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Guest Occupation: Spoken Word Artists
Guest Biography:


Jesse Brown lives in Costa Mesa, with his high school sweetheart, Reanna and their two teenagers, Deborah and Isaiah. At 32, he thought had everything he thought he wanted. Twelve years married; two kids, health, wealth, and then she left. Like over half of American families, they divorced. But what he discovered about himself not only brought them back together, but recently sparked in him a desire to share his “love vs lust” lessons with others through spoken word videos on his newly formed YouTube channel “Tough Love Talks”. He is also looking to publish his book “Love is Not for Pu**ies” by the end of 2018. A “Tough Love Talks” podcast may also be in the cards.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Successful entrepreneur, celebrity mentor, motivational speaker, and author
Guest Biography:


Kurtis Lee Thomas is a successful entrepreneur, celebrity mentor, motivational speaker, and author of the best selling book THE WORLD IS YOURS -The Secrets behind “The Secret”. You may have seen him in photos with people like Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, sir Richard Branson, Steve Forbes, Beyoncé, Kanye West, and Oprah Winfrey.

Kurtis is a business intuitive who adamantly believes that the harmonious communion of the body, mind, and spirit is the key to living a happy and healthy life. This thought pattern and diligent lifestyle choice are what eventually led Kurtis to becoming a certified Hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Reiki Master, certified Angel Card Reader by Doreen Virtue herself, as well as a International Sports Sciences Association fitness professional.

His mantra of “First you must LEARN, then you should EARN, so eventually you can RETURN,” led Kurtis to become a philanthropist and certified Life Coach.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Josh Tickell is an American film director who specializes in movies with a social message
Guest Biography:

Josh Tickell’s movies have won more than 40 major awards, have been selected as a NYTimes Critics’ Pick, shortlisted for an Oscar, and shown in the White House. He has spoken at more than 100 colleges and Fortune 500 businesses globally. Josh has been a guest on The Tonight Show, Good Morning America, Morning Joe and on the Today Show. He recently co-directed the Lionsgate release, GOOD FORTUNE. Tickell’s new book, Kiss the Ground – How the Food You Eat Can Reverse Climate Change, Heal Your Body and Save the World is being turned into a movie from executive producer Leonardo DiCaprio.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Earth & Space, Entertainment, Health & Lifestyle, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Lawyer/Activist
Guest Biography:

Daniel Sheehan, Esq.

In 2004, a group of grandmothers in Lakota country—an area comprised of nine Indian reservations in North and South Dakota—asked us to investigate and help them prevent South Dakota's Department of Social Services from removing their grandchildren from their families. The investigation uncovered that drugging and routine patterns of physical and mental abuse of Native children in foster care were leading to high levels of youth suicide. These atrocities are in direct violation of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), a federal law put into place in 1978. In response, we formed The Lakota People’s Law Project (LPLP) to help put a stop to the cycles of injustice leading to the slow genocide of the Lakota.

Our first program, the ongoing Lakota Child Rescue Project, launched in 2005 to address the actions we discovered, and to assist in the return of Lakota children to their families, tribes, and communities. This mission has expanded to include the creation of a tribal foster care program funded with direct Title IV-E funds from the federal government, bypassing the state of South Dakota. 

It was natural for us to expand our mission when the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) threatened the Lakota’s sacred lands and water. The injustices perpetrated against the Lakota during the peaceful and prayerful resistance to DAPL further demonstrate the government’s blatant pattern of contempt and disregard for the Lakota and their sovereignty.

LPLP engages in ongoing efforts to reclaim ancestral lands, and to stop all threats to Lakota land and resources. We believe that Native peoples possess inherent sovereignty and the right to autonomous rule and self-determination. The Lakota flourished for centuries before Europeans arrived on these lands, and their tradition of living in relation to all things is more important today than ever before. We are committed to working with the Lakota toward the revitalization of their people and culture. Learn more about our campaigns and discover how you can get involved!

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Counselor, author and keynote speaker
Guest Biography:

Corinne Zupko, EdS, LPC, is the author of From Anxiety to Love. As a licensed counselor and keynote speaker, she has helped thousands of individuals through her one-on-one counseling, weekly meditation classes for corporations, and the largest virtual conference of ACIM in the world, through the organization Miracle Share International, which she cofounded. She lives in New Jersey. 

Author Corinne Zupko, a licensed counselor and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher, undertook her study of psychology out of necessity when debilitating anxiety threatened to derail her life. Seeking ways to do more than temporarily alleviate her symptoms, Corinne began to study A Course in Miracles (ACIM), mindfulness meditation, and the latest therapeutic approaches for treating anxiety.

As Corinne healed her own mental anguish, she compiled the perception-shifting process she describes in the enclosed review copy of From Anxiety to Love: A Radical New Approach for Letting Go of Fear and Finding Lasting Peace (New World Library, February 14, 2018).

“In these pages, I describe the process I used to work myself out of terror and into an anxiety-free life,” writes Corinne. “And by working that process, I’m now doing things I never thought I would be capable of: taking plane trips fearlessly, and without medications, by myself; speaking confidently in front of large audiences; traveling into New York City by myself without feeling completely overwhelmed; sleeping like a baby instead of having horrible insomnia; and awakening without early-morning anxiety. If I can experience such radical changes in my life, so can you.”

From Anxiety to Love helps readers learn to undo anxiety-based thinking by internalizing the teachings of ACIM, fostering mindful shifts in their thoughts and actions, and connecting to their Inner Therapist, the deeply gratifying, enormously comforting inner voice that affirms our safe oneness with the universe rather than our ego’s perception of danger and separation. Whether struggling with everyday stress or near-crippling discomfort, readers will find that Corinne’s approach offers a new way of healing from — rather than just coping with — fear and anxiety.

“Inner peace is not an event: it’s a process. It’s not something we attain once and keep forever, but rather an experience that continues to deepen to the degree to which you’re willing to get out of the way and allow peace to move through you,” writes Corinne. “I promise that you are worth the effort. I’m imagining that we’re holding hands in our shared commitment to undoing anxiety. Let’s do this.”

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: professional tennis coach
Guest Biography:

Adrian was born in Santiago, Chile and moved to the United States when he was three years old. Initially, his parents had only intended to live in Miami for five years so that they could work and save enough money and ultimately return to Chile. However, after years of assimilation, Miami became their permanent home. Growing up, Adrian played competitive tennis while also achieving great academic accolades during his primary schooling. Adrian was also able to attend secondary schooling at University of North Florida and St. Thomas University as a student-athlete by playing on the men’s tennis team at both universities. Although undocumented, he was able to attend school with private scholarships and graduated Cum Laude Honors from St. Thomas University in 2011 with a Degree in Communications Arts and a minor in Psychology. It was a great accomplishment, but unfortunately he could not exercise his degree because of his undocumented status. Thankfully, when Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was passed in the summer of 2012, Adrian was able to acquire a work permit, social security number and a Florida Driver’s License. DACA changed his life because he finally felt like he was somewhat out of the shadows of his immigration status and felt like he could give back to American society. Today, Adrian is a professional tennis coach at the Biltmore Tennis Center and Salvadore Tennis Center.

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, News, Politics & Government, Self Help, Society and Culture, Variety
Guest Occupation: Astrologer | Integrative Colour Priestess | Intuitive Mindset Coach
Guest Biography:

Bio : Kelly Joy Star The Modern Mystic | Astrologer | Integrative Colour Priestess | Intuitive Mindset Coach. Inspiring JOY in Living Authentically You. Colour your Life with the Stars.

I am a Certified Intuitive Astrologer and Integrated Colour Mirror Healer/Channeller - My focus is helping guide women through their life transitions more gracefully and with Joy - as life is a constant transition it itself I am so inspire healing from within as we as the mind. I use Colour, Planets, Numbers, playfulness, compassion and intuition in teaching these women to cultivate SELF LOVE in Conscious Relationships.

Guest Category: Arts, Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Holistic Tooth Fairy, Quantum Teeth Reader
Guest Biography:

Meliors Simms is known as the Holistic Tooth Fairy. She helps people heal tooth decay and gum disease with natural, intuitive and self help strategies. She offers Quantum Teeth Readings to explore and understand the emotional, psychological, spiritual or ancestral influences underlying your oral health.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual