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Chris Kehler

Chris Kehler is a quantum energy healer, using the ancient form of pendulum dowsing for finding the root cause of all health problems, working with pyramid energies and various sacred geometric tools for resolving health issues. Chris uses his extreme open mind to develop the fundamentals and theories for his successful healing protocols which he uses on clients around the world and beyond.


Chris Kehler is a quantum energy
practitioner/healer who specializes in finding the trouble
areas in the body and the stressors within that area by
using the pendulum and chart method of dowsing.

After working 30 years in the printing &
newspaper industry, Chris retired in 2007, a door opened for
Chris which would lead him into the world of energy healing.
Realizing that his intuitive nature was more than just
coincidence, Chris began taking courses in many different
modalities. To his credit, Chris has found great success and
certification in Dowsing (pendulum), Radionics, Healing with
metaphysical tools, Quantum Touch, Muscle testing (applied
kinesiology), Foot bath detox and Live blood analysis.

Chris has learned very quickly that when
working with universal energies, one must think not just
outside the box, but WAY outside the box. By this we mean
that all possibilities need to be considered when working
with a person’s ill health. Not only are things like
virus’s and infections tested for, but, also “off the
wall“ possibilities like: entities, karmic debt and how
well your body is grounded to the earth are considered.

After the problem area and stressors have
been located, the “frequencies” of the stressors can be
neutralized with the use of Krystaline metaphysical tools
and Radionics. With this protocol, it is possible for pains
and ailments to be alleviated within a short period of time.

Florence Strang and Susan Gonzalez

Flo and Susan are the co-authors of the book "100 Perks of Having Cancer Plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It." They have been interviewed by numerous radio and T.V stations as well as magazines. (see media page on their website). They promote a holistic approach to healing, targeting practices for body, mind and spirit. They would be a GREAT fit for Dr. Helvie. Flo, a Registered Psychologist, believes strongly in the mind body connection. While going through treatments for stage 3 breast cancer she challenged herself to find 100 PERKS of having cancer. Susan, a Registered Nurse, is certified in plant based nutrition. She shares a plethora of healthy living tips for cancer prevention, and overall healthy living. Together they are a dynamic duo who can make you laugh, make you cry, and inspire you to live life like a SURVIVOR!


Florence Strang, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., is a Registered Psychologist with more than twenty years of experience in the fields of Education and Psychology. Through her counseling practice, she has taught people to use the power of positive thinking to heal their troubled minds. After being diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, Florence began to blog “The Perks of Having Cancer”, as a way to help her stay positive through difficult cancer treatments. Little did she know when she began this blog, that she would be helping thousands of others to find hope and inspiration. Florence’s story of battling cancer with an unwavering faith and an unbeatable positive attitude is told in Woman’s World Magazine (April, 2012), and Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Positive (©2012.) Susan Gonzalez, R.N., BSN, earned her nursing degree in New York in 1986 and has been helping people “get well” ever since. But no matter where her nursing career path led her, it was empowering patients with knowledge that she loved the most. Diagnosed with cancer in 2005, Susan had a unique perspective on the disease, being a nurse in the patient’s role. (something nurses are terrible at, by the way) She took that knowledge and her passion for finding natural cures to fight disease and started writing a blog for those who wanted to make simple changes for healthy living with an emphasis on avoiding cancer. With 100 Perks of Having Cancer plus 100 Health Tips for Surviving It, Susan hopes to reach many more people with the message that making small lifestyle changes can lead to achieving optimum health and happiness.

100 perks of Having Cancer
Shanti Rose

Born Clairvoyant with intuitive gifts, always received direct information that was beyond the senses (This is called: metaphysical).
We are all psychic and some have a more direct route to this to be able to give insights to help others grow and live more in health and harmony.
On air readings can be given about: love, happiness, talents, dreams and much more.
High interest in these topics ongoing, psychic interest now is high response and mainstream at this time. Most are wanting more information for better love life, more well being and living with harmony, etc.
*Note: Easy to talk to, I have a friendly and engaging style that puts the callers at ease.


Born in San Francisco, grew up in the Silicon Valley, attended U.C. Berkeley (studied art). Began meditation and Zen studies early twenties, later also yoga, world religions, self help and more. Started offering Spiritual Psychic Soul Readings practice in 1998 and have counseled thousands of people worldwide. *(See website for "Testimonials" page).

Kasha Fauscett

I’m an independent producer/actress in Colorado creating a science fiction series. It’s an extremely high concept which was channeled intuitively. My husband and I have been developing the show for several years, but we have a full series and the content has been attracting so many people. Our website has additional information and we are about ready to release the episodes and we couldn’t be more excited! What is the show about: It's part science fiction, part paranormal, and a little bit spiritual, tying the real world to a new world that goes far beyond mankind's comprehension. Three people go missing in the real world and find themselves in this new world where the danger is yet unknown and escape may be the least of their worries. As this new world is accidentally discovered by more people, the story grows into something incredible, leading up to a thrilling conflict putting not only the Earth at stake, but the entire universe. Thank you very much for your consideration. All the best, Kasha Fauscett 


I’m an independent producer/actress in Colorado

Pat Hunt

<p>Grammy Award winner, singer, songwriter and keyboard player. Lead singer, keyboard player and songwriter of the U.S. based band WORLD5.</p>

United States

<p>Pat Hunt has had a long and distinguished career in the music business. A 36 yr veteran in the business, his credits include: I Never Thought I’d Fall in Love Again- Jennifer Holiday- writer After She’s Gone- Mickey Gilley – writer/ producer Forbidden Love/ Con Todo El Corizon – La Mafia – co-writer I’m Gonna Make A difference –Shades Of Gray- writer/ performer The CD Lifestories – Artist/producer/ writer The Son- Forgiven – co-writer Man Of Action _ World 5 Pat has produced and played on many Cd’s for artist such as Johnny Nash, La Mafia, Mickey Gilley, The Franchise, Liza Lamb, Bob Garraza, and Jimmy Edwards. He has been associated with 5 Grammy nominated projects winning one. Pat has also appeared with The Temptations, Al Jarreau, Patti Labelle, Willie Nelson, George Jones, The Pointer Sisters, Merle Haggard, Everette Harp and many others. Pat also was a finalist on the original Star Search. Pat is currently Worship Pastor at Parkway Fellowship Church in West Houston.</p>

Lyon G Payley Zonamyari

Give me a name and I will give you a story.

From birth, the combination of your names shape and define your character, your personality and both your mental and physical health. More amazing, the letters from each of your names influence events at predetermined years, affecting the way you go about your life. Parents unknowingly name their kids with a life of bliss, fame and fortune or sickness, doom and gloom. Incredible, maybe, but true!

The book “Name Reality” clearly demonstrates why Oscar Pistorious pulled the trigger. This incredible system shows his personality and a life chart revealing when his mood swings become more volatile. You may like to know that O J Simpson was in very similar name conditions when Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman met their fate. On a better note this system shows what has assisted Rihanna and Simon Cowell to attain such huge success.

I also show the life chart of Catherine Zeta Jones demonstrating why and when her bipolar disorder erupts. Twenty celebrity names are analyzed in my book and I am adding more to my website. Give me a name and I will give you a story.

I would like to introduce you to an almost lost and forgotten system that proves your given documented names affect your life, for better or worse.

This is not a new hokey pokey theory and this is not numerology. This system was originally used in ancient times by affluent families to name their children for a prosperous happy and healthy life. It has been documented many times over the last several thousand years but was for the most, kept a secret. When you see for yourself how accurate this system is, you will understand why it has been kept under wraps. I was so empowered, I felt compelled to share it with the world. I gathered all the available information then extensively researched, updated and expanded the system, compiling everything into a two hundred page book. I have titled it Name Reality.

Name Reality shows you how, why and what you can do.

The cover of my book describes the remarkable information at your fingertips. The introduction tells you the history and how you can use this system to your advantage. The chapters that follow, show you how to crack the code to analyze yourself or another person and understand why we behave the way we do, when we do. For some, self-awareness is enough, enabling us to take better control of our lives. The book then goes further and shows you how to modify a name or create a new vibrant positive name for you or your baby. Yes, incredible as it may seem, changing your name can change the way you live your life. This book allows you to discover for yourself that names affect the lives of everybody on this planet. The laws of attraction are real. Your names can help, hinder or halt your progress.

I have a magic jack USA phone number and Skype

Name Reality is a result of the author’s relentless quest in search for answers to life itself. There is nothing more important or fascinating to each individual than his or her own personal life. There is not one human being who would not master his own individual life if he could. Your names influence your life for better or worse. Name Reality shows you how, why and what you can do.

Name Reality by Lyon G. Payley Zonamyari
Rev Cassandra Lea Martin

The "Multiple You" Universe: Sacred Science for the 21st Century, (MYU), has a new message for the metaphysical community, and surprisingly, for quantum physicists and scientists who study consciousness: humanity appears to be responding to the intelligence which Rev. Martin insists is within the very fabric of space. This intelligence, given the title, "God" by the ancients is likely pre-emergent to the Big Bang. Martin's controversial finding began intuitively, as it did for others in New Thought ministry, who sensed the Universal Mind; however hers has been verified through channeled experiences with nonlocal entities at higher resonance frequencies.

Rev. Martin was born into a family with "special abilities" and hers developed into mysticism. "Consciousness", she says, "is evoloving in this century. I have envisioned the approaching of the Quantum Human, whereas Barbara Marx Hubbard, knows this advanced human, as species universalis. The twenty-first century is the time for us to understand that we are resonating to a newer truth, one that I see as informed through Sacred Science." So what exactly is, Sacred Science?

Sacred Science has been around for a few decades, through authors like Lynne McTaggart, Ervin Laszlo and Ken Wilbur. My addition is to add metaphysics, the sacred aspect, to the science. MYU is partly a guide through my journey with reincarnation: spontaneous, induced with a student of hypnotherapy, and most recently the discovery of a concurrent reincarnation of four people in the same generational time-frame - three as family, but not related to myself. Next I explain to readers the SacredScience behind metaphysical laws, so that those interested in knowing more can read detailed information. Then, I used knowledgable experts to explain to us laypersons the basics of quantum physics/mechanics and illustrate the sub-atomic experiments which proved that there is intelligence at the sub-atomic level which science cannot explain, yet metaphysicians know well, through experience. You see, the struggle between religion and science was one of ego, and it served its purpose to challenge both areas to evolve. Sadly, we know historically the results of egoic struggles within the church and how science has refused to acknowledge the gifts of Spirituality inherent within the psyche and spirit of humankind. I carefully examine where we are, and have been in religion and spirituality throughout the ages, in order to hopefully point out why humankind has a deep rooted need to connect with this unknown Consciousness. As an independent New Thought Minister I acknowledge that for me, God is eminently indwelling. We are all a part of God's intelligence, inherent within our energy resonance. I strive to be thoughtful, not theological, and yet I do not shy away from the historical truth when I make important philosophical points.

As a woman who began channeling in 1996, I can come prepared with material to make a broadcast interesting, and of course, I will be able to use excerpts from my book on a variety of subjects once you advise me as to where you want to focus the interview. I have a press kit available, suggested Q&As, and I am currently establishing a Press Room on my dedicated website for the book (not yet available, but very soon). MYU will be released in April, so I am still in the final pre-launch mode. I am interested in creating pre-release buzz, but understand your scheduling will determine when an interview would be available. I sincerely look forward to hearing your opinions about the type of radio show this interview might make for your broadcast. By the way, I have my own radio show on, named after the book. The "Multiple You" Universe airs on the first Sunday of each month at 11:00 am, Central Time, in the USA. I have archives if you are interested in checking me out. I am currently discussing a project I would like to see organized using the power of our focused intention, using affirmations that have the potential to shift the energy of corruption, pollution, and greed around the world, through a 24-hour global event - people saying the same affirmations at the same time around the world.

Thank you for your time.

United States

Rev. Cassandra Lea Martin is an independent New Thought Minister, ordained in 2010, whose specialty is an online church for those who do not have a church family, for whatever reason, and are interested in metaphysics and the personal journey of Spirituality to find and know their own connection to God, and all things sacred. Rev. Cassandra discovered that she was a born Mystic during the middle of a crisis in her life. She had always had "spooky events" happening to her, but had not considered them unusual as others in her family had certain gifts, although not in her immediate family. Martin began to write in grade school and never stopped. This is how she coped with being one of the children of a Navy Officer whose job took her family overseas and all over the USA. Encouraged by teachers and, eventually an agent for teleplays and feature films while she lived in Los Angeles, Martin decided that she had lived enough life in the fast lane and wanted to develop her mystic talents. She moved to San Diego in 1984, and began to engage the energy that had waited for her to discover her God-Nature.

In 1998, Cassandra met her future husband and they married the next year. John and Cassandra traveled for fifteen months for his work, and they bought a home in the center of the country, in Cherokee Co., Oklahoma. Though the next fourteen years she continued to develop her skillset, offered workshops to empower women in metaphysics, mentored individuals, worked on social justice projects through her church, participated in public events after the 9-11 event, such as Diversity in CommUNITY Conference, for 3 years, and also organized public issues forums as moderator. During the 2004 elections, Martin organized an organization, "The New Political Gender", to help educate rural women on the issues for the General Election and to get them registered to vote because rural voter numbers were very low.
Rev. Martin continues to be involved in efforts to promote women's involvement in the political arena.

In 2014, however, she has just finished her first nonfiction book, and is now taking time off from her busy schedule of radio talk host, on-line minister, and doggie mom to her two beloved Japanese Chin's, Su-Mi and Wu-Ki. John and Cassandra adopted the two sisters from P.A.L. rescue because no one wanted to take two dogs.

Although John and Cassandra are now legally separated, they wish the best of love for each other, and continue to support each other's dreams for the future.

Duncan Lunan

I've already been interviewed on BBS Radio and am still available to talk about astronomy and space topics, particularly extraterrestrial intelligence, especially Epsilon Bootis and the Green Children of Woolpit. My latest books are "Children from the Sky", "The Stones and the Stars, Building Scotland's Newest Megalith", and "Incoming Asteroid! What Could We Do About It?" Details on

Scotland, UK

Full-time writer and speaker on astronomy and space, 8 books to date, 2 more in preparation, 33 short stories and 950 articles including contributions to 25 other books. Former Curator of Airdrie Observatory; designed and built first astronomically aligned stone circle in UK for 3500 years. Details on

Man and the Stars, Contact and Communication with Other Intelligence
Tamara Zenobia

Greetings, My name is Tamara and I am a Vocal Sound Healer & Intuitive Artist. As a Vocal Sound Healer and Intuitive Artist my vision is to travel around the world giving concerts to the general public interested in the medium of sound as a healing force and in art galleries interested in presenting visual art as a healing modality. Through song psychometry I tell the stories of my guests and their surroundings. The sound and the stories work together simultaneously to heal and entertain all at once! This is a very powerful and moving experience and one that will never be forgotten.

United States

Tamara Zenobia was born and raised in Alaska. She is an intuitive artist, working through the mediums of, intuitive sound healing, dance and visual arts. Tamara enjoys helping people achieve healing and personal growth through her workshops, sound healing concerts and privates healing sessions, which she offers both locally, and internationally.