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Guest Occupation: Spiritual Medium, channel and Spiritual Advisor
Guest Biography:

Hello! My name is Rose Campbell.

I could have made this truly

an "about Rose" page, but other than

a quick history than pertains to my

channeling  skills, I prefer not to bore

the general public needlessly. I

reserve that special treat for friends

and family.

I discovered my ability to speak to the spiritual realms in my early 30's.

However, upon reflection, I discovered that I do remember various times

in my life that I "heard" things about situations or people that I shouldn't

have known as far back as the age of 6 or 7. Thus, it was not that I

became a channel in my 30's, it is just when I got smart enough to

realize it! Some of us are slow learners.

Channeling is to connect to the spiritual realms with a form of telepathy. I

actually do hear a thought voice inside my head. Some folks call it the

"spiritual inner ear", not related to the inner ear which gives you physical

balance however. It is a spiritual gift, one that the Apostle Paul spoke of

and of which I believe Jesus meant when he said "Let those with ears

hear and those with eyes see."

Anyway, I can talk to all levels of the spiritual realms. I focus the brunt of

my public work on connecting people to their spiritual support team.

While I believe it might be comforting to speak to the loved ones who

have gone on before us, I have seen the truly phenomenal gifts given

through people's connection with the higher sources. Besides, many

times those guides are our dearly departed once they re-enter the

wisdom of their souls. I also gave up doing very much of the 'deceased

people' readings because it involved too many tears, often my own and I

hate to cry!

So enough about me. I have a request of those of you who have found

this page: Please listen to the following song. It is one of my "ever and

ever" favorites, and I think it says so much. It gives a hint or two on how

to create a
"life uncommon", not only for self, but for the world.


Guest Category: Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Mystic & Seer, Divination, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Lakota Historian and Activist
Guest Biography:

Ladonna Brave Bull Allard is a Lakota historian and activist. In April 2016, she founded the first resistance camp of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests, Sacred Stones, aimed at halting the Dakota Access Pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

Allard is an enrolled member of, and former historical preservation officer for, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Her people are Inhunktonwan from the Jamestown Valley, Hunkpapa and Blackfoot.

While there are now multiple water protector camps at the Standing Rock, Sacred Stone, the first camp, is on Allard's private property. Out of this grew the global Dakota Access Pipeline protests. By December 2016, more than 10,000 indigenous people and environmental activists were camping in the area. This movement has become the largest intertribal alliance on the American continent in centuries, and possibly ever, with over 200 tribal nations represented.

Sacred Stone Camp founder Ladonna Bravebull Allard addressed the UN on behalf of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation to request assistance in the struggle to protect Indigenous water and sacred sites from the Dakota Access Pipeline...

 Ladonna Bravebull Allard:

Greetings distinguished representatives,

I greet you with a good heart today. I am Ta Maka Waste Win, an enrolled member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe I am speaking regarding the participation of the over 300 million Indigenous Peoples of Unci Maka Mother Earth. Within the United Nations system, we the Indigenous peoples request that our participation be granted at the highest possible level and that our representatives be legitimate and elected by Indigenous Nations and organizations in each region. This will secure that our participation and contributions on issues that affect us are addressed in a legitimate manner. Lack of this legitimate representation and contributions on issues that affect us are resulting in violations of our equal and inalienable rights as members of the human family. As such is the current and urgent situation of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, my home, where the Dakota Access Pipeline has blatantly violated the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, ILO 169, the Laramie Treaty of 1868, unresolved Ihunktonwana Land Claim Docket 74A and most importantly our Mother Earth.

The organization hereby invokes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, ILO 169 to be enforced and brought to life to put an immediate stop to the Dakota Access Pipeline. We request that an observer and media team be sent immediately and permanently to Standing Rock until this issue is resolved to protect the water. This situation with Dakota Access has been going on for 6 months now. It has endured Spring, Summer, Fall and heads into Winter as we protect and defend our right to water. We demand immediate assistance and protection for our Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota sisters and brothers. Today we are here to formally denounce terrorism from transnationals agaisnt Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth, as such is our situation in Standing Rock and also the urgent situation of our Indigenous sisters and brothers in the Amazon and many other parts of the world. 

The organization remains committed to solving the challenges faced by our generation which is to protect life and clean water for the future generations and so that all that exists can continue to exist. The Indigenous Traditional Knowledge is the only path remaining to heal the unsustainable pattern of production and consumption that is destroying our lives and the world around us. Agenda 2030, without our legitimate representatives and inclusion of Indigenous Peoples Traditional Knowledge will fail.  Our knowledge can help heal Mother Earth. Without it, great and irreparable damage will lead us to destruction. We must unite to protect the Water and our Mother Earth. We, the Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth walk to the future in the footprints of our ancestors

Cannonball, SD – On April 1st, 2016, tribal citizens of the Standing Rock Lakota Nation and ally Lakota, Nakota, & Dakota citizens, under the group name “Chante tin’sa kinanzi Po” founded a Spirit Camp along the proposed route of the bakken oil pipeline, Dakota Access. 

This Spirit Camp is called Iŋyaŋ Wakháŋagapi Othí, translated as Sacred Rock, the original name of the Cannonball area. The Spirit Camp is dedicated to stopping and raising awareness the Dakota Access pipeline, the dangers associated with pipeline spills and the necessity to protect the water resources of the Missouri river. We reject the appropriation of the name “Dakota” in a project that is in violation of aboriginal and treaty lands. The word Dakota means “the People” in the Dakota/Lakota/Nakota language and was never intended to be used in a project which violates traditional ceremonial areas.

Chante tin’sa kinanzi Po is a grassroots group with the following mission statement: “They claim this mother of ours, the Earth, for their own use, and fence their neighbors away from her, and deface her with their buildings and their refuse.” – Chief Sitting Bull. His way of life is our way of life–standing in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline is our duty. Group: Chante tin’sa kinanzi Po translates as People, Stand with a Strong Heart! 

The Dakota Access threatens everything from farming and drinking water to entire ecosystems, wildlife and food sources surrounding the Missouri. The nesting of bald eagles and piping plovers as well as the quality of wild rice and medicinal plants like sweet grass are just a few of the species at stake here. We ask that everyone stands with us against this threat to our health, our culture, and our sovereignty. We ask that everyone who live on or near the Missouri River and its tributaries, everyone who farms or ranches in the local area, and everyone who cares about clean air and clean drinking water stand with us against the Dakota Access Pipeline!

We will not allow Dakota Access to trespass on our treaty territory and destroy our medicines and our culture. From the horse ride that established the Camp of the Sacred Stones, to the 500-mile Run for Our Lives relay that delivered our recommendations to the Army Corps of Engineers, with the hundreds of community members who met with Army Corps Colonel Henderson on April 29, and the ongoing vigilance of our prayers, we are committed to stopping the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, History, News, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Steven D. Kelley was born and raised in southern California.  He started a career in the precision electro optics field during the advent of the laser. He rose from optics manufacturing technician to manager of quality control, engineering, and production control.  During this time, Steven was advancing the state of the art of semi conductors, military systems, and massive optics. 

After leaving to start his own company, S.K.Industries, became involved with CIA working in support of Iraq vs. Iran.  Sometime later, the newly formed company received a contract to build solid-state lasers for what would turn out to be an NSA operation run by Ollie North.    It was a result of that experience that Steven became awake and began the process of researching the truth and getting on the path to enlightenment.

Steven hosts the Steven D. Kelley show on the Radio Network.


Cities Under the Plain: The true story of one mans journey, through science, magic, and the CIA to understand the world in the 21st century


Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Political Activist
Guest Biography:

Ray McGovern leads the “Speaking Truth to Power” section of Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington.  A former co-director of the Servant Leadership School (1998-2004), he has been teaching there for more than 20 years.  His current course is: “On the Morality of Whistleblowing”

Ray came from his native Bronx to Washington in the early Sixties as an Army infantry/intelligence officer and then served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, from the administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush. Ray’s duties included chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing the President’s Daily Brief, which he briefed one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s five most senior national security advisers from 1981 to 1985.

In January 2003, Ray helped create Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) to expose the way intelligence was being falsified to “justify” war on Iraq. On the afternoon of the day (Feb. 5, 2003) Secretary of State Colin Powell misled the UN Security Council on Iraq, VIPS sent a blunt memorandum to President George W. Bush, in which VIPS gave Powell a C-minus for content. VIPS ended the memo with this:

“No one has a corner on the truth; nor do we harbor illusions that our analysis is irrefutable or undeniable [as Powell had claimed his was]. But after watching Secretary Powell today, we are convinced that you would be well served if you widened the discussion beyond … the circle of those advisers clearly bent on a war for which we see no compelling reason and from which we believe the unintended consequences are likely to be catastrophic.”

On July 20, 2002, CIA Director George Tenet had told his British counterpart that the “intelligence and facts were being ‘fixed’ around the policy of ‘regime change’ in Iraq.”  On June 5, 2008, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Jay Rockefeller, announced the main conclusion of a five-year study by his committee, saying, “In making the case for war, the administration repeatedly presented intelligence as fact when it was unsubstantiated, contradicted or even nonexistent.”  In sum, the “intelligence” was not mistaken; it was fraudulent.

As an act of conscience, on March 2, 2006 Ray returned the Intelligence Commendation Medallion given him at retirement for “especially meritorious service,” explaining, “I do not want to be associated, however remotely, with an agency engaged in torture.”  He returned the medallion to Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R, Michigan), then-Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Hoekstra added to the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY’07 (HR5020) a provision enabling the government to strip intelligence veterans of their government pensions.  HR5020 passed the full House, but Congress opted instead for a continuing resolution.  Ray was thus spared from having to go back to driving part-time for Red Top Cab.

On December 11, 2014, Ray had an opportunity to tell Hoekstra exactly what he thought of Hoekstra’s Lone-Ranger attempt (he did not inform his House Intelligence Committee colleagues) to make it possible to revoke the government pensions of people like Ray.  He confronted the former Congressman off-air, after the two were interviewed live on CCTV’s “The Heat” about the Senate Intelligence Committee findings released on December 9, 2014 regarding CIA torture.  The interview itself offered Ray a unique chance to hold Hoekstra publicly accountable for condoning torture.  And the Michigan congressman rose to the occasion. (See minutes 8:15 to 10:41 of:

On the early afternoon of May 4, 2006, in Atlanta, Ray confronted Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on live TV with pointed questions like: “Why did you lie to get us into a war that was not necessary and that has caused these kinds of casualties?”

The impromptu, four-minute mini-debate that followed is still receiving hits on YouTube – Accused by TV pundits that evening of “following the Secretary of Defense all the way down to Atlanta,” Ray explained that he had gotten to Atlanta first – to receive, that same evening, the ACLU’s National Civil Liberties Award (won the previous year by Coretta Scott King).

Ray’s opinion pieces have appeared in many leading newspapers and other publications in the U.S. and abroad.

Ray still serves on the Steering Group of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. 

He has debated twice at the Oxford Forum, most recently in Jan. 2013, when he chose to take a lighter tone in trying to explain why it is still possible to dream the American dream.

Ray has appeared on The Newshour, C-Span’s Washington Journal, CNN, BBC, a number of domestic Russian TV channels, Aljazeera, RT, PressTV, CCTV and many other TV & radio programs and documentaries. Ray’s favorite gig was debating Iraq with yellow-cake-aluminum connoisseur and ex-CIA Director James Woolsey on Charlie Rose on Aug. 20, 2004. (See minute 17:48 when Woolsey plays the “anti-Semitic” card against Ray.)

Ray was in NYC with film-maker Robert Greenwald for the debut of his full-length documentary, Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War. Ray is often on the road, giving talks and interviews to a wide variety of audiences in the U.S. and abroad.

His B.A. and M.A. degrees – both from Fordham University – are in Russian history, language, and literature, with minor concentrations in theology and philosophy.  He also holds a Certificate in Theological Studies from Georgetown University and is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program.

A Catholic, Ray has been worshipping for many years with the ecumenical Church of the Saviour.  He has been invited to lecture at various interfaith and ecumenical events around the U.S., and has preached during services at a number of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.

Ray is particularly fond of the “substitute teaching” he has been invited to do at local universities and colleges.  At George Washington University, though, he quickly wore out his welcome when he stood silently with his back turned toward then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  He was seized and badly beaten directly in front of Clinton while she spoke eloquently about the need for freedom of expression – in Iran.

Ray is fluent in Russian, German, and Spanish.  He and his wife have been married for 55 years; they have five children and nine grandchildren.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Speaker, Life Coach, Energy Healer, Author and Intuitive
Guest Biography:

Cynthia Mazzaferro is a Motivational Speaker, #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author, Energy and Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master, and Powerful Beyond Measure Life Coach.   She is a retired Physical Therapist of over 30 plus years and previous owner of an Ergonomic company where she performed work site analysis and spent thousands of hours training and teaching individuals on injury and stress reduction. Cindy's passion is to assist people in their personal growth, health, and purpose.  Cindy’s new transformational, #1 Amazon self-help book, Powerful Beyond Measure Explores your Past, Empowers your Present, and Envisions your future filled with purpose, passion, and miracles. You can purchase her book, Powerful Beyond Measure on Amazon or at your favorite bookstores.

Guest Category: Arts, Business, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Licensed Psychologist and Director of the Heart Based Institute
Guest Biography:

Ed Rubenstein, Ph.D. is the Director of Education and Professional Training Programs for Heart Based Institute. He is also a licensed psychologist who has been at the forefront of the human potential field for over 30 years.

Ed received his Doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Florida State University, and holds a Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling from Florida State University, a Masters in Psychology from Radford University, and a Masters in Spiritual Studies from Goddard College.

Over the course of his career, he has worked with a multiplicity of client populations and has conducted workshops and trainings for federal, city and county agencies as well as university, hospital, non-profit, corporate, and community settings.

Ed’s focus within psychology is on a heart based approach and its impact on the psychological and relational well-being of his diverse clientele. His transformative approach to psychology demonstrates a natural way for developing resiliency, emotional management, and for building positive relationships.

Facilitating professional workshops internationally, Ed shares his insights and in-depth knowledge about living a heart-centered life, supported by tools and approaches that contribute to a deeper experience of personal fulfillment.

He has successfully presented workshops at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Pan American World Health Organization (PAHO), and other agencies.

Guest Category: Education, Kids & Family, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Life Changes Network Team
Guest Biography:


Mark Laisure

Mark Laisure is a venture strategist, speaker and oneness coach. Mark speaks and teaches on various topics related to Personal Transformation such as; “Reinstalling Happiness” “Business is not Business, it’s Personal” and “Greening your Mind.” At the core of his presentations, he focuses on the science and understanding that we are energetic beings and we are connected at heart.

Dorothy Lee Donahue

Dorothy Lee Donahue’s journey to LIFE CHANGES was a difficult but necessary one for her to become who she is now and what she now does in the world. Scholastically tested and recognized as a genius as a child, Dorothy also had strong intuitive gifts and she felt misunderstood and underappreciated in a “look good,” “proper” traditional Texas family…

Filippo Voltaggio

Filippo Voltaggio, Author, Speaker, Life Coach, and TV and Radio Host, has incorporated the years of experience from being in front of, behind and on the little screen, the big screen and live stages into every thing he does. His passion has become incorporating all his gifts and using them for the good of many. From his singing, writing, hosting or one on ones to many on ones, Filippo brings it all together to create a unique experience all his own for all to make their own.

Guest Category: Arts, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Recording Artist, Musician, Guitarist, Singer and Song Writer
Guest Biography:


Having been influenced by a musical family, I began singing at age five & I started teaching myself bass at age fourteen when I was inspired by various artists in Rock, Blues, R&B, Funk, Fusion, Jazz and Progressive Rock. I studied music theory with Schuyler Collins from the Berkley School of Music, and voice with master vocal technician Nikki Cukor in New York. I started playing bass and singing professionally at 15 for several top drawing bands in the Northeastern Pennsylvania & east coast club circuits. The bands Black Water, Quest and Rogue were some of the best vocal intensive Rock show bands that I had the opportunity to cut my teeth with in the NorthEast.

I then moved on to Los Angeles, to further pursue my music career. I was one of the top ten bass players picked by

BILLY SHEEHAN for the MUSICIANS INSTITUTE Scholarship Contest. I then attended the world renowned school, graduating at the top of the class with the


This led me to assistant teaching and private instruction at M.I. for the next 2 years. Reputation and experience led me to audition for


with whom I joined the eclectic, dark, Alt-Rock band,

MUMBO’S BRAIN, and with whom I co-wrote & recorded the instrumental Rock/Funk/Jazz/Fusion record called,


Having caught the attention of label exec Fred Brown at Warner Bros, I was referred to work with,

STAN WHITTAKER, former guitarist/vocalist for PETER GABRIEL and famous Prog-Rock band HAPPY THE MAN, with whom formed the Prog/Pop/Rock band

SPIRIT NOISE with my bro & drummer RICO DICOSMO.

Since then I’ve played with Warner Bros recording artist,

TRACY DAWN, alternative L.A. Indie rock band, PUSH

and played bass on co-produced and arranged an album for Ft. Worth, Texas singer/songwriter.

ELIZABETH WILLS with producer CHRIS VAN TASSELL. I recorded and co-produced an EP with the band

SPECTRUM/WORLDS APART with producer BARRY FAZMAN, recorded the album

“ CONFESSIONS ” with the band JADED, and recorded the album

” GOOD VIBRATIONS ” with L.A.’s Rock/Reggae/Rap/Pop Band SHAKA BUKU. I also wrote and recorded songs with

JAMIE GREEN (named by L.A. Music Awards as Best Unsigned Artist) for her new album ” TRUCE “. And then recorded the hit album:


of which the single,

“BRING ME TO LIFE” and was #1 on BILLBOARD’S MODERN ROCK CHART for several weeks.

“ FALLEN “ also won 2 GRAMMY AWARDS for


46TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS in 2004 & for which I recieved

two Grammy Certifications for.

“ FALLEN “ sold over 14 MILLION COPIES WORLDWIDE. (More @ Two tracks from ” FALLEN ” also made it on the soundtrack of the comic book movie ” DAREDEVIL” .

Recently, I’ve had the honor & priveledge of spending the last 2 years as the new bassist for the Quintessential Classic Rock Band,

THIN LIZZY, playing with world class guitarist/vocalist JOHN SYKES, amazing original Thin Lizzy guitarist SCOTT GORHAM, and Drumming legend, TOMMY ALDRIDGE. Its been a total blast playing the awesome songs and bass lines of the late great


Last year I also had the priveledge of doing some gigs in Russia with one of my fav singers of all time, BOBBY KIMBALL of TOTO,

with my friends and killer musicians JAY GORE on guitar,


I’ve recently done a record with San Diego singer/songwriter

ROB CARONA & recorded the awesome CD “THIS IS THE LIFE”.

MOST RECENTLY I’ve teamed up with TTM GUITARS from Palm Desert CA and am designing a NEW LINE of 4, 5 and 6 STRING BASS GUITARS with unique design features. Protoypes are now being built with working models to be expected later this year.

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Music