Through Danielle's advanced spiritual work with Thoth, Danielle was introduced to the Council of Light-an intergalactic group of thousands of light beings from across the Multiverse. Their purpose is to support individuals as they shift into Unity Consciousness and return to their natural state of joy. The Council transmitted the teachings in this book for those seeking to accelerate their journey toward health, wealth, happiness, and their soul's deepest desires.
Place 33: Secretes of Universal Truths Revealed
Instead of another dry how-to-book, “Place 33: Secrets of Universal Truths Revealed” sends you on an amazing adventure hypnotically channeled by Spirit to author Cherlyn . As our world hurtles toward change and massive shifts faster and faster, Cherlyn decided now is the perfect time to release the wisdom given her by Spirit through hypnosis.
The Lightship offers The Purification Process and Divine DNA Activations for Ascension for those preparing for their Ascension. These sessions are for those who are preparing for their Ascension. The Lightship's Divine Light Beings offer assistance to us through their Body~Mind~Spirit Healing Sessions.
A Divine Being from the Creation Lightship incarnated to Earth 2000 years ago, known to us as Ascended Master Jesus. He came to humanity offering them the Lightships' Ascension teachings and healings.
INELIA BENZ returns for a fascinating discussion related to her new e-course on "Sex, Love and Soulmates", with ascension updates.