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Guest Biography:

Dr. John A. King is a best-selling author, poet, activist, and trainer that hails from Sydney, Australia.  He is a dynamic, passionate, and heartfelt speaker on dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, abuse recovery, ending human trafficking, and perseverance.  His story of being abused and trafficked from the ages of 4-16 isn't one of hopelessness, but of redemption and purpose.  John’s story is featured in the multi-award-winning documentary, Stopping Traffic.

From Dr. John King:

  • I grew up in Australia; I live in the USA.
  • I drive a 1968 Mustang, original paint.
  • I have C-PTSD and write about how to get over your crap.
  • I also write poetry and posts about Human Trafficking.
  • Here are the books I have written, including the poetry one.
  • I started Give Them A Voice Foundation to help kids like I was.
  • My story is featured in Stopping Traffic movie.
  • I run seminars on Trafficking and PTSD.
  • I am a PTSD recovery coach and regularly piss people off.
Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, News, Psychology, Self Help, Sex, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Investigative Reporter for The Denver Post
Guest Biography:

Mr. David Migoya is a reporter for The Denver Post newspaper, and a founding member of the Post’s Investigations Team.  He has been at The Denver Post since 1999.  He has investigated and reported on many issues during his career, including banking, finance, human services, consumer affairs, and business investigations, as well as matters involving the Department of Veterans Affairs and other issues of interest to military veterans and their families. He has also worked at newspapers in New York, St. Louis and Detroit over a 35-year career that began at The Post.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, History, Medicine, Military, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Founder of Get Ready Coaching™
Guest Biography:

High School Counselor

Coach of The Teen Team

Founder of Get Ready Coaching

Donovan's refusal to settle for less than his true calling moved him from a plan to be a pilot, through the family business, past stock trading to school counseling. The next step in the evolution of his passionate plan is to leverage all that he has learned in 16 years as a school counselor to make the most powerfully profound difference possible as a life coach. He helps create trusted teen teams that groove new healthy routines so teens are fueled for takeoff toward Destination Dream.

Guest Category: Kids & Family
Guest Occupation: Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Surgical Hands on Healer, Preacher
Guest Biography:


Kimberly Meredith is a self-taught Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Surgical Hands-on Healer and Preacher with gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Kimberly’s Shaman lineage dates back to her maternal great-grandmother, Josephina, who initially practiced shamanic healing in Italy. She later settled in Jamestown, New York where her work was highly respected.

As a Trance Channeler with a growing worldwide reputation, Kimberly is a vessel for the healing energy of God, the Holy Spirit, many ascended masters, specifically Mother Mary and angels. With this love and light-filled energy moving through her body, she combines prayers, chanting and the activation of light energy to awaken the spirit within and stimulate healing energies that lead to effective results.

Kimberly’s spirit guide is Edgar Cayce, the father of holistic medicine, a Medical Intuitive and the most documented psychic of the 20th century. Edgar is guiding Kimberly to carry out his work in holistic medicine and push God’s presence to the forefront. Kimberly often resembles a New Age “Mary Baker Eddy” and carries out her faith of Christian Science views. Recently documented blind scientific studies that Kimberly has undergone proves that God is meeting science.

The basis of her work revolves around the simple concept that anger and negative energy causes disease.  The 3rd Dimensional DNA particle of anger can enter into everything we touch, including food and water.

God is energy. It is only through the energy of love and light that the body can heal. We all have the ability to tap into this energy by surrendering into the Holy Spirit 5th Dimensional consciousness. This is when the miracle happens and then we can be healed.

Kimberly Meredith was born in Lynwood, California and at the age of five she displayed some gifts. She was teased at school for having an extreme amount of lines on the palm of her hands, and none of the children wanted to hold her hands. She shyly explained that she had been reincarnated and “God simply forgot to give her new hands.” This story caused an upset with the adults around her at school, and her mother reprimanded her never to speak of this again. Her mother was also confused about how Kimberly knew what that meant.

Throughout her life, Kimberly exhibited many psychic abilities and had many paranormal experiences due to her sensitivity as an open vessel. She was also a firm believer in God as a young girl, which helped her overcome many adversities and abuse in her early years. She grew up in a diverse household with Judaism and Catholicism. She often walked herself to church alone as a child and also grew up going to synagogue every Friday.

Kimberly had an exceptionally close relationship with her paternal grandmother, Bernice. When Kimberly was only two months-old, a family friend mentioned how she was such a pretty baby and gifted her with an unusual Vietnamese name, “Chon.” All of the family and friends called her “Chon.” Her grandmother, Bernice, called Kimberly “Chon” until her death. For many years Kimberly believed “Chon” meant “pretty baby.” Years later, after her divine invention, her Reiki Master told her “Chon” meant “God” in Vietnamese. Grandmother Bernice had been unknowingly calling Kimberly “God” all of those years.

While having displayed some abilities as a young child, Kimberly experienced her first profound near death experience at age nine. In 2012, Kimberly was struck by a car while on foot. As a result of the accident, she experienced two more near death experiences. She was in the hospital for two months.  It was uncertain if she would walk again.

Upon returning home from the hospital in a wheel chair, Kimberly was immobile, in extreme pain and had a brain concussion. She was in a neck brace, unable even to hold her head up. Facing unbearable amounts of pain, in hopes of healing her cervical neck injuries and jaw, she began using a cold laser machine sent to her by her uncle. Every doctor discounted any hope the laser would help her.

However, Kimberly decided to throw all of the pain pills away and give 100% of her faith in God to her healing! The laser finally began to generate new tissue; bones in her neck and jaw. This success prompted her to get her license as a laser therapist.

While Kimberly was at home healing, a friend facing his own rotator cuff tear (shoulder injury) came to visit her. He asked Kimberly to try the laser on him. He commented how her hands felt hot and had a healing effect on him. Her laser ended up healing him fully in only two sessions. He shared his success down at Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach. Afterwards she repaired the Achilles heel of a prominent trainer with only one session with her bare hands, the laser and chanting prayers. The word of her healing ability spread like wildfire. His doctor was shocked with the results. Plans for surgery on his Achilles heel were cancelled.

Kimberly suddenly had 200 people literally lined up at her home!

This laser proved to be more than just a gadget; in Kimberly’s hands it can become a conduit for God’s energy. With her wheelchair in the corner, she stood on her feet to heal people all day long. More healing gifts began unfolding rapidly. She never advertised and worked from her living room. Within six months, she also became a Reiki master and more energetic abilities emerged. People came from all over to see her, including many holistic practitioners and people in spiritual groups.

About a year later, another shift took place and Kimberly began to channel while removing energies out of people’s bodies. Her ability to channel became stronger. She began having rapid eye movements and scanning abilities, her blinking eye lids informing her of the presence and absence of physical conditions. Her eye lids let her know when a disturbance has been detected within a person’s body.

While her hands are on the person’s body, she receives information intuitively and through blinking of her eyes, information similar to what an MRI or X-ray would reveal. In this way, she is also able to detect trapped emotions and negative energies encapsulated in the body. She is a true medical intuitive.

Since then, Kimberly’s gifts have rapidly emerged and continue to lead to many miraculous healings.

With gifts of the Holy Spirit, Kimberly’s hands guide her blinking eyes while she acts as a human MRI/X-ray and scans the entire body to find negative energy and disease. During the scan, she has the ability to find trapped emotional pain encapsulated in the body and can detect any traumas the body has suffered from birth up until the present. When everything is well in the body, the left eye blinks. When the right eye blinks, there is a problem within the body. Both of Kimberly’s eyes will blink simultaneously when all is in spiritual and physical balance within the body.

At healing events, Kimberly is guided to those who are chosen to receive healings.  These individuals are selected by the etheric angel language and angelic hand gestures. If Kimberly’s teeth chatter, it could mean extreme pain is felt within the body or she will tap on her palms how many years since the person had a devastating injury. From these signals, she will know that is the person God, the angels and her guides have selected.

Through the sign language ability of her hands in motion and her blinking eyes, along with the permission of the client and acceptance of the Holy Spirit, she receives messages from God and the angels to assist you in completely resolving lifelong trauma.

Through surgical hands-on healing and/or laying on hands, she has removed tumors, restored hearing, cured cancer, corrected immobility and completely rid the body of dozens of different types of diseases during healing events and personal sessions. Kimberly has healed and helped thousands of people through the Holy Spirit.

Kimberly is a spiritual activist and believes in order to receive the energy of God’s love, you truly need the commitment of having both feet in with God. The image of one foot in and one foot out leaves room for a person to be an open vessel for negative energy to enter. Permanent healing involves committing to the loving energy of Christ light and God with BOTH FEET IN.

Kimberly is a true faith healer with a miraculous gift that honors all people of all faiths.

God is not religion. God is love. We honor all people and faiths.


Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Kids & Family, Mental Health, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Teacher, Human Rights Activist
Guest Biography:

Chie Miyagi is a high school teacher in Okinawa and a member of the Board of Directors of the Okinawa Historical Film Society.  She is a representative of Treasures of Ryukyu, a singer-songwriter and author of a picture book 'A Letter from Okinawa' and the Okinawan song of Tida nu fa (Children of the Sun).  Her research inclues peace education, Ryukyu independence, and the Student Corps of Okinawa during the Battle of Okinawa.

Twist in Okinawa mass suicides tale

Teacher based book about civilians ordered to kill themselves on own family tragedy

by Mie Sakamoto

Chie Miyagi, an English teacher in Okinawa, has published an English-language picture book to teach her students about the mass suicides involving local civilians during the 1945 Battle of Okinawa.

“A Letter from Okinawa” depicts a girl whose parents kill themselves under orders from the Japanese military on Tokashiki, one of the Kerama Islands. The girl lives separately from them on Okinawa’s main island, where she has been drafted into the nurse corps.

The girl, Sachiko, sends a letter to her parents after surviving the war but never receives a reply. She later finds out that her parents died in March 1945 in a mass suicide.

At the end of the story, it is revealed that Sachiko is Miyagi’s mother and that the story is based on her mother’s life.

Earlier this month, in her class at Haebaru High School on Haebaru, Okinawa, Miyagi, 49, read the book to her 35 students and had them draw pictures of war and write a letter to their parents in English, imagining they were Sachiko.

The English teacher also told them to learn as much about the war as they could from the experiences of their grandparents.

“It is hard to imagine the mass suicides, as there is no way I can see them in pictures or other means. It is important to convey what happened in the past,” said Daiki Shiroma, 17, one of the students.

Okinawa was the only inhabited part of Japan where ground fighting took place during World War II, claiming the lives of a quarter of its civilian population. More than 200,000 Japanese and Americans died during the battle.

Many survivors say that as Japan neared the brink of defeat, Japanese soldiers ordered civilians to kill themselves and their loved ones, though some deny the claim.

Although there are no specific figures, about 600 people are said to have died in mass suicides.

The issue drew public attention again last year after the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry’s school textbook authorization council instructed history textbook publishers to play down the Japanese military’s role in the civilian mass suicides.

Following a major September protest rally in Okinawa, the council approved requests by history textbook publishers to effectively reinstate references to the Japanese military’s role.

But the council did not retract its opinion that the textbook references to the forced mass suicides could cause misunderstanding.

“The number of deaths (in mass suicides) may not be as big as other war dead” from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki or the Holocaust, Miyagi said. “But it is very cruel that families killed themselves to end their lives. I’d like people to know that the war caused such tragedies.”

Miyagi first knew the truth about the death of her grandparents, Jitsui Makiya and Nae, when she saw a monument with their names engraved on it on Tokashiki Island about 20 years ago.

Until then, she did not exactly know how her grandparents had died because her mother, Sachiko, 80, was reluctant to talk about her wartime experiences, as are many survivors.

“My grandfather served as a school principal and later as village mayor on Tokashiki. He must have loved Tokashiki and wanted to live,” Miyagi said. “My mother must have been very shocked because her parents were telling her to come back to the island, saying it was safe there.”

Her mother said she herself was taught by a Japanese soldier how to die using a grenade by making sure she exploded it next to her heart so she would die instantly.

Her mother said she appreciates the fact that her daughter has written the book.

“If Chie had not written about my parents, no one would know how they ended their lives and they would have died in vain,” her mother said. “But if there had been no war at all, they would not have died in such a way.”

Peter Simpson, 43, an associate professor at Okinawa International University who helped Miyagi write the book, said he was “really moved” when he heard the story of her grandparents in May 2005.

“My knowledge of Okinawa was quite limited” before coming to the prefecture in 1998, Simpson said.

He said his image of the mass suicides was that only a small number of people decided to commit suicide as they believed it was better to die than to be captured by the Americans, or that Japanese soldiers would commit suicide rather than civilians.

“It’s not something that many people know about outside Japan. People know more about the Nanjing Massacre and about the ‘comfort women’ (wartime sex slaves) issue, but most people don’t know about these forced suicides,” Simpson said.

“In Okinawa, the memory of the war, especially among young people, is fading. Even the antiwar kind of culture is under threat. . . . So this story is an important one to tell,” he added.

The idea for the picture book came during Miyagi’s 2002-2004 stay in Northern Ireland and Hungary to study English teaching. In the two countries, she showed students a picture-story show about the mass murders and suicides on Okinawa.

“When I told the story about mass suicides and revealed that Sachiko is my mother, the students were shocked,” Miyagi said. “And they simply felt lost (after knowing that family members had killed each other).”

It is beyond her imagination that people were driven to kill their loved ones, Miyagi said, and she still questions why this happened.

On the other hand, she thinks it is a miracle that she came into the world at all and is still alive now.

“It is miraculous that my mother, who lost her parents and many of her friends, met my father, who also survived the war, and had me,” Miyagi said. “I want everyone to realize that life is the product of a miracle.”

“A Letter from Okinawa,” published last November, has an accompanying Japanese translation and is available for ¥700, including tax. For further information, phone Okinawa Jiji Publishing Co. at (098) 854-1622.


Guest Category: Arts, Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Women's Rights Activist
Guest Biography:
Suzuyo Takazato was born in Taiwan in 1940, and graduated from Okinawa Christian Junior College. After serving in positions including as a women's counselor for the Naha Municipal Government, she served four terms as a member of the Naha Municipal Assembly over 15 years. She is head of the Rape Emergency Intervention Counseling Center Okinawa. Her authored works include "Okinawa no Joseitachi: Josei no Jinken to Kichi, Guntai" (Okinawan women: women's rights, bases and the military).

Announcing the August 2017 California Delegation from Okinawa:

“Making Okinawan Voices Heard in America”

Purpose of Visit

 We, the delegation from Okinawa, have come to California to promote awareness of the enduring military base problems in Okinawa, Japan.  We plan to participate in the APALA  convention, and to request assembly members, universities and NGOs, to have a round-table conference, in order to stop the construction of a new U.S. Marine Corps air base at Cape Henoko in Nago City, Okinawa.

The U.S. military built its network of bases on the island by forcibly appropriating villages, homes and farmlands in the wake of the Battle of Okinawa seventy-two years ago. After the war, the U.S. military continued to appropriate Okinawan land to make way for more bases. Even now, thirty-one U.S. bases and military installations occupy private land and residential areas. Therefore, many U.S. base related problems have occurred constantly. Last year, a young twenty 20 year old woman was raped and killed by an ex-marine U.S. civilian employee as she walked home.  

The most critical problems facing Okinawans today are as follows:

The cancellation of plans to construct the new Marine Corps air base at Cape Henoko, which involves massive land reclamation of a beautiful coral reef marine ecosystem and the habitat of the critically endangered Okinawa dugong (sea manatee).

To stop flight training and to end the construction of six new helipads in the Yanbaru forest in northern Okinawa. This construction will result in the permanent destruction of forestland said to be comparable to a World Natural Heritage site, as well as the erosion of the quality of life for local residents of Takae Village.

The closure and return of U.S. Marine Corps’ Futenma Air Station. Often referred to as the most dangerous base in the world, continued operations in the densely populated residential areas of Ginowan City violate both US and Japanese safety standards. The deployment of the accident-prone MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft to Futenma in 2012 faces strong opposition across Okinawa, particularly considering the recent crash off the Okinawan coast in December of 2016.

Guest Category: Education, History, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Survivor, Activist and Music Artist, awared Peacekeeper of the Year
Guest Biography:


Torrey Mercer is more than just a music artist. She is a survivor, an activist, and has been told her and her music are alight in the dark for many. An award-winning recording artist and songwriter from San Diego, Torrey brings bold charisma to the stage through her jazzy-pop vocals and inspiring lyrics. Being trained in pop, jazz, rock, blues, and Broadway in her youth has guided Torrey to become the vocalist and performer she is today. With influences from pop artists such as early Maroon 5, Alessia Cara, and Lady Gaga, Torrey’s performances exude sheer power, layered with thoughtful lyrics on her experiences with bullying, low self esteem, body image, and relationships.

Torrey’s love for music emerged early on in her life, when she was 9 she got involved in musical theater, hoping to find her place in the world. She was bullied and excluded throughout her childhood, and this continued through the end of high school. Feeling like an outcast growing up has made made empathy and compassion for others a defining quality of her music endeavors. Torrey went on her first National Music Tour with the “No Bully Tour” in 2011 at 17, visiting 15 different east coast cities, and 7-8 west coast cities. The same year, she posted a YouTube video defending her idol of the time, Lady Gaga, for her career feats, which landed her 500,000 views on YouTube. Her first single “Looking Glass”, written about her experiences with low self esteem and body image, was released in 2012, winning her the Indie Music Channel Award for “Best Pop Song” in 2013, and was nominated for numerous other awards. “Looking Glass” was featured on the popular YouTube series, “The Most Popular Girls in School” (850,000+ channel subscribers). In 2014, she was named “Best Teen Artist” and “Inspirational Artist of the Year” by the Artists in Music Awards.

In addition to her music feats, Torrey became a motivational speaker and performer at K-12 schools in 2013, where she’s spoken on the subjects of bullying, kindness, and character development. Torrey has impacted over 5,000 students with her program in the state of California, and has spoken at over 15 California distinguished schools. Her individual success led to the founding of her own company, “The Pledge Tour,” an assembly program challenging kids and teenagers to take a “pledge” for self improvement. In 2015, she was awarded the “Peacekeeper of the Year” award for her antibullying efforts by the Encinitas Rotary, becoming the youngest recipient of this award in the rotary’s 50 year history. For more information on The Pledge Tour, and Torrey’s speaking engagements, visit

Some of her notable performances outside of the No Bully Tour and her assembly work include singing the National Anthem for a pre-season NFL Chargers game, and for the US Tennis Open. She has performed at renown venues such as LA’s Whisky-A-Go-Go, The Jon Lovitz Comedy Club, the San Diego Convention Center, the USS Midway, House of Blues San Diego, House of Blues on Sunset, The Music Box, and Nashville’s Bluebird Cafe, among others.

In early 2016, Torrey independently released her debut EP, Exhale, which reflects on her past, and her personal growth over the last four years. The EP, produced by Tario Holmes (Flo Rida, Melanie Fiona, Big Time Rush, Chris Brown) and co-written with Lena Leon (Christina Grimmie, Coco Jones), was received well by her fans and the press, earning a premiere on, as well as a release party with her largest San Diego draw yet.

Torrey is currently writing new music, and collaborating with other artists and industry professionals to take her next steps. She is grateful for all the support her fans have given her, and can’t wait to see what her career has in store for her next.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: World’s leading authorities on stress and coping, Author, Retired US Navy Lieutenant Commander and President of MOAASWRC
Guest Biography:


One of the world’s leading authorities on stress and coping and an expert on post traumatic stress disorder is innovative, insightful, and created The Five Step Stress Coping Model and  How to break the Threshold Barrier of Rewiring the Nervous Systemmeaning, “How to Solve a Problem During the First Session,” and enhance personal success – WIN TIME: these include, Loss, Trauma, Grief, PTSD. Self Sabotage, Performance Anxiety, Military Personal Operational Readiness, Performance Choking, and Brain DEFRAGing.  He retired from the US Navy as a Lieutenant Commander and from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). His peers and superiors said, “He is twenty years ahead of his time!” He is currently President of  MOAASWRC Military Officer’s Association of America meeting in Murrieta CA.

At Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California, he was awarded the Navy Achievement Medal for creating the “most innovative and effective correctional religious program in the United States,” which lowered the incident rate by a documented 60 percent.  Dr. Nichols graduated number one in his two Navy leadership and management courses, earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from San Francisco Theological Seminary,  did post graduate work in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and was awarded Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP and Time Line Therapy ® Certifications. Board Certified. Colleagues and mentors include: Anthony Robbins, Richard Bandler, Arthur Lydiard, Tad James, Emil Couer, Daniel Amen, Lanny Bassham and Eldon Taylor.

His published works include: Communicate: through the Windows of the Mindthe “Four Key Elements of a Successful Institutional Intervention,” Playing In the Zone Made Easy, When Time Doesn’t Heal, and The One Minute Leader: 52 Weeks to Success and posts on  “How to DEFRAG  Your Brain.” Coming: “5 Step Stress Coping Model.

Dr. Nichols recognizes everyone is a Genius in something. And now with the new applications he is there to help you deal resourcefully with your future.  He teaches you how to achieve your goals and dreams, overcome obstacles, and become who you are destined to be via his  Stress and Coping  process  which is the short cut common denominator to pulling together what is already on your inside found in the Genius you. During his training you will activate you vision, create success and become the real you by turning on your success endorphins and neurotransmitters.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Military, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help