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School of Human Potential, May 14, 2014

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School of Human Potential
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with Allen Vaysberg

What makes us happy? Which path to choose? How to find balance between what we love doing and what pays the bills? These and many other questions come to our minds when we are thinking about our career and what we want to do "when we grow up". Some of us choose to go through life thinking there isn't much choice, while others feel extremely uncomfortable knowing there is more to life than 9-5 jobs that don't excite or make a difference in the world.

There are ways to figure out what would be a great and deeply satisfying career choice regardless of your age or current position. There are amazing tools available to receive an accurate information about your individual make-up, talents, challenges and life's purpose. And even to see what is stopping you from realizing your full potential. And there are people willing to help you along the way so you have all the support you need! Imagine helping your children to be happier and self-realized when you know form an early age their hidden talents, challenges and opportunities and what you can do about them!

We will be discussing these and many other aspects of Self-Realization with our guests Oksana Gritsenko (Certified Life and Mind Coach) and Lucy Gritsenko (Holistic Astrologer). Together they have founded Solful Gifts. Inc, a company that helps people become whole-functioning, self-realized and happy.

Headlined Show, School of Human Potential May 14, 2014

What makes us happy? Which path to choose?
Broadcast Date

What makes us happy? Which path to choose? How to find balance between what we love doing and what pays the bills? These and many other questions come to our minds when we are thinking about our career and what we want to do "when we grow up". Some of us choose to go through life thinking there isn't much choice, while others feel extremely uncomfortable knowing there is more to life than 9-5 jobs that don't excite or make a difference in the world.

There are ways to figure out what would be a great and deeply satisfying career choice regardless of your age or current position. There are amazing tools available to receive an accurate information about your individual make-up, talents, challenges and life's purpose. And even to see what is stopping you from realizing your full potential. And there are people willing to help you along the way so you have all the support you need! Imagine helping your children to be happier and self-realized when you know form an early age their hidden talents, challenges and opportunities and what you can do about them!

We will be discussing these and many other aspects of Self-Realization with our guests Oksana Gritsenko (Certified Life and Mind Coach) and Lucy Gritsenko (Holistic Astrologer). Together they have founded Solful Gifts. Inc, a company that helps people become whole-functioning, self-realized and happy.

Find more information about many wonderful services and events Solful Gifts offers at:

and connect directly: Facebook, LinkedIn, (847) 924-5708  

Guest, Lucy and Oksana Gritsenko

Guest Name
Lucy and Oksana Gritsenko
Oksana Gritsenko and Lucy Gritsenko
Guest Occupation
Certified Life and Mind Coach, Holistic Astrologer
Guest Biography

Oksana's Bio:

Reflecting her versatile and curious nature, Oksana’s formal education consists of degrees in Fine Arts and in Business Economics. Furthermore, she has been studying various aspects of Metaphysics for over a decade. Those areas of study and expertise include: conscious and sub-conscious mind, Universal Laws, creation and manifestation of reality, mind’s effect on health and reasons for dis-eases, dream interpretation, working with energy, concentration, meditation, techniques of visualization, thought projection, and many more. In addition, she is an avid technologist and analyst, having had a successful career in the Information Technology sector prior to becoming a certified Life Coach and Spiritual Guide (CLC) and a Mind Coach.

She has always been driven to help others with attaining their full potential, actualizing dreams, and becoming balanced and happy. Her Dharma is that of Serendipity, which, in a nutshell, means that Oksana often finds herself in such circumstances where she can successfully assist people with attaining personal awakening and leads them toward realizing their potential. Hand in hand with her Dharma exists her ability to recognize talents and gifts in others, which she uses purposefully as part of her service to people.

She draws personal inspiration from working with people and watching them progress and succeed while getting in touch with their inner selves and achieving happiness. She has a joyful, optimistic and constructive mindset. Oksana has a unique and consciously developed ability of clarity of mind as well as keen intuition which allow her to see and perceive connections between people, events and more intangible phenomena on multiple levels and understand how they fit together on a more global scale.

Oksana is the founder, CEO and the President of Joyfulness at Solful Gifts, Inc. Her biggest desire and life’s purpose is to help thousands of people to become whole-functioning, self-realized and happy.

Lucy's Bio:

Lucy’s formal education consists of a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy. Much like Oksana, she is an experienced technologist with a successful career in the corporate world. She is a lover of ideas and concepts spanning a wide range of areas, applying her broad theoretic knowledge in the physical world.

Lucy’s Dharma is that of Beauty and Symmetry. She is able to recognize and reconcile the dual in the Whole, thus resolving conflicts and struggles – be they rooted in ideology or reality, bringing peace and balance into her environment. She sees beauty in all people, objects, and events, and it is recognition of this order that inspires her to create and to communicate it to others, helping them acknowledge and appreciate beauty within themselves and the world around. Lucy’s love for symbolism implicit in everything around has led her to pursue exploration of such fields as Astrology.

Sharing the goal of helping others unleash their full potential and having just the right balance of common and complimentary traits with Oksana, Lucy happily joined in the founding of Solful Gifts, Inc.

School of Human Potential

School of Human Potential with host Allen Vaysberg, banner
Show Host
Allen Vaysberg

Becoming a well-rounded person in our modern society is no easy task, never mind finding your true purpose in the process. Thus at “School of Human Potential” radio program we invite world renowned experts for a discussion on how to achieve both and lead a healthy, wealthy and fulfilling life. Topics are all over the Mind, Body & Spirit spectrum and guests range from Lisa Williams to Yakov Smirnoff and everyone in between. Listen live, call in and allow us to help you reach your full potential!

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