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Robert Kopecky
Your Pitch

Dear BBS Radio Hosts, I'm Robert Kopecky, author of How to Survive Life (and Death) A Guide to Happiness in This World and Beyond, just released by Conari Press/Weiser Books. The book is based on my three very compelling, and distinctively different Near Death Experiences, and what I learned about how to live from each of them. The emphasis is not on the scenarios of the afterlife, but the nature and meaning of each of the three experiences, and how those lessons apply to leading happy, fulfilling lives. Radical Kindness, Radical Forgiveness, and Radical Surrender are my "Three Tips for Happiness." I also talk about death with an unusual warmth and directness from the unique perspective of a multiple NDE survivor; as well as about my mystical path; and Love, fear, pain, ghosts, reincarnation, grieving, "rebirth" and more. I'd be happy to offer myself as a guest for your show, and would be honored to contribute to your excellent efforts. Email me and I'll send along some press material, FYI. Below you can find my Amazon page link and FB Author link. My blog, Art, Faith, and the Koko Lion, receives about 1500 to 2000 visits per month. I'm on Beliefnet, Soul Life Times, The Mindful Word, DailyOm, Gaiam TV, Patheos, World News, and numerous radio appearances. Let me know if you'd like a copy of the book sent to you, and I'll have my publisher get one out to you. Thank You! Robert


Robert Kopecky survived a childhood of loss and trauma. He traveled extensively, living a variety of lives; finally becoming an award-winning illustrator, art director, and animation designer for clients like The New York Times, and PBS Kids. The unusual course of his life was tragically punctuated by three dramatic, distinctly different "Near Death Experiences." Eventually, his path delivered him to his own “dark night of the soul,” followed by more than a decade of study, meditation, and service. The eventual transpersonal realization of what life (and death) are–and can be–inspired him to write and teach, passing along those lessons he’d learned the hard way. His first book, How to Survive Life (and Death), A Guide for Happiness in This World and Beyond, was published in 2014 by Conari Press. He continues to design animation for ads, TV, and internet; and writes spiritual essays and memoir that appear in Spiritual Daily, Soul Life Times, Beliefnet, Gaiam TV, and more, and on his blog Art, Faith, and the Koko Lion, at

How to Survive Life (and Death)