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Guest Occupation: Self-taught Singer-Songwriter
Guest Biography:

Los Angeles-based Ben Caron is a self-taught singer-songwriter and wrote his first song at 15. Ben picked up a guitar for the first time—the same guitar his mother purchased when she was pregnant with him—and plucked out an original tune. He has written songs on the same guitar ever since. At 18, Ben moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting. He continued to write music and gig at open mics on the side, but it wasn’t until he’d finished college that he realized that his true passion was for music.

Known for his full and clear vocals, Ben approaches each of his songs from a pivotal “everyman” point of view and delivers a powerful performance that resonates with the audience. His own relationship experiences, some good and some bad, have presented opportunities to learn and grow, and his feelings and stories expressed through song are easily relate able.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Addiction Recovery Counselor and Sex Coach [C]
Guest Biography:

BIO:  I am Anadel Baughn Barbour, with 12 years of experience working with people in recovery from substances and negative behaviors.  I am a Marriage and Family Therapist Intern and am [being certified as] a Sex Coach.  My other modes of practice include Mindfulness Meditation, Level 2 Reike Healing, Narrative Therapy and I have some training in Hypnotherapy.  

I chose Mental Health as a career due to my own struggles with addiction.  The road of sobriety had many challenges and having overcome most of them, I wanted to help others.  I chose to add Sex Coaching to my practice because the need is tremendous.   Sex, sexuality and intimacy were areas that most people sought help for and which were sorely underrepresented in my Mental Health Training and Education.  My own sex and intimacy concerns led me to find my own path to a healthy sexual ideal for myself.   It was a tough journey.  It was hard to find a therapist who dealt with normalizing sexual issues.  Sexuality was ignored as a subject to embrace and improve upon if one wanted.  

I finally found fulfillment doing my own work and research.  Liberation from the bondage of confusion, shame and guilt about sex and sexuality was the result.   I discovered just how normal I was and that I could live by my own values.  I was able to take full ownership of my Powerful Sexual Energy. Having found a healthy attitude towards sex, my whole life changed, and I had a sense of well-being.  I call my journey FLOW (Fulfillment, Liberation,
Ownership, Well-Being). 

I would love to share it with everyone!

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Philosophy, Psychology, Sex
Guest Biography:

Founder of the Coeuressence School of Self-Mastery, Joan Cerio has crossed the United States sharing her gifts and insights with groups and one-on-one sessions. Coeuressence was sparked by Joan’s first book, In the Key of Life: An Activational Journey to the Soul. This has deepened with her new book Hardwired to Heaven.

Joan has been involved with the health and healing professions for more than thirty years and created Integrative Massage Therapy. With degrees in biology & science education, she passionately bridges the worlds of science and metaphysics. She has taught secondary science, massage therapy and Reiki, and continues to teach through Coeuressence.

Hardwired to Heaven is a blending of the science and spirituality of consciousness, creative energy, and heart. It opens by explaining how the energy of these times is facilitating humanity’s awakening. The science behind how blood, water, light, the pineal gland, and the heart’s electromagnetic field aid in enlightened creation provide the basis for the metaphysical information. Hardwired to Heaven shares seven simple, step-by-step instructions and three mediations that make it possible for anyone to create from his or her heart. 

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

RA-Ja holds a doctorate in Naturopathy, majoring in Iridology and Nutrition. He practiced for over a decade with an Alabama state license and taught his unique form of healing in medical universities and hospitals world-wide before he was awakened during a pilgrimage to the jungles of the Yucatan, Oaxaca and Chiapas. In the pyramids there he picked back up the perimeters of his mission on Earth as an Ambassador from the stars. 

Since that 1980 awakening, he later met his Twin Flame Moira Lady of the Sun Dove who has since gone on to Venus after the two Stardoves spent 3 decades traveling across the planet from Tibet, Hawaii to Mexico, Israel and Egypt as Ambassadors monitoring the cosmic wellness and attainment of living and being of the people of earth.  The Stardoves Team also conducted private and group vortex tours.  Raja continues the vortex tours coupled with dolphin encounters with friendly ET pods near Bimini and the Bahamas.  He continues to teach private and public classes on life on the other side in the higher worlds, eternal love, the assistance here to planet Earth from the Ascending Realm and the Perfected Beings who occupy these realms.

Raja also founded and operates the highly successful Marketing with the Stars email program, maintaining near 100,000 email addresses that announces the best events, products and services for the people of the Earth. The service provides a way to bring the best of the New World to the people of the Earth helping the providers, light workers and the retail and distributors, publishing and media relations arms of the industry connect.

Guest Category: Medicine, Paranormal, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: The transformational Troubador
Guest Biography:

What Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson and Jack Canfield are to books, Bob Sima is to music. His music bridges daily life and soul consciousness.

When Sima opens his mouth to sing, what emerges is far beyond the human sounds of his warm and soulful voice. He speaks the language of the Universe, the language of the soul, the language of the heart. He’s not just singing to his audience, he is the musical navigation that guides people to reconnect to themselves and to each other. That is part of the experience. Bob sings through the static and connects audiences in a very visceral, powerful way, changing the vibration and consciousness in the room. Audiences are truly awestruck, often exiting as if walking on a cloud. His music heals and expands the heart, transforming lives forever.

The unique beauty of his songs draw upon ancient wisdom and modern masters to uplift, inspire, motivate and gently nudge listeners to live life differently, to reach for something more. He has shared the stage with Marianne Williamson, Gay Hendricks, Jack Canfield, Peter Russell and many other luminaries.

His newest CD, putalittlemoreloveintheworld, is earning rave reviews. It features the title track, a beautiful call to action for being a force of love; “Happening For You”, taking the challenges of life and refashioning them as a crucible for growth. Each of the 10 tracks features a moving commentary that engages the listener in a deeper perspective and a celebration of the human spirit.

Guest Category: Music, Paranormal, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: QHHT Dedicated Practitioner
Guest Biography:

Sandy Neville experienced her first QHHT session with Candace Craw-Goldman in January 2014. After the extraordinary session she decided to pursue QHHT herself as a practitioner of Dolores Cannon's method. She completed the online class just weeks after her own session and soon traveled to Arkansas to attend the advanced level live class. She practices QHHT in Cache Oklahoma.

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Relationship Counseling, Psychology, Motivational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness, Akashic Records, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Chiawana HS Football Coach
Guest Biography:

Steve Graff guided the Chiawana Riverhawks to the WIAA 4A State Championship in 2013.  Graff and the Riverhawks look to defend their title in the Tacoma Dome on Saturday as they take on Bothell.
Chiawana Riverhawks: Head Varsity Coach, Def. Coord.
College : Eastern Washington University

Coaching Highlights:

Pasco HS: 3 State Titles ('98, '00, '03), 8 Playoff Appearances
Chiawana HS: 1 State Title ('13), 3 Playoff Appearances
Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Sports Production
Guest Biography:

Catrell Maclin joins the show from Memphis, where he knows all things Memphis Grizzlies & Memphis Tigers & touches on how his father influenced him with Memphis Wrestling!

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College