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Life Changing Moments, May 13, 2023

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Life Changing Moments
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Life Changing Moments with Sharon Ann Wikoff


Headlined Show, Life Changing Moments May 13, 2023

Do you want to create a Peaceful home environment? Reflecting on how YOU were parented sometimes offers insight into how you parent today? Join me for this conversation.
5 year old boy smiling
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                 PEACEFUL PARENTING & MORE


Do you yearn to have a peaceful and happy household?  Do you truly want to create a calm, serene environment for your family?   It is possible!!  Making a decision that you deeply and profoundly want a peaceful home is the beginning. 

Once you state your intention the Universe supports your decision and brings resources to you to make that happen. You may be led to the perfect book or someone may say something that is just what you needed to hear.  Such happenings are what I have come to call LIFE CHANGING MOMENTS!  They can come at any time, and truly change the course of one’s life! 

Learning to trust in the Universe can be a remarkable new adventure.  Perhaps this will be a program for the future.  Although today I will touch on the subject. 

One of the components of PEACEFUL PARENTING is to reflect on the way in which you were brought up.  Understanding what traits and parenting ways we have unconsciously adopted from our parents is important.  With conscious awareness and mindfulness, this can be explored. 

Sometimes, we automatically act or react in our role as a parent as our parent/s acted toward us. Sometimes, this is very positive. Other times it may not be so positive. In bringing attention to your behavior, and becoming a “watchful observer” you can see if there is something you wish to shift or not. 

You may even ask yourself, “Who’s VOICE is coming through me right now?”  It might be a way your Mother spoke or acted toward you! It might be a voice your Father used with you!

During this program you will be invited to write out a Declaration Statement as to what kind of environment you want to create for yourself and your family.  Becoming rooted in the home you want to create, will truly set things in place to create such a place. 

Life Changing Moments

Life Changing Moments with Sharon Ann Wikoff
Show Host
Sharon Ann Wikoff

Life-Changing Moments is a program dedicated to creating an awareness about the beauty in the little things in life and that life-changing moment can occur at any time. There are moments of magic in each day if we take time to be in the wonderment of life we will fully enjoy them such as being awestruck by the glance of a child or the glimmer of the sun coming through the forest. These special moments sometimes are missed if we are only focused on the agenda of the day or worldly concerns. In order to keep our selves balanced, we must remember to enjoy these magical moments as we open up to the challenges of these times.

In addition, it’s our intention with this programming that YOU will be inspired and moved in a beautiful way…with additional “Life-Changing Moments” in your life. And with one little awareness, one small shift…then everything in your life shifts. Together We Learn… Together We Grow

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