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Out of This World Radio, February 12, 2022

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Out of This World Radio
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with Ted Mahr and guests Dr Carolyn White, Dr Erwin Laszlo, Dr Maria Sagi, Leon McLaughlin, Michiko Hayashi, and friends

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests Dr. Carolyn White, Dr. Erwin Laszlo, Dr. Maria Sagi, Michiko Hayashi, Leon McLaughlin and friends Nancy and Martha

Galactic Wisdom Conference with Carolyn White 

Canadian Truckers, with Report from Italy

Guest, Dr. Carolyn White

Guest Name
Dr. Carolyn White
Dr. Carolyn White
Guest Occupation
Author, Speaker, Intuitive, Chakra Life Coach, Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy (DCH), Certified Spiritual Counselor (CSC), Reiki Master, International Hypnosis Federation Certified Instructor (CHI)
Guest Biography

Dr. Carolyn White

From Olympia, Washington

Dr. Carolyn White has a Ph.D. in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

Carolyn White PhD—Author, Speaker and Intuitive Chakra Life Coach—is a  Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy (DCH), a Certified Spiritual Counselor (CSC), Reiki Master and an International Hypnosis Federation Certified Instructor (CHI).

Her passion for learning about our Human Energy System and the Mind/Body/Spirit connection has spanned over four decades, during which time she sought out mentors who were wise and pure of heart. In 2007, Carolyn capped her life’s achievements with a doctoral program and thesis awarding her a PhD in Esoteric Studies from American Pacific University. She is a certified Reflexologist, a Level IIII ACT Color Therapist and a Certified Aura Video Station Consultant. Carolyn’s love of painting motivated her to extensively study color at Emily Carr College.

Her years in the computing and software industry with husband Gerry honed her problem solving, communicating and teaching skills.  ​

Over the years, Carolyn has applied her studies and experience to help others discover their innate beauty and inner wisdom. Her classes evolved into several books so she could share these wisdom teachings to a broader audience.   

Besides writing, speaking and chakra coaching, Carolyn volunteers for both the Emoto Peace Project America, serving on the board of directors and the Elks, serving as the newsletter publisher.  She loves to create - from graphic design, websites, sewing, knitting to restoring vintage trailers. Carolyn performs with her guitarist husband  Gerry, singing and playing the bass guitar.  

Chakra Coach

As a Certified Aura Video Station Consultant, Dr.  Carolyn has worked with many clients to help them understand the current state of their Human Energy System - the Aura and Chakras.

Her unique background and experience marries the biofeedback technology of the Aura & Chakra Imaging System with her intuitive and interpretive insight. This provides you with an in-depth analysis of your Aura and Chakras.

Since 2005, Carolyn has been privileged to do many consultations using the Aura & Chakra Imaging System. For her clients, seeing the representative size, shape, and color of their chakras is an empowering experience—one that enables you to discover your “inner-wisdom.” With Carolyn’s sharing and guidance, these aura and chakra images show how your emotions and thoughts change your inner state for living at a higher vibration.

Based on your unique Aura and Chakra Imaging session, Dr. Carolyn coaches you with tried and proven techniques that help you clear and balance your chakras.  She shares with you what she "sees" in your aura and chakras and helps you understand how you can be pro-active to transform your life.

For additional information on an Aura & Chakra Imaging session, please visit

The Calendar lists the day and location of fairs and events where Aura & Chakra photos are offered.

For a private consultation, please contact Dr. Carolyn.


Guest, Dr. Erwin Laszlo

Guest Name
Dr. Erwin Laszlo
Dr. Erwin Laszlo
Guest Occupation
philosopher, systems scientist, author
Guest Biography

Ervin Laszlo

Ervin Laszlo is a philosopher and systems scientist. The author, co-author or editor of 106 different books that have appeared in a total of 25 languages, he has written over 400 articles and research papers. The subject of the one-hour PBS special Life of a Modern-Day Genius, Laszlo is the founder and president of the international think tank The Club of Budapest and of the prestigious The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research. The recipient of various honors and awards, including Honorary Ph. D.s from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary, Laszlo received the Goi Award, the Japan Peace Prize in 2001, the Assisi Mandir of Peace Prize in 2006, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005.

Ervin Laszlo

Ervin Laszlo spent his childhood in Budapest, Hungary. He was a celebrated child prodigy on the piano, with public appearances from the age of nine. Receiving a Grand Prize at the international music competition in Geneva, he was allowed to leave Hungary and begin an international concert career, first in Europe and then in America.

Laszlo received the Sorbonne’s highest degree, the Doctorat ès Lettres et Sciences Humaines in 1970. Shifting to the life of a scientist and humanist, he lectured at various U.S. Universities including Yale and Princeton. Following his work on modeling the future evolution of world order at Princeton, he was asked to produce a report for the Club of Rome, of which he was a member. In the late 70s and early 80s, Laszlo ran global projects at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research at the request of the Secretary-General. In the 1990s his research led him to the discovery of the Akashic Field.

The author, co-author or editor of 106 different books that have appeared in a total of 25 languages, Ervin Laszlo has also written several hundred papers and articles in scientific journals and popular magazines. He is a member of numerous scientific bodies, including the International Academy of Science, the World Academy of Arts and Science, the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, and the International Medici Academy. He was elected member of the Hungarian Academy of Science in 2010.

Ervin Laszlo was awarded the state doctorate (the highest Ph.D) from the Sorbonne, the University of Paris in 1970, and received honorary Ph.D’s from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary. He was the recipient of the Peace Prize of Japan, the Goi Award, in 2001, of the International Mandir of Peace Prize of Assisi in 2005, and of the Luxembourg World Peace Prize in 2017. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005. In 2019, Ervin Laszlo was cited as one of the "100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the World" according to Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine. In 2020 he was cited as 28th of the OOOM Magazine's Top 100: The World's Most Inspiring People” list. 

A native of Budapest and a U.S. citizen, he lives with Carita his Finnish-born wife in Tuscany.

Guest, Dr. Maria Sagi

Guest Name
Dr. Maria Sagi
Dr. Maria Sagi
Guest Occupation
Author, Psychologist, Pianist, Researcher, Healer
Guest Biography

Mária Sági, a native of Budapest, began her career as a classical pianist and turned subsequently to the study of medicine and psychology, specializing in personality theory, deep psychology, social psychology and the psychology of music. She received her Ph.D. in psychology at the Eötvös Lóránd Science University of Budapest, and after seven years research she received her C.Sc. degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She is a former Research Associate and Scientific Secretary of Institute for Culture and Sociological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. A leading member of the Club of Budapest since its inception in 1993, Dr. Sági currently serves as Science Director of the Club. 

She is the author of twelve books and over one hundred of fifty articles and research papers published in Hungarian, English, French, German, Italian, and Japanese, on topics as diverse as social and personality psychology, the psychology of music and art, in addition to information medicine, her principal field.

She has done extensive research on the psychology of art: how music is reproduced through associations with color and form in painting, as well as on the Hungarian folk-dance movement, theatre, and cultural trends and values. Her books Aesthetics and Personality and Culture and Personality are frequently referenced in Hungarian research organizations. Creativity in Music, her book co-authored with Prof. Iván Vitányi, states the results of her experimental research work in a 9-volume treatise treating the investigation of generative ability in various segments of the Hungarian people.

​Mária Sági is a member of the General Evolution Research Group and is the former Managing Editor of World Futures, The Journal of General Evolution (now World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research). She has been a close collaborator of Prof. Ervin László in his work on the new paradigm in science and society and has overseen the publication of the Hungarian edition of ten of László’s recent books.

Since the late 1980s Sági’s interests embraced natural healing, using the principles of  information medicine. She has developed the method of New Homeopathy pioneered by the Viennese scientist Erich Körbler as an encompassing method for diagnosing and treating human health problems whether in the presence of the patient and at a distance (“Holistic Information-Medicine”). She lectured on this method in seminars in Hungary, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, as well as Japan. She has worked with Ervin Laszlo in developing the theory of the Akashic field, providing examples of healing through that field and elaborating its implications for the new science paradigm developed by Laszlo.

The Luxembourg Peace Prize for ‘Outstanding Peace Activists 2017’ was awarded to the Club of Budapest (COB), its initiator Professor Ervin Laszlo, Chief Creative Director Anne-Marie Voorhoeve and Science Director Dr. Mária Sági, for their work of building bridges among cultures, and for their promotion of a ‘Planetary Consciousness’ on the theme of ‘Unity in Diversity’, and of supercoherence between human beings. This is the highest European acknowledgement awarded every year to persons, groups and organizations worldwide for tangible actions towards Peace.

Guest, Michiko Hayashi

Guest Name
Michiko Hayashi
Michiko Hayashi
Guest Occupation
Global Director and Ambassador of EMOTO PEACE PROJECT
Guest Biography

Everything is vibration. Vibration is energy and information. Water absorbs all vibration. It is mainstream science that water has memory and transmits information. Our consciousness, thoughts, emotions, words, actions are vibration which affects water. As both human body and surface of the earth are almost 70% water , they affect our life, health, environment and ultimately the Mother Earth. Water shows in its crystaline structures how powerful our consciousness is and shows how we can live so that we can be healthy, happy, harmonious, and so can Mother Earth as well.

Ambassador and Global Director of the Emoto Peace Project, Michiko continues the work and legacy of Dr Emoto, whose aim was to give 650 million free copies of the children’s book “Message from Water,” containing water crystal photos, showing that water has consciousness and memory, and that by raising our vibration, the world will become a harmonious and peaceful place based on Love and Gratitude.

Michiko Hayashi is the Ambassador, Global Director and Lecturer of the Emoto Peace Project HQ in Japan and in America. Born in Japan, Michiko is the daughter of a chief Buddhist priest, from whom she learned to be humble, honest, diligent, and kind. In 2004, she began working as an administrative personal assistant to Dr. Masaru Emoto, water researcher and author of many books, “Message from Water”, “The Hidden Messages in Water”, “The Secret Life of Water”, “The True Power of Water”. 

In 2005, Dr. Emoto declared the Emoto Peace Project (EPP) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in order to make the whole world a harmonious and peaceful place based on Love and Gratitude, and he announced that he would give 650 million children’s books of “Message from Water” free of charge to all children on earth. He was the founder of the Emoto Peace Project, pioneer of HADO (vibration), researcher of water, and author.

His personal assistant for over 10 years, Michiko worked with Dr. Emoto until he passed away on 17th October, 2014 at the young age of 71. Michiko is the successor of Dr Emoto’s legacy and the Emoto Peace project, she gives lectures and Presentations to adults and children around the world, on Emoto’s revolutionary findings that our thoughts and words have a direct effect on water, through crystal formation – and she also plays an important role in many ongoing water crystal projects. She is the successor of his legacy. 

She is the author of more than 10 books on English as well as translator of books from English into Japanese.

Payment & Support

Any payment and support can be made by PayPal to

Thank you so much. 

Free Gift: The Message From Water – Free books for children translated in 30 different languages

by Dr Masaru Emoto.

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Guest, Leon McLaughlin

Guest Name
Leon McLaughlin
Leon McLaughlin
Guest Occupation
Founder of The Clean Water Foundation
Guest Biography

A few years ago, Leon McLaughlin was traveling through Mexico, and met a woman who told him about a previous American visitor. The visitor had drained her bathtub of standing water, thinking he was doing her a favor.

Instead, the woman cried. It turned out that was her water supply for a month. Gone down the drain.

The incident brought home to McLaughlin how vital safe, clean water is to people's lives - and how easily it is to take it for granted. But McLaughlin wasn't going to take it for granted.

He had an idea that could bring life-sustaining water to the woman in Mexico and millions around the world for mere pennies a gallon.

It is a fascinating journey of one person's determination to make a difference.

McLaughlin, a Cleveland native, arrived in Seattle three decades ago. He worked as the staff adviser at the Paramount Theatre until the early-1990s, then landing at the Seattle Repertory Theater and investing a bit in real estate. By the mid-1990s, McLaughlin had another idea - selling coffee-making equipment in Canada.

The coffee business and McLaughlin's global travels got him interested in one of the key ingredients - safe, clean water. McLaughlin was struck by how much of the world didn't have reliable supply of safe water, whether for drinking, cooking, or even brewing coffee.

He started researching the issue, taking online courses from Sacramento State University in California to get a degree in water management. From there, he created his own company, LAM, LLC, (the name drawn from McLaughlin's initials) to deliver water to developing countries and areas hit by natural disasters such as floods or hurricanes.

All along, McLaughlin did a variety of things to generate income. He ushered nights at the Rep. He sold real estate. And he shined shoes at the Columbia Tower. In fact, his shine stand functioned as both a convenient meeting place for all kinds of informal advisers and the de facto world HQ for LAM, LLC. In 2008, McLaughlin founded the Clean Water Foundation, a non-profit corporation.

McLaughlin came up with an approach elegant in its simplicity. Like a child's Lego ® set, McLaughlin envisioned a water purification system that could be snapped together like the plastic blocks, not dependent upon written instructions, that could be assembled and put into operations anywhere in the world. He identified US manufacturers of purification equipment, piping, water bags for storage, even individual containers so children could get fresh, clean water at a school or hospital and take it back to their families.

It was a powerful idea, but McLaughlin knew he couldn't pull it off by himself. He needed a partner with truly global reach. He found just such a partner only a few miles down Interstate 5 from Seattle's World Vision, the highly regarded global humanitarian agency headquartered in Federal Way, Washington.

World Vision would provide the global distribution network McLaughlin needed to take his idea from the theoretical to the real. When flooding hit Bolivia, McLaughlin got to put his concept to the test. World Vision asked he could install six machines in Bolivia. McLaughlin delivered, pulling together the needed equipment, dispatching it to Bolivia, and making sure it was installed properly and turning out hundreds of gallons of safe, clean water for flood-stricken Bolivians.

Now McLaughlin and World Vision have a new mission. Their goal is to install 100 Water purification machines - a number of schools and hospitals around the world.

It will take a renewed effort by McLaughlin but anyone who knows this determined man with the infectious grin has no doubt he'll find a way to succeed.

Out of This World Radio

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr
Show Host
Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

The program focuses on out of this world information, including psychic phenomena, UFOs, metaphysics, and predictions for the coming years in the United States planet Earth, and beyond.  The purpose of my show is to make this world a much better and happier place! Thanks to the internet, we are one of the fastest growing psychic, UFO and metaphysical radio programs with listeners in over 200+ countries worldwide, with over 100,000+ listeners! 

Suggestions and Comments
The purpose of this radio program is to raise consciousness and to bring love and light to our listening audience. 

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