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Guest Name
Life Changes Network Team
Mark Laisure, Dorothy Donahue and Filippo Voltaggio
Guest Occupation
Life Changes Network Team
Guest Biography


Mark Laisure

Mark Laisure is a venture strategist, speaker and oneness coach. Mark speaks and teaches on various topics related to Personal Transformation such as; “Reinstalling Happiness” “Business is not Business, it’s Personal” and “Greening your Mind.” At the core of his presentations, he focuses on the science and understanding that we are energetic beings and we are connected at heart.

Dorothy Lee Donahue

Dorothy Lee Donahue’s journey to LIFE CHANGES was a difficult but necessary one for her to become who she is now and what she now does in the world. Scholastically tested and recognized as a genius as a child, Dorothy also had strong intuitive gifts and she felt misunderstood and underappreciated in a “look good,” “proper” traditional Texas family…

Filippo Voltaggio

Filippo Voltaggio, Author, Speaker, Life Coach, and TV and Radio Host, has incorporated the years of experience from being in front of, behind and on the little screen, the big screen and live stages into every thing he does. His passion has become incorporating all his gifts and using them for the good of many. From his singing, writing, hosting or one on ones to many on ones, Filippo brings it all together to create a unique experience all his own for all to make their own.