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Joan Cerio
Joan Cerio
Guest Biography

Founder of the Coeuressence School of Self-Mastery, Joan Cerio has crossed the United States sharing her gifts and insights with groups and one-on-one sessions. Coeuressence was sparked by Joan’s first book, In the Key of Life: An Activational Journey to the Soul. This has deepened with her new book Hardwired to Heaven.

Joan has been involved with the health and healing professions for more than thirty years and created Integrative Massage Therapy. With degrees in biology & science education, she passionately bridges the worlds of science and metaphysics. She has taught secondary science, massage therapy and Reiki, and continues to teach through Coeuressence.

Hardwired to Heaven is a blending of the science and spirituality of consciousness, creative energy, and heart. It opens by explaining how the energy of these times is facilitating humanity’s awakening. The science behind how blood, water, light, the pineal gland, and the heart’s electromagnetic field aid in enlightened creation provide the basis for the metaphysical information. Hardwired to Heaven shares seven simple, step-by-step instructions and three mediations that make it possible for anyone to create from his or her heart.