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Guest Occupation: President - Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame & Sportscaster
Guest Biography:

Rich Marotta is an American sportscaster in Reno, Nevada, formerly a resident of Los Angeles, California. He received the high honor of induction into two Halls of Fame in 2011. In February, Rich was inducted into the Southern California Sportscasters Hall of Fame. Then in June, he was inducted into the California Boxing Hall of Fame. Rich holds the singular distinction of being the only sportscaster in Los Angeles to have ever been part of the regular broadcast teams of three major league franchises. He was the color analyst for the Los Angeles Kings of the NHL alongside Bob Miller, the Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders of the NFL, and Los Angeles Clippers in the NBA.

Since 1982, Rich has called boxing on several stations and networks, but primarily on FOX Sports Net, Prime Ticket and KCAL-9 in Los Angeles. He is also seen frequently on pay-per-view and internationally televised cards. Rich has received four Emmy Awards, three of them for his work on boxing telecasts. In 2006, he was honored with the Sam Taub Award for Boxing Broadcast Excellence by the Boxing Writers Association of America. He is currently heard on radio Monday through Friday, providing both sports and general commentary, on the #1 rated Bill Handel Morning show, which airs on KFI-AM 640 in Los Angeles. He also previously hosted Southern California’s only radio boxing show, “Rich Marotta’s Neutral Corner” for 11 years.

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College
Guest Occupation: Author/Psychiatrist/Hostage Negotiator
Guest Biography:

DR STEVE PIECZENIK is a critically acclaimed author of psycho-political thrillers and the co-creator of the New York Times best-selling "Tom Clancy's Op-Center" and "Tom Clancy's Net Force" book series. He is also one of the world's most experienced international crisis managers and hostage negotiators. His novels are based on his twenty years experience in resolving international crises for five U.S. administrations.

Dr. Pieczenik received his B.A. from Cornell University,trained in Psychiatry at Harvard and has both an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College and a Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T.

He was the first psychiatrist ever to receive a PhD. focusing on international relations, and is the only psychiatrist to ever have served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. He served four presidents as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Bush Sr. and was a Senior Policy Planner under president Reagan. Dr. Pieczenik worked directly with, and reported directly to, Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker, as well as the respective White Houses. Dr. Pieczenik was drafted into the Vietnam War. He was assigned in the Public Health Services with the rank of Navy Captain (0-6) to run three psychiatric wards at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, D.C., including a ward where serial killers were housed. He was subsequently offered a promotion to Rear Admiral (0-7), which he refused on the grounds that he felt honored enough to serve his country, did not want to take a pension and wished to return to civilian life to follow his passions as a physician, entrepreneur and novelist.

Dr. Pieczenik is an expert in psychological warfare, political psychology, regime change, intelligence, counterintelligence and covert operations. During his career as a senior State Department official, Dr. Pieczenik utilized his unique abilities and expertise to develop strategies and tactics that were instrumental in resolving major conflicts in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the United States.

Dr. Pieczenik was the principal International Crisis Manager and Hostage Negotiator under Secretaries Kissinger and Vance. During this time he developed conflict resolution techniques that were instrumental in saving over five hundred hostages in different terrorist episodes, including the Hanafi Muslim Siege in Washington, DC, the TWA Croatian Hijacking, the Aldo Moro Kidnapping, the JRA Hijacking, the PLO Hijacking, and many other incidents involving terrorists such as Idi Amin, Muammar Quaddafi, Carlos, FARC, Abu Nidal and Saddam Hussein. Based on these experiences, Dr. Pieczenik, along with other senior officials at the State Department developed the mandate to create Delta Force and other quick-strike special forces units that could be used in future hostage situations and international crises. Dr. Pieczenik resigned over President Carter's handling of the Iran Hostage siege. He was recruited by Dr. Richard Solomon to the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, CA to develop the strategy and tactics using the principles of psychological warfare to dismantle the Soviet Union without the use of military force.

He was subsequently recruited into the Reagan Policy Planning Staff at the State Department. While at the State Department, Dr. Pieczenik was tasked with creating and implementing regime change in Panama to overthrow General Manuel Noriega. As a result, General Noriega repeatedly accused Dr. Pieczenik in the Panamanian newspaper, La Critica, of being an "assassin" and neutralizing several of Noriega's associates. This is a charge Dr. Pieczenik neither confirms nor denies.

Dr. Pieczenik helped develop negotiation strategies for major U.S.- Soviet arms control summits under the Reagan administration. He was also involved in advising senior officials on important psycho-political dynamics and conflict mediation strategies for President Carter's successful Camp David Peace Conference. In 1991, Dr. Pieczenik was a chief architect of the Cambodian Peace Conference in Paris.

He has worked with Dr. Richard Solomon to develop the theoretical basis for the Chinese Negotiating Behavioral Strategy, a classic in transcultural negotiations.

Dr. Pieczenik continues to volunteer his time and expertise as a consultant to the Department of Defense. He does not accept any remuneration for his services. He felt honored to work for his country that adopted him as a refugee and saved his family from extermination in the Holocaust. He has made it his life-long commitment to work to protect and preserve America’s liberties and freedoms, even when it meant going against the president of the United States and the very organizations with which he was working. To this day he still strongly believes in the integrity of the Office of the Presidency and the Republic, both of which must be bereft of corruption, deception, betrayal, collusion and crony capitalism by any and all parties, including financial, political, medical, pharmaceutical and academic special interests. His basic belief is that no one person is indispensable to the viability of State.

Dr. Pieczenik has started several successful companies, employing his methodologies in various industries, including investment banking, publishing, television/film and medicine. He has been directly involved as an Angel Investor with starting twenty-eight companies.

Guest Category: News, Politics & Government, Science, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Biography:
Born and raised in Hawaii set the perfect background for a life as Seeker.  Okalani Jacob was awake and aware from a early age and wanted to understand the how's and whys of the world.  This life pursuit has sparked many adventures, ingratiated her with skills in spiritual trades and  intangible energetic "knowings."
She is trained in several energetic modalities, has an innate understanding of various  quantum concepts. She has a deep passion for working with children and crystals. Much of her work is done behind the scenes. Currently she's collaborating with TEAM EPIC (Alexandra and Steve) implementing  positive strategies to facilitate the unification of all light forces.
Guest Category: Energy Healing, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Head Instructor
Guest Biography:

Michael Monk

Head Instructor

Specializes in:

  • Communication (Speech and Writing)
  • Evolution of the Soul and Ascension
  • Healing (Prayer and all metaphysical modalities)
  • Sensitivity and Unity with Nature and Exterior Environment
  • Interplanar Travel - Orbing (merkaba) and Astral Projection
  • Empowerment - Supernatural Metaphysical Abilities (Telekinesis, Aerokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Photokinesis, Dematerialization, Energy Summoning)
Guest Category: UFOs, Ghosts, Physics & Metaphysics, Akashic Records, Numerology, Astrology, Mystic & Seer, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Producer; Writer; Analyst
Guest Biography:

Ryan Maquinana is a busy man who wears many hats! Maquinana is a Digital Content Producer at NFL Media.  Maquinana is also an Analyst for CSN Bay Area, a Writer for, and he also runs his own boxing site

Guest Category: Sports & Recreation, Professional, High School, College, Amateur
Guest Occupation: Author/Teacher/Radio Host/Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, holds advanced degrees in English Literature, French Literature, and African Literature, and is the author of three books including Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters (2009) which deconstructs the "war on terror" through Socratic questioning. Dr. Barrett was also the lead editor, along with John Cobb and Sandra Lubarsky, of 9/11 and American Empire v.2: Christians, Jews and Muslims Speak Out.  He has taught the French and Arabic languages, African literature, English, humanities, religious studies, and folklore at colleges and universities in the U.S. and abroad. 

Dr. Barrett has been a Muslim since 1993. He serves on the board of the nonprofit religious corporation Khidria, Inc. which sponsors a mosque in Madison, Wisconsin and is dedicated to "spreading the truth to build a sustainable future." He has both a scholarly and personal interest in Islamic spirituality, and wrote a Ph.D. dissertation comparing medieval North African saints' legends to contemporary personal experience narratives from the Fes and Oujda regions of Morocco. He is a co-founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth and Muslims for 9/11 Truth, and has lectured widely throughout the U.S. as well as in Canada and Morocco.

Blacklisted from teaching in the University of Wisconsin system since 2006, Dr. Barrett has recently worked as a talk radio host, author, public speaker, and congressional candidate (Wisconsin's 3rd District, 2008). One of the best-known critics of the War on Terror, Dr. Barrett has appeared on Fox, CNN, PBS, ABC-TV, and Unavision, and has been the subject of op-eds and feature stories in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, and other publications. Dr. Barrett hosts two talk radio shows, one on a liberal and the other on a conservative network, and runs the website He lives in McFarland, Wisconsin with his wife, two children, and a dog named after Salman Rushdie.

Recently, Kevin has been commenting on the Charlie Hebdo attacks and that they may in fact be a part of a false flag/government manufactured attack to deceive people as presented here in a Press TV interview and video:

‘Paris terror suspects long on London’s watch list’

The two brothers accused of the recent slaughter in the French capital have reportedly been on a British watch list for years.

British sources say the Kouachi brothers were on a UK terror watch list for four years. Police and the security services are investigating whether they or their cell have links to Britain, the Guardian reported.

Cherif, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34, had been identified as a potential terror threat and placed on a British watch and no-fly list. They had been on UK and US databases as terror suspects prior to the attack.

Now Kevin Barrett, a Veterans Today editor, says: “The British government has a long history of working with radical Salafi and Wahhabi figures, which it protects and manipulates in order to achieve its political objectives.”

“The British are very much involved in manufacturing the so-called clash of civilizations that is essentially Western war on Islam,” Barrett said in a Sunday interview with Press TV’s UK Desk.  

He also referred to the government complicity in spreading Islamophobia and pointed out: “The British have the best of all Western intelligence services in terms of having experience in manipulating the Islamic world. So they use radical Salafi figures in their various plots and of course the larger plot that is structuring the entire historical period that we are living in, is this plot of the war on terror and the clash of civilizations, the strategy of tension between Muslims and the West. So, that is what they have been trying to promote through all sorts of acts of false flag terrorism.”

The US journalist and ex-professor added: “The British intelligence services are not trying to protect anyone from terrorism; their real task is to keep the clash of civilization going. So, it is not a surprise then that well-known radical Salafi Jihadists like the suspects in the Charlie Hebdo’s attack are being actually protected by Western intelligence services.”

The Kouachi brothers were reportedly killed after French police stormed a print works warehouse in Dammartin-en-Goele near Paris, where the two suspects in the Charlie Hebdo magazine shootings were holding at least one hostage.


3/22 False Flag! Gladio Strikes Brussels on Satanic Holiday

By Kevin Barrett on March 22, 2016

If you believe "radical Muslims" observe satanic holidays and name their groups after pagan goddesses, I have some real estate in Mesopotamia to sell you

“Radical Muslims” (meaning fanatical wahhabis and other extreme-puritanical types) do not celebrate other people’s holidays…least of all the holidays of satanists.

Yet we are told that ISIS, whose acronym invokes a pagan goddess, has just conducted a big human sacrifice in Brussels on a major satanic holiday.

And it’s somehow all the fault of “radical Islam.”

Yeah, right.

The date 3/22 (322) is not only the emblem of America’s leading CIA-Freemasonic elite group, Skull and Bones.

3/22 is also the culmination of the three-day Satanic Feast of Pelusia, consisting of – get this – “the invocation of Isis.”

When Jim Dean says “you can’t make this stuff up,” he is understating the case.

Ole Dammegard discusses the “satanic blood heart” smeared on the floor of the Bataclan theater – which looks suspiciously like the Brussels Airport logo – in ANOTHER French False Flag

As the freemasonic Satanists invoke Isis (or ISIS) on 3/22, they also pay homage to another female deity: Ishtar, the “goddess of fertility, love, war, and sex.”

And it gets better (or worse, depending your point of view): Ishtar “was particularly worshipped in the Upper Mesopotamian kingdom of Assyria (modern northern Iraq, north east Syria and south east Turkey).” That would be the territory that is currently ruled by … you guessed it … ISIS.

If you aren’t rolling your eyes and screaming WTF?! you’re not paying attention.

I’ve been a Muslim since 1993, and have a Ph.D. with an Islamic Studies component. One thing I can tell you is that observing satanic holy dates associated with Isis and Ishtar is just not “Islamically kosher.”

Muslims are not big on pagan goddesses. Trust me.

ISIS is a US-Zionist group. It has nothing to do with Islam.

Muslims are not into human sacrifice. The biggest Muslim holiday, Eid, celebrates THE END OF HUMAN SACRIFICE. It commemorates the moment when monotheists broke with the sacrificial practices of pagan-god-and-goddess-worshippers, who were in the habit of burning or burying their own children alive as offerings to their deities. (For a convincing analysis of human sacrifice and paganism, read René Girard.)

And Muslims do not kill innocent people:

Whoever kills an innocent…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32)

Satanic human sacrifice, as opposed to Islam, revels in the sacrificial killing of innocents. The more innocent the victim, the better, from the satanic perspective…and from the perspective of freemasonic-satanist New World Order operatives.

That’s why terrorism – the intentional killing of randomly-chosen innocent victims – is primarily practiced by government-linked satanists (and their dupes).

Most of the 50 million people murdered in American CIA and military “interventions” since World War II were innocent non-combattants. It is no coincidence that the American government, the world’s leading terrorist group, is infested by freemasonic satanists at the highest levels.

If you don’t believe me, just ask Kay Griggs.

US-military-linked freemasonic Satanists secretly orchestrated virtually all of the “left-wing terrorism” that ravaged Cold War era Europe. This is not a “conspiracy theory,” it is historical fact, proven by the careful, detailed work of folks like Daniele Ganser, eloquently explained by Paul Williams, Richard Cottrell, and others.

The same people are now running Gladio B. It’s the same terrorism, committed by the same people. The only difference is that they’re falsely blaming it on “Muslims” rather than “leftists.”

Brussels is a natural place for the Gladio B freemasonic satanists to stage a big false flag on the satanic holiday of 3/22.

Brussels has always been the main headquarters of Gladio, which is a NATO program, run out of NATO headquarters. This time, they conveniently staged the false flag “just a few miles” from NATO’s HQ:

NATO headquarters, just a few miles from Brussels attacks, boosts alert status

During the Cold War, NATO operatives massacred ordinary people in Belgium, shooting them down in supermarkets and on sidewalks, then blaming “leftist terrorists.” Google “Brabant massacre” for details.

The purpose was to prevent the rise of the left in Europe.

Today, the next generation of NATO operatives is blowing up ordinary people in airports and train stations, and blaming “Muslim terrorists.”

The purpose is to prevent the rise of Islam in Europe.

If these freemasonic-satanic false flags, including the 2015 Paris false flags exposed in We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo and ANOTHER French False Flag, as well as all of the orchestrated “rape” incidents and the like, were not happening, Europe would have kept its borders relatively open, and welcomed the demographic rise of Islam in Europe. European Muslim voters would have ensured that Europe would be pro-Palestine, rather than pro-Israel, by around 2020.

Likewise, European Muslim voters would have put an end to the usury-based currency system of the central banks.

And American Muslim voters – who elected President Bush in 2000, which turned out to be a bad move – would have ended US support for Israel, and put the Zionist entity out of business, had there been no War on Islam disguised as a “war on terror.” They would also have led the movement to end the Rothschild-Zionist owned Federal Reserve and replace it with honest, transparent, non-usury currency.

Check out my interview with Sami al-Arian, the Palestinian-American political organizer who put Bush in the White House, then lived to regret it.

That’s why the Zionist central bankers, and their Israel-linked crime network, created the War on Islam by staging false flags at the World Trade Center in 1993, Oklahoma City in 1995 (originally intended to be blamed on Muslims), the African embassy bombings in 1998,  and the USS Cole attack in 2000 – the “precursor” false flags that created a plausible patsy for the Big Event of 9/11/2001.

Since then, they have kept the pot boiling, and the War on Islam moving full steam ahead, with more false flags in Bali, Madrid, London, Mumbai, Paris, San Bernardino, and now Brussels, as well as many other locations.

Will this latest false flag lead to a call for “boots on the ground” in Syria, to take advantage of the Russian withdrawal? Will it exacerbate the ongoing construction of Police State Europe? Or will it just enhance the push to lock down Europe’s borders and prevent those Rothschild-Zionist-hating Muslims from achieving numerical and electoral significance?

Get up to speed on recent Euro false flags – read “We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo” and “ANOTHER French False Flag“

Guest Category: Education, Politics & Government, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Expert on infectious illness and vaccines
Guest Biography:

Mary Tocco has independently studied natural health, vaccines, and other health related topics for over 30 years. She has raised five healthy children completely outside of the medical model. Mary has decades of experience and wisdom and is now available for personal phone consultations.

Mary Tocco has been in the natural health care field for over 32 years and spent 23 years (1981 - 2003) managing and promoting a chiropractic clinic in Michigan. She then opened Vitality Health with her daughter, Dr. Renee Tocco, in Charleston, SC in 2004. She is co-founder of the American Chiropractic Autism Board and (ACAB) and is helping to manage Hope For Autism, (HFA) BioNutritional Training Conferences. Dr. Renee Tocco (her daughter) is a Defeat Autism NOW! Physician and the president and co-founder of ACAB.

She is the radio host of , "Healing Our World" every Saturday from 4:00-5:00 PM (EST) heard on Republic Broadcasting Network Internet and satellite station. The program is focused on what in the world is making us sick, natural healing methods and empowering people to make a difference in their world. Education is power.

She was married to chiropractor Sam Tocco of Clarkston, Michigan and they have 5 healthy un-vaccinated children. Before having their first child 33 years ago, they had the opportunity to research childhood vaccines. There was enough evidence back then to convince them to not vaccinate their children.  Mary is now the grandmother of 4 un-vaccinated grand babies.

Mary has attended numerous chiropractic seminars as well as vaccine and autism conferences around the country. She began to intensely investigate childhood vaccines in the late 1970's before having their first child, spending thousands of hours collecting and organizing the information.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Medicine, Science
Guest Occupation: Psychologist, Professor, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Filingeri is a licensed psychologist in New York, New Jersey, and Arizona. He was the former Executive Director of a medically based weight control center in New York. In addition, Dr. Filingeri was a senior consultant to a national weight control corporation for product development and research. As a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), Health Psychology (Division #38), and the American Educational Research Association (AERA), he has written and conducted research in the field of weight control. Dr. Filingeri has taught psychology courses at both the City University of New York (CUNY) and the State University of New York (SUNY). With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Filingeri has incorporated his knowledge and expertise into this book. He has also authored the book, Comprehensive Review of Psychology.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Science