Saving with Steve, December 5, 2023
Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
With Guest, Helen Horyza,
Episode 158: Successful Career Change
Saving with Steve

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.
We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.
everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br> well welcome to the same thing with Steve shall we talk about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything on the center lights to you having a healthier happy relationship with money my name is Steve sexy and I want to thank you for joining us in our listeners and viewers keep growing each and every week here in the United States as well as internationally so we're really grateful to our affiliate that UK help radio devious radio and aim fm247 if you're worried about selling your house and have the prices go down or buying all that stuff you really want to go check out the episode Allen Evan Allen level and research at the spear groupies off the San Diego Association of Realtors Chief Economist he's educated on what's happened economically about Rising inflation increased gas prices housing interest rates what we can do and what will happen in the coming months you'd like to see it or hear the episode all you need to do is go to saving with Steve. Us now this week we've had a lot of viewers coming to say hey what's this<br> orange Savers credit don't want to go over that today life-changing for a lot of people because of covid IGG resignation companies are laying off people cuz they're worried about him placement unemployment is down to 3% we still have 11 million jobs to fill out there more jobs available now in fact is 60% of middle-income workers are looking at making a career change many Older Workers are going back to work because of inflation and cost of living and all that lot of us are in jobs we hate why don't we had Helen poisson here today to help us make a successful Helen is a Krill development expert and he's a real gift for under covering talent and directing you to achieve extraordinary results so we can't wait to talk to Helen she's going to be with this in just a moment but first<br> carbon credits. Uncle Sam wants you to save for retirement so much so that he's offering a tax credit for doing self the retirement savings cracked is a tax credit worth up to $1,000 if you married two thousand dollars now it's really designed for men and low-income taxpayers who contribute to retirement account you're eligible for Savers credit if you are over 18 or older not a full-time soon we're not claimed as a dependent on anybody else's tax return but that doesn't necessarily mean you get it you must also make retirement plan or an IRA contribution in follow the maximum adjusted gross income caps the irs's stats 04g ample in 2022 if you are married joint filers okay and you're just as gross income is under $68,000 hey you qualify for this tax credit if your head of household it's $51,000 or any other father is 30000 $34,000<br> you're in 2022 as I said before the taxpayers status worth up to $1,000 for individuals 2004 filing jointly keep in mind that our credit is not the same as a tax deduction it's better while attacks doesn't just reduce the amount of your income that is such as your taxes a tax credit reduces our actual tax bill dollar-for-dollar so that means if your bill is $1,000 and you get $1,000 cash credit in 60 okay the value of the sailors credit is calculated based off your contributions to a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA or 401K simple IRA or able account 403b are 457 plan you may be eligible for up to 50% of your contribution or 20 or 10% of your maximum contribution not depending upon your filing status okay we're just again come to qualify for the Sabres credit the contribution must be new money in other words rollovers for existing accounts like a 401k<br> Albert Chao count so let's take a look at it like this if you're married and filing jointly if your adjusted gross income is below $41,000 50% whatever you contribute will be subject to the sax favor credit up to $1,000 if your adjusted gross incomes between 41 and 44000 only 20% of your contributions will be eligible for the Tax Savers tax credit and if your adjusted gross incomes between 44 and 68000 only 10% is subject to eligible for that Tax Savers credit so let's let's understand that I think of it like this if your adjusted gross income was under $41,000 and you contribute a thousand bucks you're going to get a $500 tax credit if your income is between 41 and 44000 you get that same Townsend dollars you're going to get a $200 tax credit if you're just a gross incomes between 44 and 68000 in your marriage<br> obviously you know what and you can shoot it at Shane's house and do you get $100 tax credit K so it's a little different if your head of household or other filers the cats out at 51 and so on so we just calculated if your contributions made to a traditional IRA or 401k or other counter offers a tax deduction for contribution your taxable income will also be reduced by the amount of your contributions think about this if you're contributing $1,000 and you're just a gross income is $40,000 you'll be taxed on $39,000 on top of that with the Tax Savers credit if you contribute that's $1,000 you're going to get $500 in a tax credit which is significant cuz you're like getting a double bump here so it's really important to understand these rules cuz if it's bent the guidelines this could make a big difference to you I already know some people right now very eligible for this tax service credit and quite frankly they're going to be in a position because they're married to you actually get $2,000 tax credit for them that's an extra two<br> they're going to get back on their tax return so what you want to do you want to talk to your financial advisor ucpa and see how it makes sense for you now you want to stick with us we've got Helen horza is going to help us with crew changes you don't want to miss this cuz it's going to make a difference in your life stick with this we're going to write back here on saving receive more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money was Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so she ate it with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton Perry buddy welcome back to the same thing with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything in the center light so you having a healthier happier relationship with money radio 24/7 for shooting a show around the United States as well as the world hey we are really appreciate your sharing with your friends and your family and we hope we give you information it makes a difference in your life you can go to Spotify Google play YouTube all the episodes are up there you can go to saving with Steve Sexton on Facebook and you can get all the behind-the-scenes stopwatch the recordings why before their edited before any commercials are in there at the holeshot now we have Helen she's a career development expert award-winning off<br> public speaker she's the founder of career coach on Cheers Academy certificate program and she's the inventor of the evaluations career assessment you know what she's got the gift undercover Challenge and direct it to the extraordinary results she holds a masters in science degrees Richard counseling at Cal State University in Sacramento and professionally trained through coaches training International before we get really going into this I always like to hear people story cuz it gives everybody context of where you're coming from so could you just steer the story why did you get into career counseling obviously helped a lot of people why did you get into that well thanks for asking I was a classic liberal arts student Sania a lot about writing and psychology as long as you feel but then when I look at what it seemed like this way too long and to keep a long story short basically when I was in a job I really hated I like<br> everybody like it was obvious thing that I should have seen and identified my Honda and rolls in a counseling program and there was one other layer which is important even though I knew there was a decision point in terms of what time and when I saw that I could become a career counselor and that's it I want to help people in normal adjustments in ways that are practical and work with people that are motivated to make the right there because sometimes people go through their whole life and they don't realize what they're super power is in there just grinding it out being frustrated so I applaud you for that everybody is listening if you're the person driving there or going to try to get out of this if you want to find your superpower if you do you love every day that you work it won't be hard probably work at it longer and everybody will call you Deke about what you do but that's the way it goes<br> no I want to start with this one poke why do people stay in jobs they just hate well for very good reasons you're trying to be responsible adult that you have in mind so when you have a job and you don't necessarily want to risk changing jobs you feel scary you stay the bad news and the good news bad news is that the pain of being in a job you hate will keep getting worse and it's like a rollercoaster you like how I suppose I should be grateful and then it gets worse when the day comes for the moment, can you say I can't sacrifice my health I'm not being a role model by children of the people I care about I need to do something different<br> a level that I'm going to be proud of and that's really why I wrote the book it's almost like having a friend that one day they're nice to you the next day they give you a backhanded compliment you just after a while you just build up in a Compound Effect me like okay I'm done that goes into my opening statement was 60% of middle-income workers in the US are considering a career change what's really driving them there are some really fine articles he's been coming out recently trying to parse that out not just like wow what an existential crisis but one of the main drivers is people who don't want to get back into a canyon and don't want to give up the life balance that they've achieved by being home for a while another driver is so that people go to work with an array of personal and professional issues and being home they often found their more productive or they look back at getting into a job that they feel they can improve their salary<br> negotiate because you got talent shortage right now the list is long Steve of reasons why even entry-level workers are saying some other choice phone on that then you feel this is probably a good time to make a career change I do I think it's a good time I think you're in a buyer's market I heard a really good story that I really enjoyed couple days ago a teacher I just could not imagine another year of remote instruction just wasn't digging it anymore and she went down the street and she said she walked in and so are you hiring and they said we are hiring and she is making more money than she was before as a teacher she's helping people she has for life balance I'm not suggesting that you're able to walk down the street and get a job but I think it's a good time to get a certificate to go to short-term training to confront your supervisor or your supervisor new boss<br> go to the company and say this is what it would take for me to stay would you be interested in working shows let's talk a little bit more about certificates I did a news report here in the San Diego area for the local news and we found that during the pandemic many people started taking vocational classes certificate even looking at getting degrees and we're investing in their education to create leverage in order to negotiate with their current position or treats feel so they can move on to the next position and now are you seeing the same thing and if so and on top of that the second question is what type of classes should somebody be taking to improve their skills could I think that's really important you don't want to take underwater basket weaving cuz that's how I can help us right so start with a self-assessment start with a good career assessment that is going to look at your values the skills you enjoy using your temperament in your interests and when you find my<br> you get an assessment that does that for free and that was very intentional because people need to understand don't go after a certificate program or short courser lordy a master's degree if you don't understand who you are and what you're talented to do what get you up in the morning what you would really be good at all of that so I'm just going to throw a couple of ideas out just to wet your whistle if you haven't thought about being a bookkeeper CPAs and bookkeepers are desperate for help the trades almost every trade that you can imagine and you can easily get into a short course or certificate program for a plumber become an electrician go into construction it runs the gamut if you're interested in proof reading or is there some reason you're listening to me really good I run a certificate program so I think you really need to follow who you are and what you're passionate about. Just go out there and check out that box cuz we can be time-consuming and expensive<br> what about what do you value I deal with a lot of people in preparation for retirement I've had people show him my office they went on vacation and they showed up my office now or two after they told her boss you're quitting retiring but that's because they really hated what they did and they were just kind of good at it but it wasn't the thing that made him happier there was okay to be there and when we had to discuss things about you or take away from doing this and they say you know what if I really did something that I truly valued that I felt was a priority cuz yeah I probably would still be working cuz I would be okay with spending more time there I wouldn't mind the pressures of the job or trying to get things done is that something that you see with people that they select a position not really based off their values and they're anxious tired and upset with a few minutes complicated it might have met their needs when they were raising a family and what really mattered was putting food on the table and maybe over time the job got<br> Master the job it's not interesting anymore or you can have a great set of co-workers and a great supervisor did leave a culture can just become poisonous and people get tired they start wanting more and so for all those reasons when they sit in your office and they say okay I need to think of something else I'm absolutely healthy I'm totally Viber and I don't want to just sit on the park alone here and call it a day I think that's against some kind of self-assessment may be working with coach or just a really good conversation with one of your best listeners and they'll tell you just like people try to tell me that I should just become a counselor here's what you really show up with you should really pursue that advice like that when I was 22 years old and stuck with it and I had a great mentor and it worked out very well and I don't think twice about doing what I do and my friend still feel that I'm a little deep for what I do and that's fine I love it so that's cool we're going to take a quick little break when we come back I want to talk to you about what the steps<br> things to make to create a successful career change your book How Does it help people improve the quality of their career transition I just like to talk to you about some of the some stories about some great career changes and things like that so you might be going through this issue you hate your job whatever the situation is stick with us we're going to be right back with more Helen<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money so if you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton but welcome back to the states where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun to release of you having a healthier happier relationship with money we're talking with Helen Horizon we were talking about why people hate their job how 60% of people middle-income workers in the US are considering career changes why is that kering it's a good time to make a career change because the pay is about people can do some things we talked about educating yourself so you can put yourself in a position to increase your wages but here's some of the big things what are the steps that people need to take to make sure they have a successful career change remember I mentioned what I call the roller coaster and what accompanies being uncomfortable with your career or contemplating a change almost always a level of anxiety because you're making a big change<br> possible transition and there's a lot at stake and you pick your emotion but I have never seen anyone come to me to make a crew change that wasn't in a state of emotion and that's not a great place to be when you're trying to make really good choices so the first step is to manage your emotional state and calm down and be aware of the fact that there is absolutely a process you can follow this is not rocket science you will be able to make the screen change come down and then you begin what I call the journey which is to a self reflective look at your identity and then everybody usually takes number of weeks or months and then you do your research and in this day and age you can use resources like Google and deed LinkedIn to identify<br> quilt of interests and I'm interested in radio I'm interested in helping people are you be able to find that just by searching those keywords and putting the pieces together be aware that your career is a design problem it's not matching exercise is not a single thing there's a combination of things that would make you happiest that will bring you to when I called The Moment of Truth or you will be begging me and everyone else in the world that this is going to work out it takes guess it takes courage and you will step forward then something new and feel like you're really living up to your potential changes a super self-esteem boosting thing to do and I think it's really great because there is time to weigh back in my life where I was frustrated and I was like I just got to get out of here and that emotional state that one's and quite frankly I'd probably made a bad decision<br> at least ones but then when I realized that hey this is really about finding the perfect fit for me and then it became more of a logical process that I had to follow and it was almost like an if-then type thing I'm not a computer guy but I mean like if this happens in this happens if this is a fit and I was able to find the position at one place before I put on my own and it was just like a glove I mean it was such a good fit and I'm not boasting my own thing but I've heard about this from others where I was hired in at 1 position six months later I was at another position and this is a hundred-year-old organization I was 20 years old by new peers were all in their 60s it was such a good fit for me that I took the worst-performing business unit and it became the best-performing business unit inside of six months and then they put me from one bed<br> and it was just a great thing and and that kind of ended when you talked about the shift the Personnel because the person that I ended up working for that vice president retired and they brought in somebody else who'd been there longer than I had but she had her click and all the sudden I became a three-fingered stepchild even though I can still performed and everything and it was my turn to say okay I'm in the wrong place it's time to move on and I moved on I moved on to better past years but I got to say it could have been better suited for me and that environment and the way I operated because I looked at the fit more than anything else cuz I actually interviewed probably 15 or 16 places and I actually told him I said I don't think this is the right fit for me I want to thank you for your time and they're like well you're the first person to ever said that to me<br> yeah. I just got to say I love what you said because it makes a lot of sense now I'm how does your book help people improve their quality their career transitions I think the key is you need to know what to do where do I start what is the structure of a successful transition with first second third fourth story after story after Story the kind of shows how you move through the structure changes and then some people who maybe you should have done something a little differently so I think you need inspiration you need you need an assessment and you need to do this not that you know I believe people can do this where they can get it because I know it has the free assessment which is worth it<br> career live a life you're truly proud of and minnow Amazon Barnes & Noble or my website Helen all those places would be a great place to get it I'd love to hear about those cuz everybody wants to hear a positive story they're thinking about this and they want to be like somebody else he's done well one of my favorites is to change my office who is functioning as a paralegal specialist school and he was plugging the bar exam I think three times now and he almost any society a lawyer is a very prestigious thing to be and it's very expensive and time-consuming to get to the point where you have and he's like I don't think this is right for me but I don't know that I can give this I can't quit now currently later told me said she that was the stupidest question ever is this really all I'm going to get out of you but he answered me luxury car luxury Jaguars BMW<br> did they go to the auction of the weekend and make more money selling what he wanted to do is start his own dealership and but he couldn't because and believe me that is what all of your listeners are saying I want to be something but I can't and you got to knock those down and his biggest thing for a walk away from when I'm done and I helped him to go she ate a little of each downtown and he is one of the most beloved sources in this town for electromotive that's awesome because you would think the story would go like what they became a senior vice president at so-and-so but that's not the case and the reality he's probably completely happy and he knows how to make a lot of money at it which is wonderful that's the part where I love people find their superpowers<br> whatever it is it is and if that's you you can do your own vital work and it makes life worth living now what final advice would you have for someone who is unhappy in their job and ready to make a change to take a little bit more out of the story he had to have the courage to tell his wife he didn't want to be a lawyer risk people judging him going into an occupation that maybe didn't look as high-status so if you're making a change or you're considering making it changed yourself and in the end everyone else who cares about you and loves you will be happier and I'll be true to yourself that's wonderful everybody this is Helen coryza could you do us a favor and let everybody know how they can get a hold of you again how they get your book we're coming to the end of our segments and I'm just thankful that you're able to impart this information for everybody cuz I know it's going to make a difference in their life that means a lot to me<br> y z a. Com that'll get you to my services in my book thank you so much if you're okay with it I'd like to have you back sometime in the future because what you offering the advice you give I'll just say this it can't be told enough so thank you so much I appreciate you and I know it's all about the ins-and-outs of money but making your crew change is about the ins-and-outs of money one of the biggest takeaways that I heard is make sure you do your vital work by your superpower and today is a great time for the job market to make a change. Thanks again Helen you have a great day will see you Tuesday by it was wonderful to have her here the takeaway is that I have from that or just special go to hell in her eyes up. Come get her information get that book at the assessment the whole shot if you're looking to make a career change give Daddy want to check her out we'll look forward to seeing you next week same dates a channel have a great week be safe be healthy by by<br> thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>