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"You Can Count On It''

Actually, "You Can Count On It'' is our phrase of the week.

​So, what can you count on.............really?

When you can count on someone--what a great feeling.

And then there's counting itself.  This brings up the whole issue of the quantitative vs the quality aspects of our lives. Which is more fulfilling? How do we keep them in balance?

Much to discuss--

And we'll have a special guest tonight-- "The Count," of Sesame St. fame.  He said we could count him in.

Alexandra Meadors and Matthew Hurtado engage in an outstanding discussion on the topic that is near and dear to our hearts; ABUNDANCE AND FINANCIAL PROSPERITY.

They have joined alchemical forces to bring forth some helpful and catalystic information on ABUNDANCE and aligning yourself with all that is abundant and bountiful. They team up to provide an outstanding offer for the holidays with the purest of intentions that each and every one of you will move into a space of total abundance and financial freedom.

Happiness Hangout with Lori Peters- How Social Media Impacts Your Life will explore how we keep social media in balance as to not over-do or over-use it in our personal and professional lives. Also we have lively discussion on using it to benefit ourselves and others as well as specifics about how to use Twitter to increase more happiness in our own and others' lives. Twitter Expert, Author and Social media Coach Gary Loper will guide us through this fascinating topic.

"If you ain't movin,' than you ain't happenin"
This thought occurred to me many years ago.  I'l admit, I'm a dancer--a trained dancer, no less (I was a trained parakeet, BTW, in an earlier life time)  So I have a bias.
But as far as a I sense reality, everything's in motion...
We may pass through stillness and sit side by side with stillness, and though the "stillness" may be quiescent, we...............

Paradigm Shifters interview with Mayra McCullough CPT, CMTA, CN Fitness & Wellness Coach

Sri and Kira Live with sri ram kaa and kira raa

As the first month of 2015 rapidly comes to a close we examine the events, energies and clarity that has come forward while preparing ourselves for the month of HEART that is ahead.

Are you feeling stable in the current environment or are you feeling a need for greater balance? Is your heart already calling to you and what does this really mean? Far beyond the concept of love, the harnessing of your spiritual stability is a call to spiritual maturity!

This week, we will revisit that fascinating couple, Vincent & Claudia Pinto in the amazing Sky Island Region of SE Arizona. He is a Naturalist, Wildlife Biologist, and Survival Expert. Their school, Raven's Way Wild Journeys, teaches Stone Age Survival Skills, Ethnobotany, as well as Environmental Stewardship, Organic Gardening and Sustainability. Claudia is a passionate Activist and teaches Sustainable Living and Women's Education. Their mission is to help people reconnect with Nature, and to help bring earth back into balance and harmony. They have so much wisdom to share!

WALK IN BALANCE is the topic of today's show with Caroline Wise King. Hear how many things are out of balance in our world today creating chaos, fear, and apprehension about the future. Caroline narrows it down to specifics, and shares how each of us can begin to balance our lives and create harmony within our family circle, our community, and our world. The world is so badly out of balance that it threatens the very existence of life on earth, but it is NOT too late to turn it around. If each of us does our part, we can restore Mother Earth and bring Peace to our world.

CAROLINE talks today about the true essence of Shamanism, and its relationship to religion. Among the wisdom traditions, Shamanism is the premier method of bringing body, mind, and spirit into balance, and restoring power, health, and harmony to a person's life as well as to Mother Nature, and all our relations. It has been praised and vilified, misunderstood and condemned, but it has survived and weathered the test of time for over 40,000 years.

Numerous studies have been conducted in recent years specific to sound therapy used for babies. The results show that certain sounds create a calming effect and bring balance. Sound is the first sense to develop fully. The fetus ear is ready to perceive sound at 4 1/2 months, therefore we must give special care and attention to this stage. My guest Regina Murphy of and Heather Clarke, will share with us insights into the developmental stages from utero to childhood.