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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 30 April 2021

A Fireside Chat with Lance White - Zany Mystic

A Fireside Chat with Lance White, aka Zany Mystic
Talk Show:
Show Host:
Lance White, aka Zany Mystic

The focus of these inter-connected shows spanning 8 plus years is the practical and metaphysical application of ancient wisdom and future technologies. 

The shift into 'new dimensions' is instant and already is... visionaries have paved 'the way'. Let's unite as a unified quantum field of Consciousness, Light and profound Joy. 

Change the world within, sitting cozy, warm and loved with: A Fireside Chat with the Zany Mystic!

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

A Fireside Chat, September 26, 2015 Guest Tanis Helliwell
A Fireside Chat, September 19, 2015 Guest Barbara Hand Clow
A Fireside Chat, September 12, 2015 Guest Duane Heppner
A Fireside Chat, September 5, 2015 Guest Timothy J Glenn
A Fireside Chat, August 28, 2015 Guest Julian Rose
A Fireside Chat, August 22, 2015 Guest Duane Heppner
A Fireside Chat, August 8, 2015 Guest Carla J Fox
A Fireside Chat, July 18, 2015 Guest Dr Carmen Boulter
A Fireside Chat, July 11, 2015 Guests Larry Buzzell and Inelia Benz
A Fireside Chat, July 4, 2015 Guest Timothy J Glenn
A Fireside Chat, June 27, 2015 Guest, Timothy Glenn
A Fireside Chat, May 16, 2015 Guest, Colin Gudmore
A Fireside Chat, May 9, 2015 Guest, Timothy J Glenn
A Fireside Chat, May 2, 2015 Guest, Michael Nisley
A Fireside Chat, April 25, 2015 Guest, Joan Newcomb and Janet Barrett
A Fireside Chat, April 18, 2015 Guest, Chris Kehler
A Fireside Chat, April 11, 2015 Guest, Julian Rose
A Fireside Chat, April 4, 2015 Guest, Timothy J Glenn
A Fireside Chat, March 28, 2015 Guest Jay Weidner
A Fireside Chat, March 21, 2015 Guest Simon Parkes
Lance White, aka Zany Mystic
Talk Show Host, Psychic Healer, Author, Speaker, Question Triggered Channel, Meditator, Personal Empowerment Facilitator

Lance B. White, famed & gifted psychic healer, author, and exceptionally adept practitioner of question triggered channeling, L.B. White is Zany Mystic.

Born in Santa Barbara, California in 1950. My journey has taken me to the depths and heights which is ultimately part of a spiritual journey. In 2007, I wrote an irreverent account of my journey called Tales of a Zany Mystic, offered at Amazon Books. One year prior, I was asked if I wanted to do a weekly radio show. This marked the birth of a weekly internet radio show on BBS Radio: A Fireside Chat With Zany Mystic

BOOK Information - "A page turner!"

This autobiographical tale chronicles the author's life, having "chosen" to be born to two gay alcoholic parents. Following their lead, the author struggles throughout his lifetime with being gay, severe alcoholism, drug abuse. It's a spiritual odyssey, which includes an insider's look into an esoteric school studying the ideas of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. Later, his meteoric rise as a drug dealer in San Francisco, California to the gay "party and play" (PNP) scene culminates with a warning from a living angel. After two arrests, encounters with other angels and many mystical experiences, the author transcends his lifelong battles.

He speaks with eloquence of the coming shift in consciousness which coincides with the Mayan calendar's end date of December 21, 2012. He now devotes his life to spirituality, writing and broadcasting his radio show, A Fireside Chat With Zany Mystic. For those with issues about being gay, addictions, or desiring to advance spiritually, this book has it all. A heartwarming personal triumph which offers humor, wit and style; a fascinating story, but more than that, a "ray of hope".

During the 1970's, I did Werner Erhard's EST training, their Six Day Experience, the Advocate Experience, Vipassana meditation training.  Prior, I was in an esoteric school studying Gurdjieff and Ouspensky.  I chose to leave, upon discovering that the teaching had turned into a cult.  My closest friends were the first two students to join the "Fellowship of Friends" run by Robert Burton, and we worked on many projects relating to spirituality over the years.

For the past 12 years, I've done pro bono healing with an international group of professional healers.  We do remote healing, for those in need.

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