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Saving with Steve, February 6, 2024

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Saving with Steve
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With Guest, Natasha Bowmann, on the Workplace Doctor

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

With Guest, Natasha Bowmann

Episode 167: The Workplace Doctor

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton hello welcome to the<br> gaming with Steve show we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun early so you having a healthier happy relationship with money my name is Steve Saxon want to thank you for joining us today we're thankful for everybody here and you've exceeded over 600,000 listeners we just issued another 50,000 listeners overseas for the show's expanding and we want to thank you for that many of the people email them today about a couple of our guests were thankful for that so if you have an idea you'd like to hear about something go to Muir at saving with Steve. U.s. SV Rich thing with Steve and let us know what you like to hear about what subjects would like to talk about today I'm going to be talking about how to protect your money from inflation and next up we're talking to their workplace doctor she 41% of the global Workforce is likely consider leaving their current employer within the next year because of the pandemic how and why America's work has completely changed them boys are now in search of<br> more flexible and happiness from their job, and his organizational framework no longer caps to the complex Dynamics in this new organization companies need to develop new approaches to maximize the potential as well as their other employees to wrist lose them all now whether you're a middle manager and executive a senior manager of a small business you work with people at church you want to stick around for this we have Natasha moment because the workplace doctor 20 years of Consulting experience for a performance renew she's worked to remodel America from the inside out I want to thank you for joining us today let me introduce you to the Tasha bum and walking to the show on a thank you for being here again we have to work place Dr Natasha Blume and thanks again for being here thank you so much for having me you had 20 years experience through your your firm call Performance renew and you focus on companies where your reworking the workplace inside<br> I always like to know how did you get started that business because that's a tough one to rework a culture from the inside out and I decided very early in my career you know what I don't want to be on the dark side of misconduct in the workplace after if you know someone I would read these texts are going through all of these horrendous things with their bosses our culture you know to a point where now we're in court and I'm like I don't want to be these people here I want to see these people before this Behavior get started so that people can just come to work be able to be performed your values your respect that you know so they can engage and Thrive and so that's why I go in in two organizations and you know identify the blind spots in the organization whether it's people rather its processes system so that people can just come<br> to work and just be positive and happy and gauged and thriving wonderful one of the big things that we're seeing is a lot of people are deciding I don't want to work here anymore I see what most people don't understand is what is the big Dynamic that is changed with the pandemic and what are the crucial elements that people need to understand where they're working there in management leadership of the new I hate to say this but it is a modern workplace that face so you help us understand that place in the workplace because he's essentially you know we were on the drop of a dime pool for my physical work places in to our homes and have been there for quite some time and you know really wasn't a piffany moment for many people many people didn't even realize that they were working in such toxic work environment until they had the opportunity to be absent from them<br> and they're like oh what's this feeling all of a sudden my mental health is better I'm spending more time with my family I have time now to do some of the things that I enjoyed it I forgot that I enjoyed maybe I'm cooking more because I don't have my commute anymore or maybe I'm pursuing I have time now to pursue along with working full-time my entrepreneurship dreams and aspirations that I had so when employers started calling people back into the workplace last late last year what we saw people saying was thanks but no thanks you know they have enjoyed that kind of mental Clarity that they've had these enjoyed the reconnecting with their family their friend even if it's over doing right there really enjoying that and so they are essentially putting their mental health for so long you know we have been taught especially in the United States to be very career-driven and we put our careers and professions<br> for anything else in our lives and now we're seeing that kind of like I'm putting myself first I'm putting my mental health first family first is still have a career but it's not going to look like it did pre-pandemic was moving up in the tech world and during the pandemic hit she made this shift and she's looking to go back to school she wants to be a museum curator which is a big shift and she just like yeah I don't want that crazy grind that goes along with that anymore we're talking about that culture and how is that go about impacting employees do the culture the structure of a business makes a big difference that company were there transfer you to one person to the next person the next person because they have no real structure and they're just pushing people pushing people pushing people<br> determine our defied well what is our culture what do we need to do so that employees can, they can stay for a long time there they feel committed they feel loyal and what we have seen in the past year or so if it's organizations Pauli taking the time to do that to Define what their culture is defined what is an inclusive culture meaning that everyone can come to work and fill that sense of belonging sense of value when they get here what does it mean to develop employee so what we have Reese's just a point of Reckoning we are organizations are going through because they just never paused to do that and like you said they were turning employees like robots like okay you're indispensable you're replaceable and that was kind of that mentality but we are in now which is called a great resignation that me know so many people leaving the workplace November record high number of people that left and we haven't even<br> the numbers for December and January what that has done as essentially you know got attention we need to pause right because now we got all of these open position so that means we need to hold on to the people that we have we got to figure out what are our retention efforts and then we got to figure out how to get people to come back to work how do we Rebrand yourself you know how do we reset our reputation and that culture so that people will come back and they'll stay now we need to talk about the leadership side of things I've listened to many success coach just flat-out say there's a lot of people leaving because I have bad leadership and what can organizations do obvious you don't want to lose start Talent especially at the middle or senior level but what can organizations do to redevelop those individuals so they could be better leaders more inspiring that type of thing<br> text our talents and that has been a challenge it's been oh I know I had this later they are the jerk at work you know there are bully their narcissist all of these things but they bring so much value to the organization I work so much money are they have these connections and we can't lose them and be rather lose these people in a bid to lose this person so again what's have to do is redefine what does it mean to be a high-performing leader and it got to add on to that list of just you know profit meeting organizational goals and add on you know are they are sympathetic leader are they are they are vulnerable leader what kind of are they going to exclusive leader right because without those elements I don't know if we can call them a star player and that's what we've got to sit back and read the five and what we see is eventually it catches up with you right we have same time after time leaders being marched out of organization after there's a crisis<br> after someone has gone to the media of the press and said this person has created a hostile work environment this person is sexually harass me and what you see is the theme of all those stories is that wasn't a new news to the organization we knew all this time Jeff Garland you know said I was investigated by h.r. for three times because of my workplace behavior when that made it to the news and people start sharing their stories oh you got to go right so what we have to do is not wait for that right let's not wait for that big event that whole media blasts and eventually write it will come to get you you know it will come back to bite you you'll have to get rid of that later anyway then you got to go back and do a whole lot of reputation repair you know and trust again with your employees why go through all of that once you have a leader that is determined that they don't want to be a fella it look lyrics are allowed to make mistakes for human right<br> once we bring it to your attention hey when you said this when you did this that was offensive but there's a different way you could have approached that a good leader take that feedback they don't have emotional intelligence and you know it really reflect on their behavior and they approach things differently and those are the types of leaders that we need and organizations people develop those skills within themselves leadership team we you know the trimming with the culture is and we train them of what their behavior their actions and their word should be to be reflective of the call for they've identified and then sometimes you need if you have leaders that either one or need an additional coaching and so we go in and work with individual leaders as well to help them to gain those competencies that I just talked about<br> that's perfect we're going to take a break right now this is ready to go like that so I know we have a good interview everybody stick with this will give you right back with more men that Tasha Bonin to workplace doctor more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show we're going to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton I want to thank you for joining us again we're talking about the ins-and-outs of money they all the replays are available at saving with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information inside I'm saving the Steve they encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel Spotify or Google Play Channel and so you never miss the show you can check out a few of our feelings that you can't help radio CBS Radio New York City in Las Vegas shooting at work all these networks are dedicated to empowering you solve problems uplift your spirits and live a life of personal financial Freedom now we're back with the Tasha Bowman usually give us some Pearls of Wisdom when it comes to the workplace and redesigning this into a new modern workplace now I want to read this how did succeed in creating workplaces truly works for mother's labor distressing to support in Leesburg<br> working mothers highlights of the vital role to play in the American workplace show we have a tremendous amount of single mothers single fathers nowadays what do we need to do to make it work for everybody going back to the great resignation it was determined or not just a very great resignation even the covid pandemic the people that left the workplace the most were working mother that had to leave a workplace and what that's going to do in the long run it's continue to contribute to the way to spare to Gap and equities and other places between males and females so what are we need to do about that and why do we have to lose working mothers and essentially if I look at workplace policies you know in regards to flexibility excetera excetera they're just not there yet you know if we even look at you rest law people don't know that in the private sector there is no law that requires employers to give one single day off meaning<br> you can work 365 days a year 24 hours a day you don't and it's as long as your pay correctly that's all we hear about in the private sector I don't know any of that do that you know they'll give you your holidays will give you a third of my vacation buddy centrally when you're taking those days you often feel guilty for taking it because you got so much work to come back to your being bothered while you're on vacation are all so again when we saw the pandemic happened daycare shut down and so therefore working mothers you know not only had to zoom calls but they have kids running around right and so you ask a question what can we do and it's really about resources looking at the resources that we provide two families and I don't want to say just mother's even though it was impacted by mothers but I think families are created in a different ways but for any parent to have resources so I know organizations that provide at daycare or if you can have a family member to stay with your<br> so that you can work they would reimburse you a certain amount per day for that to happen for the organization baby come sit with these kids so I can go to work maybe prepare a meal for them that's so helpful in my organization is reimbursing me for that those are the types of things you can be creative right but we have traditionally defined as work-life balance it just hasn't been the case right so we've got a redefine what that looks like we've got to provide way more resources examine what resources were providing I know so many organizations that pay companies and Jim than all these places all this money and people utilize that is just this underutilized resource and they paid a whole bunch of money to you know you got to assess your organization and then just ask him about the organization forget to just ask their employees what do you need to be successful you know ask them what resources would be<br> beneficial to them you to retain them to keep them engaged and invest in those resources stop playing the guessing game stop thinking that was work yesterday after work tomorrow get to be a symbol Advil and just have employees involved in the process and I'll save you a whole bunch of time and money if you just simply a sand ball so what you're really saying is if we can find out from the employees what takes at Family monkey off the back panel focus on what their work is and be more productive probably more happier to do it last time with less ization that figure it out during the pandemic and those were organizations that were released impacted by the great resignation 86% of our listeners are female 45 265 some of them are listening right now and they're going to know what I work at a place how can I push change like this in my workplace do you have any recommendations for that mean you have a perfect background to say something<br> I'm not allowed to advocate for myself or for others and I don't believe that I have said in a c-suite and you know a lot of times we do want to hear from you all the time and I know that when I was doing that decision making the chair those were the ideas that helped me so it's about use a heart I have a concept I did a TED Talk and I have an upcoming book called The Power of One leading with civility Candor and courage and when I say leading I mean using your individual power I'm not talking about you just haven't positional leadership but I believe that everyone in the organization can take a leadership Opportunity by saying hey going to your organization writings and look if you look around we have a problem you're losing people left and right or you have a disengage workplace let me share some ideas to write even if you're not impacted sometimes it's a p<br> that are not impacted that may have the credibility to speak on behalf of others and say you know what I'm not a working mom or I don't have any kids I wasn't impacted by this is how I look around I've noticed some things and can I just share with you what I think you're right speaking on behalf of others if we all collectively cultures back into her hands and stop waiting on leadership and initiative and budgets and all these things that we have traditionally waited on to create Coulter and just every individual leave for civility leaves of Candor you know meaning giving that date that you know it doesn't mean standing up and have it a red cake it just means you know what I think I'm going to go knock on this door and say something with you. The worst thing that can happen if they say thank you for sharing and they don't do anything but what if what if they say thank you for sharing<br> you've got to take that chance that's the only way we're going to see change we can't wait for organizational leaders people in political power I mean that's done right just as an individual think about what is my power one way is my gift that I can share to cultivate cage and whether that's through effective communication writing you know how can I change my hot word is station you know and reflecting on that and using that you know what that message is basically says that hey you're just not an employee you don't get a check and people just don't tell you what to do you have the opportunity to change your world make a better workplace all you have to do is say something if you don't ask you don't know and I think that's a great message that you have there now your book called Power one when does that come out or is it already come out<br> it should be coming in the next couple months are still trying to identify an actual day but yes call The Power of One leading with civility Candor and courage is already on Amazon is already on the Rutledge publishing website Barnes & Noble you can go out and pre-order your copy and it should be to you in a couple months that's wonderful now we're coming to a close here I would just like you to share how people who are listening can get in contact with your firm if they're looking to get help so you can contact us at performance cam and if you've enjoyed this conversation and you want to hear more about work cuz I talked about work a whole lot all day everyday you can find me over on LinkedIn on the Tasha Bowman JDS DHR I have a newsletter there I post a lot I paid a lot let's continue this conversation you can ask me questions and maybe I can help you to navigate through some of these challenges that we just talked about I want to thank you for joining<br> today this is been wonderful I love your message because the new world is about leadership this was way back when when I was in that world it was about doing what somebody told you and suck it up and grind it out and all that stuff and this pandemic is made a lot of things change but it's really important that people step up and ask and contribute with their opinion to how to fix things to make them better the more people that I can help get to where they wanted to go I was a young executive it like 24 because of stuff like that in the things that you've just said and I just want to thank you for sharing that I'm glad somebody else is saying it besides me again go to Amazon power one its performance Dash renew if you want to get in contact with Natasha Bowman and its Asha again I want to thank you for joining us today I hope you have a wonderful day stay safe and stay healthy or expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the savings<br> Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hello wasn't Natasha Bowman wonderful again you can go to Amazon if you're looking to get her new book which is power of one if you're looking for the company go to Performance Dash next we're going to move into check your money from inflation if you've noticed with your Standard Hotel buying gas getting food it's all gone up the reality is your witness the results of the latest inflation search I like to tell people that gas isn't going to get any better in your money is just going to get worse all the prices and goods and services over the last months have been tribute to the worldwide opening back up we don't know exactly how long is this going to last though financially speaking we need to start thinking about doing a few things the first thing we want to look at it as I do we protect things well you could do that through chips with Stanford Treasury inflation-protected<br> security tips are actually quite simple to understand it's our government bonds things of that nature they are based off the inflation and basically What's Happening Here is when inflation goes up so does the interest rate when the Flesh and goes down so does the interstate just can't help balance out your fixed income or Bond portfolios as their indexed to inflation tips or back by the US federal government they're one of the safest Investments for your money and effective way to diversify your Investments also supplementing your future retirement income because the price for chips go up and down with the Consumer Price Index that helps protect against these unexpected spike in inflation tips are five bar best inflation for the average investors so it's really important to take a look at that neck a lot of people don't realize this but cash is often overlooked as an inflation hit while cash is in a growth as it is usually kept up with inflation in nominal terms if inflation is accompanied by Rising short-term interest rates with a pandemic Colin Ford<br> Lee County can be always keep something in a high-yield savings money markets CDs you also going to have too much here because you really just want to look at 6 to 9 months of your income that you need for the household and you want to look at it in a short-term Insurance CD until we have a better understanding of the longer-term inflation Outlook we have some good news here so let's talk about the best place for a high-yield account searches Marcus by Goldman Sachs highest yield for online savings no fees it's very accessible zero conditions people love it best money market accounts Ally Bank money market account 24/7 access ATM reimbursements the holeshot best CDs you know what first of all you want to consider the length of time to type your money to look at 3 or 6 months so you can go to Brio b r i o direct hire a CD or for 6 months I do banking high-yield CD for one year at CFG Community Bank three-year First National Bank of America 5-year<br> Ally Bank high-yield CD short-term money and short-term Bonds in a similar strategy is maintaining cash and a CD or savings account your money stays the night festival here if Rising inflation least the higher interest rate shirt turned on for more resilient where long-term bombs will suffer loss this is a reason it's best to stick with short or intermediate turn and white anything long-term when it comes to Bon make sure your bonds for bond funds are short-term since they will be affected the last interest rates become to rise quickly Now Stocks can be a great long-term inflation hedge they can suffer in the short-term now especially if there's an inflation Spike if you're new to the investment world it's easier than ever to get started to do so you need to open account for a brokerage and trading platform you want to look at all the different Brokers for the ones that offers your commission trading specially if you're doing it yourself and make sure you do your research you know what if your if you invest keep in mind that current inflation issues maybe Transit<br> still be careful not to make your magic changes in your portfolio that met her performance of inflation drop also and a diversified portfolio Works whether we have Rising inflation or stable inflation next Real Estate traditionally does well during a high for a during High inflation is the values of property can increase which we've seen over the last year also means landlord charge more for the rent which in turn increases our incomes walking pace up with inflation you can also invest in real estate investment trusts real estate properties Delaware statutory trusts you can do things through mutual funds just want to make sure you talk with somebody to make sure it fits for you now gold why doesn't gold always protecting its Rising inflation in the short-term it tends to keep up over the long-term now to take a look at the long-term back in the seventies, this is Willis $300 an ounce now it's a lot higher than that you can take does well over a decade but the fluctuation might not work for you to come ADI prices for raw materials like oil<br> set alarm for cultural products use increase along with inflation and they're good hedge against it but the big bud here you should know that Commodities can also be extremely risky the prices for Combined he's been largely on supply and demand which can be highly unpredictable this makes them a risky investment on top of investors taking on Leverage the chance of rewards are high but so are the risk of loss it changes based off coronavirus in a market conditions since most of us are still wants him investor but there's things you can do hey have a great week stay safe stay healthy over there we'll see you next time bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's leaving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this<br> the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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