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Guest Name
Timothy J Glenn
Timothy J Glenn
Guest Occupation
Author, Astrologer, Numerologist, Spiritual Reader
Guest Biography

Timothy J Glenn is an astrologer, numerologist, spiritual reader and teacher, pianist, vocalist, sound healer, channel for the Proterreans, lecturer, and past life regression therapist.  Tim says, "I've thrown myself into the world of Metaphysics with a grand passion."  This is beautifully demonstrated through his personal Soul Purpose Readings.  

A Soul Purpose Reading has a primary focus:  why did you (as a Divine Soul) come into this particular life?  Sessions last about an hour and a half and can be done in person or over the phone.

We can add one more item to the list of!  Check out my new eBook: "The Zephyrus Archives - Volume One - Mission of Eternity".  A narrative biography of Pontious Pilate's right hand man.  The Zephyrus Archives paint an intimate portrait of the most misrepresented human in history:  the Spiritual Master called Jesus, who Zephyrus knew as Yeshua.