Won't you join me in recommitting to your service?
It is time to recommit to meeting the challenge of continuing world service.
Dear Ones,
The challenge we as world servers confront now is how to usher in the new through the death process of the old paradigm. We are called to stay aligned with our collective mission as a vanguard of change and to continue to serve as a physical bridge for those who are ready to move into more advanced states of consciousness. And we are asked to complete this task at a time when humanity has only begun to shake off the chains of the old ways. The task may appear daunting, at best.
And for those of you who have been working for the collective of humanity for a long time, you likely feel tired and even frustrated by how little things seem to change despite massive efforts from lightworkers around the world. But it is crucial that you understand how critical our work is right now in being part of seeding the new paradigm in the collective consciousness of humanity.
Without us, nothing will change. You know this to be true. So, I ask you, will you continue to show up in service as the world continues to appear to crumble around your feet?
Satya Sai Baba said people want to receive 100% Grace for 1% devotion. You will recognize the truth in this, and will likely even see it in yourself if you are honest. Grace is earned through your good works, selfless service, devotion and your unceasing efforts in seeing beyond the illusion of this world. The Grace that ultimately lifts you beyond the limitations of this plane comes at a price. Are you willing to pay that price, or does it suit you to continue the role of victim in your own play of consciousness?
Your role as world server has already been determined, and those who read these words will recognize themselves in them; however, your choice to function from the level of way-shower remains solely with you every moment as you move through your life.
We are called to many forms and levels of service. The level and form matter not. What does matter is that you honor your service and make the conscious choice to show up in that role to the best of your ability every day. And on the days where you fall short, it is your duty to learn from the experience and to release any self-judgment you would place on yourself.
On this sacred day while we remember the service of Dr. Martin Luther King, allow it to be our opportunity to recommit to greater service going forward. You were called and chosen. You are not left wanting. Please do your part.
And our sacrifices will be forgotten as we celebrate our victory together upon our collective homecoming.