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Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

IGNITE THE FLOW of your Mystical Presence and LIVE Fearlessly!

You may have spoken about it, NOW is the moment to turn the key and start your ignition!  Prepare to move into the energy and get ready to unfold your destiny!  Harnessing your Mystical presence and releasing the fear of illusion, moves you into energetic POSITIVE flow to MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS! Imagine feeling totally alive, alert and ‘present’ always!

Andrew Foss and Laura Walker inspired, enlightened and brought wisdom to the airwaves!  The creators of the daily Oracle Report share their experience in relating what's going on, what's coming and how to live empowered and in joy. You can find them at the link below, as well as on Facebook!

Tracy Twyman is the first to have done extensive research into the Knights Templar and their use of occult rituals, which established the first known identity of Baphomet* This is a fascinating show, taking us down historical paths which have previously remained obscure.  Tracy is a prolific writer, and has many books "under her belt"...

Tolec shares what is in store for 2016, Will this be our breakthrough year?  Join Christina Winslow this week on Reach For It Radio Show when she speaks with Tolec about facinating updates to the new changes coming! Tolec is a human representative of the Andromeda Council, an intergalactic, interstellar and interdimensional governance & development body of aligned benevolent star systems & planets of sentient, intelligent life for worlds in both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. 

Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow interviews Carmel Glenane B.A.Dip.Ed., author of The Alchemies of Isis, Embodiment through the High Priestess, published by Big Country Publishing and distributed worldwide, available in paperback and eBook.

ISBN: 978-1-938487-21-7

New Earth Journey with Candace Craw-Goldman will be speaking with Belle Dessa from the Great Plains Earth Institute located in the heartland of our country in Wichita Kansas. 

Barbara Hand Clow returns to share insight into her new work of fiction, Revelations of the Ruby Crystal.  This first book in a trilogy focuses on the period between 2011 and 2013.  These were tumultuous times of anticipation, with the Mayan Calendar being the centerpiece of numerous "end times" predictions.  Many hitherto unknown, or concealed, facts about the Catholic Church and the endless struggles for power and domination, are revealed in the rich, elegant fictional plot.