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Guest Occupation: Classically Trained Musician, Sound Healer, Energetic Modalities Practitioner and Researcher, NDE Experiencer
Guest Biography:

Darrell is a classically trained musician who turned to doing healing work in the late 1980′s.  After studying Massage, Polarity, Biodynamic CranioSacrol Therapy, Cell Memory, Esoteric Healing, Ortho-Bionomy and a host of other energetic modalities, he had a Near Death Experience and began forming his own modality: Harmonics of Healing and Music of the Spheres. As a classically trained musician, he had been interested in bridging the gap between healing and music for many years. This work represents many years of experimenting on himself and other practitioners who have contributed to the work. Located in Buffalo, New York, he is available to work with individuals and groups in person (rates vary) and by telephone. Please contact him for further details.

His site contains: CDs of  the sounds (harmonics) of the energetic structure of the bodies and/or the functioning of the various organs and systems of the body. They work by clearing the emotional trauma which accumulates over the years and the physical toxicity associated with the food and environment. The site also contains information  on Chi Gens and Vibe-TLs which are mantra based tools for healing purposes based on mantras and crystals. Instructions on using the various tools can be found here as well as podcasts/interviews of myself and other practitioners who use the CDs and others who are doing energetic modalities.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Sound Healing, Music, Self Help
Guest Occupation: musician, veteran's advocate
Guest Biography:

Doug Briney embodies all things country: His personality is warm and inviting, some would say down-to-earth, recalling the disposition of many a Southern Gentleman from yesteryear. With a 2013 Independent Country Music Association (ICoMA) Award, a 2014 Nashville Universe Award nomination, and a 2014 ICoMA Nomination for Best Single (“Super Country Cowboy”) this God-fearing road warrior, with the warm baritone voice and love for all things southern, has toured throughout the midwest, performing at honkytonks and churches from Nashville to Kansas City to Texas and back. 

Now, Doug is ready to release the 2nd single from his Top 10 Roots Music Report album, Super Country Cowboy (TMG.) A touching and poignant tribute to our current troops, as well as to armed forces members throughout time, “Unknown Soldier” is being released, appropriately, on Memorial Day.  Written by Tedd French and Bob Dellaposta, the song is a natural fit for Doug, who has a son currently serving.  All summer long, Doug will be donating proceeds from the sales of the track, through his website, to Veterans Charities. 

Guest Category: Arts, Music, Religion, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Thought Leader & Master Coach
Guest Biography:

GP Walsh is a man of extraordinary talent. A Speaker, Author, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer, Workshop Leader, Master Coach. Master Meditation Teacher and a recognized EFT Expert, he has been coaching and healing for over 30 years and has touched thousands of people with his irreverent humor, his bold assertions, his contradictions of conventional wisdom and his unyielding compassion.

Nicknamed “The Irreverent Sage” he has been called a prophet, a wise man, a sage, a rebel, a spiritual misfit, a trouble maker and a few things less nice. With a rare honesty, a biting wit, the timing of a comedian, and insights that can make your head spin, GP has the unique ability to take the most arcane, ambiguous and impenetrable life teachings and bring them into language that anyone can understand.

Guest Category: Psychology, Mental Health, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual, Meditation
Guest Occupation: Energetic Light Worker, Crystal Guide, Channel, Earth Healer, Martial Artist, Dancer
Guest Biography:

Kim Hahn is an energetic light worker, crystal guide, channel, earth healer, martial artist and dancer.  Having worked in the recording industry in New York and Los Angeles for 20 years, she now advocates for her indigo children and runs a thriving crystal and jewelry design business.

Using a synthesis of physical and spiritual modalities, she has helped her sons create a framework for their heightened sensitivities and skills.

Her mission is to distribute crystals to all who are in need of the boost they give to balancing vibration and raising consciousness in the energies of this fifth dimensional evolutionary ascension.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Self Help, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling
Guest Biography:

Devoted to the practice of meditation Beth  Lynch has worked with all ages. Teaching simple techniques to help guide one into a sacred space. It is in this space the most powerful & natural alignment vibrationally takes place. Right down to the cellular level. Lynch teaches the power of understanding the spiritual/energy system as well as the humanness (personality) can free all ages to understand & know their purpose, never feel alone and live a healthy & abundant life.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Angelica Rose describes herself as An Angelic Walk-in. She provides messages from the Angelic Realm, Spirit Guides and those who have passed over. Using a technique called Inner Spirit Activation, Angelica directs the Arch Angels to bring in higher frequency energy to align with your Inner Spirit, converting old beliefs and allowing your spirit to take over and you to experience greater levels of love, joy, peace, vitality and prosperity. Be sure to call into the show to ask your questions of Angelica.

Guest Category: Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: World Famous Speech Analyst and UFO Video Documentarian
Guest Biography:

Jon Kelly is a world famous speech analyst who says that people's unconscious thoughts and feelings can be discovered by listening to their speech recordings played in reverse. Jon has applied this procedure as an international clinician providing individual and family counseling, as a forensic analyst supporting federal police and intelligence agencies in Canada, the United States and overseas, as well as an investigative reporter to hundreds of radio shows and as a former feature producer for CBS Radio.

As a reporter Jon famously analyzed the 2001 President George W. Bush inaugural address in reverse to reveal key intelligence concerning the Iraq War two years in advance, identified the BTK Killer on Wichita morning radio 15 minutes before he confessed and disclosed Oprah Winfrey's true feelings about author James Frey two weeks before she called Frey a liar on national television.

Jon's communications research has been covered by the CBC, BBC London, Deutschlandradio Berlin, Coast to Coast AM, Bay TV, Uncovered TV, CBS Television, the SF Weekly, JAR - The Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research, Prediction Magazine (in the UK) along with hundreds of other media outlets around the world. Jon has also been recognized as a paranormal photographer producing spectacular images that have been featured in the crop circle documentary "Star Dreams".

With his discovery of President Obama's secret inaugural message regarding "alien saucers" Jon began conducting field research and producing a series of compelling infrared video recordings that document the aerial activities of intelligent civilizations co-existing with our own. A natural visionary and long-time yoga meditation practitioner Jon believes that the light from these sightings stimulates beneficial development of the unconscious mind of the observer. He also feels that the potential for human contact with Cosmic phenomena as described in yoga literature and the testimonies of UFO/ET experiencers begins in the deep inner recesses of the mind. Jon says that these recesses can be accessed through the sound of the human voice.

Alfred Webre, the father of Exopolitics, calls Jon Kelly "a courageous and learned individual ... (who) has spent many years studying reverse speech analysis and is a leading expert in the field. His results and historical accuracy speak for themselves."

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author
Guest Biography:

JAMES PETRAS is a Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York.

He is the author of more than 62 books published in 29 languages, and over 600 articles in professional journals, including the American Sociological Review, British Journal of Sociology, Social Research, and Journal of Peasant Studies. He has published over 2000 articles in nonprofessional journals such as the New York Times, the Guardian, the Nation, Christian Science Monitor, Foreign Policy, New Left Review, Partisan Review, TempsModerne, Le Monde Diplomatique, and his commentary is widely carried on the internet.

His publishers have included Random House, John Wiley, Westview, Routledge, Macmillan, Verso, Zed Books and Pluto Books. He is winner of the Career of Distinguished Service Award from the American Sociological Association’s Marxist Sociology Section, the Robert Kenny Award for Best Book, 2002, and the Best Dissertation, Western Political Science Association in 1968. His most recent titles include Unmasking Globalization: Imperialism of the Twenty-First Century (2001); co-author The Dynamics of Social Change in Latin America (2000), System in Crisis (2003), co-author Social Movements and State Power (2003), co-author Empire With Imperialism (2005), co-author)Multinationals on Trial (2006).

He has a long history of commitment to social justice, working in particular with the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement for 11 years. In 1973-76 he was a member of the Bertrand Russell Tribunal on Repression in Latin America. He writes a monthly column for the Mexican newspaper, La Jornada, and previously, for the Spanish daily, El Mundo. He received his B.A. from Boston University and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley.


ABOUT The Politics of Empire: The US, Israel and the Middle East by James Petras...
This book provides a unique conception of US empire building, linking overseas expansion with:

- the growth of a police state and declining living standards;

- advanced technologically driven global spying on adversaries and allies with declining economic competitiveness and military defeats;

- large scale, long term commitments of economic and military resources to wars in the Middle East to the detriment of major corporate interests, but for the benefit of a pariah state, Israel; and

- the power of a foreign state (Israel) over US policy via its domestic pro-Zionist power configuration The interplay of these four specific features of US empire building has no past or present precedent among imperial states.

Because of Israeli-Zionist influence on US imperial policy, the main targets and objectives of imperial wars are located in the Middle East. The objectives of Israeli and Zionist- influenced US policy in the Middle East is to enhance Israeli regional power and the dispossession of the Palestinian people. The trillion dollar cost of US wars for Israel, however, has alienated the vast majority of US society and driven a wedge between the political elite backing new wars for Israel, and the public prioritizing of domestic economic welfare. This study highlights how the domestic foundations of empire building have deteriorated and forced the imperial presidency to modify its approach, seeking diplomatic negotiations over new military interventions, specifically in the cases of Syria and Iran.

Imperial politics is viewed as a multi-sided power struggle between military and economic elites, Israel and the Zionist power configuration, overseas resistance movements and nationalist regimes, and the US public. The resolution of this power struggle is more than an academic question; it will determine whether the US will become a full blown police state, ruled by the pawns of a racist-colonial state engaged in endless wars or return to its roots as an independent democratic republic “free of foreign entanglements”.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government