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Guest Occupation: Singer/Songwriter/Visionary
Guest Biography:

Kara Johnstad is a 'voice visionary' who grew up as a songwriter in Berlin Germany. Kara’s spring debut on Cosmic LOVE (April 16th show) featured her extraordinary voice with this music video, MESSAGE OF HOPE:

Kara is a fascinating guest with mystical insight into voice dynamics through humming, toning and singing that opens the throat, liberates the voice and releases heart coherent energies.

Listen to Kara’s new July 16th song, WE HAVE A CHOICE at:

Kara utilizes Skype to provide voice tutoring to highly intelligent people worldwide who have lots of heart but haven’t found their voice.

The show today will go further into the science and spirit of the sacred word in frequency and form. Discover how an enlightened voice can not only upgrade one's heart-mind connection, but also, counterbalance the lower vibration of thousands who are stuck in negativity.

Welcome Kara Johnstad to Cosmic LOVE with Your Presence!

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Music, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: inventors of life force energy and raising consciousness one property at a time.
Guest Biography:

Would you like 1,000 monks praying for you?  My two guests today have developed technology to give you an energy that is comparable and will raise your vibrations/consciousness.  Meet Jeffrey Stegman and Clayton Stedmann.

Jeffrey Stegman’s focus has been on creating a high consciousness culture in his businesses, which parallels his own personal spiritual path. Jeffrey is the co-owner of two manufacturing businesses, including one that has been in business since 1835. FLFE is a confluence of Jeffrey’s manufacturing, engineering, business and spiritual evolution.

Clayten Stedmann has worked in the education, training and coaching business for over 30 years. For the last 20 years he has focused on business as a spiritual path in his coaching practice. Since discovering Consciousness Kinesiology (CK) in 2004 he has done over five million CK calibrations and created over 10 consciousness assessments and several unique energetic medicine protocols. FLFE is a continuation of his purposeful intention to create the conditions for humanity to have a higher level of consciousness.

Focused Life Force  (FLFE Innovations Corp) is a service company providing a subscription to greatly increase the level of consciousness of a property and around a mobile object to a very noticeable and beneficial level and provides a free trial so that people can feel it themselves.

For centuries people have been making pilgrimages to places around the world known for their cleansing, healing, restoring and loving energy. The highest aspects of this energy can be expressed on the spiritual path and also by being a loving parent, a devoted husband or wife, a hobbyist gardener, a full-time farmer, a dedicated photographer, a steadfast employee and a business owner.

For almost as long people have been working on ways to re-create and harness this energy through study and inventions. People such as Albert Einstein,  Nikola Telsa, Masaru Emoto and Buckminster Fuller are just of a few of the better known of hundreds of researchers who understood that perhaps the greatest contribution to humanity’s evolution that we can make is to raise our own consciousness and sought ways to accelerate that process.

The study of atoms and later quantum physics confirmed what ancient spiritual teachers had been stating for centuries; ‘the law of nature states that everything has a vibration.’ Today most of us use terms like ‘ I do/don’t like the energy or vibe of that room, business or person.’

As humanity evolves new ways of measuring these vibrations emerge. A recent discovery has made it easier to measure vibration in everyday life in order to facilitate positive changes in people’s level of consciousness.

In the latter half of the 20th Century, a very successful psychiatrist, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., after treating thousands of patients, began to see common levels of thinking, feeling and acting.  He realized that people’s challenges and advances depend on their level of consciousness. He first outlined a scale measuring levels of consciousness or vibration, named the ‘Hawkins Map of Consciousness’, in his New York Times bestselling book ‘Power Versus Force’ (1995). Hawkins, along with a group of researchers, over a period of more than twenty-five years, used kinesiology to measure the level of consciousness in everything they could imagine; people, books, music, events, countries, locations.

Hawkins documented these consciousness levels in a scale from 1 to 1,000. On this scale 200 is the level above which we begin to add energy to everything around us. Below 200 we are net consumers of energy. A few of these levels are: Shame, which vibrates at 20, Fear is 100, Courage is 200, Acceptance is 350 and Love is 500. Enlightenment levels range from 600 to 1000. Today tens of thousands of Hawkins students and practitioners in multiple disciplines use the Hawkins Map to measure and effect change in quality of life and personal evolution.

In 2008 two men met through a mutual friend. They were both working on accessing and utilizing high consciousness fields.  Jeffery Stegman was creating high consciousness fields and cultures in business and Clayten Stedmann, as a coach in business as a spiritual path, was creating high consciousness fields for healing the human mind, body and spirit.

They came together with an inventor who had devoted his life to creating free energy for humanity.  Although he did not create a free energy device, He had discovered a way to re-direct and focus large amounts of life force energy (also known as subtle energy) on an object.

Between Jeff’s experience in engineering and Clayten’s knowledge and extensive practice in Consciousness Kinesiology and the Hawkins Map they re-engineered the original device to broadcast a high consciousness wave to specific locations around the world. At first, Clayten and Jeffrey used the device and associated technology to raise consciousness around the world as a public service project. As they were able to increase the power available and the ability to positively affect a property, they brought the consciousness raising technology to the public as ‘Focused Life-Force Energy’ (FLFE). FLFE Innovations Corp was formed in Nelson B.C., Canada to create the infrastructure to offer the service and to support customers on the FLFE wave.

Today after an additional 8 years of research and hundreds customers and testimonials Jeffrey and Clayten are beginning the process of increasing public awareness of this unique consciousness raising technology. FLFE Innovations Corp offers a monthly FLFE subscription on a property or on a mobile object (FLFE Mobile, also known as the FLFE Bubble).  The technology associates (entangles) the FLFE device with an address or photograph of an object using custom developed software integrated with the FLFE device and creates the FLFE wave that works with the property or object. The FLFE wave will clear negative history (on a property), raise consciousness and increase greatly the positive energy available for people and animals on the property or in a specific radius around the FLFE Mobile Object, as well as many other enhancements.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Religion, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Radio host, writer, story teller, national commercials
Guest Biography:

Dick Summer is a story teller.... as stated in the (New York Daily News)

Dick Summer has one of America's most comfortable and familiar voices. He was a top radio personality on the NBC Radio Network in New York City and Boston. Dick is now heard every day on national radio and television commercials. He is also a pilot, a poet, and a hypnotist. He created Quiet Decisions in New York City where he used hypnosis to help people heal. His five highly successful "Lovin Touch" books were published by Random House and Bantam Books. His current best seller is, "Staying Healthy, Happy, and Hot."

Author and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame radio personality, Dick Summer shows how he avoids letting all the candles on his birthday cake set off the everyday sprinkler systems that can put out the fire in our lives.
In his new book, Staying Happy, Healthy and Hot, Dick admits his "New Louie Louie Generation folks don't look like the people in the beer commercials anymore, with their fancy abs and perky breasts." But," he says, "we have some surprises in store for the ‘Pimple People' and the ‘Dreary Drones,' who think we have any intention of letting ourselves turn into a bunch of lukewarm slabs of meat."
Staying Happy, Healthy and Hot: We're the Brand-New Louie Louie Generation (published by iUniverse) is a collection of true short stories about Dick's life that shows how staying happy helps keep you healthy. And when you're healthy, you're hot. He calls that the "attitude/gratitude connection."
Staying Happy, Healthy and Hot is full of laughs, tears, hopes, and fears. It's real; it's not about looking at life through rose-colored glasses. It's about a guy who's happily looking at life through bifocals that still get steamed up and sometimes a little teared up, watching the Summer sunshine of his life turn to Autumn gold.
Dick's PERSONAL AUDIOS (sm) are CDs and MP3's that keep you company. They're always there for you, even in the middle of the night. They can make you feel safe and comfortable. They can give you courage. They can make you laugh and cry. Unlike audio books which take hours of concentration, PERSONAL AUDIOS (sm) are quick "Time Outs" for people with over stressed, sometimes solitary, and often frustrating lives. In the past, Dick Summer took his radio listeners for emotional trips like these every night. But PERSONAL AUDIOS (sm) take you well past the limits of where radio could ever go.
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help, Sex, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Executive Vice President of HeartMath
Guest Biography:

Howard is the Executive Vice President of HeartMath® LLC. He is an internationally sought after speaker on the HeartMath approach to advancing human performance based on compelling scientific research linking heart function with health, emotional well-being and intelligence.

Howard Martin brings more than 30 years of experience in business and personal development to the position of Executive Vice President, Strategic Development.

Howard's responsibilities include global alliances, marketing, and program and product development.

He has been instrumental in assisting Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath, in the development and teaching of HeartMath's programs since its inception.

Howard is one of the co-authors of the ground-breaking book Heart Intelligence, Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart.

He is also co-author with Doc Childre of The HeartMath Solution, published by Harper San Francisco. He also developed Nightingale-Conant's tape series, The HeartMath Method.

Howard is a key spokesperson for HeartMath and has conducted hundreds of news media and documentary film interviews including CNN Headline News, ABC Good Morning America, and ABC World New Tonight.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Society and Culture, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Business Coach, author, numerologist and speaker
Guest Biography:

Gail Minogue is a published authority in the symbolic relationship of numbers to our lives, with solid experience as a commodities broker since 1987 and a history of offering visionary viewpoints on world events.   Minogue combines many disciplines to deliver wise perspectives coupled with practical understanding of trends and events---past, present and future.

Through the use of Sacred Geometry, Hermetic laws, cyclical data and leveraging proven developmental patterns in diverse areas, Gail is able to bridge the two worlds. Gail helps organizations and individuals remain thought leaders and top achievers.  Clients have included major law firms, Caldwell Banker, The Boston Consulting Group, Women in Real Estate (WIRE), the Welfare to Work Program of Chicago, multiple non-profits, as well as key executives, business owners and numerous civic organizations. 

Gail is the author of “Divine Design—How You Created the Life You Are Living”.  In addition to media appearances on CNN, ABC and Charter Communications, she has produced the DVD, “The New World Renaissance”.

Gail’s talks have included “The Invisible System”, “The USA and Our True Role”, The Extreme Makeover”, the “Rise in Power of Middle-Aged Women” and “How Numbers Empower Your Life—Understanding your blue print, universal numbers and patterns.”

Services/products offered: Book and CD Sales, Private Consultations, Workshops and Speaker Platform

Workshop on “The Rise in Power Of Middle-Aged Women”, August 20th, Santa Ana, CA 10 am to 1 pm. 800-600-0256

Guest Category: Literature, Business, Education, Courses & Training, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Psychology, Access Consciousness, Numerology
Guest Occupation: Ordained minister, nutritionist and energy healer
Guest Biography:

Dr. Jean Logan is an ordained minister, has a doctorate in Nutritional Healing and has an extensive knowledge of many types of energy healing. Jean is the author of “Unlocking the Power of Glyphs,” “Sacred Symbols of Light,” “Symbols of the Dawn” and recently released “Sacred Symbols Healing Cards.” Her books are now in over 80 countries with all profits going to a provide services to indigenous children through her nonprofit Holy Ground Farm, Inc. Her books are available through

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Nutrition, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Artist/Clothes Designer/Gardener/Community Leader
Guest Biography:

Meet Ron Finley, a man who will not sit still and watch a problem take root. Having grown up in the South Los Angeles food prison, Ron is familiar with the area’s lack of fresh produce. He knew what it’s like to drive 45 minutes just to get a fresh tomato.

In 2010, he set out to fix the problem. Outside his front door, that is. Ron planted vegetables in the curbside dirt strip next to his home. And quietly, carefully, tenderly started a revolution. I wanted a carrot without toxic ingredients I didn’t know how to spell, says Ron.

His was an exceptionally creative, cost-effective and simple solution; however, it was also an act of spirited rebellion that led to a run-in with the authorities.

The City of Los Angeles owns the “parkways” the neglected dirt areas next to roads where Ron was planting. He was cited for gardening without a permit. This slap on the wrist did little to dissuade his green thumb. So Ron fought back. Hard. He started a petition with fellow green activists, demanding the right to garden and grow food in his neighborhood and then, the city backed off.

This caught the eyes of creative leaders and media voices that lauded his courageous act of ebullient defiance. Ron has continued to share his story and vision with the world, giving a TED talk and planning many exciting ways to continue his involvement in mitigating Los Angeles food prisons.

His dreams have been reshaped into a thriving garden of pumpkins, peppers, sunflowers, kale and corn. But more than being a gangsta gardener, Ron is a community leader.

Determined to change South Los Angeles from food desert to food forest, he wants his actions to be educational, inspiring, and nutritious. He wants kids to grow up with the option of healthy food, instead of fried, fattening staples. He wants to sweep up and transform his street, his hood, the city of LA and communities everywhere.

Besides his community leadership helping people to understand and become involved with gardening leading to better nutrition, Ron owns his own clothing business called "Dropdead Collexion".  He has designed clothes for NBA players, Saks Fifth Avenue and Marcus Neiman among many others.  He has also been featured on a number of TV and radio shows, a speaker at events, as well as profiled in publications like Reader's Digest, Millenial Magazine, and Aquaponics.  Ron is also a recepient of the “Natural American Heroes Award” from Natural News.


Ron is realizing his vision for community gardening and rejuvenation. Let’s grow this seed of urban gangsta gardening into a school of nourishment and change. Help spread his dream of edible gardens, one city at a time.

It’s time for Americans to learn to transform food deserts to food forests. Help them learn to regenerate their lands into creative business models. Let’s make Ron’s philosophy mushroom across the country, and the world.

In part of this effort, Ron is planning to build an urban garden in South Central LA that will serve as an example of a well-balanced, fruit-and-veggie oasis  called “HQ”.

Inspired by the idea of turning unused space such as parkways and vacant lots into fruitful endeavors, this garden and gathering place will be a community hub, where people learn about nutrition and join together to plant, work and unwind.

HQ will create a myriad of jobs for local residents, and this plot of land will be a self-sufficient ecosystem of gardening, education, cooking, business learning and management. The community will get their hands dirty together, shovel together, work together and be healthy together.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Health & Lifestyle, News, Philosophy, Politics & Government, Science, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Software Developer/Software Freedom Activist
Guest Biography:

Richard Matthew Stallman is a software developer and software freedom activist. Born in 1953, he attended Harvard starting in 1970 and graduated in 1974 with a Bachelor of Arts in physics. From September 1974 to June 1975 he was a graduate student in physics at MIT.

He worked at the Artificial Intelligence Lab at MIT from 1971 to 1984, learning operating system development by doing it, except for the year he was a graduate student. He wrote the first extensible Emacs text editor there in 1976, and developed the AI technique of dependency-directed backtracking, also known as truth maintenance.

In 1983 Stallman announced the project to develop the GNU operating system, a Unix-like operating system meant to be entirely free software, and has been the project's leader ever since. With that announcement he also launched the Free Software Movement.

Stallman began working on this project on January 5, 1984, resigning from MIT employment in order to do so. In October 1985 he started the Free Software Foundation, of which he is president as a full-time volunteer. Stallman developed a number of widely used software components of the GNU system: the GNU Compiler Collection, the GNU symbolic debugger (gdb), GNU Emacs, and various others.

The GNU/Linux system, which is a variant of GNU that also contains the kernel Linux developed by Linus Torvalds, are used in tens or hundreds of millions of computers, and are now preinstalled in computers available in retail stores. However, the distributors of these systems often disregard the ideas of freedom which make free software important, and even include nonfree software in those systems.

That is why, since the mid-1990s, Stallman has spent most of his time in political advocacy for free software, and spreading the ethical ideas of the movement, as well as campaigning against both software patents and dangerous extension of copyright laws.

Stallman pioneered the concept of copyleft, and is the main author of the GNU General Public License, the most widely used free software license, which implements copyleft.

Stallman gives speeches frequently about free software and related topics. Common speech titles include "The GNU Operating System and the Free Software movement", "The Dangers of Software Patents", and "Copyright and Community in the Age of the Computer Networks". A fourth common topic consists of explaining the changes in version 3 of the GNU General Public License, which was released in June 2007. Another topic is "A Free Digital Society", which treats several different threats to the freedom of computer users today.

In 1999, Stallman called for development of a free on-line encyclopedia through the means of inviting the public to contribute articles.

Stallman is officially a Visiting Scientist at MIT.

Free Software, Free Society is Stallman's book of essays. His semiautobiography, Free as in Freedom, provides further biographical information.

  • 1986: Honorary life time membership in the Chalmers Computer Society
  • 1990: MacArthur Foundation Fellowship
  • 1990: The Association for Computing Machinery's Grace Murray Hopper Award "For pioneering work in the development of the extensible editor EMACS (Editing Macros)."
  • 1996: Doctorate honoris causa from Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology
  • 1998: Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer award
  • 1999: Yuri Rubinsky Memorial Award
  • 2001: The Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award for Social/Economic Well-Being
  • 2001: Doctorate honoris causa from the University of Glasgow
  • 2002: United States National Academy of Engineering membership
  • 2003: Doctorate honoris causa from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • 2003: Honorary professorship from the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería del Perú
  • 2004: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad Nacional de Salta, in Argentina
  • 2004: Honorary professorship from the Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
  • 2005: Fondazione Pistoletto prize
  • 2007: Honorary professorship from the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, in Peru
  • 2007: First Premio Internacional Extremadura al Conocimiento Libre
  • 2007: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad de Los Angeles de Chimbote, in Peru
  • 2007: Doctorate honoris causa from the University of Pavia
  • 2008: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, in Peru
  • 2009: Doctor of Science honoris causa from Lakehead University in Canada
  • 2011: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, in Argentina
  • 2012: Honorary professorship from the Universidad César Vallejo de Trujillo, in Peru
  • 2012: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad Latinoamericana Cima de Tacna, in Peru
  • 2012: Doctorate honoris causa from the Universidad José Faustino Sanchez Carrión, in Peru
  • 2013: Inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame
  • 2014: Doctorate honoris causa from Concordia University in Canada
  • 2015: Doctorate honoris causa from Universidad las Américas in Peru.
  • 2016: The Association for Computing Machinery's Software and Systems Award for development of GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection.
Guest Category: Business, Education, News, Science, Technology