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Author Intuitive Spiritual Mentor Healer TV Host
Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick -  In this show Adena talks of her private memories of 9/11 , being a New Yorker, and how far the events of that day reached for her in her family. Afterward she did some free readings. 

Ruffina Anklesaria has had a unique ability for over 20 years, which involves the opening of another person's 3rd eye.  Often, past lifetimes will be seen by the participant, shedding light.  There is also an "etheric" quality which comes from the golden white light that begins to flood the room, and transform it into a higher, Divine state of bliss, love and joy.  We talk about what Shaktipat is, and about some of the participant's unique experiences.

multi-media communicator and producer, sharing knowledge/Gnosis, empowering others
Psychic Medium, Spiritual Adviser, Tarot Card Teacher, Mentor
Spiritual Coach, Reader, Medicine Woman, Author

Justin Deschamps is the editor and main contributor to the videos and blog for Stillness in the Storm (SITS).  We discuss how he and Julian started the blog, and their partnership which abruptly ended when Julian passed away under stressful conditions of a sudden death.  Justin has carried the torch since and has Valiantly maintained the high standards we've come to appreciate!

I highly recommend his work by subscribing.  Link to the website:   

Timothy J Glenn returns with a cosmic update on 2017, Galactic A.I., the Usurper God, Luciferians and Einstein.  A humorous and eclectic mix as we peek beyond the Matrix.