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Dr. Durr's Living In The Sweet Spot with Dr. Balin A. Durr, M.D.

S2 E1 The Courage to Be Extraordinary featuring Ken D. Foster

If you have breath, you have purpose! But many people are running through this Life scared. Scared they aren’t good enough. Scared they’ll never have the Life they dream of. Scared of the uncertainty that comes with change. Ken D. Foster, my guest and President of the Courage Network, discusses the courage to be extraordinary


The New Reality Show on BBS Talk Radio with Dr. Art Emrich and Dr. Christina Winsey. We are talking to Sherry Fernandez, best-selling author of Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential

Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential


Author of Create Your Miraculous Life: It's Never Too Late, Wendy Darling, will be our guest on October 15th, 2021 at 6pm PST / 9pm EST.

Unlimited Life with Nicole Brandon

Unlimited Bride with Nicole Brandon and guest Luann Buechler

Topic: Ignite Your Passion - Live Your Dreams

SOS with Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

SOS with Jennifer Elizabeth Masters and guest Karim Hermani

Title: Cracking The Codes of Life

Healer Karim Hermani joins us on SOS tonight at 8:00 PM PST to share his healing gifts to allow you to reach your highest potential more easily and quicker. His healing codes help with weight loss, clarity, success, intuitive abilities, and bringing your Soul Mate to you with greater ease.

SOS with Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

SOS with Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Navigating 2021 The Year of The Metal Ox

The good news is that 2021 will be better, at a slower pace. However, there are some caveats to make this year successful. Relationships, money, health, luckiest colors to wear, and use as well as wealth are at the forefront tonight. Tune in to discover the best way to navigate 2021 to have success, love, and happiness.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa
Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa
Topic: Navigating your Inner Matrix for Success!
Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss accomplishing dreams one step at a time by finding our wings and flying straight towards success.


By Cynthia McIntosh

Success With McIntosh

Do you think about your business first thing in the morning before you even get up?  Is your goal for the day what makes you get out of bed?  Then you're probably an entrepreneur.

Do you fall asleep listening to a ceiling fan and hearing a song in the sound it makes?  Do you hear music in every situation?  Then you are an artist.

By Cynthia McIntosh

Success With McIntosh

Do you find yourself often looking back to the "good old days"?  Where do you spend most or your time - in your past, in your present, or in your future?

Well, today let's take a trip down memory lane and look into the past, to when you were the happiest.  Spend some time reviewing those memories, and answer the following questions.  Take some time, and really journal...don't just breeze through them.  I think if you take your time on this, it will be rather enlightening.