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Guest Occupation: Western Regional Manager - Animal Wellness Magazine, IVC Journal & Canadian Dogs Annual
Guest Biography:

Becky is a gifted educator and a has been a driving force at Redstone Media Group for over 12 years as the Western Regional Director of operations located in Los Angeles. Animals, natural healing, alternative health care and educating people are her passion which is why she is so successful in helping our advertising partners tell their story. Becky also has the rare gift of being able to understand the needs of her clients as well as the challenges that many of our readers experience with their animals. She is a true advocate of integrative health care for both animals and humans … “When I found Animal Wellness Magazine, it was everything I had been working toward and promoted all that I believed in”. Becky enjoys the California lifestyle living on Long Beach with her beloved dogs Timothy and Cute at her side. Oh ya...she likes monkeys too!

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Education, Pets and Animals
Guest Occupation: Doctor and Inventor
Guest Biography:

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys (or Dr. Todd, as he is called) was formally educated at Northwestern University, where he was 1st in his class of 1800 with a 4.0 GPA. From Northwestern, he was accepted into a combined, accelerated undergraduate/medical school program at the highly esteemed Johns Hopkins University. Following this training he completed an Internship, Residency, and Chief Medical Residency in the Georgetown University Hospital System. This was followed by a two year Fellowship in Pulmonary and Intensive Care Medicine, also at Georgetown University Hospital. At Georgetown, Dr. Todd participated in formal studies of T cell immune function after harvesting lymphocytes from the lung via fiber optic bronchoscopy. In addition, this training involved intensive care of many persons afflicted with HIV infection, as the lung is a common target following the immunologic breakdown of this condition. Aware of the extreme limitations of treating HIV through ordinary conventional means, Dr. Todd began a search for less intrusive solutions. The concept of using the subtle differences of genetic organization between the viral and human genomes was the launch point for exploring new avenues of molecular resonance technologies. In concept, the slight differences of resonance signatures between the viral and human genomes could be used to selectively target and eliminate infected parts of cells leaving uninfected normal cells unharmed. After studying the background work on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living systems, Dr. Todd commissioned a colleague with the expertise to design and build a fundamentally new laser electromagnetic resonance technology. This new laser optical technology has been patented worldwide as U.S. #6,064,500 (worldwide patent WO97/22022) and U.S. #6,811,564,B1 (worldwide patent WO02/02187). Dr. Todd's invention is now being used in the potentiation of nutrients and offers alternative medicine and well-being a very bright future.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Medicine, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Bestselling author and spiritual expert
Guest Biography:

JAMES REDFIELD: MY STORY – I grew up a searcher.  From an early age, I can remember desiring a more complete answer to life’s more puzzling questions.

Sure everyone knows we have to grow up, find a way to make a living, take care of our kids, and seek a better world. But there were larger questions and no one was talking about them: Why are we here in this life in the first place? And why is life, at times, so hard?

Is there a secret to being lucky, confident, and successful in the pursuit of our dreams that humanity had not worked out yet?

As I realized later, my home environment was Synchronistic to my search for an answer to these questions. We didn’t have much money, but we had something better- enough land to have a sort of homestead, with gardens and food stock, lots of trees, pastures, and overlook mountains.

I can tell you with certainly, growing up in the South during the Civil Rights era awakened my advocacy for positive social action. My father, being from California put me on the correct side of that issue. Dad was an art teacher who struggled with some PTSD after World War II, and he valued the arts, especially writing. Not that I knew anything about Synchronicity back then or had any dreams of writing. Those ideas came to me when I was older.

As an older adolescent, I just kept asking questions about how to pursue life.  I was beginning to find some answers given by religion and academic philosophy, but they seemed too intellectually abstract and incomplete. I knew, the truth I was searching for, might not be simple, but it had to be clear…and concrete enough to put into action personally.

Early on, some part of me believed this knowledge existed, yet rebelliousness hampered my adolescent life. Confusion sent me through phases of challenging the rules, and took me very close to dire consequences. I often pacified myself with various distractions and a defended Aloofness (characteristic of the 5 in Enneagram terminology). I often went through alternating periods of frustrated self-isolation and deep research.

I’m sure I drove everyone crazy during this time. And no doubt my family was pleased when I departed for college. There, I was finally in my element. I was able to pursue my education in comparative religion, modern physics, and the academic movement of the day: the “Human Potential Movement.”

This idea taught us that humans are not reaching their true potential and fulfillment, and gave a name to my inner sense: there was more to life than we have fully discovered. It was an exciting time for me. I studied all the traditional expressions of human potential: Eastern and Western Mysticism, Humanistic Psychology, and Meditation, just to name a few.

As I continued my education searching for the truth, I found each area of research much too theoretical and abstract.  Though lacking my clear direction, I went on to graduate the university with an advanced degree and years of profound experiences. My college education, though enlightening, left me wanting a straight explanation and this further engaged my need to develop a study designed from authentic experience. It was this break-through that led me to realize a higher calling. I began a career as a therapist, hoping for continued growth through experimental studies.

After years of professional work, I realized that our human potential was being viewed too academically. I found the truth and wisdom so many of us were looking for to be in fact: Spiritual. However, it seemed religion had not yet defined this experience in practice. They were much too familiar with the alignment of individual doctrines.

As a result, I began to observe and then document the experiences of ordinary people who sought to live a Spiritual life in the early 1990’s. I thought this study would hand over profound evidence in view of how humans were evolving in consciousness. I also incorporated my experiences, observing a higher Divine presence in my relationships and career. As this study continued, I noticed we are coming to a higher Spiritual consciousness by way of steps or Insights. In turn, I found we were beginning to sense a heightened practical Intuition and precognition in forms of Synchronicity, purpose, or destiny.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Inspirational, Spiritual, Access Consciousness
Guest Occupation: Author and Artist
Guest Biography:



Pink Floyd's David Gilmour, Ginger Gilmour Matthew Gilmour create a multi-media phenomenon--1 Book, 2 Albums simultaneously & coincidentally released.

Ginger Gilmour releases her book 'Memoirs of the Bright Side of the Moon'. Matthew Gilmour (son of David and Ginger) releases his album titled 'The Grey'. David Gilmour releases his solo album 'Rattle that Lock'.

"Despite living in separate houses, separate lives, the Family Affair still carries on creatively," says Ginger with a smile. "It is such an energetic period to be living, especially watching our children's artistic flowering within the wings of our support," she adds.

Matthew Gilmour has released his first solo album titled 'The Grey' which has received high acclaim from all who have listened. "I am extremely proud of him. He has climbed a great mountain," says Ginger. "It has been amazing to watch him grow into the artist he has become. It is only the beginning," she adds.

The album contains 11 cuts containing 10 of Matthew's original material, recorded in Texas at the private recording studio of musician/producer Danny Johnson of Steppenwolf and tweaked and mastered by James Guthrie of Pink Floyd fame. "Matthew is someone to be reckoned with. The world needs to hear his music!" says James.

'Memoirs of the Bright Side of the Moon' is Ginger's personal way of thanking David for such a wonderful adventure-filled life (a story never told before).

It consists of 653 pages, 140 photographs and 90 descriptive stories as she walks us thru individual chapters of her life ... glimpsing her heart as you meander down the hallways of her life, pausing & peeking inside a closet or two. A one of a kind life that takes you to secret beach hideaways in the Greek Islands to a remote Middle Eastern village where the likes of Mick Jagger frolic within a hidden world unknown to fans. Ginger's life has crossed paths with a list of Rock n' Roll's biggest stars, spiritual teachers, therapists, friends AND adversaries who have helped to guide her to Live, Let go, Forgive and Love God.

Her self-published book itself has been described as a work of art by fans who have already received it. The book is Not a Tell-All but a collection of self-revealing stories of love, truth, motherhood and creativity. Through her artwork and self-belief that she shares, it is evident Ginger's passion is to uplift others' hearts beyond the challenges and to remember the Beauty that they are.

It is a must have for those who want to glimpse the other side of the Wall. It is brimming with content that will enlighten anyone who was part of that Rock n Roll Era or has ever dreamt that they could have been.

'Memoirs of the Bright Side of the Moon' can be ordered thru Ginger's website

Guest Category: Arts, Music, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Photographer of Joy
Guest Biography:

Brand new to Southern California as of October 2014, Yelena is located in the picturesque area of  La Jolla, California. 

Creating magical portraits in nature for clients internationally and in the U.S., with most of her awe-inspiring work being done in San Diego, Los Angeles and Seattle

Formal photography studios with fake backgrounds, and blocks for kids to stand on just don’t capture the mood but outside sessions have natural energy, an energy that reveals the nature and energy of the individual. “If anyone can find a green patch, Yelena can,” says one portrait client, “and those places have energy.”

An unusual aspect of such portraits is as Yelena says, “They have a healing effect not just on the people photographed but on others who view it. Many of Yelena’s portrait art fans comment that “You will see this in her exhibits. You will smile. These photos make you feel good every time you look at them.”

What do you have to wear? Yelena, the magical fairy godmother has a collection of clothing, costumes, and accessories. It’s like delving into a princesses closet—clothes for little fairies, young fairies, middle age fairies and older and, for her male clients there is a selection of hats and ties. “I like dressing my clients in vintage clothing as princesses, fairies, or angels (wings included) and photographing them in natural settings- by a lake, a field or woods. I don’t ask clients to sit still or smile in a fake way; we have fun.” She says.

Yelena was born in the Eastern European country of Belarus and has lived in the U.S. since 2002. Her studio is called “Yelena: Photographer of Joy”. She says, “I believe my life mission is to create and celebrate beauty, joy, magic, and our oneness with Nature. I am passionately interested in spirituality, mythology, and metaphysics with a particular delight in angels, fairies, and goddesses. I use costume styling, floral accessories and my imagination to transform little girls and women into angels, fairies, nature goddesses for the portraits they treasure for the rest of their lives."

Guest Category: Arts, Visual Arts, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Attorney
Guest Biography:

Former Alabama state Attorney General and now practices private law

Guest Category: Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Pastor at Miracle Deliverance Temple and station manager at Trinity Broadcasting Network in Montgomery AL.
Guest Biography:

He has a Doctrine and a committed follower of Jesus Christ and his ministry is based on helping others and providing academic sports for our youth such as basketball and other sports to help keep them out of trouble

Guest Category: Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Novelist
Guest Biography:

Rachel Kenley believes in embracing the power of passion and she does so every time she sits and spends time creating stories for the characters who live in her head. The characters in her life include her husband, two sons, her family, and a group of writer friends she would be lost without. She knows how lucky she is to be living the writer's life that has always been her dream.

Guest Category: Literature