chosen as provider of news and information on the private space industry to AOL,

2003-2004 PALWIN CORPORATION, Moorpark, Ca: Project Manager for Paul Winchell, ventriloquist and inventor (patented first artificial heart): Prior to publication, edited autobiography, Winch, co-authoring its adaptation to screen. Promoted book with press releases, radio interviews, new website. Prior to his death, worked on developing Paul Winchell’s streaming Kid’s Network. Started to resurrect his African aquaculture project, “Africa Today-” to create foundation to breed and harvest Tilapia, fish which survive in brackish water. Began efforts to build model for new wind energy invention

1994-2002 U.S. BARTER INDUSTRY: Held a variety of hands-on Trade Director for a variety of Trade Exchanges (barter clubs)- was Trade Director for BXI Developing Areas- including Toronto, Boise, Chicago, St. Louis, Anchorage and Salt Lake City. Helped revitalize areas, which were neglected for one or more years. Also, worked for Millennium Exchange, San Francisco BXI and America’s Barter Network. During this time, developed TradeWorld News- First stand-alone Internet trade newspaper dedicated to the Barter Industry.


Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, News, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Energy healer, telepathic, artist-painter
Guest Biography:

Dustin is an energy worker who specializes in intuitive coaching and energetic psychic healing. His abilities help you to effectively clear old belief systems which allows you to come into greater alignment with your true self. He also communicates with your spirit guides and relays messages with passion and humor. He can remove energy blocks to help you move forward with your projects, passions, and desires.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Founder of ONE Way Byte
Guest Biography:

Mike Riggs is the Founder of ONE Way Byte - Performance Coaching for Life, Business and Sport. Our mission is to change the world – one person at a time – by helping you realize your unlimited human potential. We serve as objective guides who empower you to become your own catalyst for change. We bring you practical techniques to create positive, purposeful development, guiding you to achieve unprecedented success and satisfaction in the performance theaters you choose.

Guest Category: Games & Hobbies, Kids & Family, Self Help, Society and Culture, Sports & Recreation, Variety
Guest Occupation: Heritage Tourism Comapany Operator
Guest Biography:

Mr. Kevin Cottrell, is the director of Motherland Connextions of Niagra Falls. Motherland Connextions is a heritage tour company that uses tourism to educate.

Motherland Connextions was founded in 1993 by a group of educators, historians and preservationist who believed in using historic places and landscapes to reveal the historic past and accurately tell the stories our history holds.

They have been featured in articles on tourism in the NY Times,

U.S. News and World Reports

and National Geographic.

They have also been featured on the History and Travel Channels Secrets of Niagara

Their experiential upscale tours, focus on authenticity, and accuracy.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Education, Entertainment, History, Kids & Family, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Professor Emeritus at Howard University, Ecosocialist, Environmental Scientist
Guest Biography:

David Schwartzman, Professor Emeritus at Howard University, is an Ecosocialist, Environmental Scientist focusing on biogeochemistry, climate change and energy. He is also a Candidate for Council At-Large, DCSGP Primary, June 19, 2018

David has been a resident of D.C. since 1976, on the Howard University Faculty since 1973 (environmental scientist, PhD, Brown University and a member of the Taxi drivers local Teamsters Union, Providence, R.I., long term member of the American Association of University Professors. David has two sons, Sam Junge and Peter Schwartzman; two granddaughters, Camellia and Juniper. Partner: Joanne Fleming.


DC Statehood Green National Delegate


Nuclear freeze and Bottle Bill initiatives, member; Justice for Janitors and Local 25 campaigns, member; Coalition for Lead Control, member; Fair Taxes for DC, Coordinator; Tax & Budget and Legislative Agenda Coordinator, DC Statehood Green Party; Metro DC Science for the People, Steering Committee member. Fair Budget Coalition, member.

Guest Category: Education, History, Kids & Family, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Relationship Expert
Guest Biography:

Paula Quinsee is a relationship expert, TEDx speaker and author of Embracing Conflict, a self-help guide filled with practical tools, insights and exercises for personal growth and development. Her book is endorsed by the likes of international EQ author Harvey Deutschendorf and emotional change catalyst and author, Bridget Edwards.

As a relationship expert, Paula teaches individuals and companies tools and skills to immediately and positively enhance the quality of their personal and organisational relationships. She conducts monthly workshops, is a keynote speaker at events and regularly appears in the media.

During her 16 year tenure in the corporate world working at organisations such as Standard Bank, Nedbank and KFC, Paula learned many lessons on relationships in the workplace (internal and external), people and team dynamics and leadership traits.

She later trained in Imago Relationship Therapy and NLP which enables her to view people and relationships in a different light resulting in more empathy, compassion and understanding for others by applying these principles in her life. She shares these tools and skills with all her clients.

As a speaker in the professional world, she covers topics such as leadership, mentorship, corporate culture, conflict management, relationships in the workplace, personal development and more. She also speaks on more personal topics such as personal relationships and family values, goals and more.

Some of her talks include:

  • Relationships are the currency of the future – are you making the right investments?
  • Tough Dialogues - are we really addressing the elephants in the room (tough dialogues around sensitive subjects such as racism, gender inequality, toxic teams, leadership inertia, bullying, entitlement etc.)
  • Climbing your own mountain to your own greatness - from her personal experiences climbing Kilimanjaro and hiking the Incah Trail
  • 3 Easy steps to achieving your dreams - running Comrades and cycling from Sun City to Cape Town.

Her credentials include:

  • Imago Relationship Therapy Educator (IRI 2011)
  • Imago Relationship Professional Facilitator (IRI 2012)
  • NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner and Life Coach (Cutting Edge Institute 2013)
  • Completed Presenters Training with Hedy Schleifer. (2015)
  • Completed Deepening the Dialogue Training with Imago Africa. (2016)
  • Accredited ETDP/Seta Assessor and Moderator (Sor No 522765)
  • SABPP HR Associate (Membership no 49844376)
  • PDA Analyst and MyPDA Coach (2017)

She has presented at the FutureEd Expo, Imago Africa/FAMSA Dan Siegel Conference, SACAP Festival of Learning, University of PTA Neuroscience Seminar, SA Innovation Summit, ACFE Conference, SmallBiz Expo and TEDxPretoria. Paula also consults to ‘Married at First Sight SA’ TV show and hosts shows for Niche Radio and UK Health Radio.

Paula was a finalist in the Thriving Magazine ‘Tell Your Story’ and Margaret Hirsch Business Women Awards competitions 2017.