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Sara "Lyara" Estes speaks about how her connection to the Hosts of Heaven began, and she talks about her work through the ongoing channeled material on Operation Terra.

Alexandra Meadors and Adam Apollo discuss his upcoming event which he has designed specifically for the emerging leadership of the Earth, The Sword and the Chalice event, to be held in Germany starting July 4, 2016. They discuss how that they will cover such topics as the Return of the Round Table and Restoring the Circles of Avalon! Please click below to register:

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland & Shannon Leischner. Listen in, as they discuss the state of the world, the Ascension, Healing & ECETI Conference 2016

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

IGNITE THE FLOW of your Mystical Presence and LIVE Fearlessly!

You may have spoken about it, NOW is the moment to turn the key and start your ignition!  Prepare to move into the energy and get ready to unfold your destiny!  Harnessing your Mystical presence and releasing the fear of illusion, moves you into energetic POSITIVE flow to MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS! Imagine feeling totally alive, alert and ‘present’ always!

Alexandra Meadors and Adam Apollo discuss the parallels of Camelot, Egypt, the British Isles and the idea that we reincarnate back into similar missions with our soul families over many thousands of years. Adam highlights how damaging Christianity’s role was in that there was no longer any acceptance of the diversity of divinity in the Universe and the tremendous fear that this induced as so many lost their loved ones in various incarnations or their very lives because they did not fit into this religious mold.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Whether you are feeling the "Bern" or noticing the vast rise of Positive and Negative energy, this is the moment to PAY ATTENTION to the TRUTH of what is means to be Authentic!  We have arrived at a moment where the "word" Authentic has found its way into the mainstream, yet is this a good thing or yet another manipulation of Ascension Consciousness?

A FREE Valentine's Day Gift to yourself or to share with someone you love - from Sri and Kira! Our GIFT TO YOU! THIS JOURNEY BEGINS FEBRUARY 13! Imagine your life with clarity of purpose and the joy of TRUSTING the journey!

I love Swami Vivekananda and often sit down when I have a few minutes just to read a bit from any book in his complete works set. The beauty of Vivekananda is that he has a way of cutting through the mystical and getting right to the heart of Knowledge from a place that the western mind can cognize. He is profoundly rational in his approach to Jnana Yoga, or yoga of the mind, which, in essence, is the same work we teach at The Kumara Center for Spiritual Awareness.

Welcome to 2016! Multitudes of us exited 2015 feeling battered and beat up, both physically and emotionally. Last year was indeed a bumpy ride, and the journey is far from over. It is my personal feeling that we are several years away from any real palpable energetic lifting of the collective on the planet.

A man is easily triggered by his teenage son’s bad attitude and gets offended when he feels his son is disrespecting him. He jumps all over his son about his behavior and both end up in a bad place.