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Guest Occupation: Entrepreneur, BHT Mental Health Counselor, Education Specialist, CEO of TDAC Solutions
Guest Biography:

Carrie Mardula has a fascinating and diverse background with 15 years in the Behavioral Health field. She began her career working with Severely Emotionally disturbed Youth and transitioned to a BHT/ Counselor for Severely Mentally ill clientele. She then found a desire to work as an Education Specialist and GED teacher more than a decade with the Federal Bureau of Prisons while continuing to work in a 24, 16 and 8 hour residential behavioral treatment facilities. There she has learned the inner workings of a residential behavioral health treatment facility in regard to programing and set up.  

In 2007, she received her Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of Phoenix followed by her Master Degree in Psychology in 2009 from the same institution. Carrie also served as an Equal Opportunity Employment counselor from 2007-2011. 

Carrie is a forward thinker in that she believes in a person's ability to recover from their prior circumstances and reintegrate positively back into society; provided they are shown the proper skills, given the proper tools, and have the self-motivation to learn and grow as an individual. She also believes in community involvement that helps create and promote a more humane, caring, and responsible society. 

In 2012, the entrepreneur in Carrie took full charge. Combining all of her years experience in the behavioral health field, and having a huge desire to want to make a difference for those struggling with mental health, substance abuse, PTSD and TBI issues she began TDAC, Technology Driven Alternative Care. TDAC is a  National reseller of Tele-health benefits, TDAC is able to provide 24/7 counseling via phone,  Doctors via Phone/Video,Email, or App. And so much more. TDAC is changing the way Americans go to the doctor. TDAC prides itself by catering to the small business owner, the veteran, senior and collegiate communities, TDAC is providing alternatives that literally bridge the gap in the great healthcare debate, for less than $1.00 a day for the entire family, and you can have your doctor on demand.

Guest Category: Business, Careers, Alternative Health, Homeopathy, Medicine, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Technology
Guest Occupation: Tarot Reader
Guest Biography:

Cheryl Ryder is a Tarot Reader and Head of The Albuquerque Tarot Meetup Group and Producer of the Albuquerque Tarot Symposium - Lifting The Veil

Guest Category: Arts, Education, Philosophy, Religion, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Clairvoyant Life Coach, Energy Healer and Teacher
Guest Biography:

Ann O’Brien is a clairvoyant life coach, energy healer and teacher. She has a grounded, practical approach which empowers you find joy, trust and hope—to make sense of your life and turn on your power to create!

Ann began mediating at age 18 in order to understand her sensitivity. Beginning in her 20’s, she began 10 years of training in clairvoyance, spiritual healing and mediumship, and began offering private sessions and teaching in 1999. Now, she has worked with thousands of people worldwide through the magic of phone and Skype.

Ann has a creative background (poetry, music, and dance) and is passionate about nutrition and bringing spirituality into the body. She loves working with artists, entrepreneurs, mothers, and anyone open to finding more freedom, peace and power in their lives. Through her “Awaken Your Intuition” programs, she provides a safe space to discover and trust your natural intuitive gifts, and to get your own answers through meditation and simple awareness practices.

This fall, Ann is offering the “Finding Your Life of Enchantment” retreat in Northern New Mexico from October 22-25. Join her for a 4-day, 3-night journey including meditation, energy clearing and manifesting workshops, yoga, hiking, field trips and more!

Ann lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter, who affectionately call her the “kitchen elf” or “Mama Coconuts.”

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Healer, Spiritual Leader, Curandero Espiritu
Guest Biography:

Flordemayo is a Curandera Espiritu,or a healer of Divine Spirit. As a seer, she has the ability to see other realms of color, light and sound.  In additions, she has the ability to see the effects of existing imbalances on a physical, emotional and spiritual realms within a person's energy system.  She was born in the highland of Central America, specifically Nicagura and she was the youngest of 15 children.  She was born under the sign for the seed, in Mayan Astrology.

As a world traveler, she has offered ceremonies and has spoken on a wide range of topics from healing with th use of herbs to her more recent projects including The Seed temple, located in Estancia, New Mexico. She was one of the founding members of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Council, which traveled all over the world for prayer and education.

Guest Category: Education, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Doctor
Guest Biography:

Successful Treatments for Cancer and Chronic Disease

Dr. Dan Rogers

With almost 40 years of treating patients with non-toxic therapies, Dr. Rogers treats each patient with care, respect and understanding, using any and all modalities at his disposal. The timing of when a particular treatment will be started is a decision arrived at between the treating physician and the patient or guardian. The timing and the mix of treatments given an individual patient are part of the art of medicine and require experience to be done expertly.

Some but not all treatments utilized by Dr. Rogers:

GERSON THERAPY - Max B. Gerson, M.D., may be regarded as the Father of Nutritional Immunology for his many contributions in chronic and degenerative diseases, infectious diseases, and cancer. 

In addition to Gerson Therapy the some of the following therapies (described in detail on the website) are utilized:

  • Complete enzyme therapy 

  • Daily PolyMVA 






  • IMMERSION HYPERTHERMIA LAETRILE - Used with hyperthermia to weaken malignant cells.


  • GOVALLO'S VG1000 



  • COQ10





  • LABS




  • Surgical removal 

Contact Information

Dan Rogers M.D., N.M.D., Ph.D.

Tel & Fax Toll free 1.866.535.8886

Mail: PMB #485

710 E. San Ysidro Blvd. #A

San Ysidro, CA 92173


Tel:  +1.646.435.2818

Fax:  +1.951.493.8124

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: CCS President and Spokesperson
Guest Biography:

Frank Cousineau — The Cancer Control Society

An Extraordinary Educational Service

Representing the Cancer Control Society (CCS), Frank Cousineau is the president, spokesperson and Emcee for the annual conventions. His calm and well spoken demeanor is a credit to his professionalism. Over the many years of his involvement with the Cancer Control Society, he has learned firsthand about each of the local clinics and hospitals and all the doctors practicing there in Baja California that service many people from the United States and from all over the world that are suffering with life threatening diseases. These people are searching for a better way to overcome these life threatening conditions with cancers of all types leading the list. The name “Cancer Control Society” came about due to the pervasiveness of this disease. Frank works tirelessly to promote the Cancer Control Society. With answering just a few questions, Frank can tell people which doctors and clinics to check out first depending on what the person wants as far as care for a life threatening condition.

Let it be known that the Cancer Control Society has no ties to other large so-called funders of cancer research. The research has already been done and thousands of people are living examples that cancer and other diseases are something that can be overcome. The research and results stand alone. The proof is in the survival statistics. This is an organization that needs to be consulted by every person that wants to make an informed choice and be in charge of their own health and therapy. If we all paid more attention to our health then there would be less illness and more prevention.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Science
Guest Occupation: Executive Director of California Citizens for Health Freedom
Guest Biography:

Frank Cuny is the Executive Director of California Citizens for Health Freedom.

He works tirelessly as a legislative advocate for the state of California. This is a volunteer position with great responsibility to the people of California. I interviewed Frank because California is one of the states that is most restrictive in healthcare legislation. It is people like Frank that have the ability and know how to turn the tide in the people’s favor when it comes to new and unrestricted choice in healthcare.

You can help with donating time to this worthy group. What is more important than having the ability and knowledge to maintain good health? If you don’t have your health, does nothing else truly matter? If you are retired, independently wealthy or maybe convalescing form a health condition yourself and desire to contribute as a volunteer to this group in helping in the legislative process you will gain much personal satisfaction in knowing that your time is well spent. Even educating yourself on the law and disseminating this information to others or groups will help to better the law. It is in collaboration that we can attain the highest good for all.

California Citizens for Health Freedom is a 501(c)(4) tax deductible charitable organization with the ability to lobby for change. If you have the financial ability to help this group to make positive changes for the state of California please contact Frank. Frank can be reached at: 530-533-3264.

It is said that if you don’t have good health than what do you have in life?

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Evolutionary Astrologer
Guest Biography:

From a very young age, I have always been interested in seeing what lies behind the curtain of reality. My curiosity for the beauty of the universe kept me gazing at the stars searching for the deeper meaning of life. To me it was fascinating. Growing up I was surrounded by people who had a metaphysical approach to life and was properly introduced to my own interests at 18 when picked up my first astrology book. I started to see the world in symbols. Each energy as an expression of the zodiac. ͞

"I traveled far and one of the few things that I always carried with me were my astrology books" 

My true soul's journey began in 2011 when I choose to begin taking my soul path seriously. I left everything I knew behind and committed to walking the path of a leader in the new paradigm. What it looked like then was very different to how it appears now. I met my soul partner Jen and we began setting up our lives together. Throughout 2012 and beyond, together we have built Raising Vibrations. Behind the scenes of Raising Vibrations we juggle family life with 3 wonderful children ages 8, 2 and 3 months. We live what I teach and share.

My role as a father has influenced my spiritual path incredibly. Much of my own personal journey is about healing the wounded masculine archetype. What I reflect in my own journey is of self-healing and self-actualisation.In April of 2014 I became the astrological writer for a now very influential online information source called Wake up World. This amazing opportunity has brought my own souls journey into total alignment. Working alongside my partner & co-founder of Raising Vibrations and being able to be present with my children as they are growing up all while we are able help and guide so many souls along this awakening experience is truly amazing. I am truly blessed.

My main aim , as I integrate my soul path into the collective consciousness of humanity,is to bring back the awareness of what and who we truly are; Inter dimensional & Multi-dimensional beings experiencing ourselves as humans. The path of aligned unity consciousness and its connection to the soul’s journey. Using my own direct experience ,the knowledge of the zodiac and with the help of other awakened beings, we bring about the return of Christ state consciousness.

My role as an  evolutionary astrologer bring about unique  perspective in seeing a souls journey across time. This tool gives the ability to see the blueprint of any  soul’s journey and  to pinpoint, with incredible accuracy, what aspects of the soul needs reintegration and energy clearing. 

With Love and light! 


In this upcoming radio show we are getting down to hard core and truth:Understanding the Moon Matrix & The Second Coming of Christ Consciousness / False Light Vs True Light......reality review , open and see the fabric of reality for what it is... 

Simon is also running"The metamorphosis program"

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual, Astrology