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I think the best title for this newsletter is

Getting Real


Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

December 30, 2016

To Alexandra

The final stage has been set for Ascension of All things with a consciousness, for earth and humanity which reside in the farthest point from which this event started.  This Ascension includes 350,000 billion quadrillion sectors that will be ascending simultaneously.  All will be where they are supposed to be at the time of full ascension.  

This letter is directed to the people planning these events, Black Lives Matter, DNC backed and Soros funded provocateurs.  I want to begin by saying I have always been anti corrupt government and have a long history of fighting it. I know their ways, the psyops programs and how they work. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt you are being duped. You are working towards the goals of the illuminati the one world government; which are presently laughing at your ignorance. Who do you think are funding these operations?

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors


In this video, Alexandra delivers an exciting and historic message from Prime Creator. She precedes the message with a summary of recent events that attest to the remarkable changes the world is going through.

The statements suggested by Prime Creator are in bold. Thank all of you for the beautiful and supportive messages coming in. And many have asked about defining a sector. Here it is:

1 Sector equals the following:

Alexandra hosts renowned ET researcher and star-children specialist, Mary Rodwell. Her newest book, The New Human: Awakening to Our Common Heritage, is due out in 2 or 3 weeks.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Ka and Kira Raa

Love…Passion…Ascension…or what?

I know most Americans woke up this morning to news that shocked them, whether they were happy or not about the results of the election. A man who has no military or political experience was just handed one of the most powerful and influential positions in the world. It is unprecedented in the United States.


Living in this world of opposition is a battle for everyone, and this battle is especially poignant for those who are attempting to function from a higher level of conscious awareness. For those of you who resonate with this, there are three keys for how to successfully live in the world that I would like to share with you.

In this fascinating and wide-ranging interview, Tolec and Alexandra share their perspectives on many earthly and galactic matters of pressing importance.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

What is Self-Ascension & is it REAL?

Imagine if four simple, yet profound steps were all that was needed to break through the illusion?

Is there a difference between Self-Ascension and Ascension?  Is it really possible for anyone to experience their ascended state while still in body?