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Michael Watkins
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Michael Watkins is the author of The 401k Revival and he is on a mission to educate and equip 401k account holders and their employers on the latest 21st century 401k risk management tools. Michael helps them minimize their losses in a severe stock market crash and take advantage for subsequent market uptrends. In 2008 everyone was asleep at the wheel and had no defensive measures to protect from that horrible market crash. Technology has advanced to a level today folks need not worry about future crashes. 

The future of 401k management is here today and ready to use!

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Michael has been an entrepreneur most of his adult life and has enjoyed a successful career in financial services for over a decade now. Michael is a passionate educator and advocate for financial transparency and a voice of truth. Michael helps folks understand why they are confused and how they can break free from all of the pre-packaged and canned tactics the industry is openly using on public. Some things in life have become way more complicated then they need to be and Michael is the ambassador of clarity and understanding. 

United States
Putting your 401k on autopilot is now a reality. Never fear another market crash!