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Paradigm Shifters, April 28, 2015

Mayra McCullough, CPT, CMTA, CN
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Paradigm Shifters
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with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigm Shifters interview with Mayra McCullough CPT, CMTA, CN Fitness & Wellness Coach

Biography Approach to Fitness taken from website:
Mayra Workouts
I am all about wellness, balance, enjoying all we do, and feeling our best while doing it! 
I bring variety and all the cutting edge progressions of our ever changing fitness industry to my sessions, keeping the workout fun, different every time, and challenging. 
I have an ever smiling toughness about me that just encourages every client to do their best and trust my perception of their ability to do certain things which they never thought they could! 
I become a fountain of resources for body, mind, and spirit’s health and wellness. 
I care enough to go out of my way to find solutions to all the obstacles that exist between my clients and their well being. 
I believe that every workout method has benefits to the body as long as it is practiced in a balanced, non excessive way, and is combined with other practices that offer the benefits other methods might not provide. 
I’m forty four years old, feeling better than I did when I was eighteen, and I’m passionate about sharing the tools that have helped me get to this place. 
I have two wonderful sons and have experienced the struggles of baby fat, work-life-family time management, a sluggish metabolism, the cravings monster, and biochemical imbalances that lead to mood swings, lack of motivation, anxiety and even depression. 
When you join my wonderful team of clients, you will experience a community designed to support the wellness you deserve!

Paradigm Shifters

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle
Show Host
Veronica Entwistle

Shift out of the dog-eat-dog mentality and transcend to a higher paradigm of love, collective empowerment & global consciousness.

When we are having relationship problems, or lack of money or health, these are all expressions of subtle energy fields that hold programs, either our own or of the collective, or a combination of the two.

LISTEN TO: Paradigm Shifters. CALL IN: and feel the freedom as Veronica and her loving guides tangibly identify and release the energetic bindings that restrict your expression of self.

It is Veronica’s politics, maybe yours too, to move beyond the limitations that keep us poor, trapped in the social consciousness of war, power over, greed, hopeless politics. When we learn to live with the expanded consciousness of our higher selves, and the beings of the higher realms, we enter the potential of multidimensionality, releasing the binding energies from genetics to mental and emotional reactiveness and to - all ways - all ways feel loved.

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