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Article by Errol Strider April 30, 2015

If you ain't movin, than you ain't happenin

"If you ain't movin,' than you ain't happenin"

This thought occurred to me many years ago. I'l admit, I'm a dancer--a trained dancer, no less (I was a trained parakeet, BTW, in an earlier life time) So I have a bias.

But as far as a I sense reality, everything's in motion...

"If you ain't movin,' than you ain't happenin"
This thought occurred to me many years ago.  I'l admit, I'm a dancer--a trained dancer, no less (I was a trained parakeet, BTW, in an earlier life time)  So I have a bias.
But as far as a I sense reality, everything's in motion...
We may pass through stillness and sit side by side with stillness, and though the "stillness" may be quiescent, we............... are still moving.
And a lot of it is spinning and we love spinning, don't we. Think of all ice skaters, acrobats, waltzers, balls thrown into the air.   It just wants to spin.  Oh yeah, there's the earth, planets, solar system and galaxies.
So, what is the significance of all that spinning and might it affect us?
Two impulses in balance.  The impulse to fly off in a tangent and the impluse to pull everthing to center.  As Teilhard de Chardin described them--"Tangential energy" and Radio energy.
All the ways we fly off into the world to do, be or have something must come into balance with the movement towards center,  towards the stillness, towards Source.
And for youngsters, there's probably no better way to prepare for adult sexual acitivity than for boys and girls to learn to dance together.
If we start them as early as 7, we can get the whole planet dancing, and when we're dancing on the planet, we're gonna take good care of it.
Andy Rumi