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Guest Occupation: Sports Reporter and Play-by-Play
Guest Biography:

Kanoa Leahey is a sports reporter for KHON-TV, the Honolulu Fox affiliate. In addition to broadcasting the Monday-Friday sportscasts, he is also a play-by-play Announcer for high school sports on Oceanic Cable and for college basketball on the ESPN networks, as well as co-host of Leahey & Leahey, a weekly talk show featured on PBS Hawaii with his father, Jim (Leahey & Leahey Live).

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, the Iolani School alum got his first job as a sports reporter at KITV, Honolulu's ABC affiliate. After several years as the weekend sports anchor, he took over as the Sports Director at KHON-TV in 2004. In 2012, he stepped down to make more time for his national play-by-play work.

Leahey is a third generation sportscaster in Hawaii. His Father, Jim Leahey is the "voice" of University of Hawaii sports, and his grandfather, Chuck Leahey, is viewed by many as one of the most beloved sportscasters in state history.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Author, Tantra, Earth Mother; Gaia Mid-wife, Divine Sacred Union, Moon Wisdom, Facilitator, Healer, Meditation, Transmitter
Guest Biography:

Anaiya is a wellspring of both wisdom and experience. A skilled facilitator and transmitter of palpable pioneering passion, she is known the world over for her role in activating New Paradigm Relationships and Divinized Sexuality. 

‘Without a holy tantric revolution being at the heart of our Great Rebirth – it will never happen! For us to be able to truly birth this new paradigm we absolutely need the sanctified holy sexual force to give us the energy, stamina, passion and unyielding pioneering spirit to make it through to the other side of this planetary transformation’.  

Anaiya also works with men and women who are not in intimate relationship, preparing them on every level to meet and engage with their beloved.  She works in 'Sacred Union' with all, facilitating your own Holy Marriage between the transcendent and imminent aspects of being, focusing mostly on sexuality, the full heart and truth/transparency. 

She brings together the potential for a fully embodied transformation within your Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Mental and Soul Body

This work is an aspect of The Great Rebirth, and is part of the Divine Feminine Expression.

Guest Category: Tantra Sex, Sexuality, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Counselor/Author
Guest Biography:

Diane Tessman

Guest Category: UFOs, Akashic Records, Angel Communication, Numerology, Medium & Channeling, Astrology, Clairvoyant & Telepathic, Mystic & Seer, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Tibetan vocalist
Guest Biography:

Tsering Lodoe was the lead singer for the Oscar nominated Nepali movie "Himilaya", and contributed to the sound track for 'Seven Years In Tibet' starring Brad Pitt. Did you see that powerful movie? Lodoe gives voice to the indomitable will of a spiritual people to represent peace and harmony. 

Right after the Cosmic Love show, Lodoe will be performing at the Bozeman concert with Tibetan flutist Nawang Khechog.  Nawang is a Tibetan Grammy Nominee who has won multiple awards from Tibet, India, Nepal and the United States.  As a Buddhist devotee who lives in the community with the Dalai Lama, Nawang will be giving a 90 minute talk on 'Awakening Kindness' at a Bozeman workshop on Sunday.
 Accompaniment for much of this music is master acoustic guitarist Bruce BecVar who I'll also be interviewing with a sample of his music. Bruce is a gifted multi-instrumentalist and composer. Having produced and recorded 12 CDs since 1986 on his label Shining Star Music, BecVar is considered a veteran in the world of acoustic guitar. His Forever Blue Sky was on the top ten New Age Billboard charts. The World Music label Narada featured one of his Nuevo Flamenco pieces on their highly successful flamenco guitar sampler called Gypsy Passion.
 Some of the world class musicians that have appeared on BecVar's recordings include, Alex Acuna (Of Weather Report), younger brother Brian BecVar, Paul McCandless (Windham Hill) and Steve Reid (The Rippingtons).
 Bruce Bevar's guitar and Tsering Lodoe's vocals provide a profound harmonic experience.  This is a show you may want to put on your calendar whether for the local event or on Cosmic Love.
 Bruce BecVar website:

Guest Category: Arts, Music, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, spiritual, quest, transmissions, ancient knowledge, mystery schools
Guest Biography:

Tamara Veitch and Rene DiFazio

Author, spiritual, quest, transmissions, ancient knowledge, mystery schools

Guest Occupation: 'A Course in Miracles'. The Oneness Blessing, Ilahinoor, Ho'oponopono, White Time Healing and other energetic transferences
Guest Biography:

I started my sojourn on the planet growing up in a cozy family environment which encouraged love, laughter and learning. I chose to follow my ‘muse’ early in life by becoming a professional rock musician, which enabled me to thrive enough to support a family early on. I returned to schooling at age 40, and settled into the helping professions as a counselor for children, families and the unemployed. My interests led me to become trained and certified in Nutrition. I eventually embraced Quantum Biofeedback, an advanced computerized healing system, as both a practitioner and eventually international trainer and educator. My interests have expanded further to embrace the Spiritual aspects of healing, and now, with my wife Erina, teach and train others to become Licensed Spiritual Healers. My own inner work has evolved into an optimistic world view and desire share this with others through writing, teaching and music. I have authored ‘Navigating the Collapse of Time’ and co-authored ‘Dowsing Beyond Duality’ with Erina to support others in tapping into their greatest potentials.

Guest Category: Energy Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Hypnotherapist
Guest Biography:

John McGrail, PhD, is a hypnotherapist, personal success coach, spiritual teacher and a leading media expert on the topic of personal improvement. A former military officer, aviator and mass-media professional, he has combined more than 30 years of teaching, coaching and mentoring experience with his work in clinical hypnotherapy to create what he calls Synthesis, powerful process for creating personal change and transformation quickly and profoundly.

Synthesis integrates science and spirit through a powerful mixture of models, techniques traditions and wisdom, dedicated to the art and science of personal empowerment. Dr. McGrail has helped thousands of people— clients and workshop students—bring lasting change, growth and transformation into every aspect of their lives. Synthesis begins with Rule # 1: Life is supposed to be fun!

Dr. McGrail’s writing and expertise have been featured in numerous national publications, majoronline outlets, (e.g. Time, Readers Digest, Self, Cosmopolitan, Ladies Home journal, Chicago Tribune, New York Daily News, WebMD, SheKnows, Intent), etc. and he is a frequent guest on radio and television shows across the country and abroad. His book, The Synthesis Effect, (Career Press, 2012) shares and teaches his Synthesis techniques and is receiving rave reviews. Dr. McGrail resides in Los Angeles California.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Psychology
Guest Occupation: Author/Speaker
Guest Biography:

My second guest, Tom North is the award-winning author of the book, True North – The Shocking Truth about “Yours, Mine and Ours”. He appears on radio and television programs, and is a keynote speaker at colleges, universities and conferences.

Tom is committed to raising awareness of all forms of child abuse and domestic violence, and the devastating effects it can have on health, human spirit and life itself. He is dedicated to helping people realize their true identity and their potential for healing. Tom is an Official Supporter of National CASA for Children. His blog is:

In his book, True North – The Shocking Truth about “Yours, Mine and Ours”, award-winning author, Tom North, writes about his experience as the 11th of the 20 Beardsley children, made famous in the 1968 film “Yours, Mine and Ours.” With Lucille Ball playing the role of the mother and Henry Fonda as the father, the film was a critical and box-office success. However, the loving family portrayed in the film differed dramatically from the actual Beardsley family. Tom shares what it was like to grow up in that family, taking the road less traveled through child abuse, domestic violence and despair, to hope, and eventually to self-discovery and a fulfilling life.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help