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Robert Kopecky

Dear BBS Radio Hosts, I'm Robert Kopecky, author of How to Survive Life (and Death) A Guide to Happiness in This World and Beyond, just released by Conari Press/Weiser Books. The book is based on my three very compelling, and distinctively different Near Death Experiences, and what I learned about how to live from each of them. The emphasis is not on the scenarios of the afterlife, but the nature and meaning of each of the three experiences, and how those lessons apply to leading happy, fulfilling lives. Radical Kindness, Radical Forgiveness, and Radical Surrender are my "Three Tips for Happiness." I also talk about death with an unusual warmth and directness from the unique perspective of a multiple NDE survivor; as well as about my mystical path; and Love, fear, pain, ghosts, reincarnation, grieving, "rebirth" and more. I'd be happy to offer myself as a guest for your show, and would be honored to contribute to your excellent efforts. Email me and I'll send along some press material, FYI. Below you can find my Amazon page link and FB Author link. My blog, Art, Faith, and the Koko Lion, receives about 1500 to 2000 visits per month. I'm on Beliefnet, Soul Life Times, The Mindful Word, DailyOm, Gaiam TV, Patheos, World News, and numerous radio appearances. Let me know if you'd like a copy of the book sent to you, and I'll have my publisher get one out to you. Thank You! Robert


Robert Kopecky survived a childhood of loss and trauma. He traveled extensively, living a variety of lives; finally becoming an award-winning illustrator, art director, and animation designer for clients like The New York Times, and PBS Kids. The unusual course of his life was tragically punctuated by three dramatic, distinctly different "Near Death Experiences." Eventually, his path delivered him to his own “dark night of the soul,” followed by more than a decade of study, meditation, and service. The eventual transpersonal realization of what life (and death) are–and can be–inspired him to write and teach, passing along those lessons he’d learned the hard way. His first book, How to Survive Life (and Death), A Guide for Happiness in This World and Beyond, was published in 2014 by Conari Press. He continues to design animation for ads, TV, and internet; and writes spiritual essays and memoir that appear in Spiritual Daily, Soul Life Times, Beliefnet, Gaiam TV, and more, and on his blog Art, Faith, and the Koko Lion, at

How to Survive Life (and Death)
Philomena Mcgee aka OMENA

Would you and your listening audience like to be entertained by OMENA?

OMENA is an ordinary woman with extraordinary gifts

OMENA is a soul historian.

From your soul’s history,  she’s able to explain; why you live life the way you do, describes the issues you are here to work on, enlighten you about your relationships with family, friends and others  and why these relationships are a part of your soul’s journey.

OMENA Talks about the Soul………….

She discusses what people want to know and understand about their Souls.

     I.    Spiritual essence

   II.     Definition of the Soul

  III.     Journey of the Soul

 IV.     Purpose of the Soul

  V.     Personal history of the Soul

 VI.     How does the Soul direct your life 

Omena is a natural-born Spiritual Counselor, Spiritual Medium, and a Soul Historian. She is a certified Hypnotherapist, Rebirther, (energy breathing) REIKI Master Teacher

OMENA is witty, thought provoking, funny and truly gifted. She helps you to grow by providing you with a clear understanding of yourself, and your relationship with people, places, and things in your life.

What makes OMENA special is her ability to know things about you that only you could know.

OMENA will delight and surprise you with her ability to know, your inner personality, why you live life the way you do, and offer clear and meaningful solutions for resolving your real life issues.

Omena has a Master’s Degree in Human Services. For over 35 years, she has worked in the mental-health field as a counselor, therapist, manager, and mentor assisting people living with; Domestic Violence, Addiction, HIV/AIDS, Mental Illness, and Chronic Diseases.

When you experience OMENA, you’ll enjoy learning about yourself without feelings as if you are in Therapy.

Michael J Murphy

Chemtrails/geoengineering, Director/Producer of "What and WHY in the World are They Spraying?"


Bio Michael J. Murphy is an multi-award winning Director/Producer, Political Activist and President of The Coalition Against Geoengineering. As an independent reporter and community organizer, his work incudes directing and co-producing the groundbreaking documentaries which have awakened millions to the environmental threats of geoengineering programs, "WHY in the World are They Spraying?" and “What in the World are They Spraying?” and several other short films that address chemtrails / geoengineering. His work has enlightened millions around the world to take action in protecting our fragile environment. He is currently in production of his next film with Co-Producer Barry Kolsky titled, "WHO" in the World is Spraying?" Michael also has a strong history of community service which has lead him to become a founder in the building of two inner-city community food banks, various community empowerment initiatives and taking on the leadership roles in several other empowering community events. Michael has spoken about these issues in various places around the world which include Washington DC and the European union. Michael is also working with political leaders around the world to develop political initiatives which will limit and/or ban geoengineering practices. He has also has also appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows around the world. The following are some examples of Michael’s work which has reached millions of people around the world: “WHY in the World are They Spraying?”

Dr Carl Johan Calleman

In the years leading up to the purported end of the Mayan calendar in 2012, many people interested in the spiritual evolution of humanity were engaged in making predictions and prophecies as to what this would mean. Because of the whirlwind of disinformation that clouded this shift, including a large Hollywood catastrophe movie, and the apparent uneventful aftermath of the shift date, many have come to conclude that this calendar lacks relevance for understanding human history and our own time.

Not so, says Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, who has consistently argued based on his research that the Mayan calendar is about the evolution of consciousness-- changing people on the inside -- rather than catastrophes or astronomical events.

Looked upon it from that perspective, the Mayan calendar then remains the most important source for us to grasp the divine time plan for the evolution of humanity. In fact, with the shift in the Mayan calendar in 2011-2012, the transformation of the human mind to unity is only beginning!

In his recent book, The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization, the first volume in The Paradigm Shift Trilogy, Dr. Calleman describes how deep and fundamental the consequences of the shift in the Mayan calendar has been for our worldview, a shift that is only now beginning to make itself known.

On our planet, this unified plan plays out in a coherent way because everyone is connected to one and the same Global Mind, as evidenced in the book. Going from the unity of pre-history through the separation of civilization, it is now time to return to unity on a higher level.
This knowledge remains largely unknown. Nonetheless, based on the Mayan calendar- and the new insights that have only been possible after the shift -The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization explains 72 factors -- that previously have not been understood, including where the human mind comes from, what it is and the role it has played in shaping the early civilizations of humanity.

An entirely new theory has thus been developed to explain why, for instance, the Egyptians only a few generations after having left the stone age, were able to build colossal pyramids with an astounding geometric accuracy. In this new theory, all human creativity is generated by a divine mind in which all humans share and which allows us to develop in concert with one another --and for events to happen on schedule. This divine mind is mediated by the Earth and--contrary to what the modern educational system and official science is saying-- the human mind is not located in, nor a product of the brain. This is one of the most significant paradigm shifts for us to ponder.

In a true paradigm shift such as the one that was initiated by the recent shift in the Mayan calendar, almost everyone will have to reconsider their worldviews. No one will be unaffected by a shift in the Global Mind as it occurs, but it may take a shorter or longer time until its consequences are realized.
The benefit of the current shift is the possibility we have now been given to download a completely new mind that has never been accessible before. For those that download this mind, a path returning to unity will open up. This may not happen automatically, but a spiritual awakening (establishing a channel to the personal divine) has now become possible.

As an increasing number of people awaken, says Dr Calleman, we will also be able to create an external world based on unity consciousness, according to the principle of "As Inside-So Outside." Through his extensive scholarship, Dr Calleman has shown that through the connections all humans have with the Global Mind, we, as a species, have gone through an evolution from unity to separation and are now on our way back to unity. This is the true message of the Mayan calendar.

United States

Carl Johan Calleman was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1950. While as young his main interest was in the humanities and history the first phase of his scientific career was training and practice as a natural scientist in the years 1974-93. He got his Ph.D in Physical Biology under the mentorship of a member of the Nobel Committees and have later also written a number of widely cited articles especially in the fields of Environmental Science, Chemistry and Cancer Research. He was invited to lecture among many other places at the MIT, Cornell, the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine and the WHO.

During a backpacking trip to Mexico and Guatemala in 1979 he however became aware of the enormous hidden potential of the Mayan calendar for helping us understand the meaning of the human existence. This insight led to the second phase of his research career, which has been dedicated to understanding the Mayan calendar. It has included writing books on topics ranging from consciousness shifts to a new theory about biological evolution. He has helped the modern-day Mayan elders bring their message to the world. His three books on the topic have been translated to a total of fourteen languages and he has held courses and lectures in some twenty different countries.

The launching of The Paradigm Shift Trilogy in 2014, with The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization, draws on the experiences from both of the previous phases. This trilogy explores various aspects of the relationship between brain and mind and how this is related to the rise of the early civilizations of our planet. He is convinced that rigorous science is needed to bring about a paradigm shift, which allows humanity to live up to its spiritual destiny.

Carl Calleman lives in Santa Fe, NM

The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization
Niki Norlock

Does it take a miracle to save a woman who has lost everything? Does God really step in and carry those who cannot or will not for the moment carry themselves? Are the prayers we scream to the heavens in our most desperate hour of need really answered?

The answers can be found in the remarkable journey of the woman who went from laying curled up on the bathroom floor praying for God to take her home, to the woman who now believes that faith in the Divine is just the beginning of this incredible adventure we call life. It is the story that takes you from a jaded and misdirected view of faith, to having an unshakable faith in God, Humanity and finally in Self. It helps us understand that all of these things are irrevocably intertwined.

After losing the majority of her immediate family to illness, losing her marriage to dis-ease, losing her freedom to the physical powers that be and finally her health to a broken spine and a broken heart there seemed no other option but a graceful exit… The Spirit however, did not agree with the flesh and her request for death was bluntly denied. In one final act of desperation she lay awake late one night and cried to the heavens ‘I give up – show me the way – lead me and I will follow’.

The next day she woke up, quit her job and two weeks later she stepped onto a plane, leaving her beloved daughter and her life behind, to land in the Philippines where life as she had never dreamed it could be, would begin.

Truth – My Synchromystic Journey is the story of a phoenix taking flight… along the way you will witness miracles, be awed by abundant synchronicity and astounded by the insights of those she met on her journey. You will be moved by the realization of the power of the love and courage of one small child and inspired by the strength of those who are poor in material wealth but undeniably rich in Spirit. More powerful than all of these, you will be offered a glimpse into the heart and mind of a tormented lost soul seeking the Divine in everyday life.

Niki Norlock is now ready to talk openly about the true story behind Truth – My Synchromystic Journey; revealing a side of herself she has far too long denied. In a bold, bare all tribute to those who stood behind her on her journey she is shedding light on the very real places and people in the book that was originally written as a fiction. A life no longer denied, Truth is just the first step on a monumental climb to health and happiness. She now lives secure in her understanding of self-worth. Happily residing in her dream home in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec Canada with her husband and their family, enjoying a successful run as a co-host on the International Podcast Everyday Connection she is now ready to share the Truth about what it takes to not only choose to live, but to choose to love living when all you can do in the moment is lay on the floor and wish for death.
Your Truth will set you free…

Truth - My Syncromystic Journey
Matt Johnson

San Diego is quickly becoming one of the craft beer capitals of the world and Helm's Brewing Company is right in the middle of it. Opened in 2012 by a father and son, Helm's Brewing Company continues to expand and win awards in a competitive market. Helm's Brewing Company continues to make local craft beer in San Diego and is now available throughout Southern California


Matt Johnson - General Manager Matt Johnson is currently the general manager at Helm’s Brewing Company founded in 2012. Matt was born and raised in San Diego and attended San Diego State University graduating in 2008 with a degree in Criminal Justice. After spending some time in retail, Matt started to convince his dad, an avid home brewer for many years, that it was possible to go pro and open a professional brewery. Four friends got together to layout the plan and found what is now Helm’s Brewing Company in Kearny Mesa. Matt is now in charge of running the business as Helm’s Brewing continues to grow throughout Southern California. Matt has been involved with the craft community and helped create the SDSU Craft Beer Certificate program and is an instructor in the program.

Helm's Brewing Co.
Jerzy F Przybylski

I'm a Composer, Songwriter, Performer, Recording Artist and Author ...


Jerzy F. Przybylski (ASCAP)
710 Briarwood Ln.
San Dimas, CA 91773
Cell: (423) 534-8781

I was born in Poland, where I attended music education from Frederic Chopin Music Grammar School, Henry Wieniawski Music High School to Boleslaw Bierut University in Wroclaw.
I have been playing since 15 year old for a Lower Silesia Orchestra of the National Railroad Company in Wroclaw, Poland and later for Ministry of Defense Orchestra in
Warszawa, Poland as an III rd. and later I st. French Horn player.
I also play in few Jazz Assembles.

Later moved to USA and lived in Texas for 6 years and then moved to California .
All my life I was writing music but the love of Country and Pop Music grow in me when I was living in Texas and it stay with me.
I also gained an extensive experience in the producing field for a Theatre Play.

In March 2006 my song “Let’s Look together “ was included on the CD “Easter Light” by New Christian Music # 30 and has maintained the Top 10 for 9 weeks, including 4 weeks on Top 3 in The Lent / Easter category World Wide Chart.

In April 2006 I became an ASCAP (American Society of Authors Composers and Publishers) member.

In November 2006 my song “Once a Year “ was included on the CD “Love Come Down” New Christian Music # 38 and has maintained the Top 20 for 9 weeks, including 4 weeks on the Top 10 in The Christmas category World Wide Chart.

In February 2007 my song “Trip by a Train” was included on the CD “Ride The Train” by NBT Records, USA.

In September 2007 I received an Award from ASCAPLUS - ASCAP in The Jazz and Popular Music Division.

In November 2007 my song “ Faith “ was included on the Christmas CD “ Mystery Unveiled “ also by New Christian Music # 48 and has maintained the Top 10 for 4 weeks on NCM Euro Chart.

In March 2008 I receive a Songwriter of 2008 Award from N C M Records (New Christian Music )

From May till September 2008 I was writing an original music and assist Producer for New Theater Play “ Boundless, My Bliss “ for Physical Dance Theatre Group in Taipei, Taiwan.

In September 2008 I received again an Award from ASCAPLUS - ASCAP in The Jazz and Popular Music Division.

In November 2008 my song “ Loving “ is included on the Christmas CD “Get Up“ relies by New Christian Music.

In December 2008 two of my songs “River of Love” and “Rainbow of Love” co written with Mr. Joey Welz (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Member) was relies on His New Album “A Story of an American Idol ” on Comet Tale Music.

In January 2009 I receive again a Songwriter of 2009 Award from N C M Records (New Christian Music )

In January 2009 My new Album “Jerzy’s Hit Songs” was presented on the MIDEM Music Festival in Cannes, France.

In July 2009 Song “River of Love” co written with Hall of Fame Member Mr. Joey Welz (Lyric) receive nomination for The Grammy Award (First Round) from Canadian American Records.

In September 2009 for the third time I received Award from ASCAPLUS - ASCAP in The Jazz and Popular Music Division.

In January 2010 …Songwriter of 2010 Award from N C M Records (New Christian Music )

In September 2010 for the fourth time I received Award from ASCAPLUS - ASCAP in The Jazz and Popular Music Division.

From September - December 2010, I wrote an original music and sound for a New Theater Play “ Wax Museum of Love“ for ESP-I Theatre Group in Taipei, Taiwan,
And have been Producer and Director assistant.

In January 2011 …Songwriter of 2011Year Award from N C M Records (New Christian Music ).

In September 2011 for the fifth time I received Award from ASCAPLUS - ASCAP in The Jazz and Popular Music Division.

In October 2011 My new Album “Faith” has been released on S J M (Sheer Joy Music ) Records in United Kingdom.

In January 2012 album “Faith” was a part of MIDEM Music Festival and Trade Show in Cannes, France.

In September 2012 My new Album “Open Your Heart” has been released on S J M (Sheer Joy Music ) Records in United Kingdom.

In January 2013 My new Piano Instrumental Album “From Poland With Love” has been released on S J M (Sheer Joy Music ) Records in United Kingdom.

My songs are mostly in The Country, Soft Rock, Pop, Christian category but I also write some Jazz and instrumental music.

Most of my songs are recorded by River Bend Records in Bristol TN, by various singers and musicians.

My music CD’s
1. Secrets of Life
2. Don’t Take Me Wrong
3. To The End and Back
4. Where is The Frontier
5. Change
6. Life is a Game
7. River of Love
8. I’m Waiting for You
9. A Special Day
10. My Bliss
11. Jerzy’s Hit Songs
12. Hello My Sunshine
13. Look Up To The Stars
14. Faith
15. Open Your Heart
16. From Poland With Love ( Piano Instrumental Music )

Louis Majors

Hi Doug and Don! Multidimensional exploration, shifting to alternative event streams and parallel universes, overcoming space and time to live as a Supreme Being … does that sound like a sci-fi fantasy? Something for the future? Well it’s not a fantasy, the information is available NOW and my new book outlines HOW. A guide to living as a god now! STEP3: Our Multidimensional Transformation is the final step necessary to transcend the human paradigm and body to live as a conscious or Supreme being in your chosen version of earth, event streams, and universe with the ability to explore multidimensional environments as consciousness. This information represents 40 years of personal research and experimentation along with testing my processes with some 300,000 readers of my blog AWAKE: The Dreamer Awakes To Primary Presence (closed to public after book release) the last 7 years. See eBook STEP3 Our Multidimensional Transformation: How We Became Supreme Beings Thanks! Louis Majors (678)974-5262


Louis Majors is an author, artist, and philosopher. Born in HYC, raised in Atlanta, GA, he is a graduate of the University Of Georgia. His initial career was in advertising sales in the professional sports realm working for Pro Sports Publications in NYC, and then Ted Turner and The Atlanta Braves. While in the employ of the Braves, and wanting to program his subconscious with his business goals the unexpected occurred when during a Silva Mind Control class he had a two week OBE or 'out of body experience'. This initiated a 35 year journey of searching, experimenting, and uncovering the deepest truths on existence, who we really are, where we really are, what's really happening here, and our true potential complete with a new paradigm for living.

STEP3 Series Of Guides To Living As A God
Stefan Paul Latour

This coming summer solstice, I will be at Stonehenge. I intend to collect a series of interviews from people on-site and collecting their views on the henge and reasons for visiting. Send me an e-mail, and I can collect answers for your show on-site, as well as provide a first-hand account of the henge on its most iconic day of the year.

I look forward to speaking with you.


I am an able and motivated 24-year-old with recording and editing skills from Montreal, Canada who is fully fluent in English and French. I've travelled around in-country for work in a high school, and volunteer work in radio and television.

And remember, you have the power to make this biography expand as I collaborate with your varied and colourful programs. Thanks!