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Guest Occupation: ley lines expert, dowsing expert, earth energies, Secrets of Sacred Sites
Guest Biography:

My guest Maria Wheatley is a second-generation dowser who was taught by European Master Dowers, her late father, and Chinese geomants. Maria is the U.K.’s leading authority on earth energies and ley lines that were skillfully incorporated into megalithic sites. Maria runs tours to sacred sites worldwide to experience Gaia’s numerous energies. Maria is an accomplished author of many books on sacred sites, dowsing, past life astrology. She discovered the Neolithic longheaded long-lost civilization of the British Isles that had a mythical appearance and memories of them were woven into legends of the Fey. Maria has recently discovered that certain geodetic energies correspond to healing musical harmonics – the Music of the Earth that flows into sacred sites. She has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory at Bath and Oxford University and works closely with Gaia’s healing energies that can help the body to heal itself. Maria is also a Druid who follows the Celtic Path, and she has also written many diploma courses and runs that offers certificated courses on holistic subjects. Maria teaches advanced dowsing techniques which are not taught anywhere else in the world. 

To learn more: and 

Maria and I and other notable presenters are speaking in September at the Portal to Ascension Glastonbury UK Conference. Tickets 

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, History, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy, Travel & Leisure
Guest Biography:

Jack Lynch is the Senior Advisor for Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue Donor Network. In this role, Jack continues to strengthen relationships with community leaders throughout the Gift of Hope Organ & Tissue donor network service area. He is also leading the efforts on the development of the Gift of Hope training center on Chicago’s southside. Prior to becoming the Senior Advisor, Jack served as Director of Community Affairs. In this role, Jack was responsible for developing and maintaining communications that promote organ and tissue donation within selected community groups and hospitals.

He also oversaw Gift of Hope’s African-American Task Force, composed of more than 100 volunteers who coordinate donor education programs in the African-American communities throughout Illinois and northwest Indiana. Before joining Gift of Hope in 1987, then known as the Regional Organ Bank of Illinois, Jack was a manager of hospital development for Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Hanover, N.J. Recognized as a leader in addressing organ donation and education in the African-American community, Jack was appointed by former Illinois Governor George Ryan to serve as chairman of the Illinois Department of Public Health Organ Donation Committee in 1993. He carried out this role until 2003 and currently serves on Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White’s Organ Donation Advisory Board.

A member of numerous healthcare and donation-related organizations, he is a guest instructor at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, the University of Illinois School of Public Health in Chicago and the University of Illinois School of Medicine in Chicago. In addition to speaking at numerous hospitals and organ transplant programs across the country, Jack has been frequently interviewed on minority organ and tissue donation for local, regional and national media.

Guest Occupation: Pianist, Composer, Songwriter
Guest Biography:

Composer Barron Ryan was recognized by Smithsonian Magazine as a Top 10 Innovator for his capacity to take inspiration from a narrative, discover its melody, and communicate a story through music.

Honey, If It Wasn’t For You is the true story of a song written by Barron Ryan and Don Feagin. Don, a professional

songwriter, wrote the words and Barron wrote the music. But this wasn’t your average collaboration. That’s because Don died in 1981—six years before Barron was even born.

Barron releases his original work without copyright. He gives it as an offering, with the hope that it will make the world a better place. When the work of writing or recording is finished, he prefers the results be enjoyed by any who might be edified by them. He made this ‘videobook’ of Honey, If It Wasn’t for You in that spirit:

Guest Category: Arts, Entertainment, Music, Society and Culture, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Chairman of the Open World Leadership Center
Guest Biography:

Senator Ben Nelson served two-terms in the United States Senate representing the State of Nebraska from 2001-2013. During his tenure, he earned a reputation as a moderate who was adept at bringing his colleagues on both sides of the aisle together to find compromises on some of the biggest issues facing the country.

Earlier in his career, Senator Nelson was Governor of Nebraska. As governor, he pledged to bridge the gap between rural and urban areas to move forward as "One Nebraska" and to create a more efficient and effective state government. In 1994, he became the first Nebraska Governor to be elected to a second term in two decades.

Senator Nelson earned a bachelor's degree in 1963, a master's degree in 1965 and a law degree in 1970 — all from the University of Nebraska. Nelson also received the 2011 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Nebraska College of Law and an honorary doctor of letters from the University of Nebraska in 2013.

Guest Category: History, Kids & Family, Politics & Government, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Australian Sports Hypnosis Performance & Recovery Specialist
Guest Biography:

Dr Sue Williams DQC is a passionate horse rider, devoted mother, and proud grandmother. Beyond these roles, she is deeply committed to making a difference in people's lives through the incredible power of natural therapies.

Sue's journey into the world of holistic healing began years ago, fuelled by a desire to explore alternative approaches to health and wellness. Today, she is a multifaceted practitioner, specializing in various modalities such as Clinical Hypnotherapy, Quantum Journeys Hypnosis, NLP, life coaching, mindfulness, and more.

With a Doctorate in Quantum Counseling, Sue has dedicated herself to mastering techniques that harness the body's innate ability to heal and thrive. One aspect of Sue's practice that she is particularly excited about is bioenergetics, where she utilizes cutting-edge technology like NES Health scans and infoceuticals to assess and rebalance the body's energy systems.

Whether it's for humans, horses, dogs, or cats, her goal is to optimize well-being and vitality on all levels.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Self Help, Variety
Guest Occupation: Keynote Speaker, Advocate, Author
Guest Biography:

Proven Human Services Counselor with 12+ years of experience. Worked in social services, non-profit, individual & family services, military, education, and hospitality fields. Passionate about helping others who are struggling to overcome problems with health, education, aging, addiction, and other life issues. Competitive skier and cooking enthusiast. Empathetic, organized, positive attitude.

✦ Legal System
✦ Social Field
✦ Legal Assistance
✦ Child Welfare
✦ Adoption
✦ Family Law Assistance
✦ Problem Solving
✦ Communication
✦ Critical Thinking
✦ Time Management

MS Office, Google Workspace, Impact, CPS System, Extended Reach, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Blogger, WordPress, MLA Format, APA Style, LiveJournal, Dropbox

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Psychology, Emotional Health and Freedom, Mental Health, Personal Development, Self Help, Society and Culture
Guest Occupation: Consultant Psychiatrist, Founder of Integrative Medicine Task Force, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Leskowitz recently retired after serving as a consultant psychiatrist for over 25 years with the Pain Management Program at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, where he also founded the Integrative Medicine Task Force.

He holds an appointment at Harvard Medical School and has studied energy healing, meditation and hypnosis for over 40 years, presenting workshops nationally and internationally on the integration of subtle energy techniques and theories with the allopathic medical model.

He has written widely for medical and lay audiences, with over 50 articles being published in leading scientific journals.  He has also edited three textbooks, and his documentary film about group energies and sports, The Joy of Sox: Weird Science and the Power of Intention, was broadcast on PBS stations nationwide in the Fall of 2012. The Mystery of Life Energy is his latest book.

Guest Category: Literature, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Kids & Family, Philosophy, Psychology, Society and Culture, Spiritual, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Singer, Songwriter
Guest Biography:

Growing up, Claude Hall rarely called attention to herself. But years later, when life started falling apart (again), she realized she needed to find her voice…

Falling apart is what led her to her first voice lesson. Those lessons led her to her debut performance in Saint Barths. On that night, she found her center as the facets of her personality fell into place.

Claude has since held sold-out performances in some of Los Angeles’ most iconic venues… Herb Alpert’s Vibrato Grill Jazz, Feinstein’s at Vitello’s, and the Baked Potato. In New York, she’s headlined at the Metropolitan Room. And in Saint Barths, she was the featured artist of the 2019 Jazz Festival.

Evoking the cabaret divas of days gone by, and offering a jazz phrasing sprinkled with the soul of the popular music that has accompanied her journey, Claude’s musical styling has paved the way to her winning the 2016 Palm Springs Sings competition as well as being voted one of the top 100 unsigned artists by Music Connection Magazine in 2018.

In her EP, August Afternoon, she debuts as a songwriter with the title track. Its classic instrumentation reveals her capacity to embody the soul of jazz as well as weave lyrics which tell vivid and emotional stories. And with her single Punch Drunk, Claude spreads her wings with a musical composition which is both bouncy and smooth offering a tapestry upon which lays her rich and sultry vocals.

She also hosted a series of artist interviews on her YouTube Channel, The In-Side Out… a mix of music and conversation which reveal the person behind the persona of each of her guests.

Originally from NY, Claude Hall has lived in Paris and Saint Barths before moving to LA where
she currently resides.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Entertainment, Games & Hobbies, Music, Philosophy, Society and Culture, Pop Culture