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Dr Durrs Living In The Sweet Spot, December 6, 2023

S2 E1 The Courage to Be Extraordinary featuring Ken D. Foster
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Dr Durrs Living In The Sweet Spot
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S2 E1 The Courage to Be Extraordinary featuring Ken D. Foster

Dr. Durr's Living In The Sweet Spot with Dr. Balin A. Durr, M.D.

S2 E1 The Courage to Be Extraordinary featuring Ken D. Foster

If you have breath, you have purpose! But many people are running through this Life scared. Scared they aren’t good enough. Scared they’ll never have the Life they dream of. Scared of the uncertainty that comes with change. Ken D. Foster, my guest and President of the Courage Network, discusses the courage to be extraordinary

BIO: Ken D Foster is a transformational leader, master business and life coach, best-selling author, and human potential expert.

He also owns a media company and is the executive producer and host of the Voices of Courage Show syndicated on TV, Podcast, Radio and broadcast in 185 Countries

He is a changemaker who helps people take the path of courage to realize their essence, maximize their highest potential, and see the unseeable, know the unknowable, and do the impossible.

Learn more about Ken at:, and

Dr Durrs Living In The Sweet Spot

Dr Durr's Living In The Sweet Spot with Dr. Balin A. Durr, M.D.
Show Host
Dr Balin Durr

Show Description

Dr. Durr’s Living in the Sweet Spot is a weekly show that educates about the essential role of brain health to create fulfillment and the greatest demonstration of purpose and potential. Practical tools and solutions are offered to our audience from the intersection of mind-body medicine, science, and spiritual well-being to live out their Infinite Potential—to live Life in the sweet spot!

If unhappy moods, self-doubt, or fears of failure and uncertainty have hi-jacked your Infinite Potential, this is the show for you! If you want to learn how to utilize your brain health and transformative thinking to create happiness and the fulfillment of your potential, this is the show for you!


To create a world-class show that educates and empowers our audience through the intersection of mind-body medicine, science, and spiritual well-being about the critical importance of brain health as the gateway to live out their Infinite Potential—to live Life in the sweet spot!

How We Do It

Unique, innovative guests share their thought-provoking insights, experience, and out-of-the-box thinking in the areas of brain health, medicine, business, spirituality, music, art, and wellness. Break free of fear and conformity with practical tools and solutions that inspire, educate, and empower YOU to use your healthy brain and extraordinary, Infinite Potential to live the Life you’ve always longed for.

The audience includes thought leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, and innovative professionals with interests in brain health, transformative thinking, spirituality, wellness, science, business and the arts.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
7:00 pm CT
7:55 pm CT
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