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Michael Rubino

I wanted to let you know about Michael Rubino, an innovative expert in mold contamination and remediation. While Rubino is only in his 30s, he is already turning the mold remediation world on its ear with his unique approach to this business. 

This pandemic made us more conscious of good hygiene and learned to stay and cope with working more from home. You may know that many are struggling with molds in their homes and the effects of mold exposure on their health. Many seek out mold remediation companies but still suffer after the jobs are done. That’s because many conventional mold remediators are only doing part of this job. 

When Rubino does mold remediation, his procedure removes all traces of mold including the spores they leave behind and the toxins produced by the mold.

To educate those who are struggling with molds in their homes, Rubino wrote the book Mold Medic. In detail, Rubino advises readers on how to choose a mold remediation company and the exact processes that the company should be using. He also explains how to recover from mold-related illnesses and do home maintenance. His message is perfect for those interested in achieving and maintaining robust health.

Rubino and his company All American Restoration have been featured in USA Today, NJBiz, Reader’s Digest, New Jersey Monthly and Digital Trends. He was also selected as a speaker for the Spring 2020 Indoor Air Quality Association Meeting and Expo. 

Rubino received a Bachelor of Science degree in 2008 and is a council-certified microbial remediator from the American Council for Accredited Certification, and a New York State Department of Labor Remediation Contractor. He has spent the past seven years involved in construction and remediating mold contamination. 

We had one of these topics in mind for your show: 





I’m looking forward to hearing from you and getting Michael Rubino scheduled for your show!

Michael Rubino, an innovative expert in mold contamination and remediation. Rubino and his company All American Restoration have been featured in USA Today, NJBiz, Reader’s Digest, New Jersey Monthly and Digital Trends. He was also selected as a speaker for the Spring 2020 Indoor Air Quality Association Meeting and Expo. 

Rubino received a Bachelor of Science degree in 2008 and is a council-certified microbial remediator from the American Council for Accredited Certification, and a New York State Department of Labor Remediation Contractor. He has spent the past seven years involved in construction and remediating mold contamination. 

Rubino’s focus is not just on removing cosmetic damage resulting from mold. It’s on removing all traces of mold, the spores they leave behind and the toxins produced by the mold. He’s discovered that a person suffering from hypersensitivity to mold needs all three types of decontamination to regain their health.

To educate those who are suffering, Rubino wrote the book Mold Medic. In detail, Rubino advises readers how to choose a mold remediation company and the exact processes that company should be using. 

Get the book here:

Michael Philips
I’m thrilled to introduce you to powerful innovator Michael Phillips, a man with a second chance and now a successful black business owner and inspirational speaker who is taking initiative to motivate others to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline and ensure that every child has access to a high-quality education.
At 18, after a run-in with the law, Michael stood in front of a judge and was given this option: spend 30 years in prison or go to college; he chose college and changed the trajectory of his life forever. Phillips knows firsthand that education is the great equalizer. It helped to transform his life, and now he wants to transform education. 
Phillips believes that no child or person is simply a statistic; behind every piece of data, there is an individual destiny. When we acknowledge the challenges and trauma certain communities face through a lens of equity, a heart of empathy, and a willingness to act with moral courage, we can create significant change. 

This Fall, Phillips will release his book “Wrong Lanes Have Right Turns,” which addresses the lessons to be learned to help support kids who are currently marginalized and those who potentially could be.

United States

Michael Philips Bio

Michael Phillips is passionate about helping people live a better life. His determination to drive social change with lasting transformational benefits to society, has led Phillips to become an innovator and thought leader in social entrepreneurship and education. He is the founder of LifePrep and currently serves as the Chief Engagement and Fulfillment Officer for the TD Jakes Foundation.

As an author and inspirational speaker, Phillips has become a champion for children and families around the world. He is the Chairman of 50CAN, and serves as a board member of KuriosEd. His powerful story and message of collateral hope has transformed many lives and helped to revitalize communities. Michael Phillips and his wife Dr. Anita Phillips reside in Dallas, Texas.

Wrong Lanes Have Right Turns
Andrea McGinty

As singles resurface from the pandemic vaccinated and alone, they have had enough me-time and are seeking solace and a long-term partnership more than ever before

"Cuffing season" begins after Labor Day, which, according to CNBC, means the period when singles begin looking for partnerships and find themselves ‘cuffed’ by a serious relationship to pass the colder months of the year, explaining the sudden crazy surge in online dating sign-ups from September to November. 

The season is arriving early this year and will be the biggest in history as Americans emerge from the pandemic after COVID lockdowns and subsequent vaccinations eager to reconnect with friends, family, and online strangers, craving human interaction and the search for Prince or Princess Charming. After a year and a half of solitude and soul-searching, perhaps deeper relationships will form and stick for the long-haul, according to 25+ year professional dating coach who has worked with over 33,000 clients, Andrea McGinty of, a site that helps you find your long-term match based on your online dating profile and preferences/choice of sites. Just like a total beauty makeover (and just as important), Andrea shares top tips for cleaning up your profile to boldly enter the sizzling dating marketplace during cuffing season:

If you are online already, refresh your photos and profile. Look at the boxes you checked – are these still valid in what you are looking for?  

If you are on one dating app, you may think of adding another. Most singles explore 2-3 apps at the same time once they get serious about dating.

If you are NOT online and are pondering “should I do online dating?” The answer is YES. It has the biggest pool of singles in the world – it’s fun, nerve racking, and an adventure before the holidays. 

Don’t send Hearts/Likes without a message. You just totally wimped out and put the ball in your potential date’s courts. Men’s #1 complaint: Why don’t women message first if they heart you? Let’s go ladies! We have the right to vote, we have the right to message first. The men like it!

Don’t invite a first date for coffee. COFFEE is NOT romantic. It’s a copout. Just where you want to be overheard on a first date – a crowded Starbucks. Drinks are over in an hour and much more relaxed

You’re not auditioning for marriage. You are auditioning for a second date. That’s it!

Have a guide/cheerleader/consultant at your side to help ensure more success! I don’t mean your brother who met his girlfriend on Bumble, your mom, your BFF, or your kids. A dating pro can do wonders! Watch this quickie Video: 

Photos matter the most. We live in a visual society – selfies and old family photos won’t help! Most of us won’t ask strangers or friends to take photos of us. Advice: The Thumbtack app is designed for you! Much more cost effective than hiring a professional photographer, especially in major markets. Post at least 6 because one photo is suspicious!

Your primary photo online must be a showstopper, while still being you. Whiten your teeth. Good dental care counts. Check out Andrea’s photo guidelines by contacting me at (Kat)

Dating consultant Andrea says, “I saw an immediate explosion on my website over Labor Day weekend, which signifies that ‘Cuffing’ is beginning a month earlier than normal. Considering that 1 out of 3 couples in 2020 met online, I direct my clients to the platform best suited for them based on likes, age, interests, geo area, and more. There has been an increase in people looking for long term relationships. When the lockdowns ended, people went to see their families and travel. But now, singles are focusing on themselves. Doing the market research on which sites have the type of singles YOU are looking for, plus knowing the strength of certain platforms and the breakdowns of male versus females is important, with over 1,400 dating apps/sites out there.”

For interviews, press inquiries and more, please contact Kat at or call 305-490-5911.


Check out more tips here:

Take Andrea’s online dating quiz here: 

DATING SCORE | 33000Dates

Dating Etiquette Do’s and Don'ts:

United States

More about Andrea McGinty:

As a dating coach and divorcee, Andrea helps singles navigate the online dating scene and crafts winning dating profiles, building confidence with expert advice along the way with her coaching services. Before online dating, Andrea McGinty was the original founder of the matchmaking service It’s Just Lunch in 1991, where she played a part in over 4,200 marriages and 33,000 dates and sold the $80 million company with 110 locations worldwide. began when the Internet dating scene exploded and Andrea’s clients and loved ones had no idea how to work the system in a positive way. Andrea specializes in dating after divorce or death, dating in your 30’s-60’s, dating during COVID, virtual dating, when and how to meet in person, dating tips, as well as do’s and don'ts.

Adora Winquist

World-Renowned Alchemist Adora Winquist  offers a revolutionary guide to transforming health and nourishing well-being on the road to self-discovery.

Winquist offers experience and life-changing alternatives to activate the whole body on a physical, emotional, and energetic level with powerful tools that lead to self-mastery and the expression.

Recovering from trauma, whether you’re aware of it or not, is a long road. Winquist offers the following series and tools to help balance and heal from inside out:

Introspective explorations Meditations Innovative herbal medicine Mindful exercises aromatherapy crystals 

All are used to detox, nourish, and activate the brain, adrenal glands, and heart for holistic healing and personal growth.

United States

Adora Winquist, Your Soul Work is Your Sole Work™

Adora Winquist is a visionary in the nascent field of Quantum Alchemy, an evolutionary transformative path for self-mastery which facilitates healing at the DNA level using an amalgamation of plant and vibrational modalities.

An innovator in the field of aromatherapy and energy medicine, Adora began her studies in the mid-1990s when personal health challenges caused her to look beyond traditional methods. Her journeys to Egypt and India deepened her study of esoteric practices and aromatherapy with leaders in those fields. She holds numerous certifications in vibrational medicine and aromatherapy from globally-known organizations including Rutgers University. Adora’s initial product line, Rhiamon Energy Essentials, was also one of the first brands to combine aromatherapy and energy healing on a national scale. This brand evolved into Opus Gaia, as a "Great Work" to honor Mother Earth, and will include future humanitarian projects. Her path led her to further study and graduate from the renowned Barbara Brennan School for Healing, a four-year university dedicated to energy healing with a focus on psychodynamics. She is an instructor with the  Brennan School for the Hands of Light Workshops. Prior to her current position, Adora founded and built the essential oil brand ADORAtherapy, from the ground up to a globally recognized and award winning leader in the field of aromatherapy. 

Adora’s passion is supporting women in the awakening journey of the Divine Feminine, encouraging women globally  to source new levels of personal empowerment. A pioneer in the field of aromatherapy, Adora continues to be sought out for her unique nose and ability to formulate aromatic products for individual and corporate clients through her website

She is the co-author of the upcoming book, Detox Nourish Activate: Plant & Vibrational Medicine for Energy, Mood and Love,  a revolutionary guide to healing at the DNA level for self-mastery, globally launching in March 2021 and available through the UK based publisher, Aeon Books.  

In 2021, Adora launched The Elixirs for Quantum Living, the first line of nanoparticle essential oil blends, nanoparticle CBD and vibration infusion to shift humanity to to spark the primal blueprint for quantum living. Quantum Living is shifting from the perspective of surviving to a life of thriving, transforming limitations to freedom and the fulfillment of your greatest self expression. This groundbreaking trinity of nano-particle CBD, nano-particle essential oils and vibrational frequency infusions offer alchemical solutions to three aspects of existence we search to balance Mood, Energy, and Sleep.

Adora is the founder of the Soul Institute for Quantum Living, a co-creative educational platform for leaders and visionaries in the fields of alternative medicine and holistic lifestyle committed to upleveling the consciousness of humanity through high vibrational living and business practices. She is currently planting seeds for her latest endeavor, Opus Gaia, a non profit organization dedicated to humanitarian outreach in the areas of essential oils R & D, holistic education, and entrepreneurship. 

Adora is devoted to offering global ceremony, activating and uniting all kingdoms of life on the planet: plant, mineral animal, and human.  She is dedicated to the awakening and evolution of the consciousness of humanity.

“Detox. Nourish. Activate: Plant & Vibrational Medicine for Energy, Mood & Love”
Michael Watkins

Michael Watkins is the author of The 401k Revival and he is on a mission to educate and equip 401k account holders and their employers on the latest 21st century 401k risk management tools. Michael helps them minimize their losses in a severe stock market crash and take advantage for subsequent market uptrends. In 2008 everyone was asleep at the wheel and had no defensive measures to protect from that horrible market crash. Technology has advanced to a level today folks need not worry about future crashes. 

The future of 401k management is here today and ready to use!

United States

Michael has been an entrepreneur most of his adult life and has enjoyed a successful career in financial services for over a decade now. Michael is a passionate educator and advocate for financial transparency and a voice of truth. Michael helps folks understand why they are confused and how they can break free from all of the pre-packaged and canned tactics the industry is openly using on public. Some things in life have become way more complicated then they need to be and Michael is the ambassador of clarity and understanding. 

Putting your 401k on autopilot is now a reality. Never fear another market crash!
Jannica Klingborg

Increased self-esteem. Improved body image. Greater life satisfaction. A study by researchers at the University of London has shown that spending more time naked can have all these benefits.

“Naked yoga practitioners experience greater self-acceptance and appreciation,” says Jannica Klingborg, head instructor for True Naked Yoga, an online library of instructional yoga videos. “Practicing naked yoga can help you discover a new way of looking at your body, inspiring you to take pride and pleasure in your unique physique and capabilities. It teaches you to embrace your imperfections and open your heart to yourself and the world with courage and confidence.”

Would you be interested in interviewing Klingborg about naked yoga and improving body image?

In addition to telling her own personal story of discovering naked yoga, some questions she could answer include:

What yoga poses decrease anxiety and eliminate stress?

Why should you consider giving naked yoga a try? What other benefits does it have?

How can you ensure privacy while practicing in the buff?

Please let me know if I may set up an interview with Jannica to discuss these topics or another story idea at your convenience.

United States

Jannica Klingborg is a certified yoga instructor, Chi Nei Tsang practitioner, and reiki healer originally from Sweden and based in Los Angeles.

As a former model, Jannica has worked, taught, and trained around the world. This global perspective equips her with a broad, cultured, and versatile approach to wellness. With a strong desire to heal and share knowledge, she guides her clients towards equilibrium and healthier living through providing integrative wellness solutions.

Establishing balance and helping to promote healing from within amid today’s busy, contemporary environment, she has over a decade of experience in holistic healing. As Head Instructor for True Naked Yoga, she brings her immense knowledge of yoga and integrative wellness solutions into each of her thoughtfully designed programs.

Dr Annastasia Onyinyechukwuka Oraegbunem

I am Annastasia Oraegbunem and a singer. Please help me to boost my music. 
Thank you in advance and here is more information about me.
I am available at anytime for interview or if you need more detail from me. 

Stream the album The Perfect Guide (Audio):

Subscribe to the Dr. Asia channel for all the best and latest official music videos, behind the scenes and live performances:

For Dr Asia booking here:


Dr. Annastasia Onyinyechukwuka Oraegbunem, known professionally as Dr. Asia, is a Nigerian-Canadian singer, entrepreneur, and author

Early Life and Education

Dr. Asia was born in Nawfia Njikoka, Anambra state, Nigeria, too late Emmanuel Obumnaeme Igbodokwu and late Ann Okuanata Igbodokwu. After completing her secondary school in 2004, Dr. Asia enrolled in the College of Education for a Bachelor of Science in the education program (B.Sc.Ed/Biology) in 2006 at the University of Nigerian Nsukka. Dr. Asia completed her master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Policy from the University of Toronto and a Ph.D. in Higher Educ. Lead and Admin from Liberty University.


Dr. Asia started singing for fun and planned to combine education and entertainment as a career. Dr. Asia believes this is the time to make more music for my fans. Dr. Asia released the first Christian album, The Perfect Guide, in August 2021.

The Perfect Guide

I saw the show, felt intrigued, and had to reach out to you.

I'm Currently 100 miles away from the Chinese border, risking life, trying to get the word out about the horrors inside China.

21-year investigative life's work, exposing The Forced Live Organ Harvesting Genocide against Innocent Falun Gong practitioners covered up by the CCP in China and how the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is terrorizing our world, unlike any other regime we have ever seen before.

Our website:

My Interview on The Stew Peters Show and The National file article:

Below is my Alex Jones interview:

Banned by Youtube and Basically ALL platforms:

I think it will captivate you and your audience from what I will share.

I also would like to bring on with me The Doctor (who conducted Forced organ harvesting in China) and who first exposed this new form of evil that has not hit the mainstream yet... but when it does people will be shocked!

Please consider Watching our presentation from London with The main investigators confirming this new form of evil is true:

As humans how can we not talk about this? Therefore, please consider having a discussion together, as To fail to support the good and to fail to expose evil is unacceptable.

I believe strongly in a quote Id like to share with you:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke

I trust that I will hear back from you or your producer.


Mitchell Nicholas Gerber

United States

Mitchell Nicholas Gerber is an investigative journalist, who has dedicated 21 years to exposing The Forced Organ Harvesting of The Falun Gong spiritual movement in China. With a resilient character and a determined mind, he has been working hard on the frontline of a significant cause; which has been coined a “New form of evil.” Mitchell has been traveling the world in a crucial attempt to raise awareness about The Forced Organ Harvesting of The Falun Gong in China; where hundreds of thousands of these innocent practitioners have been rounded up, sent to over eight hundred state-mandated hospitals; their organs cut out of their bodies while Alive; the organs then sold for massive amounts of profit, and the bodies then burned in crematories to conceal the evidence.

Mitchell’s intention is to get the word out about The Forced Organ Harvesting in China, as well as, gain support across as many media outlets and channels as possible about this new form of evil, especially against the innocent Falun Gong practitioners; and he calls to action kind-hearted human beings who will welcome an interesting discussion about this continuing crime and pressing topic.

kathy Todryk

<p>&nbsp;Kathy is first and foremost a Christ follower, lover of God and people.</p>

<p>Her goal to help people is driven by her compassion for those suffering from obesity, diabetes, joint pain, sleeplessnes, and self loathing.</p>

<p>She has helped hundreds of people obtain better health and emotional improvenemt by her patient and attentive coaching. She attributes her success to God and His garce.&nbsp;</p>

<p>She's a Grandmother to nine, mother to five, and has been married to her husband Mike for nearly forty two years.</p>


<p>See above.</p>